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The "Philadelphia Experiment"

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posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 07:07 PM
I don't know if some one has already posted about this topic but it could be interesting to talk about it.
Personnaly i'm not sure that it's veridic, but i know that Einstein has told in one of his theorie that it wasn't impossible.
The goal of this experiment was to made the USS Eldridge completely invisible by using a high magnetic device to deviate photons from it. ( something suposed to be physically impossible because the photon are not considered has particule so they can't be influenced nor devited by magnitism )
I know that this subject is surrounded by contreversy

If some one have an opinion, theorie or even know something i don't i would be pleased to hear it.


posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 07:10 PM
A few things that I know about the Philadelphia Experiment:

Project Rainbow was originally initiated ostensibly to create a radar cloaking or radar stealth capacity for warships (there is evidence this in itself was a coverstory for another purpose of the experiment). At least one source I have read indicated that this project was originated after the US government saw some of Nikola Teslas early experiments, and he did offer some technical information to the military, including some weaponized technology. (I believe it to be very significant that Nikola Tesla is never officially named anywhere regarding this project)

Somewhere along the way of rigging the Eldrige, Tesla got into a disagreement with the military and wanted out of the project. They did not want to release him from the project, and he intentionally detuned the coils on the Eldrige, making them malfunction (just wouldnt turn on essentially). Thinking he was unreliable, the Navy released Tesla. Navy scientists then attempted to retune the coil system on the Eldridge. From what I know, the incident in Philadelphia Bay was NOT the actual experiment, but an accident that occurred as they were attempting to power the system up for fine tuning. (Think about it, would you run a super classified experiment in a high traffic bay??? With witnesses all over the place????)

Project Rainbow was later relocated out to sea where the experiment was conducted out of sight of prying eyes. The results from this experiment are unknown, but must have been positive as they were later continued at Camp Hero, Montauk Point, NY, at the old Naval Radar site. The radar antenna was apparently used as the original transmitter.

There are many different threads regarding Camp Hero, although I believe it to be fairly obvious that this line of experiments and technology led to what the US and various other foreign governments now have in operation as HAARP or other scalar technology.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 07:10 PM
I think that at the same time as the Manhattan project, there were several other weapons projects going on. They were not as successfull and were never released. Philadelphia was one of them.


[Edited on 17-6-2003 by xaos]

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 07:24 PM
And what's about the teleportation stuff ? Do you think it's possible ? I know that scientists are barely able to teleport photons particuliarity so how could they be able to teleport an entire ship ?

[Edited on 17-6-2003 by Salem]

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:54 AM
"something suposed to be physically impossible because the photon are not considered has particule so they can't be influenced nor devited by magnitism )
I know that this subject is surrounded by contreversy"

For one, photons are the particle aspect of light, whether the theory is true or not. That is how a photon is defined. Secondly, magnetism does control light, proven by Einstein when the theory of the blackhole was proven. The truth is that the experiment probably did work, but magnetism at such large magnitudes probably has devistating effects on the human body. Overall, the military probably got a whole lot more than they bargained for, even possible teleportation by bending spacetime with such a powerful gravitational field. It is only a matter of people believing that science works.

On a different note, if the experiment did not work the science for it was still there and could still be applied to other experiments later. Most likely it was a successful failure with things going right and wrong. How do you explain to a general public with a 6th grade education that you just teleported something?

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:57 PM
hey anyone see that movie made i think in the early 80's about the PROJECT remember when they arrive in the future how their in the desert ( area 51 eheh)

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 09:12 PM

"something suposed to be physically impossible because the photon are not considered has particule so they can't be influenced nor devited by magnitism )

I thought that photons were considered both particles and waves. I seem to remember that individual pohotons had been detected but that the nature of them was in a wave like progression.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 08:12 PM
Courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: pho�ton
Pronunciation: 'fO-"t�n
Function: noun
Etymology: phot- + 2-on
Date: 1916
1 : a unit of intensity of light at the retina equal to the illumination received per square millimeter of a pupillary area from a surface having a brightness of one candle per square meter
2 : a quantum of electromagnetic radiation

