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Let Us Hear Your Opinion

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posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:13 AM
In a very concise manner I would like to poll the general ATS crowd on their stance when it comes to the major "mainstream" conspiracy theories. The point of this thread is not to start bitter arguments with people trying to prove their beliefs, but to highlight how many possible explanations are truly the accepted version of reality for some of you. I'll start with a short example that are NOT my personal beliefs but merely used a fictional example.

9/11: - Osama really orchestrated it. Bush's War on Terror was justified. Airplanes are completely capable of causing simultaneous whole-story steel connection sheer failures!!!!

Chemtrails: Dont exist, although many planes do spray chemicals for many purposes.


HAARP: Just some experimental radio wave stuff. Nothing scary.

Fracking: Causes earthquakes.

FEMA camps to enslave millions of Americans soon: I'm ready. Been preppin' for 9 years.

We are lied to about history by purposely published lies to change reality (ex. Columbus was the first to discover North America): It's True.

Fluoride in the drinking water: It's not even fluoride you commoner. Do some research. It's good for us, that's why engineers design the treatment systems to incorporate their use.

JFK: Actually microchipped one night after being roofied by a Luciferian Build-a-burger(
) Microchip was C4 explosives.

Smithsonian hiding early north american archaeological finds: They know they have the giants....

Reptilian Shapeshifters: Nope.

Phil Schneider's encounter with underground aliens: It happened!!! They suicided him by hanging him with his catheter tubing. Google it.

Fukashima Radiation Hitting the West Coast: Washington is going to be the first state to sell recreational, irradiated cannabis.

Hurricane Katrina was an Example of weather manipulation used to kill: Bush hates blacks.

Current US nuclear waste disposal center in New Mexico is leaking radioactive particles into the surrounding areas: No way. We are too careful.

Magick: It exists. Haven't you seen David Blaine levitate? How could you still doubt magick?

The true age of the Sphinx: I agree with traditional Egyptian dynastic dating that dates the sphinx at well less than 6,000 year old.

Are aliens actively visiting the Earth or possibly living in the ocean?: Yeah, they live in the ocean and in caverns. Other aliens also visit earth on advanced crafts.

7.5 Billion and counting: The earth is overcrowded. No techniques of modern engineering allow for the Earth to continue being depleting at this exponential rate for another 500 years: We can use solar and wind power and turn desert land into greenhouse land that could produce enough food to provide for 25 Billion people. Our pollution removal techniques will be so advanced in 100 years that all of the oceans and seas will be cleaned in less than 1 year.

Georgia Guidestones: OH $&! TBTB are getting ballsy. Get ready to die again, guys. August 14, 2016 is when TSHTFan.

US presidential elections are rigged and the winner is already pre-decided by TBTB: That's true.

This is just some of what came to my mind when I thought "classic tin foil conspiracy material".

So what say you ATS? What is your opinion on the above matters and any more you'd like to add to the list?

edit on 12-8-2016 by Imhotepic because: Cant spell gewd.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:42 AM

ETA: some funny remarks in there though. It was worth reading just for that.
edit on 12-8-2016 by rollanotherone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:44 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:50 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: rollanotherone

Get that smelly talk of US Fake-o-tics out of my thread you vile creature.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 02:55 AM
Imhotepic, your avatar says you registered at ATS on 11-8-2016.....

Let's not forget the John Titor (TT) stories/conspiracy. He came from the future to get something from an old IBM computer, stopped off on the internet to tell some people about the future, then disappeared without a trace.

a reply to: Imhotepic

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: TruthJava

Imhotepic, your avatar says you registered at ATS on 11-8-2016.....


posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 03:09 AM
Add his registration date to the tin foil.

Aug 11, 2016. My display of it shows 8/11/2016.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: TruthJava

Oh no! Your registration date says 22-2-2012!

In the reality I come from there are only 12 Months!


OP why you no add the ME?

