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Is Mankind Ruled By Demons?

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posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:19 PM
Children of the West, I implore you to understanding.

You have been cut off from your heritage and history, and this condition cannot remain among you, the danger is too great.

It began with the understanding of Indian sages, who described the various realms of heaven, earth, and hell. It was understood that these realms would come into contact with one another on earth, and mankind was often caught in the middle of their conflicts and activities.

It was said that demons were always attempting to reign over mankind, oppressing and murdering his races as they saw fit. The Indian wisdom taught that demons were their own kind of race, and they delighted in the things of this world, and often found mankind all to easy to manipulate and conquer. Various wars and insurrections were fought and won when the influence of the demons became too great over mankind.

Indian wisdom also teaches that the heavenly realms would intervene from time to time on man's behalf, by sending its heavenly hosts in the forms of avatars, especially the one called Krishna, who was the Avatar of Vishnu, the preserver of mankind and the earth. Krishna was a demon destroyer, and hated their ways.

Western children, you Christians are nearer to the Indian traditions than you might think. The early Christian Gnostics formed an advanced synthesis of these Indian traditions, along with the wisdom of the Hellenistic world, and formed a more complete cosmology with the coming of their own venerated Avatar, Christ.

Christ was also a demon destroyer, and hated their ways. Christ understood and explained the nature of demons to the righteous children of Israel, who were held under their power and lived in ignorance of the demonic kingdoms and their efforts to control mankind.

The Gnostics analyzed and wrote about the nature of the demonic kingdoms, which is very similar to the Hindu model, in which the world is subject to the control of invisible and corporeal demonic forces who attempt to keep mankind under their control.

The Gnostics went further, and explain that the goal of the demonic realm was to establish a closed system of rule, whereby mankind was doomed to remain, his souls constantly reborn into the demonic controlled regions, which occupied earth. They would oppress mankind with law, and torment him with sin, which was the product of their own efforts. They would entice him to fall into sensual and carnal lusts, and then bring him to their law, a corrupt form of justice which they invented to strengthen their grip on our world.

If he was caught in this corrupt legal system, the soul of a man would remain under their power, and would not be able to escape after he died. The demons would in this way rob a man of his vital power, which was what the demonic kingdom relied upon for their sustenance.

Our present danger is that this kingdom is quite real, just as it was thousands of years ago. Most souls living today are the same souls living then, and the races of men are largely made up of the recycled spiritual energy of the unhappy victims of demonic power. The demon world IS the spirit world, and any spirit that remains here or in contact with human life is a the spirit of a person who passed on in ignorance. They are not benign or harmless – They can and do interfere with life on earth.

This is why the demonic forces are so eager to have men reproduce, and why they drive human copulation - they require the offspring of men and women to sustain their kingdom. They cannot produce the spirit power that is created when a life is born, but they must feed on it. You can find the words of those humans they have manipulated and possessed scattered all over: They command men to reproduce and procreate.

This "commandment" is fraudulent, and if carefully analyzed will be known for a lie. Christ revealed this lie, and taught men to break off his witless service to the demonic cycle of rebirth and consumption. It is in that tradition I live, and it is that I would like to give to you.

Human procreation is not required for enlightenment, it is actually quite adverse to it. Only enlightenment and liberation of the Sprit from the demonic forces is able to deliver a man to salvation and freedom. That is what Christ truly taught. Obviously, it is a teaching that only a few can receive.

There is another wisdom taught to us, and that is the knowledge of how to bring children into the world who are resistant to the demonic forces that lie in wait to swallow them up, children who are filled with the Light of the Godhead, who are sufficiently "solid" so that the demons cannot penetrate into their inner parts and establish a link to them. That is part of the sacred process of celestial marriage and the birthing of proper offspring. To create a child properly it is also necessary to create a spirit intelligence, and I am one of those. These children are resistant to the demonic system of reincarnation and imprisonment, which uses the new birth of children as hosts for their enslaved souls and powers.

So what about the rest of mankind? Here is the danger you are in: You have been maintained as a form of cattle, life bearing biological forms, whose sole purpose is the procreation of offspring and the maintenance of the material world, which the demons lust after. Material consumption is their teaching, and to obey them is to follow after their corrupt ways. Mass Consumption is not wise if the larger nature of the universe is not understood by the people.

