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Trump Would Be Wise To Let Ron Paul Make A Foreign Policy Speech In Cleveland

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:56 AM

@RonPaul has some serious ideas which deserve serious consideration. Wrong for media to ignore him.

Donald Trump August 23, 2011 via Twitter

Ron Paul does not support Trump nor will he ever, he is too much of a principled statesmen he is the ultimate purist, unlike his son(Rand) who is more of strategic pragmatist.

There are some aspects of Ron Paul foreign policy that agree with Trumps, and he is against Hillary.
He was denied to speak his mind in 2012 where he and his delegates were treated so disrespectfully at the RNC.

If Trump offered him the opportunity to speak unedited, one cavet just don't condemn me, but you don't have to mention supporting me just give a rousing speech to the RNC about foreign policy it would be a great thing and a vindication of Ron Paul and if Romney/McCain hasn't come around yet he would be allowed to slap them around too. Also he could condemn Hillary as much as he wanted giving the crowd cheering points.

And finally to me that would be Trump and Ron Paul chopping the heads off the Neocons power the have been in power since Bush in 2000.
It will signal they finally lost ideologically in America.
edit on 4-5-2016 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:27 AM
Would love to see this happen, would potentially be a very good move for Trump as well.

Plus Ron deserves it IMO

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Bennyzilla

I agree 100%, but I can't imagine the RNC allowing it. Plus, Trump will now be trying to mend fences with the party to get maximum backing in the general election.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Slave2theTruth
a reply to: Bennyzilla

I agree 100%, but I can't imagine the RNC allowing it. Plus, Trump will now be trying to mend fences with the party to get maximum backing in the general election.

Trump needs the Ron Paul people too, they were were an enthusiastic subset of both the 2008 & 2012 election.
Actually here on ATS too look.

And they too are divided, they weren't all behind Rand either, some switched to Sanders as well, but I post on other forums and the Ron Paul people are divided right now over Trump, many are going to either stay home or go third party. A speech that Ron Paul makes that Trump praises could bring some of those people over.
The RNC never gave Ron Paul movement it's due, if Trump could do that, it would be a winning tactic.

Oh and Trump is now in the drivers seat, of the RNC, if he wants it too happen he could have both Rand and Ron speak in Cleveland.
He could even run that Ron Paul ad from 2012 on China, fits well with what he has been saying.

edit on 4-5-2016 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:04 AM
"The RNC never gave Ron Paul movement it's due, if Trump could do that, it would be a winning tactic."

Great point. I know a lot of republicans and former republicans that have not forgiven the party for 2012. This would be go a long way to bringing back a big component of the party which has been lost. I know people that worked for the RP campaign in 2012 that switched parties this year to vote for Bernie in a closed primary.

I still doubt a RP speech in Cleveland would happen, but I really do hope I am wrong.

Better yet, how about Trump naming Ron Paul as his candidate for Chairman of the Federal Reserve!

edit on 4-5-2016 by Slave2theTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2016 by Slave2theTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2016 by Slave2theTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:08 AM
Trump would be wise to ask Paul to be his SecState

With Paul's knowledge of foreign policy, going back decades, he'd do the job right IMO
edit on 4-5-2016 by kalisdad because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:27 AM
Are you people serious?

Why would Trump dredge up Ron for anything?

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Because, as seen by the past few months, Trump has little knowledge of how things actually work in the executive branch.

He needs to have solid picks for his VP and cabinet if he is going to accomplish anything as POTUS

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

And finally to me that would be Trump and Ron Paul chopping the heads off the Neocons power the have been in power since Bush in 2000. It will signal they finally lost ideologically in America.

I don't think you know who the neocons are. They chopped off Ron Pauls head in 2012; he learned his lesson.

Trump will eventually kneel to the neocons, just like Obama did.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: olaru12

Hey dog, he hasn't knelt down yet so why don't you save your conjecture until it actually happens.

All I'm hearing right now is a lot of barking with little evidence

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:41 AM
Trump has to try and appeal to the GOP base at the Convention. He has to secure the red states before he even thinks about making a run at all the battle ground states. Other wise he will be fighting on dozens fronts in the election while Clinton just has to take a single large battle ground state and its over. He has to have the GOP establishment backing him 100% so he can try and make a play for all the battle grounds states which he will need and where he trails in all but, one. Trump will not be Trump anymore if he wants to have a chance, although it is likely far to little to late.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:22 PM
Wow. Absolutely delusional.

Ron Paul suggested a military-isolationist policy.
Trump supported the invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Yemen/Syria

Ron Paul is against the surveillance state on American soil
Trump says - and I quote - "you'll have people saying, oh! Freedom of speech! Freedom of speech! These are foolish people," in context to "closing up the Internet," as Trump put it.

Ron Paul was for a zero, flat-rate federal income tax, auditing the IRS/Federal Reserve, and returning to backed currency
Trump is too busy fondling his daughter to involve himself in that kind of business

Ron Paul would NEVER support Donald Trump. Completely conflicting ideologies. Just because two people may be Republican does not mean they are similar in any way. Ron Paul is the polar opposite of Donald Trump.

He's calm, collected, reserved, mature, intelligent, experienced, and kind.

I can absolutely understand why the GOP does not like Ron Paul - they embody the very antithesis of exactly that.

Also - let's say you're going to have a surgery. Who would you rather have, an experienced surgeon, or someone who is an "outsider," and who has little to no experience?

Why would we want a man with virtually no experience to be in a position that DEMAND experience?

Americans are a funny bunch. It takes three-four years to be experienced enough to be a commercial plumber, yet they want to vote a man in with virtually NO experience to be president of the free world?

Hahahahahah, it's just too funny.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: RomeByFire

Surely Don needs Ron?

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