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 03:32 AM
I'm immediately suspicious of a brand new member attempting to compile large amounts of information from the community.

You're working for the Reptilians aren't you.?!?!

I won't go back! You'll never take me alive!

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Imhotepic

9/11: Both of those individuals are given far too much credit, and the official story had sh!tty writers and even sh!ttier actors...the special effects were decent, however.

Chemtrails: Absolutely.

CERN: They're up to something shady and playing the ritual angle because it amuses them to watch the people freak out over it. Distraction, deflection and entertainment in one convenient package.

HAARP: A prototype

Fracking: The name says it all.

FEMA camps: They are real, but not intended for the purpose people think they are. That will become apparent shortly.

History: Yes, but this is not new. The christian bible is a perfect example of how easily history can be rewritten...and how little people question what they're told.

Fluoride: Another example of gullibility. Any dentist will tell you that fluoride in the water does nothing for the teeth except make them dull and yellow, and every single tube of fluoridated toothpaste has poison control information on it...yet people have just now connected the dots.

JFK: I had not heard the microchip one, but I can say I feel it is far more plausible than the version where Jackie shot him in the backseat. At least it's a refreshing break from the lone gunman...although they seem to trot that one out for everything else. Recycled lies...they must have run out of new material.

Smithsonian: I wouldn't doubt it. I bet their secret passageways have secret passageways...have you been in that place?

Reptilians: Yes. They are everywhere.

Schneider: Yes, I believe him. And no one in his reported medical condition is going to be able to successfully choke to death on a Foley tube unless they've got help or happen to be a skilled contortionist with extra appendages. Any medical professional with a functioning brain cell can tell you that. But since he was branded a nutcase, it's better just to leave pesky details out of it and just let the man test in peace. The end.

Irradiated weed: Sure, why not. We eat irradiated produce and bake in the irradiated sunlight, might as well have our pot irradiated too. Seems legit.

Katrina: Weather manipulation, possibly yes. But Bush? Again, giving that fool way too much credit.

Nuclear waste: Cutting corners is a popular practice when it comes to our garbage, so I'd have zero problem believing that leakage is a reality.

Magick: With regard to David Blaine, you are referring to magic. Creating masterful illusion, to awe and astound an audience, which is a skill. Magick is another thing entirely, and yes, it is utterly real.

Sphinx: I agree with you.

Aliens: Under the ocean, yes...but they don't live there. Visiting our planet, yes, for a very long time. From other planets, yes. Other dimensions too. Craft in our skies, yes...but they're not all alien craft.

Overpopulation: I don't buy it, for one reason. Look at the excess all around us. Restaurants throwing away food every night...even firing people for giving it to those in need rather than wasting it. People spending hundreds of dollars on shoes and purses and unnecessary junk. It's not overpopulation. It's greed and arrogance and waste, and disregard for life in general. There is plenty to go around, but people are starving. And we let them, and tell ourselves pretty lies to make it OK that we've turned into monsters.

Guidestones: I think it's farfetched. Too obvious to be the real deal. I guess we'll find out in a couple of days either way.

Elections: Anyone who still believes that elections are not rigged are kidding themselves. I happen to know this for a fact, but this presidential race should be a serious wakeup call for those still lulled by the fantasy of thinking that their vote actually matters. Because, damn.

Wow, that was pretty liberating for my brain. I may actually get some real sleep today.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Imhotepic

And.....we' ve discussed, deciminated, disproved, dumped and dissected many of your subjects...still here on threads....some back farther than 10 years ago.

New members tend to not realize nor research that here....and that makes a lot of your points, old, disproven or proven.....and ATS moves on quite quickly with way more abundance of discussion and evidence than assumed by well meaning newer members.

You should dig around here in depth being new. You'll see what we mean.