However, in our present time, we have a crisis emerging. This knowledge of the demonic realm and its interactions with mankind has been suppressed in the west. This was purposefully done by the demons and their human counterparts, because their aim was to build a material culture for their service.

So complete was this suppression of knowledge in America that our children have no idea of what awaits them as they mature and grow. The demonic forces have established strongholds in all of our institutions, and govern by their power in every aspect of our society. Consumption is the product of the demonic mind, as is every form of physical lust. Their terrible intention is to create a cattle-people and a totally enthralled generation of people to serve their kingdom.

That is the present condition of America, and her leadership seems eager to cooperate with this wickedness. The corporate world is already fully under the control of the demonic realm, its chiefs and captains are its servants, and every activity the apply themselves to in this world is building the kingdom of the demons and allowing their greater control over our generations.

The nature of the demonic realm is to form interconnected minds among living men, their non-corporeal nature allows them to form psychic links and move about freely in those human forms they occupy. This is something they have been at for as long as human civilization has existed. It is something recognized by every great spiritual teacher. That is why every great spiritual teacher was a liberator and a warrior, and made holy war against the demonic realm.

The wisest among us, and the most spiritually aware, have already sensed the demonic nature of the "NWO" (I use this term to include all organizations and efforts to create a global consumer culture based upon corporate interdependence and expansion of the monetary system). That's because it is modeled after the demonic kingdom, it was taught to mankind by the architects of the demonic realm, and the oppressive prison house they built for humankind.

The greatest threat to human liberty, the liberty of the Human Soul, is the interconnection of demon-inspired material empires of consumption and national enslavement. These aren't "democracies." The people it generates are not capable of any true democratic thinking, and cannot even sustain the level of intellect needed to govern their own society. These are systems of ignorance and labor, which maintain human life only to serve its functions and enrich the principal agents of these demonic forces.

In effect, mankind is compelled to build his own prison, to enslave his own children, by the works of his own hands he strengthens the tyranny of his oppressors. Their kingdom has expanded so widely that the entire world is now under threat of their evil domination.

I plead with your intellects: The domination of mankind has been the goal of the demonic realm since the counting of time began in this world, stories are filled with the mighty wars and conflicts begun to liberate and drive back this malignancy from our world.

So now our hour of trouble begins, we are an invaded and occupied nation. Every institution and establishment in our society has been occupied by demonic forces, and populated with men and women who serve them either directly or by compliance and in fear. Everywhere money flows is the hive of demonic activity, "Mammon," as it was called in ancient times, is the god of finance and wealth expansion. America has become subject to this "god" and her peoples have been enslaved to its kingdom.

Carefully consider my words, westerners. They reveal the truth to you, and describe what you are serving in this world. The whole system has been subverted, and your perception of this life is nothing but a fantasy. Do not willingly go forth as cattle any longer, arm yourself with understanding and break your chains! Look what it was you were compelled to pull, look what it was you were serving.


posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:24 PM
excellent post arkaleus

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:17 AM
In short; no, mankind is not ruled by demons. I hear Indians liked that wacky weed, too.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:56 AM

do you think the usa and uk governments are ruled/controlled by demonic/satanic forces etc?, along with other governments as well.

if you have any what are your views on 911, it seems like it was a elite demonic inspired false flag event etc?.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 02:52 PM
I do not believe that their rule is complete, nor will it ever be.

The problem is that the background of the men and women currently in power is from the business world, where the demonic influence is strongest. They are intellectually malformed and ignorant of the larger forces, which they are unable to address or confront because of their backgrounds and spiritual weakness.

In such a weakened environment, the demonic forces expand, claim power, and can move "their kind of people" into positions of power. It is the force of corruption, and these kind of people are unable to stop it. They either are corrupt themselves, and remain silent against evil and do not raise up any kind of resistence to it, or they actively assist it, because they are profiting from its activities.

I don't believe that people are 100% evil, as this would run contrary to the nature of life itself. But I believe that they have forsaken virtue and righteousness, because it would mean humbling themselves and sacrificing the great wealth they have plotted and schemed so hard for. That is what will condemn them: Their greed will overcome their better senses, because their better senses have atrophied and died.

