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Off duty, black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police

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posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

I don't doubt that bias exists but I don't believe it's as widespread as the BLM types would have us believe. I don't believe it's as systematic as most liberals say. Not in a climate where affirmative action has existed for at least 20 years, where most institutions are avowedly anti-racist and where academia in particular is so anti-racist they've gone full circle and started demonising whites instead. Students will never hear the end of talk about American slavery, but I never hear them speak of the Arab slave trade that went on for far longer and that is in some ways still alive, or African slavery or the fact that almost all peoples throughout history have supported slavery at some point. White people ended slavery! Arabs didn't end slavery, Africans didn't end slavery, white Americans did.

So I'm a little skeptical of the drones that the universities churn out these days, they're about as biased and brainwashed as they come. Their sole purpose seems to be to deconstruct Western civilisation by all means necessary, and this includes "white heterosexual males". It's pure cultural Marxism driven by emotion and not reason. I don't love Western imperialism either but I recognise it for what it is and has been: a vehicle for a select minority of generational transnational elites.

These people are in love with the idea of "fighting the power" but they target the average clueless Joe. I don't see them going after the CFR, the Skull & Bones society, the Round Table group or any of the real players. They are everything these people abhor and imagine the average white man to be. These people aren't speaking truth to power, if they did that I'd respect them but I suspect they're too cowardly for this. At this moment they are the chief agents responsible for actively dividing people. Anyone that doesn't agree with their emotionally insipid Marxist critical theory verbiage are denounced as bigots, you're either with them or you're a bigot because "it's 2016". A great recipe for inflaming race relations and making anyone that doesn't agree run full speed in the opposite direction.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: soulrebel11

I accept that and no I'm not trying to ignore or step over (not your words, but mine) the Slave trade and what happened to the African people being brought over. But sometimes it just seems forgotten that historically black people were treated in a horrible way (horrible is for the lack of being able to swear) but it seems to get forgotten that Black people historically were a part of it. That's again not implying that it must be okay because black people had black slaves or anything it's just a fact that seems to be forgotten by most modern people including members of the so called Black Lives Matter movement.

If what you got from my comment is me saying that they should get over it, that's not what I meant, although I can see how it might've come across like that. I just hate when history is skipped over and people deny something happened.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: odzeandennz

I don't doubt that bias exists but I don't believe it's as widespread as the BLM types would have us believe. I don't believe it's as systematic as most liberals say. Not in a climate where affirmative action has existed for at least 20 years, where most institutions are avowedly anti-racist and where academia in particular is so anti-racist they've gone full circle and started demonising whites instead. Students will never hear the end of talk about American slavery, but I never hear them speak of the Arab slave trade that went on for far longer and that is in some ways still alive, or African slavery or the fact that almost all peoples throughout history have supported slavery at some point. White people ended slavery! Arabs didn't end slavery, Africans didn't end slavery, white Americans did.

So I'm a little skeptical of the drones that the universities churn out these days, they're about as biased and brainwashed as they come. Their sole purpose seems to be to deconstruct Western civilisation by all means necessary, and this includes "white heterosexual males". It's pure cultural Marxism driven by emotion and not reason. I don't love Western imperialism either but I recognise it for what it is and has been: a vehicle for a select minority of generational transnational elites.

These people are in love with the idea of "fighting the power" but they target the average clueless Joe. I don't see them going after the CFR, the Skull & Bones society, the Round Table group or any of the real players. They are everything these people abhor and imagine the average white man to be. These people aren't speaking truth to power, if they did that I'd respect them but I suspect they're too cowardly for this. At this moment they are the chief agents responsible for actively dividing people. Anyone that doesn't agree with their emotionally insipid Marxist critical theory verbiage are denounced as bigots, you're either with them or you're a bigot because "it's 2016". A great recipe for inflaming race relations and making anyone that doesn't agree run full speed in the opposite direction.


posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
They didn't start profiling people out of a vacuum. First there was crime, profiling was a response to said crime.

And this is where you are wrong, racial profiling has always existed in the US and it didn't stop when segregation was abolished, which only happened in the '60s. Police racial profiling didn't start in the last couple of decades, it wasn't triggered by latest crime figures, it's been going on for very long time when it was legal to do so.

Do young black men need to stop blaming the past and try to build a better/non violent future for themselves? Absolutely, personal responsibility is the main factor to solve this problem.

