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I just attended a Trump rally - Everett, Washington

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posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Are we really so certain it's irrelevant as you say? Or is that a lie we've been led to believe? Do we have absolute proof that what your saying is fact?

Well, I don't think there's such a thing as absolute proof of anything, but let's look at it from a different perspective.

Conservatives LOVE polls when they are in their favor. If Trump was polling like Hillary is right now, he'd be talking about it all day, he was doing so during the Primaries remember?

As soon as the polls shifted, they became this thing to fear and think were rigged. Now I can, logically, learn about how polls are done, and read the polling methods of the polls I look at.

I can then agree or disagree with their methods and either accept or discount the poll results. And there are some I do that with, some who are in favor of Hillary and others in favor of Trump.

But at the end of the day, we've been using polling data for decades and decades and decades, with relative success. I really doubt that it would suddenly change during 1 cycle. You can't tell me that every single organization doing polling in the USA is now bought and paid for by Democrats can you?

Or the GOP for that matter? Conspiracy theories usually don't become conspiracy fact when such a large number of people and organizations are involved.


posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: gymbeau2000

Good for you and your wife for exploring the process.

A question;

Hearing and seeing it live versus having the media portray it. Is there a difference?

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: gymbeau2000
Guy passes out in line. Other people rush to help. You instead rush to steal their places in line. You're a jerk. No one is going to sue you, don't worry. You're still a jerk though.

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Not democrats. The Establishment. Polls exist for one purpose it seems to tell a story, write a narrative. I'm beginning to think either side being ahead is part of telling that story, whatever it is they want to push. It has to be a good story though for people to buy it. Do I think all polls are BS? No of course not, but when you look at ALL polls they are all over the place.

Once upon a time Rally's were a viable measurement. Suddenly they aren't but polls notoriously all over the place and easy to manipulate are, and Rally's aren't worth # anymore?

No sorry things don't suddenly magically work like that.

They want us to think Rally's mean nothing because then we might question the narrative.

Rally's used to determine who was doing well.

Now that all the Rally's attended to by mass numbers are almost always anti-establishment they are suddenly not worth #?

Something is seriously wrong with this narrative.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: slider1982
a reply to: gymbeau2000

And in other news Hillary struggles to fill a small hanger and is either cancelling gigs or dare I say paying people to attend???..

But she is ahead in the Polls right????


I have seen ONE Hillary bumper sticker so far in this cycle. ONE.

Maybe she should start paying people to put bumper stickers on their cars?

I, too, have seen only one Hillary bumper sticker while living in a rather large city suburb. I promptly gave the driver a one finger salute before cutting him off, then might have break checked him before asking if he had an interest in pulling over to fight. All, of course, for the benefit of science.

By contrast, I am in awe of the many trump stickers and signs I see around town.

A few months ago I said no way, but now I know that the tide has turned and Trump is gonna take this thing down.

And one thing that I find interesting, maybe OP can comment on this, is the difference in general appearance and physical characteristics between people who support trump compared to those who protest him.
edit on 31-8-2016 by Reigning because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:21 AM
Wow ... line breakers and bad drivers trying to invoke a fight.

Trump supporters ... gotta love 'em.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove
I liked the part about making sure everyone knew not to get violent with the anti-Trump protestors, and point them out while shouting Trump for the authorities to handle. That's how it's done.

Never get violent, let your enemies commit all the acts of barbarism. They want to be animals let them be animals, they're the ones who look worse for having done it.

Addendum: I also liked Trump encouraging the non-violent behavior with a thumbs up.

The fact that an American presidential candidate anno 2016 HAS to tell his supporters not to get violent and gets credit for doing so just shows what a sad state American politics are at. Usa is supposed to be the beacon of free speech and democracy, a country where anyone is free to protest and speak their mind without geetting physically abused no matter how absurd it is. I really can't recall any former presidential candidate having to encourage their supporters not to use violence against their opponents. You Americans, left, right and centre, have crapped on so many core principles that your nation was built upon during these presidential elections

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:42 AM
In the heart of rural western Georgia, which is about as conservative a place as you will find anywhere in this country, on about a 50 mile round trip for work yesterday, I saw one Trump yard sign.

I counted 20 Confederate flags mounted in various ways ...

... multiple signs for local races ....

... and two Hillary signs and a bumper sticker.

According to this survey of anecdotal evidence, Clinton will easily take Georgia by a margin of 3-to-1.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Never get violent, let your enemies commit all the acts of barbarism. They want to be animals let them be animals, they're the ones who look worse for having done it.

Did I miss the part where the people protesting were acting barbaric or being animals? I read a few individuals with tiny signs who were quickly whisked away and that it was hardly a distraction.

It sounds like a-holes driving by shouting things from cars (pathetic) and a group within the crowd of protesters outside who thought that getting into shouting matches with rally attendees is going to change anyone's minds (deluded a-holes).

No actual violence though let alone animals committing acts of barbarism.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: ErrorErrorError

Oh bite me, both protestors and Rally goers should be doing this every time.

Is why peace protests worked. What he's doing is no different than all the peace protestors with their bullhorns remind everyone to not fight back.

Martin Luther King Jr. had his people bull horning this during his peace marches would you say the same thing about him?

This is something we need more of, protesting and rallies are high emotion events.

