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Why Trump will be a good president for America.

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posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Nikola014

A socialist who supports a corrupted, murderous criminal owned by the capitalist establishment? Makes zero sense.

Trump is owned by the establishment as well. When he actually talks about what he will do for the economy he spouts the same things like every other republican lower taxes, bigger military and more freedoms to the banks.

I have a different opinion than you, as an outsider as well. Many people that I know, including myself, fully support and wish for Trump to become the president of the US of A.

So you are ignorant of how things really work in America. Now your support of Trump is understandable.

He's far more capable of running a country, since he's a billionaire.

Paris Hilton could one day be a billionaire does that mean she can run a nation as well? If being a billionaire is good enough for a person to be president then why not Gates or Buffet? Both of them could buy Trump and really not miss the money. Trump made a lot of his money by buying companies loading them up with debt and then filing for bankruptcy. Not a sound economic plan for running a nation.

But, the thing that I like about him the most, is that he will put an end to the western destabilization of regions. He will stop overthrowing governments the west doesn't like, and cause civil wars as the result.

Sure he won't that's why he wants a bigger stronger military.

Plus, he will normalize relations with Russia, which is something that history does not remember.

Seeing how much he kisses Putin's ass he will more likely be their puppet. Also not a sound plan for America.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

So now you're all for some kind of Corporate Plutocracy where we're all employed slaves to the machine???


That sure didn't take long to sell out did it.

How about NO!! I'm not going to be some employee of a federal empire of elitists.

Good God man, what are you even saying. Re-read what you wrote and get your head on straight.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

There's a vast difference between what I want and what will be.

I'm not in charge. Unfortunately, I can't make sweeping massive changes in American politics.

It's either going to be Trump or Hillary.

That's it.

There is no three-way race here. So our choices are Trump and Hillary. My thought was that Trump might be the better choice of the two based on what I wrote.

You prefer Hillary for different reasons. I understand that. Given our choices? I prefer Trump over Hillary.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:58 PM
Republicans in plea to cut Trump funding
More than 70 Republicans sign a letter to the head of the party's National Committee urging him to stop helping Donald Trump's campaign...a quote from the MSM which begs the question of how Trump can be an effective president when his OWN party wants to pull the plug BEFORE the election.

Gee whiz...what's the point?

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
After reading you OP, I have to think ti's the same ol' dispute rehashed or recycled. How much do we want to control our economy? On hte right, they usually favor less--freedom!. The left wants more--security! What I think is a free market necessarily leads to corporatocracy. In this, there're a few exponentially rich people who serve as owners and management and then there're increasinly poor people who serve under them. It resembles an oligarchy..In fact, this is the natural order if we have a hands off policy. However, if we try to control it, we inevitably move away from the individual to the nation-state. This is eusociality. We see it in social lifeforms, like ants or bees. Stratification remains in some amount, but the individual loses autonomy (to act independenlty). So we trade our sovereignty for nation-state security. In both cases, whether it's hands off or not, most of the individuals have little power. The only distinction is the term individual has a distinct and descriptive meaning for only one.
edit on 8/13/2016 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: mOjOm
There is no three-way race here. So our choices are Trump and Hillary. My thought was that Trump might be the better choice of the two based on what I wrote.

Or, suppose for a minute you vote for a third, better choice, and you don't continue spreading the same binary trash the electorate has lazed into; perhaps others would do the same and suddenly, it's a three way race.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

No, I don't prefer Hillary. But what you're saying here I think goes well beyond just this election or Trump vs. Hillary.

Hell, if you want to be ruled by a corporate structure, the better choice might actually be Hillary. She'll be the one to sign over the nations sovereignty to the TPP and Corporate Elite.

I thought you were against the idea of Corporate Globalism for Humanity. I thought that was one of the Conservative Principles at least. Why the sudden change to support the idea of Elite Masters who rule everyone like a corporation. You went from rebel fighter to storm trooper so quickly I must be missing something here.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Can you point out where I endorsed corporate globalism?

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Maybe I'm just confused then. Are you saying you want just America to be run like a Corporation then???

I naturally assumed that by Corporate rule you meant Global Corporate Rule. Because that's what it will be once you go that road. It's not going to just stop at our boarders and say "Ok, that's good enough, let's stop here."

But I suppose we could entertain that idea if you'd like. However, I still can't seem to wrap my head around why all of a sudden someone like you with a Conservative lean is so willing to shed the idea of Individualism so easily and hop on board the Corporate Model of Master and Slave. When did this happen and why???

I hope the rest of the Conservatives haven't done the same or we're in serious trouble.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

My essay was an exploration into the realm of new ideas. Trying to look at things differently, and perhaps more realistically.