However, you cannot deny that racial profiling is wrong in so many ways, because whilst it's true that black men committ more crimes than other ethnicities, the majority of cops in 2013 and 2014 were killed by white men, as per
the FBI. These figures alone should actually make officers more scared of white men.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: Boadicea

Yes, and most people they would target would be innocent.

This is one of the most irrational arguments I've come across in this debate. It simply assumes that everyone targeted would automatically be guilty.

Again, if they went after Asians most of the people targeted would be innocent. It probably wouldn't change a thing.

You also simply ignore the existence of black ghettos that are infested with crime. Are they simply a figment of our imagination? They are as real as the crime within them are. Are Chinatowns infested with crime? Aside from the occasional Triad group I don't think so.

So police don't ever target innocent black people?

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 06:17 AM
Well now we are back to blaming the whites for all the ills of blacks in America, thank somebody for me being latina

I don't have to worry about that one.

I got the solution, lets make the entire government black and all police officers too and see who will be blaming who for the ills of society

I blame welfare how about that.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: supremecommander

Of course they do.. this goes for people of all races.

Singling out black people like they are the only ones that are being shot by cops is why this movement is so polarising. If they simply focused on the out of control violence of police the movement would actually be productive instead of divisive. As it is now all it amounts to is a thinly veiled vehicle for black extremism and racism. You think billionaires like George Soros is funding this movement because he's such a great humanitarian? He's always at the forefront of subversive social engineering agendas.

These two facts basically demolishes the whole BLM narrative. White people are tired of societal narratives that push the notion of victimhood on all minorities whilst painting the heterosexual white man as the devil himself. And this is why a growing number of people are reacting in a reactionary manner to the BLM movement. It is divisive and it is symptomatic of the anti-white cultural Marxism being peddled as truth in higher education and academia.

This reaction will not go away and it will only grow stronger, we are basically witnessing a political paradigm shift in white culture all over the World. A reaction against anti-white cultural narratives and this is being seen most strongly in Europe. In 10 years any number of European countries will probably be run by staunchly nationalist parties. We are witnessing a wider cultural war here and it is reaching a crescendo. It's a perfect storm.. third density end game. How do you wanna play this game? It's gonna get wild.. I assure you!

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Is interesting that people are falling for the agenda of those with the money financing this social awareness groups, then these rats seat back and watch the chaos they create, because they are sick and corrupted.

Money buys all kind of things in the world, including wars and the destruction that they bring for profiting purposes.

Those financing this type of agendas are very well known because their money find its way in every social awareness group out there.

They are the players and the common people the pawns in the chess boards.

A nation with united people for a common goal are the worst threat to people with money and power control

Keep the people divided so they are easy manipulated.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: marg6043

Well now we are back to blaming the whites for all the ills of blacks in America...

Did you even read the OP?

No one is blaming ALL Whites for anything, much less ALL the ills of Blacks in America. Nor was the OP even about ALL the ills of Blacks in America. The OP is very specific... it is Black police officers who have suffered very specific injustices by very specific other officers -- and one specific police chief who is recorded comming an officer to target Blacks. I wouldn't even call the police chief White.

I got the solution, lets make the entire government black and all police officers too and see who will be blaming who for the ills of society

I don't even understand why bother replying to a thread if you don't even address the OP of the thread. I don't believe it's because you don't understand the issue or the question. But then again, I doubt you want a solution either. You're okay with all this.

I blame welfare how about that.

For what? Apparently you don't see a problem to blame anyone for.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Here's the thing that you just aren't getting...

BLM was created and is driven by social engineers... including Obama and Lynch and heaven only knows how many other sociopaths. They have taken a very legitimate issue -- police brutality against Blacks (mostly men, but probably not exclusively) -- and exploited it for political gain. They could not and would not have the support they have in the Black community if they were not addressing a valid issue to so many people -- including me.

I don't want to protect Black lives because they are Black... I want to protect Black lives because I want to protect lives. Period. Black lives are not valuable because they are Black. They are valuable because all lives are valuable. Every damn one of us should be able to put our own personal whatever aside and say, "Every life has value, and every life needs to be protected." NOT because of color, but because each and every life has value.

And because the law of the land says each and every one of has a natural inalienable right to life. Period. All other rights hinge on that one... because if we don't have a right to life, we have no rights at all.

So in order to protect lives and rights, we must understand how and why those lives are being taken and, consequently, the right to life is violated. This is just one of many ways that happens.