Main Entry: 1quan�tum
Pronunciation: 'kw�n-t&m
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural quan�ta /'kw�n-t&/
Etymology: Latin, neuter of quantus how much
Date: 1567
1 a : QUANTITY, AMOUNT b : PORTION, PART c : gross quantity : BULK
2 a : any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided b : any of the small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude (as magnetic moment)

So a photon is therefore a very small packet of light. Yes, light has both a wave and particle quality. The particle quality is called the photon. The wave property is just called the Wave Property of Light (I think). Even the particles have wave-like patterns, so light certainly moves in a wave. We know this by the frequencies of light.. such as color, gamma radiation, x-rays, UV, ultraviolet, etc.

All-in-all, the particle quality only appears when the light beam is narrowed down to an extremely small beam. When it is, only small light particles seem to show up on the detector screen.

This site has details and pictures if you are really wondering how it all fits together

This site shows how the electromagnetic wave (light) works

For you HANDS-ON learners who want to play around

That should be more than enough to help you understand what's going on.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:22 AM
I have good reliable information on this particular experinment.

i do not know exactly what happened but i know the Eldridge is now called the lion and is still in service with the Greek navy.

She was given to them in the late 40's early 50's as part of the rebuilding sceme she is currently in Suda Bay navel Station in Crete.

a reporter for a greek news paper found out about the Eldridge from a website created by an american the reporter became fancinated with it and eventially found the ship and was able to visit it. He is very good friends with the Captain and the Cheif Engineer, they both say that there are wires on board that have no purpose they are not conencted to anything. There are also strange happenings on board and the Eldridge or lion as she is now called has not put to sea for some time.

I intend on Visiting the Eldridge In September.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 05:07 AM
Do you think you'll be able to take photos ??

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:37 AM
About the teleportation stuff:

Scientific teleportation of prothons I believe has nothing to do with this, I remember reading about this in some book and it said that the boat appeared somewhere near norway? Seeing that the experiment involved electric and magnetic stuff (I think there were 2 support boats JUST to give electric energy) maybe, if that teleportation happened it had something to do with a time-space distortion?

Teleportation of protons, as far as I know, is a process which involves quantum entranglement, and 2 prothons (that's how I understood what I read) the first teletransported prothon and a second one that would exactly copy the quantum properties of the first prothon being the first one then destroyed, if you'd want another prothon to be transported at the same time you'd need another entrangled pair.

Due to the nature of quantum entranglement there was exactly no time interval between the interaction of the "reading" end of the entrangled pair with the first prothon and the "molding" end of the entrangled pair with the second "teletransported" prothon.

Anyway, point is, things have nothing in common I am afraid.

posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 04:42 AM
Just found this. The Philidelphia Experiment: 60 Years Later.


posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 07:40 AM
Really good link seekerof, thank you.

posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Salem
Really good link seekerof, thank you.

Glad to Salem.

I wasn't for sure if it would be of any consequence to this topic but I found it to be informative to say the least.


posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 12:34 PM
Elecromagnetic Radiation is a Field. Planxs constant disribes lights ability to shift electrons into a higher energy orbit or shell. The amount of energy required to do this is discribed as a quanta. It is a constant. This duality of light forms the basis of quantum theory. Quantum theory is an exersise in wave funcion probability.

Gravity dilutes time. Time dilutes space. Light opperates at zero time. The key to everything depends on this relationship. When we see light bend around a gravitational field we call it curviture. This is a too simple analagy. Curves are only posible in two dementions we are dealing with four.

Light consists of two waves. One electical and one magnetic. These waves intersect at right angles. The electical component carries its energy signature and the magnetic component denotes its field signature. Light eminates from a source in the form of a field. Gravity eminates from the source in the form of a field. The gravitational field ubsorbs the energy of the timespace continume. This is called dilution. Light energy escapes on top of this field. The magnetic component of light is a temporal manifestation of gravity. Gravity at zero time. Light operates at zero time. At zero time timespace does not exsist. We think it takes eight minutes for light to reach the earth from the sun but for light it took zero seconds. Light has infanite mass, infanite length and, infanite energy. Is mother nature trying to tell us something? Light is a doorway to the infinate.