The US government is run like a corporation now. Add partisan politics to it and you have the recipe for an introduction to socialism taught by professor Hillary.

I don't want to go down that road. I now you wouldn't mind it. So I'm not surprised that you would find my musings disturbing. I'm not for Hillary or socialism or any combination of the two.

Corporate US? It's like that now. You want to talk freedoms? I thought, as a socialist, you'd be against them.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 04:48 PM
Well , let's see how Trump might do....

2. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman successfully sued you, alleging your Trump University was an “illegal educational institution” that charged up to $35,000 for “Trump Elite” mentorships promising personal advice from you, but you never showed up and your “special” list of lenders was photocopied from Scotsman Guide, a magazine found at any bookstore.


You claimed The Learning Annex paid you a $1 million speaking fee, but on Larry King Live, you acknowledged the fee was $400,000 and the rest was the promotional value. Since you have testified under oath that your public statements inflate the value of your assets, can voters use this as a guide, so whenever you say $1, in reality it is only 40 cents?

Economic lies.

Trump Tower is not a steel girder high rise, but 58 stories of concrete. Why did you use concrete instead of traditional steel girders? ..Trump Tower was built by S&A Concrete, whose owners were “Fat” Tony Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family, and Paul “Big Paul” Castellano, head of the Gambinos, another well-known crime family.

" If you did not know of their ownership, what does that tell voters about your management skills?"

In demolishing the Bonwit Teller building to make way for Trump Tower, you had no labor troubles, even though only about 15 unionists worked at the site alongside 150 Polish men, most of whom entered the country illegally, lacked hard hats, and slept on the site...A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

"What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?"

You sent your top lieutenant, lawyer Harvey I. Freeman, to negotiate with Ken Shapiro, the “investment banker” for Nicky Scarfo, the especially vicious killer who was Atlantic City’s mob boss, according to federal prosecutors and the New Jersey State Commission on Investigation. Since you emphasize your negotiating skills, why didn’t you negotiate yourself?

...You later paid a Scarfo associate twice the value of a lot, officials determined. Since you boast that you always negotiate the best prices, why did you pay double the value of this real estate?

So, won't negotiate and doesn't always make the best deals.

You say that your experience as a manager will allow you to run the federal government much better than President Obama or Hillary Clinton. On Fortune Magazine’s 1999 list of the 496 most admired companies, your casino company ranked at the bottom – worst or almost worst in management, use of assets, employee talent, long-term investment value, and social responsibility. Your casino company later went bankrupt.

"Why should voters believe your claims that you are a competent manager?"

From 21 Questions For Donald Trump

a question of character?

[Q.] You tell a story about Fred Trump’s son, his older son, Donald Trump’s brother, and what happened to his family, and particularly his grandchild...after the father, Fred Trump, died, and what Donald Trump did to him....

[A.] So, keep in mind he sought mercy for a drug trafficker. So, Freddy Trump Jr. died of alcoholism early. And when Old Man Trump died, he had a new grandson—a great-grandson, who was born a few days later—very sickly child, nearly died several times, huge medical bills. Everyone in the Trump family gets medical insurance from the Trump Organization. Donald is a big believer in healthcare. It’s one of the positive things you can say about him. And the line of Freddy Trump Jr., when they realized they’d been effectively cut out of the will, filed a lawsuit. "Hey, you know, you guys are dividing the money up four ways instead of five." Donald immediately cut off the healthcare for this sickly child.


posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ok, first off, you need to stop labeling me a socialist and stop assuming you know things about me which you clearly don't. I'm not for Hillary nor am I against Freedom.

Also, the issue with both Trump and Hillary isn't that one of them is more Socialist than the other. Neither of them are Socialist. Hillary might create a NeoLiberal Fascism while Trump might create Nationalist Fascism. Both might create some form of Corporate Rule like you're talking about only the difference would be Trump's version is more local where Hillary's is Global. Both would be bad for humanity IMO for various reasons.

The US government wasn't ever supposed to be a Top Down Corporation of Rule by the Elites over their slave population. If you think it's bad now why on earth would you want more of it??? Like you say, it's being run that way now more and more all the time. I think we need less of that in many areas not more. Certainly not giving into it completely.

What I find disturbing is that what you're saying goes against everything you seemingly argue against typically. But at the same time you accuse me of being a freedom hating socialist now while entertaining the idea of how nice it would be for the US to become a land of employees working for the Federal CEO's. So maybe you can see where my confusion is coming from when I hear such an idea coming from you. Unless Fascism has always seemed like a swell idea to you all along as long as it comes from the right instead of the left. Because that is what it sounds like you're saying.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Now you're accusing me of supporting fascism.

First it was globalism, now it is fascism.

I could believe in rainbows and sunshine and unicorns, but that doesn't make a damned bit of difference in the real world.