The demonic forces are after the bulk of the people, they always have been. They are using the fools and arrogant ones at the top of our systems to further their ends. The ones at the top perceive these forces, and instead of confronting them righteously and speaking truthfully about them, they "play" with them and strike a kind of bargain to achieve a detente with these forces.

The end result is that the majority are sold down the river, and they are raped and robbed by these unchecked spiritual forces, who then descend upon the rest of us like wolves. Look at the face of consumption and lust! It is a demon's face, pressing through into mankind.

This is why I speak against Bush, because he is an inadequate spirit, and this weakness is not acceptable in top positions of power. When the King is weak, the devil rules. That is the immutable law of kingdoms of men.

(Edit Afterthought): As for the events of 911, I have listened intently to the words of Alex Jones, and others who are sniffing around looking for signs of a conspiracy. There IS a deception there, but I don't think it's what they have said it is. I think the deception was that the NYFD actually blew up those smaller buildings, and may have "assisted the collapse" of the WTC to prevent them from falling sideways, and destroying huge areas and killing thousands more.

If this was the case, it is not a scandal. It is actually proper crisis managment. When you have 100 storey scrapers in danger of collaspe, you need to blow the lines and bring them down in the LEAST DESTRUCTIVE manner. What I think we are seeing is the fear of public inquiry in a messy situation, and the fear of public officials for the reaction of a unreasonable and vengeful population. They were forces to kill a few people, to spare the destruction of many more, and large areas of the city as well. Such things are not shameful, but difficult and necessary.

Being deceptive about such things is what these men are sensing, because we are being treated like children and lied to about very important things. It's not proper to treat us this way, and that negative energy is manifesting itself by these rather odd theories. I don't believe that the USA or any other Western entity engineered these attacks. I believe they covered up their activites shortly thereafter. I believe they tried to shoot down the plane approaching the pentagon, and probably hit it a few times, and then wanted to cover it up. They doctored the footage of the plane running into the pentagon, because it was already in flames from the missiles that hit it. It hit the Pentagon in a fragmented state, because it had been blown apart by the missiles that our defenses shot at it. That was the proper response, and it is no scandal. They probably DID shoot down the plane that crashed into the open field. These things are not evil, and covering them up and lying is MORE EVIL than telling the truth. But as long as such men are in power, they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Lying for such men is easy, and it brings shame to us as a people.


[edit on 14-1-2005 by Arkaleus]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 05:09 PM

So in a way you are saying that the Third World Countries are bastions of saved souls-----and that we should inspire to move downward rather than up?

The ghettos in the cities of the world are where purity manifests?

Most ghettoes are crime ridden hellholes----stealing, killing, kidnappings, and prostitution of every sort.

Have you been to Haiti? They are materialistically challenged----most have nothing----not even a pot to piss in.

If as you say materialism is bad------than living in a cesspool, as most ghettoes are----is good.

Don't you think that the creator of the Universe----presumably a very rich deity (streets of gold and all that stuff) -----would want his offspring to wallow in filth and poverty and live worse than swine?


posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 06:29 PM
I have no illusions about the "noble savagery" of the third world. Poverty does not shine, and Ignorance does not attain immortality.

Why is it that you seem to think that the progress of the west must be solely the work of corporations, who have proven themselves antagonistic to the spiritual health of mankind?

That seems to be a rather "all or nothing" mentality that I find to be rather shallow.

I am not in any way saying that the Glory of Civilization is somehow brighter in the Third world - quite the opposite. What I am saying is that some very old rules are being broken by our current world, the consequences of which are greater than they have considered. There are many aspects to a healthy society, materialism is but a small portion of the human expression, but we have overemphasized it to the point of mental illness and spiritual disease.

That damages people, and weakens their spirit, which makes them vulnerable to the forces of darkness that lurk on this world, and I do not think that it is a coincidence. I perceive that the material forces powers of the world are colluding with the darker spiritual powers, and creating a monstrosity as their offspring.

