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Report: U.S. Conducting Secret Missions Inside Iran

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posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Corinthas

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Islam is a vile paganistic ritual paying homage to perhaps the most vile piece of human filth in history........Mohamed!
There now do you get it? Although I would prefer a neutron device.

Your US pressydents have surely snached that covteted prize of "most vile piece of human filth in history" from good ol Mohammed.
Just look at all they have contributed to in such diverse fields as Geniocide (where have all your natives gone), Warfare (invented and dropped 2, thats TWO nukes) and Propagand and Mindcontrol (look at me trying to de-programm your version of blind-nationalism v 2.0).

Sorry but old Mo' just isn't in the same league.

Muslims are the ones who need to be "deprogrammed".
Mohammed was a pedophile. Now there is a prophet that the whole world should follow. Let us all go out and rape schoolchildren in the name of the Holy Mohammed!!!!

[edit on 1-17-2005 by groingrinder]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

Originally posted by Frith

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Islamic "people" are "pagans" and GW is on a "mission" to rehabilitate them. Just the way they do those on death row in Texas.

What pray tell have muslims been convicted of requiring us to "rehabilitate" them? And by rehabilitation you mean blowing them up, right?

No need to waste bombs, or C-4. Just bullets will do to kill these pagans.....Perhaps bullets dipped in pork fat even. Maybe paint a small Israeli flag of them. Islam is a vile paganistic ritual paying homage to perhaps the most vile piece of human filth in history........Mohamed!
There now do you get it? Although I would prefer a neutron device.

Ive been watching your posts. You are a rascist biggot and you should have been removed from this website long ago. If you ever said anything to that effect in my presence without your monitor screen to hide behind I would split your F****** head open before you could even scream to Anne Coulters personnal security for assistance. Pink little fairy, One day your going to repeat one of your biggoted, racial slurs in front of the wrong person and they are going to leave you unconcious on your back with an inverted nose. Dont say you havent been warned.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:37 AM
Does the United States even have any support going into Iran? Or is it just us going it alone?

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ProphetOfYahweh
Does the United States even have any support going into Iran? Or is it just us going it alone?


Why KING GEORGE doesnt need support!!!


Man that guys is going to be the death of us...

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:52 AM
News flash, we're already IN WWIII... It just hasn't been properly announced yet. It started formally on 9/11, and is still going on (and appears it will still go on quite a while, before even getting to the climax).

find it ironic that you, as a few others, continue to believe that the draft IS coming.
News flash (in case you missed the 10/11 o'clock news), it was introduced in 2003 only to be voted down.
It was again re-introduced, as per the below linked article, and voted down....again!: 402 Against and only 2 For.

Ahh yes, but, with recently enacted legislation, if most of congress can be detained from reporting to work for any reason (say fears of WMD contamination etc.) and only 5 guys show up, and these 5 guys are for the draft....guess can be made into law!
Scary, scary stuff.....

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:08 AM
I guess it goes without saying Dr.Horacid has not been warned for his reletively frequent Middle Eastern racism. If this is indeed the case then such bias activity and double standards will not be tolerated and i will take my opinions elsewhere.

You know where you can stick the 250 points you deducted right?

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:18 AM
The very scary thing is....
Bush thinks he has support.... he also thinks that the entire USA agrees with his stance on Iraq, just because he won (or stole) the election....
He doesn't understand that people voted for him because they were afraid to vote for the "communistik, elitist, spoiled, liberal...ect..blahblah... Kerry....
His spinners did such a good job of Painting kerry as a bad guy, that satan himself would have won against Him... (maybe he did win) ...

Bush also is starting to think that he is GODS appointed instrument to deliver the islamic people to christianity... convert or Kill... is the mindset... (and every angel in heaven is on his side)

it is not so surprising that he has this feeling though... since it is a reaction to the very real action of attitude of the fundamentalist Islamic supporters.... (they feel that they are the instrument to conversion as well)
so he is just falling into the fanacsism of faith that he is being confronted with...
I don't know if he is smart enough to change his very wrong attitude, before he starts WW3....
I truly hope (and pray) so....

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:23 AM
People need to CHILL OUT in this thread immediately.
Leave the insults somewhere else, not on ATS.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Maybe paint a small Israeli flag of them.


your true colors are finally showing.


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:30 AM
Hehe as one of those 18-25's and having a little brother who is also barelly in that catergory it is getting more and more likelly that I'll have to go enlist. Just a question though but I thought syria was next?

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Maybe paint a small Israeli flag of them. Islam is a vile paganistic ritual paying homage to perhaps the most vile piece of human filth in history........Mohamed!

May your god have mercy on your hate filled heart and guide you into a more peaceful exsistance. Those are horrible words to cast upon Islam. I will ask my religious friend to pray for you!