We can only work with the hand we've been dealt. It's a fools game to bet on the hand you WISH you had.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Relax. I didn't accuse you of anything. I said I'm confused about what it is you're in support of but it sounds like Corporate Plutocracy for sure where a small Elite group of CEO's governs over the massive slave population. That isn't fascism though. However when adding in the possible Head CEO being Trump or Hillary, then I can see where Fascism might come in to play possibly.

You can believe whatever the hell you want. I'd much rather you believe in rainbows and unicorns than turning the US into Trump Inc. or Clinton Inc. for sure.

I agree we can only work with the hand we're dealt and it's a fool who thinks they can beat the house. But that's only if we continue to play and play against each other. If we can somehow get past our programmed bias toward the majority of our fellow man then we have a shot at actually changing the game all together. It may not be easy, but we already know we can't win against a loaded deck. I'd much rather lose at changing the game than lose at playing a game I already know I can't win.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: JaMeDoIt

Republicans in plea to cut Trump funding
More than 70 Republicans sign a letter to the head of the party's National Committee urging him to stop helping Donald Trump's campaign...a quote from the MSM which begs the question of how Trump can be an effective president when his OWN party wants to pull the plug BEFORE the election.

Your right.

This alone should tell everyone how corrupt the Republican Party is, they are in bed with the corrupt Democrats. The fact is, most of these corrupt politicians on both sides are mostly bought and paid for by the NWO Globalist.

Trump is not own, Trump is not going to be controlled by the NWO controllers, in fact Trump will throw a wrench in the NWO Globalist agenda, Trump has made that very clear.

The fact is, both Parties fear Trump, they fear his power if he becomes President. Trump has even mention 911, he knows the American people were lied to from the highest echelon of our governments.

These career politions from both Parties fear Trump might learn the truth and expose them.

Since 911 the United States has eroded, politically, economically, and many new laws were past against our freedoms in the name of Terrorist, the very same terrorist that our government funds, trains, and planted all over the world.

This is part of the Global NWO plan, and that is to destabilize all countries and create financial and political hardships and so far it has worked out very well for them.

Trump is not stupid, he see's what really going on, and if he wins the Presidency he will be able to stop the NWO Globalist from achieving their evil plans of a one world order dictatorship.

Hillary on the other hand, will hand over the United States to the NWO Globalist, because that what she was paid to do.

It doesn't matter who is running for Presidency these days, people will always find something wrong with them, not everyone is going to be happy all the time of who wins.
edit on 13-8-2016 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: mOjOm

Now you're accusing me of supporting fascism.

First it was globalism, now it is fascism.

I could believe in rainbows and sunshine and unicorns, but that doesn't make a damned bit of difference in the real world.

We can only work with the hand we've been dealt. It's a fools game to bet on the hand you WISH you had.

That means he doesn't have a logical counter point so he is name calling and using buzzwords.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

That means he doesn't have a logical counter point so he is name calling and using buzzwords.

Except I didn't accuse him of anything which you would know if you bothered to read anything rather than just comment out of ignorance.

Which is really sad because it's right there and all you have to do is just read it for yourself.

Doesn't get much easier than that.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 08:28 PM
It blows my mind to read the rational people give to support Trump. I'm convinced that if Satan had a (R) next to him name, there are many people in this country that would justify Satan's purpose to serve some utilitarian purpose in society and therefore, Satan is the most fit candidate to run this country.

Sadly, the right wingers have turned this message board into a cesspool in the last couple of years.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: eNumbra



Sir, I most humbly agree with you.

Until we get over this, as you call it, binary trash, nothing is ever going to change. Certainly not for the better.

Opinions seem to be Clinton sucks, but Trump sucks more. Or, Trump sucks, but Clinton sucks more...

WTF, people...?

If that's the case, vote for the third, or fourth, even fifth options instead. Good God, people. The solution is right there in front of you.

Don't vote for someone because you think he, or she, is going to be just that little bit less bad...

They're both going to be horrible. I'm convinced of it. Been convinced of it for over a year now. I'm not going to vote for either one of very unlikable, rather hateful morons. I'm going to vote third party, as I have for the last three go 'rounds...given what's happened during the aftermaths of those three go 'rounds, I couldn't be happier that I did. 'cause I know I didn't vote for the bastards.

How the Hell can we expect anything to change if we keep doing the same stupid "stuff" every damned time?

But, whatever...

Continue to vote for the latest in the long ass line of ciphers we've had in the Oval Office, then continue to complain about it afterwards.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

He will because it's All about the Benjamin's Bro . The Sooner People Realize that , the Better their Life Becomes with a Higher Degree of Wealth being received from their Labors . Bottom Line .

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