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Teenage girl 'made up' migrant rape claim that outraged Germany

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posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Gotta love that word "Islamaphobe".
It's like saying "would it scare you to have a complete stranger pointing a gun at you?"
Islam doesn't agree with anyone except themselves and consider the rest of the unbelieving humanity as "dogs" (which they abhor as well, you know what they say about dogs being good judges of character)
It's goal is nothing short of world domination - kinda like the Neocons and I'm scared of them too.
If someone declares war on you there is nothing wrong with speaking of them with the same disdain they do you.

If you think I'm "overgeneralizing" you need to look at the big picture - not how Muslims might behave in Western countries because they are not the same. When they become a majority the fundamentalists always gain the leadership. Look no farther than Egypt or Palestine where Muslims democratically elect the radical Islamists, those who cling to the barbaric treatment of women, criminals and nonbelievers and who have no other goal in life than to conquer the world in the name of the Prophet.

This video give you polls taken of Muslims worldwide and how they stand on issues like honor killings, stonings, amputations, etc.

Per the OP - Yes, it's a shame a girl lied about being raped. But if it takes a lie to wake people up to the fact that many, many other women actually have been raped by immigrants then that's a good thing. Well, unless you consider women to be just sex objects handy to grab and abuse when you get urge ( it's a real man's world under Isam).

Gotta love the regressive left.

More people should read Maajid Newaz.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:54 PM
And she is now in a psychiatric facility,

And there are other cover ups, so sorry if I am skeptical.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Tech, I am pretty sure that the proffessionals that interviewed this girl would also be aware of the possiblity of lying under duress to say she was not raped. I am pretty sure reporting to the public that she lied (when there is still concern she recanted due to duress) would be a sinister and cruel thing to do. Don't you think?

As for negating anything I should add that this situation is already turning into "when in doubt blame a refugee" which means the general hatred towards these people is becoming bolder. Do I have to remind you how this will effect citizens and refugees alike if it boils over.

Some power saw fit to immigrate these people and it is the same power that wants to see you hate them.
edit on pSun, 31 Jan 2016 18:57:36 -06002016 036Sun, 31 Jan 2016 18:57:36 -0600pmAmerica/ChicagoSunday by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 06:56 PM
I bent down for a crap and air flew up my arse...I have been raped by air...That's the strength of the argument.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 07:10 PM
Considering how often false admissions of guilt are tricked/forced/threatened out of people dealing with national government agencies around the globe, I think it is foolish to believe this recant. The safe bet is on this being a politically forced statement by the girl, effectively victimized her twice.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
Considering how often false admissions of guilt are tricked/forced/threatened out of people dealing with national government agencies around the globe, I think it is foolish to believe this recant. The safe bet is on this being a politically forced statement by the girl, effectively victimized her twice.

The devious minded can imagine all sorts of threats and promises made to the girl about her family's future depending on how she was to proceed.

I don't pretend to know what motivation she may have had for making the claim up in the first place...Attention maybe?
I can think of plenty of motivations for her to recant her story though.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 09:03 PM
I'm going to be honest: I suspect strongly that the police have leaned on the girl heavily and forced her to recant in order to quell the racial tensions. It's not hard to pressure a 13 year old.

They straight up hid the sexual abuse in the UK for fifteen years and threatened witnesses into silence, so it wouldn't surprise me.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
Considering how often false admissions of guilt are tricked/forced/threatened out of people dealing with national government agencies around the globe, I think it is foolish to believe this recant. The safe bet is on this being a politically forced statement by the girl, effectively victimized her twice.

Who do you think would push her to recant and why? As someone pointed out earlier, this is 1 case of many. Why push to recant this one in particular? Are there others recanting?

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:07 PM
This girl lied/didn't lie, doesn't matter.

The FACT is, thousands and thousands of other girls didn't lie.

Unvetted migrants of North African and Middle Eastern decent are raping the hell out of Europe.
edit on 31-1-2016 by abe froman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:15 PM
you know whats worse than a rapist? Someone who pretends they were raped.

Lock her up for life please

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: AnIntellectualRedneck

IF she did recant, and I'm not saying she did... her parents could have been the reason. They could have instructed her to recant due to fear of retaliation from the rest of the community-- in other words, for her own safety. Maybe they didn't want to put their daughter or themselves through the publicity this would inevitably lead to. Allegations such as this are extremely stressful under ordinary circumstances.

I heard an interview with a cop in France, and he was asked why he wasn't enforcing the 'no burka' rule. He said something to the effect of "I fine someone, or arrest someone today, tomorrow I am stabbed in the back".

So there's that to consider also. Anyway..... until next time...

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
Considering how often false admissions of guilt are tricked/forced/threatened out of people dealing with national government agencies around the globe, I think it is foolish to believe this recant. The safe bet is on this being a politically forced statement by the girl, effectively victimized her twice.