As this article makes clear, Black folks are being targeted by those who take an oath to protect our rights, often resulting in loss of life at the hands of police. If a White guy is sitting on a corner reading the paper, and a Black guy is sitting on another corner reading the paper, according to this police chief, the officer must look at the Black guy as guilty of something and leave the White guy alone. That's not right. And no, it's not effective policing.

Black people see this. Black people know this. So Black people know they are being targeted unfairly. You do too now. Except you think it's a good thing.

There is your divide-and-conquer. You have taken the side of the abusers. You know it. And everyone knows it. Even those who agree. You all just think it's okay. Because "they" deserve it.

When Obama gets control of all local policing -- because that is the end game here, total power and control over the people -- do you really think it's just gonna be Black people who are oppressed and abused? Nope. Take a good look, because it will be YOU too. It will be ALL OF US. Do you really think Obama gives a rat's ass about Black folks? Of course not. Obama is looking out for himself. Do you think anyone who follows Obama in the White House will be any different? How about those congress critters? Think they give a flying hoot about you or anyone but themselves? Of course not. But he's already called your number and he's playing you for a fool.

So you cry all you want about BLM and Whites and Blacks and whatever other labels you need to throw around to justify your ego-centric hate and abuse. Let them play you like a fiddle. But the target is on your back too, and the same exact means will be used to subjugate and oppress and abuse YOU... and your loved ones.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Is interesting that people are falling for the agenda of those with the money financing this social awareness groups, then these rats seat back and watch the chaos they create, because they are sick and corrupted.

No. I'm not falling for anything.

But it is damn sad that people are falling for the divide-and-conquer agenda of those with money and power... those destroying our rights... killing people in the street... then sit back and pat themselves on the back as they watch the chaos unfold... so arrogant and ignorant that they never see that they're next. Nope. They just gleefully enjoy the show because they think it can't happen to them.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Agartha

Thank you, Agartha -- well said and I appreciate that.

Apparently some just like and approve of this crap. At least the conversation can be had an that level now... an honest level.

But no one can now say that Black profiling doesn't happen... and that's exactly how many folks want it.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Thank you, Agartha -- well said and I appreciate that.

Apparently some just like and approve of this crap. At least the conversation can be had an that level now... an honest level.

But no one can now say that Black profiling doesn't happen... and that's exactly how many folks want it.

Black profiling do happen and it's not just a US thing, but with the segregation history there it makes it worse, as we can see by members answers.

I just wish that one day we'll stop calling people by colours, people are not colours..... besides that, there are no races, just one, Homo Sapiens, with more or less melanin, that's all.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Agartha

besides that, there are no races, just one, Homo Sapiens, with more or less melanin, that's all.

So simple... so true.

When my kids were in school, I always checked "other" and wrote in "human." I was only pushed on it once, and I refused to do it. I told them, "My kids are Caucasian, Hispanic and Native American... You pick one." They wouldn't and that was the one and only time it was brought up. My husband thought if it was either Hispanic OR Native American that they would have picked one, but since it was "AND" they couldn't pick one without coming off as they themselves discriminating against the other.... especially since Mexicans and many of the native tribes are traditional enemies!

It's all just a big can of worms that should never have been opened and needs to be sealed shut.
edit on 15-7-2016 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 06:25 PM
"Nonwhites commit 92 percent of all violent crime in New York City, and are responsible for 98 percent of all shootings, 91 percent of all firearm arrests, 88 percent of all drug arrests, 84 percent of all stolen property arrests, and 88 percent of all misdemeanor sexual offenses, the city’s police department has reported."

"If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent."

This is why they do it. Violent crime is not caused by profiling. I have stumbled upon this data and do not know an answer to solve it.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Good on you! We are all mixed, that's what people don't understand. We are all the same, all humans share 99.5% of DNA. I also told my kids to never think of themselves as a colour, we are not colours, we are people.

originally posted by: jellyrev
"Nonwhites commit 92 percent of all violent crime in New York City, and are responsible for 98 percent of all shootings, 91 percent of all firearm arrests, 88 percent of all drug arrests, 84 percent of all stolen property arrests, and 88 percent of all misdemeanor sexual offenses, the city’s police department has reported."

"If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent."

This is why they do it. Violent crime is not caused by profiling. I have stumbled upon this data and do not know an answer to solve it.

Evidence for your data please.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

How are you gonna reply to my post about social engineering talking about social engineering like you're lecturing me?

Here's the thing that you just aren't getting...

And then you go reiterating what I just said.