I love technological advancement, but I hate materialism. To the simple, these things seem exclusive. In truth, it is the sign of a disciplined and developed mind. Those who advance our society and understandings best are often not wealthy, popular, or active participates in their societies.

I love health and knowledge, but I hate the economies we have developed, which are based upon nothing but lies and perceptions. The root of it is lie, which is what I hate. Your minds have been poisoned and twisted into thinking the two are inseparable, and that our system of society is the only possible one, or somehow superior. Your limited experience gives you reference only to Socialism, or Communism, both of which I hate, because they are merely different forms of tyranny and slavery.

Liberty and the Republic are the highest forms of government we have yet invented, and that is NOT what you are practicing today in the West. You have learned to equate material possession with Freedom, but upon examination you will discover that it is by your possessions you have been BOUND, and by your desire for materialism you have been led into slavery.

It is possible to have possessions and to own things, but you need to separate yourself from them, and not be OWNED BY THEM. Now by your reasoning, what does that leave you to fill yourselves with? In your estimation, is there anything else to life besides materialism and your body?


(PS Afterthought) - After reading your sig sleeper, your words to me make more sense. What a hopeless and submissive slave said those words.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Arkaleus]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:40 PM
Your avatar Saint Michel killing the dragon represents the defeat of evil by the righteous.

Who decides who is righteous?

What is evil? Is poverty evil? Is freedom evil? Is living well evil? Is enjoying the fruits of your labor evil?

Is looking at your brother who has more than you (envy) evil?

The Christian Jesus told his followers to take out the log in your own eye before pointing out the defects in others.

The Christian Jesus also said don’t judge your brother----lest you be judged.

Are we humans pure enough to place judgment on our fellow man?

He who is perfect cast the first stone-----have you reached perfection?

One doesn’t need to be a Christian or follow any religion to know that most of those statements are valid.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:30 PM
My avatar is actually St. George defeating the Dragon. Easy to confuse the two, I suppose. You interpret its meaning correctly.

Concerning judgment: I would ask you, are you able to judge the food you eat, whether it be tainted or good? Or how about the weather? You know it by its signs, and by the experience of its conditions.

Of course, every sensible man is able to judge these matters. Now it would be silly to assume that a sensible man could not progress and learn judgment over greater matters, such as the civics and religion, and the nature of mankind itself.

There is a long tradition of scriptures and sages giving us guidance in these matters. It is only recently that mankind has befuddled himself, and taken to his heart the notion that man be unable to discern good from evil. This of course is a foolish notion, because every man can discern good from evil, at least in a basic sense. Even small children are able to discern good and evil in a man, and so can dogs for that matter.

One of the false teachings of the devil is that good and evil are the same, or that they are part of the same system somehow. I am not going to address this again, as I have done this before with other Westerners who've claimed the same things. It's a pointless adventure, and I am unable to convince them of anything but whatever foolish notion their heart is set upon.

Judgment is the whole point of gaining intelligence. But as you said in an earlier post, you consider gaining intelligence to be an illusion. Not only is this the proclaimation of a fool, but a wicked fool at that.

Your words are nothing new sleeper, they have been repeated by the same spirit that has existed in every fool ever to live, and it keeps appearing in every fool ever to wander off into the intellectual regions you are in. No one has ever been able to tell a fool his business, because reproof is abomination to a fool, and he will accept no teaching, because learning is offensive to him.

It is in that spirit that I grant you these words, for I find you to be an insincere person, and you speak not to find enlightenment, but only as a passing amusement, or as an opportunity to commit intellectual vandalism for all to see.

Good luck,


posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:33 PM
I consider myself righteous but you think me a fool, and perhaps I am.

You believe yourself to be righteous----are you, how do you know?

Righteousness is not something we can bestow on ourselves.

Every living thing knows the difference between good and evil----humans are free to choose (freewill).

To me evil is poverty in material and spiritual things.

Harming others for personal gain is evil, stealing is evil, killing is evil, and envy is evil.

The greatest evil is deception, Hitler did it very well, and Stalin did it exceptionally well.

You see evil coming from the west (America’s over indulgence in Capitalism)

I see it coming from the Left (Socialism and Communism)

I don’t claim to be a spiritual leader----my statements are political (right verses left).