Riiiight, because teenagers never lie, men/women have never ever faked a rape, and a muslim is always guilty no matter what.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

How does a 13 year old girl have the ability to make up a story about being raped by specifically migrants. I'm not saying she's not lying its just kinda crazy and im skeptical a 13 year old girl has the ability to make up such a story.

If you remember, Russia was pissed Germany was covering up the story and now she takes it all back? I dunno we all need to look at all the angles here and that Germany has been known to make excuses for these refugees behavior

Maybe she was informed of what would happen if she went public with this and backed out? It happens all the time
edit on 31-1-2016 by JDmOKI because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:40 PM

Analysis of the teenager’s mobile phone records showed she had spent the night with a friend, who is not being treated as a suspect.
edit on 31-1-2016 by ErrorErrorError because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 11:19 PM
I don't think it would be above one of these corrupt governments to threaten a person so they can push their narrative of, you see it is not the refugees that are bad, it is the host country that is making up false claims. I also think the one poster was right in saying that this is to much ATTENTION, for A RAPE VICTIM.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
I don't think it would be above one of these corrupt governments to threaten a person so they can push their narrative of, you see it is not the refugees that are bad, it is the host country that is making up false claims. I also think the one poster was right in saying that this is to much ATTENTION, for A RAPE VICTIM.

For crying out loud

Analysis of the teenager’s mobile phone records showed she had spent the night with a friend, who is not being treated as a suspect.

She spent the night with her 19 year old male friend.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 12:22 AM
A lot of "rapes" are made up fantasies. I think whenever anyone is found to be lying about it they should be brought up on the exact same charges a real rapist would face.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: birhan
you know whats worse than a rapist? Someone who pretends they were raped.

Lock her up for life please

Yes! The word "rape" is just thrown around anymore.. like the word "racism". It cheapest the true definition of the words, and instances of the real thing. People should be punished harshly for false accusations. Absolute proof needs to be brought forward before any accusation is made. It's illogical and backwards to automatically believe a "victim" without substantial proof.
edit on 1/2/2016 by IridiumFlareMadness because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: PhantomOrion

originally posted by: MagnaCarta2015
It'll still be regurgitated repeatedly as fact by those tying to galvanise support against refugees, it's too much of a good propaganda story not to.

You know reading this made me think so much of the Salem Witch trials and the witch hunt following blanket accusations from a group of girls. Eventually one of the girls recanted.

Understandably there are many conflicting emotions regarding the immigrants, including the fear that many come to terrorize under the veil of refugee asylum seeker, among other things. There are valid reasons to keep our eyes peeled. But see how far her story went.

Now did she recant because she truly made it up, or was she pressured to recant?

There's no way of definitively knowing for sure but until there's even a shred of evidence to substantiate there's a govt conspiracy here I've got no reason to believe she wasn't lying.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 05:15 AM
Lets say she made it all up. It seems that some people here take that as evidence that the economic migrants are now all innocent and wouldn't do anything like this.
Fortunately [or actually unfortunately] I have my own memory of a very scary incident involving a couple of young muslim youths, back in the 80s, which is all the evidence I need to know not to trust them.

Just in case you want to know. It was broad daylight, before lunch time, summer and plenty of people about.
I was sitting on a bench, minding my own business, dressed in trousers and a jacket.
Two turkish boys walked by and said something VERY unsavoury in turkish to me. It was clear that it was of a sexual nature due to their faces and gestures.

I looked up and said: "Uh? Can you repeat that in German to me?"

The answer came in a large flick knife that he held against my throat and shouting in turkish at me [seriously angry and very condescending].

Immediately a security guard from the nearby Department Store came over and the boys ran away. I was shaken and forever avoided young muslim men when alone. If they can do that in broad daylight, I am not taking any chances in the dark. And before anyone says that German boys would do the same, I can categorically say, no they don't unless they are mentally ill individuals.

That was 30 years ago and there were far less of them about. Now there are large groups, if anyone tells me that they are peace loving and women respecting, I won't believe a word they say.

Another story from a few years later involves gangs of north african male 'asylum seekers'. At the time there was a sudden influx of African asylum seekers, something we had never had before in such large numbers [1988]. Places I have walked before in the middle of the night alone were suddenly now 'no-go zones'.
I once [before I knew they were there] walked there, I feared for the worst.
I was offered drugs and 'ficki ficki' and there were about 20 of them, closing in on me, making sexual gestures. I ran back all the way and avoided the area forever when on my own.

These are not the only stories but the others include family and private stuff.

So again, if this girl made up the rape, she deserves whatever the law dishes out, but it doesn't suddenly change the behaviour of young migrant men into lovely, respectful human beings. Their whole culture is a danger to females, regardless of one girl. I don't need the news to tell me anything, I know from experience [and that of close friends and family].
edit on 1-2-2016 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

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