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U.S. Senate Ready to Vote on Gun Bans

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posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer
That did not really answer the question... What is a libertarian to you? Is it pro gun control or pro second amendment? (I want to know your point of view.)

The fact that you even have to ask what a Libertarian's point of view on the topic is quite telling. Libertarian views on individual rights are very, very clear.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: SoulSurfer
That did not really answer the question... What is a libertarian to you? Is it pro gun control or pro second amendment? (I want to know your point of view.)

The fact that you even have to ask what a Libertarian's point of view on the topic is quite telling. Libertarian views on individual rights are very, very clear.

But do you agree with the senate passing these laws? I just want a simple answer. Yes or no.
Me personally I disagree with this. Though I do not like violence and if I had it my way, I'd teleport every single weapon on earth into the face of the sun.(Sadly I do not have that power, but I would use it in a heartbeat if i had it. Have people go back to Waring the old way. Shield & Sword or stick & stones. Least the mastering of the sword was a form of art in japanese traditions, and it was more about discipline, and self defense + honor. It took skill to weild a sword. Today anyone can shoot a gun.

I will say this though, the moment Einstein divided the atom; mans fate was sealed. Just look at the damage it has done, through nuclear waste alone. Not to mention the effects on Hiroshima, are still present in Japan.

However, because I know evil men are at the top trying to ban guns in order for them to take over without resistance, I strongly disagree with the senate.

The only way I would support a gun ban, is if the government is also disarmed along with every single human (and non humans) on earth. I do not support a police state, and by the looks of it, obama is prepared to use executive actions despite the majority of people disagreeing with him on these gun laws.

White House: Obama ‘Profoundly Frustrated’ — Ready For More Executive Action On Gun Control

In short, I know where this is going. I can see the chess board very clearly. The refugees is the silent invasion of ISIS, allowed in by a traitor in the white house who wants to destroy the U.S. It is not wise, to be disarmed, when the enemy is already inside the United States. Obama is only trying to eliminate resistance so that we could be easy pickings instead of fighting back.

To everyone else who reads this post, you better wake up, because the Obama/ISIS, is making his moves against We the people.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

My thread/post history makes my position quite clear if you cannot adequately understand what a Libertarian's views are at a fundamental level.

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