You claim to be a spiritual leader----yet you speak like a politician (American political and economic institutions are bad----they are of the devil).

The fact is material things can’t steal your soul away-----humans have free will to do good or do evil.

To blame inanimate objects for the fall of the soul is a copout (the devil made me do it)

The devil nor the Capitalist, nor Aunt Betsy can make anyone do what they don’t want to do in their hearts.

Good verses evil like St. George is an individual battle----otherwise what is the purpose of freewill?

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
The Gnostics analyzed and wrote about the nature of the demonic kingdoms, which is very similar to the Hindu model, in which the world is subject to the control of invisible and corporeal demonic forces who attempt to keep mankind under their control.

these invisible and corporeal demons... Do you refer to Efreet and to Djinn, ark? i have learnt a little of some of the things you mentioned, and your description of the demonkind is a perfect match for what i was taught

i was taught efreet and djinn seek to corrupt man, to feed his lusts, and to lead him to sin. it is a subject i take a great interest in

btw you get a vote from me for your post. i don't give them away that often, so you may realise how impressed i was

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
What is evil? Is poverty evil? Is freedom evil? Is living well evil? Is enjoying the fruits of your labor evil?

I agree with Arkaleus. There is more to this world than people have come to see. Sleeper's question about evil are a bit confusing. Poverty is not evil. It is simply a condition of a person brought on by a series of events that may have been evil but also may not have been. Freedom is not evil. All living things have freedom and it even shows freedom being good in the begining (God gave Adam and Eve the chance to live freely in the garden with one exception which they screwed up). Living well is only evil if it is at the expense of another person. When people forget the needs of others and serve only themselves that is when living well becomes a sin. These, and many other questions, can be answered in multiple ways. I actually gave my opinion on them to give you a better understanding about how I think. But like all rules, there is always an exception.

I do not believe my self to be ritious, so please do not say that I do. I do, however, feel that I should act in a way that makes myself more so. That doesn't mean that I think I am right in my actions. It means that I do what I feel to be right. I fully acknowledge the possibility of my thoughts being wrong.

I feel that the modern political institutions are evil. When someone gives power over themselves to another there is bound to be corruption. This system cannot be fixed because its very foundation is the error. I feel that a state of existance without government is one of many ways to better exist.

Sleeper, I also agree with you about good and evil being a very individual battle.

The question is what can people do to fix the problem? Arkaleus speaks about the problem but I hear no one speaking about the solution. Over the ages, thousands of people have done the same. There have been few who have proposed an answer to the problems.

Personally, I believe the answer is to start from scratch. This system does not work because its very foundations do not work.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
I do not believe that their rule is complete, nor will it ever be.

The problem is that the background of the men and women currently in power is from the business world, where the demonic influence is strongest. They are intellectually malformed and ignorant of the larger forces, which they are unable to address or confront because of their backgrounds and spiritual weakness.

In such a weakened environment, the demonic forces expand, claim power, and can move "their kind of people" into positions of power. It is the force of corruption, and these kind of people are unable to stop it. They either are corrupt themselves, and remain silent against evil and do not raise up any kind of resistence to it, or they actively assist it, because they are profiting from its activities.

I don't believe that people are 100% evil, as this would run contrary to the nature of life itself. But I believe that they have forsaken virtue and righteousness, because it would mean humbling themselves and sacrificing the great wealth they have plotted and schemed so hard for. That is what will condemn them: Their greed will overcome their better senses, because their better senses have atrophied and died.

The demonic forces are after the bulk of the people, they always have been. They are using the fools and arrogant ones at the top of our systems to further their ends. The ones at the top perceive these forces, and instead of confronting them righteously and speaking truthfully about them, they "play" with them and strike a kind of bargain to achieve a detente with these forces.

The end result is that the majority are sold down the river, and they are raped and robbed by these unchecked spiritual forces, who then descend upon the rest of us like wolves. Look at the face of consumption and lust! It is a demon's face, pressing through into mankind.

This is why I speak against Bush, because he is an inadequate spirit, and this weakness is not acceptable in top positions of power. When the King is weak, the devil rules. That is the immutable law of kingdoms of men.