Perhaps if more people did it, we'd have fewer riots.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Do I think all polls are BS? No of course not, but when you look at ALL polls they are all over the place.

I don't find.

These are pretty consistent polls week over week.

Once upon a time Rally's were a viable measurement. Suddenly they aren't but polls notoriously all over the place and easy to manipulate are, and Rally's aren't worth # anymore?

Singular polls are easy to manipulate and aren't notoriously all over the place ( that's why we've used them for so long because of how accurate they tend to be) but large swaths of polling data is almost identical in multiple polls.

This is not a coincidence. The only way they are being manipulated at the point is if all the respondents are lying. Which makes 0 sense as well.

Rally's used to determine who was doing well.

When? Like 30 or 40 years ago? Cause I haven't heard that since at least then. Primaries use rallies more than the general because of the # of candidates.

No sorry things don't suddenly magically work like that.

Right, so please tell me where it did?

Something is seriously wrong with this narrative.

Of course there is, American has to choose between a Demagogue Reality Tv Star and a Career Lying War Hawk.

There is most certainly something wrong with this narrative - but the polls don't have anything to do with it.


edit on 8/31/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Didn't say they did. But, that does not change that we need more emphasis on reigning in ones own group.

Self policing.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: slider1982

It might have something to do with a very passionate group of people who are supporting Trump filling up his rallies and a large group of not at all passionate people who won't be attending any rallies and are holding their noses and voting for Hillary.

As of now, I'm planning on voting for Hillary and I sure as hell have no desire to attend her rallies. If I want to hear her pandering, I can do that from the comfort of my own home.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: gymbeau2000

The problem with judging how many people are at Trumps rallies is because of his celebrity status and outrageous rhetoric. My in-laws went to go see him at a rally when he came to town. They weren't Trump supporters, they just went there for entertainment. My wife wanted to go see him because she gets a kick out of him every time he starts talking crazy.

Trump is well known by the public. Whether that relates to a victory in November, we'll just have to wait and see. I can't get my self to vote for neither Trump nor Clinton because they both suck! If I do vote in this election I'll probably vote for Jill Stein.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

A lot of trust goes into believing a poll, there's a lot of steps in the process before given the results we have to simply trust as we didn't do the poll.

Rallies were used until polls came along. They were effective. Now they are meaningless according to the narrative today.

I'm not looking at the who we have as options narrative here. That's fishy in it's own right, but is a separate fishy.

You mention these consistent polling but tell me, before the poll gets to you how many hands does it pass through? Do you trust all those hands? I don't.

Saying all the people being polled have to lie is silly. They can all say Mickey Mouse and by time it gets to you say Trump 36, Hillary 42, Mickey Mouse 20, Other 2.

With Rallies people can literally see the results for themselves.

What possible reason could people in power have for pushing the narrative that Rallies we can all see and they can't hide means nothing, but polls a thing ultimately we need to trust in the honesty of others to believe means everything?
edit on 8/31/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/31/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:55 AM
In a primary it is not an indicator for actual numbers and support to see large crowds of people; but in the general it is very important. I watched the event on You-tube and I liked what I saw. I've also watched some of the events of Hillary and just got this bad feeling from her. No sincerity or realness. I'll be voting for Trump. He makes a whole lot more sense.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

You mention these consistent polling but tell me, before the poll gets to you how many hands does it pass through? Do you trust all those hands? I don't.

Well I'm not of the mind to question absolutely everything in the world when there's consistency.

Again, there would have to be a MASSIVE conspiracy of multiple large companies, hundreds, even thousands of people who would be forging poll data to skew it one way or another.

I just don't believe that such a huge conspiracy is taking place without there being somebody talking about it.

What possible reason could people in power have for pushing the narrative that Rallies we can all see and they can't hide means nothing, but polls a thing ultimately we need to trust in the honesty of others to believe means everything?

The people pushing that narrative are voters though mostly. I'm not saying the media isn't guilty of election tampering, by virtue of the coverage they have, they are guilty of that.

But a lot less people attend political events than they use to because of news coverage and the internet. There's one reason why rallies aren't necessarily as huge a factor anymore. Most people, can watch from a distance.

And it's not trusting everything. Generally people start to not trust something when inconsistent results are presented and there are questions about how that data was taken and then calculated.

Most poll results have very detailed information about how they were taken and and what process was followed.

It's just a matter of reading up on it and informing one's self.

edit on 8/31/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I'm just saying the narrative doesn't fit what I'm seeing. It hasn't for awhile now. I don't it fits what a lot are seeing.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
So - beyond the description of the "from the floor experience" (and thanks for that! Cool!) what did he say, and did it have any influence on your political decision-making process?

My opinions were only changed of him in that he is stepping things up and being more profesional. I think something can be said for him and his team respecting the fact that on average, Washington State residents (in the west side in particular) are more highly educated and of the liberal, open mindset. Oh, and the opinions of the 95% of Trumpers.

My wife left feeling more that the crowd were hard core kool-aid drinkers and didn't agree with Trumps presentation and focus on the issues of people of color. Western Wa is very white and she thought it was rediculous cause the crowd can't understand. We debated in the car on the way home and I told her I felt a mostly white crowd is the exact crowd that needs to hear and face those issues!

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: gymbeau2000

Mr. Trump! Tear down that wall of text!

There are paragraphs...I just didn't do line spaces cause I wrote so much! LOL

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