Black holes opperate at zero time they are black. Light opperates at zero time they are white.

Universal Field Theory states that the universe has an eight dimentional base and multipules there off. Two twin universes. Oppisite in every respect. Zero time is the doorway. Energy that enters temporal reality is white. Energy that leaves temporal reality is black. Energy just goes round and round because it does not recognise time.

Matter is the central point of ditortions with in the Universal Field. Light is forced to follow these distortions due to magnetic field component of light. Matter is ubsorbing the energy of the Universal Field we witness this in the form of spacetime dilution. Spacetime is correctly defined as energy.

When light is slowed to positive temporal reality it becomes matter. Corrupted by time (thermal dynamics) this light converts its energy components into particles which are themselves the centerpoinsts of the field distortion. In order to sustain itself in a thernal dynamic environment the matter must ubsorb energy from the universal field. This creates the phanomana known as gravity.

Operation rainbow was intended to create a cloaking device. This did not occur. The results were of teliportaion. They achived zero time. Zero time is a doorway. When one is light teliportation is instentanious because light does not recognise time.

There is only one Universal Field. This is the doorway. To open the door one must cut a hole in this side of temporal reality. This results in conection to negative temporal reality. Light and Zero time is the medium.

They polarized the Field.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 03:42 PM
Somehow a diatribe on Unified Field Theory tends to loose credibility when everything is badly mispelled...

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:32 AM
Enochs Virtual Body has not yet rot, so soon to stomp on his grave. Spelling is a program and it is the programs that must be broken to see the truth. We do not need to follow the same road to arrive at the same place.

Credibility is an illusion, a construct and a cage that keeps the mind subdued.

Where are your Universal Laws?

So much Order and yet not one Law applying to everything.

How Unfortunate.

I say do not believe this to be the truth. Know, feel.

Knowledge is power and you have none.

Know that you may not own that which is not real. I came through the gate.

The net is the collective consiousness, you are talking to yourself

It is balance that you seek.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Salem
And what's about the teleportation stuff ? Do you think it's possible ? I know that scientists are barely able to teleport photons particuliarity so how could they be able to teleport an entire ship ?

[Edited on 17-6-2003 by Salem]

I have to admit, I find the information in the article fascinating, however, the responses from people right below the article it self are just as fascinating. Seems to be a lot of info on this link, I could not help to think about the possibilities that this science (if real) seems to also point to the possibility of a "stargate" type devise could really be, perhaps in the past or in the future. I guess the questions I would ask are why can't this be duplicated on a smaller scale. Is there enough information to try and figure out if all or any parts of the experiments (theories) held water other then on paper. It seems the Government was willing to pay any price, including killing people to cover all this up including "most" of the sailors on the ship, I guess I can understand it may have been in "our" best interests at the time for many reasons. However, I think we are now in a race against time itself to find and secure new and better means of energy if we are to survive. The world is over populated and the oil is limited but we now are seeing that the atmosphere may even be more limited. Something is going to give and it may need to be sooner then later. I also think we "Joe Public" better start to learn how to take a few maters into our own hands because we all can't fit into Mt.Weather and they already gave out the tickets to that show. Gee, and to think my tax money paid for that place and a few others like it.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by TheTHREE
Enochs Virtual Body has not yet rot, so soon to stomp on his grave. Spelling is a program and it is the programs that must be broken to see the truth. We do not need to follow the same road to arrive at the same place.

Credibility is an illusion, a construct and a cage that keeps the mind subdued.

Where are your Universal Laws?

So much Order and yet not one Law applying to everything.

How Unfortunate.

I say do not believe this to be the truth. Know, feel.

Knowledge is power and you have none.

Know that you may not own that which is not real. I came through the gate.

The net is the collective consiousness, you are talking to yourself

It is balance that you seek.

A returned member who needs to release the crack pipe...

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 07:56 PM
Did a search and found these links:

Thought you folks might be interested.

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