It's ridiculous. You talk about how all life matters but when people bring it up in universities they are often attacked by social justice warrior types. The BLM movement isn't based on the sacredness of life in general, it is specifically concerned with black lives which is preposterous because the violence "targeting" blacks is just as indiscriminate against people of all colours. It's a problem with police, not a problem with the attitude of police towards blacks. Hell they shoot little kids, mentally retarded people, old people and animals. The fact that cops are more hesitant to shoot blacks speaks volumes about this whole movement.

If a White guy is sitting on a corner reading the paper, and a Black guy is sitting on another corner reading the paper, according to this police chief, the officer must look at the Black guy as guilty of something and leave the White guy alone.

What an over-exaggeration, this is hardly how the police operates. They don't go around targeting every black guy they can find. Has a crime been committed? Does the black guy fit the description of the suspect?

There is your divide-and-conquer. You have taken the side of the abusers. You know it. And everyone knows it. Even those who agree. You all just think it's okay. Because "they" deserve it.

No, I have pointed out the fact that the police is quick to shoot first and ask questions later when dealing with people of all colours. The fact that BLM is making it all about black people is probably the most divisive factor in all this, not to mention the belligerence and the blatant racism.

Just look at this racist cow talking about killing whites and cops, and then sitting there on TV like a coward denying it all:

A complete fool and a coward.. all talk and bluster when making her pseudo-rebellious poser video but meek like a lamb when confronted about it. 2pac talked about people wanting to be "characters", wanting to be "cartoons". This woman is the perfect example. Clearly she has some kind of immature rebel complex, she wants to be cool.. she's sitting there acting like she's in some rap video or something. What a complete tool. I don't think this is an individuated person, I think this is an empty vessel that has been completely filled with utter crap by society and popular culture.

I have not taken the side of the abusers just because I am weary of a movement that is blatantly racist. A movement that selfishly and narcissistically chooses to only focus on one aspect of a problem, that acts like thugs attacking police are innocent angels and is pathologically unwilling to talk about the wider problems with black culture without constantly invoking victimhood at the hands of white people.

I have a problem with police, I have a big problem with militarised police but this is only one facet of a much bigger problem and that is the problem I choose to talk about. A problem that BLM types do not at all talk about. Probably because as millenials they are too self-obsessed to care about anything that doesn't directly revolve around themselves.

When Obama gets control of all local policing -- because that is the end game here, total power and control over the people -- do you really think it's just gonna be Black people who are oppressed and abused? Nope. Take a good look, because it will be YOU too.

Nope, Obama has no power whatsoever over me. And when the # hits the fan I'll be too busy drinking the tears of people to care about what happens to them. They had their chance, they could've listened but they were too comfortable in their ignorance. Instead they ridiculed the messengers.. When they all die justice will have been served. This is karma, this is cause and effect.

I came from another system to watch the show, I have no feelings of kinship towards humans. They crucified the Lord of Glory, they always crucify the older souls that are sent to free them from their shackles. Earth humans are scum, the criminals of the galaxy. These people think they are enlightened because of their ideology, they are in fact in the same state of consciousness that they've always been. The only thing that has changed is their brainwashing is slightly more sophisticated in the modern age. They are the same as the Christians were, the Romans or even the Nazis. They are to a great extent de-individualised, the same enabling puppets that they've ever been.. Good luck with waking them up, it's far too late. We're in the last few minutes of the eleventh hour. They'll drown in blood and it'll be a great spectacle.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 06:37 PM
"Every 'brother' ain't a brother. They will do you. So just because it's black, don't mean it's cool. And just because it's white don't mean it's evil."

- Tupac Shakur

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

A problem that BLM types do not at all talk about. Probably because as millenials they are too self-obsessed to care about anything that doesn't directly revolve around themselves.

No. They are tools being led by the nose because they are fools who don't know any better... playing their part perfectly and so are you... and every bit of attention they receive -- especially the negative attention -- gives them that much power and us that much less. But you keep playing your part. I'm sure the masters are very pleased. Good job.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I could just as easily give you the same charge, in what way am I playing into their hands? Your accusation is without merit, I am aware of the manipulation. Poking holes in the media narrative using reason is playing into their hands? It doesn't matter if the problem in "problem, reaction, solution" is artificial, it is still very real. You're the one here on the mainstream media bandwagon talking specifically about blacks like the police isn't indiscriminate in their killing - which they are.

You reply without even touching any of the points I've brought up. To borrow a leaf from your book: I'm sure the masters are very pleased.. you've done a good job little slave, now run away and play with the rest of the plebs.


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