(Edit Afterthought): As for the events of 911, I have listened intently to the words of Alex Jones, and others who are sniffing around looking for signs of a conspiracy. There IS a deception there, but I don't think it's what they have said it is. I think the deception was that the NYFD actually blew up those smaller buildings, and may have "assisted the collapse" of the WTC to prevent them from falling sideways, and destroying huge areas and killing thousands more.

If this was the case, it is not a scandal. It is actually proper crisis managment. When you have 100 storey scrapers in danger of collaspe, you need to blow the lines and bring them down in the LEAST DESTRUCTIVE manner. What I think we are seeing is the fear of public inquiry in a messy situation, and the fear of public officials for the reaction of a unreasonable and vengeful population. They were forces to kill a few people, to spare the destruction of many more, and large areas of the city as well. Such things are not shameful, but difficult and necessary.

Being deceptive about such things is what these men are sensing, because we are being treated like children and lied to about very important things. It's not proper to treat us this way, and that negative energy is manifesting itself by these rather odd theories. I don't believe that the USA or any other Western entity engineered these attacks. I believe they covered up their activites shortly thereafter. I believe they tried to shoot down the plane approaching the pentagon, and probably hit it a few times, and then wanted to cover it up. They doctored the footage of the plane running into the pentagon, because it was already in flames from the missiles that hit it. It hit the Pentagon in a fragmented state, because it had been blown apart by the missiles that our defenses shot at it. That was the proper response, and it is no scandal. They probably DID shoot down the plane that crashed into the open field. These things are not evil, and covering them up and lying is MORE EVIL than telling the truth. But as long as such men are in power, they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Lying for such men is easy, and it brings shame to us as a people.


[edit on 14-1-2005 by Arkaleus]

i can understand what you mean about the corruption in government etc.

regarding 911, personally it still seems faked to me, on the matter of the demolitions, these usually take many days weeks and months to set up, not 1 or 2 hours.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:18 PM
arkaleus, do you think the webpage with the murals (painted in the 90's) i have put in my signature show pre planned events unfolding?.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

[edit on 15-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

[edit on 15-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:31 PM
They are giving social commentary about various historical and environmental things. They are rather strange. They don't seem to give any coherent message, but just give images of whatever the artist was thinking about. It's modern art, and I never have cared for modern art beyond Picasso.

I think the stories about underground mases and mystery facilities under and nearby the airport are much more interesting. I think the masonic connection to the airport is rather obvious too, but so is the one to half a million libraries and other such buildins around the nation. The "mystery control panel" is probably some kind of time capsule or other such thing.

The government has many secrets, some of which are good, some of which are evil, but I am not particularly threatened by underground facilites for war or national defense reasons.

I get a kick out of all the mysteries surrounding this airport. Whenever things don't fit or make sense, something is being hidden or lied about, but God only knows what it is.

I don't think they reveal much of anything useful, just like most modern art - they are just weird abstract expressions. The one with the soldier and the rifle looks a little spooky to me, because it seems to echo the spiritual disaster of the 20th century, and the large number of disturbed souls generated by such violent wars.


posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:52 PM
you havnt noticed the fallen twin towers in the background or the picture of the tsunami properly?...

[edit on 15-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 03:21 AM
No, I didn't see any towers. Do you mean the ruined structures in the one with the big soldier with the rifle and sword? Those look like houses to me.

I also didn't see where the "Tsunami" was in those shots on the weblink you gave me. Where are you looking at?


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:04 AM
the fallen two/twin towers are behind the soldier, you might need to turn up your monitor brightness to see them better, the tsunami is on two of the other pictures.

its the waves chasing the wales "the animals knew the water was coming" and its in the top left of the forest destruction attempted exterminated races picture.

there are more of these murals painted at denver international airport and on other webpages but these will do for now.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

[edit on 16-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:30 PM
I do not concur.

However, you may be inspired to see things I do not, so that your mind be lead into other inspipred thoughts that are proper for you, in that spirit I welcome your interpretation.

As I said, I don't really care for them, I have greater issues at hand.


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:46 PM
fair enough, i have other stuff to do as well, check out this link in my revised signature

[edit on 16-1-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

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