Welcome! MS
edit on 12-8-2016 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

(post by Imhotepic removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Imhotepic
a reply to: mysterioustranger

From your unclear overuse of periods, .


those are Not periods....
they are marked pauses... significant because the string of dots represent the 'pearls-of-wisdom'... IF One were only astute enough to pause and consider the things being presented

that's my explanation & i'm sticking to It

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Imhotepic

My answers:

9/11: - Osama really orchestrated it, but not alone. That will take a lot of untangling.

Chemtrails: Exist.

CERN: Might be performing some tasks that they don't know the consequences of.

HAARP: More thank meets the eye.

Fracking: Causes earthquakes. daily in Oklahoma, so I would imagine in other places.

FEMA camps to enslave millions of Americans soon: There is something wrong there, not sure what.

We are lied to about history by purposely published lies to change reality (ex. Columbus was the first to discover North America): It's True.

Fluoride in the drinking water: I's an industrial waste and companies sell it to be put in drinking water rather than pay to dispose of it.

JFK: So many conspiracies!

Smithsonian hiding early north american archaeological finds: Yes.

Reptilian Shapeshifters: Nope.

Phil Schneider's encounter with underground aliens: There are too many accounts of things/people underground to ignore it.

Fukashima Radiation Hitting the West Coast: Yes.

Hurricane Katrina was an Example of weather manipulation used to kill: No.

Current US nuclear waste disposal center in New Mexico is leaking radioactive particles into the surrounding areas: I don't know. Have to read up on it.

Magick: It exists.

The true age of the Sphinx: Have to read up.

Are aliens actively visiting the Earth or possibly living in the ocean?: Yes.

7.5 Billion and counting: The earth is overcrowded. No techniques of modern engineering allow for the Earth to continue being depleting at this exponential rate for another 500 years: I think tech can fix this. But we better get moving and stop argueing about it.

Georgia Guidestones: Have never been sure what they are, really.

US presidential elections are rigged and the winner is already pre-decided by TBTB: No.

Mandela Effect Real: Yes. I don't know exactly what is causing it. Some examples are 'fauty memory' but many are not.

edit on 12-8-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2016 by reldra because: Formatting acting funny.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Imhotepic

And.....we' ve discussed, deciminated, disproved, dumped and dissected many of your subjects...still here on threads....some back farther than 10 years ago.

You should dig around here in depth being new. You'll see what we mean.

Welcome! MS

I've dug around in depth. None of these topics have been debunked nor reached the end of discussion.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Ohhhhh... Is that what the periods used in excess do?................ Thank you for explaining this to me, I don't think I would have ever understood something like that. I'm glad to have members like you around who can stop in to offer such wonderful 'pearls of wisdom'.

By the way, I love your beard...... It's looking great!.....
edit on 12-8-2016 by Imhotepic because: Cant spell gewd.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: TruthJava
Imhotepic, your avatar says you registered at ATS on 11-8-2016.....

Let's not forget the John Titor (TT) stories/conspiracy. He came from the future to get something from an old IBM computer, stopped off on the internet to tell some people about the future, then disappeared without a trace.

a reply to: Imhotepic

I 2nd John Titor..... just look at the environment we are in, look at Russia.... and threats of WW3, civil war etc. It all lines up with Titor's world line divergence.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: TruthJava
Imhotepic, your avatar says you registered at ATS on 11-8-2016.....

Let's not forget the John Titor (TT) stories/conspiracy. He came from the future to get something from an old IBM computer, stopped off on the internet to tell some people about the future, then disappeared without a trace.

a reply to: Imhotepic

I 2nd John Titor..... just look at the environment we are in, look at Russia.... and threats of WW3, civil war etc. It all lines up with Titor's world line divergence.

I've recently been reading about Titor. Found some new stuff. Fascinating topic.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: reldra

I have mixed feelings about Titor, whoever that was went to a lot of trouble to do all of that, and why is that website STILL up? Time travel... I have my doubts. Clever person pulling a fast one feels more likely. But the question remains, who the hell was it and why?

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