[edit on 17-1-2005 by syntaxer]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:35 AM

Hehe as one of those 18-25's and having a little brother who is also barelly in that catergory it is getting more and more likelly that I'll have to go enlist. Just a question though but I thought syria was next?

Syria has already said they spotted US Fighter Jets flying over their country. I guess they'll be after Iran or also hit at the same time.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Banshee
People need to CHILL OUT in this thread immediately.
Leave the insults somewhere else, not on ATS.

Another warning? 500 points deducted in the space of about 20 minutes?
Gee, thanks Banshee, thanks Amuk. Dr.Horacid has made racist remarks about 15 times in the small space i have been registered with ATS, very offensive, racist remarks. If you think someone calling a racist a "pink little fairy" is more offensive than the racists original comments then theres something wrong with you.

I will now issue a complaint to the website owner or relevant admin about my unfair treatment in this thread by the two moderators in question, and suggest that the 500 points deducted from the insugnificant 730 that i had in the first place be deducted from the total of Dr.Horacid's points aswell. Otherwise your actions will factually represent your defense of the racist and his offensive remarks. If this is how bias and racially discriminative the moderators act in these circumstances then i will immediatly remove myself from this website saving you the trouble of banning me for the unforgivable crime of not tolerating racism.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:55 AM
Sorry if this thread is going in a different direction that this post is, but it might be worth noting...

I can't help but wonder if this story could happen to be related. It's off of Pravda, and I know Pravda isn't the best source for news. But, well, I also read about the incident they talk about in Fate also. Fate claimed that the last time that Iran had such a high incidence of UFO sightings was during the first Gulf War I believe. I can't help but wondering, could these ufo's be ours.....

"Russia and Iran join efforts to struggle against invasion of UFOs
01/12/2005 18:44
If a UFO appears in the sky above Iran, anti-aircraft systems will most likely down it"


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 11:58 AM
MERC, Please if you have a problem with the warnings you have recieved then either u2u the mods in quetion or use the suggestions/complaints where your issue will be looked at, this thread is not the place to do this,


Now lets get back on to the topic at hand,

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:01 PM
You must not be looking closely, as he was warned as blatant racism is a violation of #2. of the TOS (posting in a hateful manner)

You however, are continually going on, AFTER being warned, which is why you received the second warn most likely. Disagreements with Warns should also be handled via U2U...

My advice to ALL, is to simply stick with the topic, get the thread back on track, and use actual arguments to support attacking/not attacking Iran, other than for reasons of hating a religion...rather than attacking each other.

Good point on the link being from Pravda...not exactly known to live up to it's name (means truth in Russian if you didn't know)....

[edit on 17-1-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:18 PM
The warnings both said "Do not reply to this message" in bold at the bottom. If you want people to put forward dissagreements via u2u regarding warnings recieved then I suggest the statement in bold at the bottom of the warning be removed.

I Apologise to everyone for deviating off the topic at hand, please continue....

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:38 PM
One brief comment to help restore the thread....
if the USA is truly going to bomb some sites in iran, and syria...
then there is no doubt that they would have to instill the draft...

because we would have just initiated world war 3!!!

and we don't have enough troops as it is, to cover the "fronts" that we are engaged in presently....

so vote for draft or no... we would need one... and would the "war powers" allow the president to override a vote in congress agains't such a draft?

remember, that they are already doing everything they can to extend, recall, and impose servitude on our enlisted... with shortcommings in major staff areas anyway...

and I have not heard ANY reports about other countries supporting our aggression towards Iran... (we could assume Israel would back us... but i mean countries that count in the court of world opinion)... and i feel that the UK would have a no confidence vote on blair, if he bent over again....
So unless the soviet union had a plague of attitude change, then i think we should BACK THE HELL AWAY...

And the Ufos... well, many would say that ufos hang around nuclear plants... but are they ours, or other curious beings?

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:54 PM
Bush & Co are going to have to come up with another 9/11 type event before they can think about invading Iran or Syria. Such an even would swing public opinion back in their favour and Bush could hurry the draft through congress (and any other dodgy legislation he felt like..). Even a small scale nerve gas attack (with minimal casualties) would creat enough panic to do the job. The US would be marching into Iran within a few months.

I hope my hunch is wrong of course

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 01:22 PM
Its simple everybody. Bush will create a situation that warrants an invasion on Iran. Something will be fabricated that justifies action to congress and Bush will be awarded all the power he needs. If he doesn’t already have it. The draft will come right afterwards. I mean after all, how can we wage a new war with no troops?

King George and his republic of God will get the troops needed to wage the crusade against the evil doers.

BTW: I’m not saying I am against action in Iran, heck, I think we should be there instead of Iraq. I just take issue with the High Holy King George and his methods of public manipulation and deception.

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