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Lets kill political correctness and bring back Proper etiquette.

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posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:42 PM
No, not being a cop makes sure you do not get a cop burger.

a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

BFFT is in the food industry, as I was, it was more about floor hockey and other hijinks servers like to do to people's food if left to their own devices after dealing with a rude table.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
I never made that suggestion, just pointed out how "Non-PC" come across to me.

What an ableist statement. your perceptions from a clear thinking brain discludes people with mental disabilitys, autism, and cultural difference. I find this offensive statement on your sweeping judgment without consideration to unfortunate people.
Please change you words about how things come across to you

In my opinion, they can say whatever they please.

Typical, this is culturally insensetive on a global format. there are cultures in the world outside of the west you know! and they dont have the mentality of "whatever they please". this is culturally insensitive and inappropriate to say on a global platform. this aint 'Murica with your freeze peech. change it!

I was raised to respect your elders and others.

Typical patriarchal mindset, sure, respect those who have oppressed minorities and women to follow in their traditions of superiority. You honestly are pushing for a continuation of the unjust systemic oppression! How dare you!

This goes along the lines that you have to give respect to earn respect.

I cannot believe you just said that. this is a pro-capitalist viewpoint of meritocracy, which has been proven to be a vile tool of inequality and oppression amongst minorities, trans, sexually queer, and women! your meritocracy views are simply dogwhistles for the old guard to keep strong.

Spewing hateful remarks towards groups of people isn't any form of respect.

And worse, the veiled stuff you push that is institutionally authoratative to propagate racism, sexism and ableism

So I feel "Non-PC" people don't deserve respect, plain and simple.

I agree, you're terrible and deserve no respect.

I find you problematic.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: amicktd

I was raised to respect your elders and others. This goes along the lines that you have to give respect to earn respect. Spewing hateful remarks towards groups of people isn't any form of respect.

I agree with this completely. I have never attacked anyone personally. My family and friends have often described me as being quiet, shy and kind natured to other people. I am still non-PC.

We are not all aggressive with sinister motives.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: amicktd

btw, the above statement shows how you were being totally not PC..nobody is..nobody can be, its bullcrap.

Your views are views of respect and courtesy...there is a difference between courtesy/respect and I hope I demonstrated.

I recommend you take a journey to the underbelly of the internet called Tumblr and explore what true "political correctness" may come back wiser..and shaking your head at just how petty the PC culture is...(Hint, I was being light on that last post)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: VP740

If one were to politely refuse to service a gay wedding, that would be politically incorrect no matter how much civility was shown.

That would be the same thing as someone not serving a black wedding because they're black...seems racist to me. Especially when they use a fairy tale as their reasoning. I went to church my entire childhood. Religious people are some of the biggest hypocrites, bigots, and spiteful people I have encountered in my life. Not all, but a lot of them. If you want to follow "God's Word", then follow it, don't cherry pick out of it and use it to judge others.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:55 PM
I have worked in that industry as well and never did anything to peoples food myself but I have seen and heard some things. I would always think to myself that as a cop you must be brave to eat at fast food where it is a majority of young and in some areas minority teenagers working there. I don't know about other towns but in mine kids and minorities get harassed and targeted by police all the time which makes for an even more rebellious and disenfranchised youth. Basically I don't know too many younger people that speak favorably of the one time.

a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

edit on 27-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: amicktd
I never made that suggestion, just pointed out how "Non-PC" come across to me.

What an ableist statement. your perceptions from a clear thinking brain discludes people with mental disabilitys, autism, and cultural difference. I find this offensive statement on your sweeping judgment without consideration to unfortunate people.
Please change you words about how things come across to you

In my opinion, they can say whatever they please.

Typical, this is culturally insensetive on a global format. there are cultures in the world outside of the west you know! and they dont have the mentality of "whatever they please". this is culturally insensitive and inappropriate to say on a global platform. this aint 'Murica with your freeze peech. change it!

I was raised to respect your elders and others.

Typical patriarchal mindset, sure, respect those who have oppressed minorities and women to follow in their traditions of superiority. You honestly are pushing for a continuation of the unjust systemic oppression! How dare you!

This goes along the lines that you have to give respect to earn respect.

I cannot believe you just said that. this is a pro-capitalist viewpoint of meritocracy, which has been proven to be a vile tool of inequality and oppression amongst minorities, trans, sexually queer, and women! your meritocracy views are simply dogwhistles for the old guard to keep strong.

Spewing hateful remarks towards groups of people isn't any form of respect.

And worse, the veiled stuff you push that is institutionally authoratative to propagate racism, sexism and ableism

So I feel "Non-PC" people don't deserve respect, plain and simple.

I agree, you're terrible and deserve no respect.

I find you problematic.

Honestly you make zero sense...period.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

If I caught anyone screwing with people's food I would have fired them. The local police and fire had standing invites for free lunch which they, out of courtesy, rarely took advantage of.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: amicktd

Manners existed before PC. Why replace the one with the other? There is no need unless, of course, you thought the one was inadequate for the other.

Also, PC inserts itself in the darndest places. Did you know that we are supposed to call ourselves "pet guardians" now instead of "pet owners?" The first is PC because it invites people to think of their pets in a different way than simply objects. PC is an attempt to frame how you think by replacing terms used with other terms used and shaming people who don't use the "proper" terms.

Sure, to the people who don't think, they seem synonymous, but dig down and they have different shades of meaning and connotations. And through these, your thinking, attitudes, and behaviors can be "nudged" ... look it up.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:07 PM
As an adult I agree with you but as a rebellious teenager with a bad disposition to authority I did not have the where with all to care.

reply to: AugustusMasonicus

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
Honestly you make zero sense...period.

I agree
yet everything I said I can source from other progressives trying to argue

The short answer:
being PC means actively finding new things to become offended on...and you can find (or make up) offense by everything if you want.

Long (skippable) answer:
1) if you have a decent mind, judging others actions is ableist towards those who have a lesser IQ, or mental disability..aka, dont judge others because they may be incapable of making the same rational choices you make.

But the rest are now more mainstream
2) say whatever they please. you understand that progressives are creating "Safe spaces" and stopping people from giving lectures at college, they are also demanding a respect for all cultures (to include islam..especially islam, who does silence peoples opinion).
I was highlighting how your statement "say what they please" can be considered non-PC given it is actually actively being worked against by progressives

3) respecting elders:

system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.

Respecting elders, according to many SJW circles means also respecting the decisions of the past..and respecting the "patriarchy", which they are supposedly trying to smash..this means also not respecting the elders.

4) any give and take in society is a reward system, which according to more radical style anti-capitalists is a programmed response of capitalism and meritocracy..anti-socialist..(and for some reason, sjws are heavily into hard socialism and even communism..not hyperbole, actual supporters).

the point was to show you language is only as powerful as you make it. being politically correct is subjective and changing constantly to push whatever new perceived offense by hipsters in order to moan about how terrible the west is.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Biigs

being polite is my entertainment.

Polite people receive it well, and may engage in an enriching conversation with me because of it. While unpolite people will be taken aback, put off, and generally peeved.

The pure entertainment. Kill em with kindness first.

Quite right dear friend, i could not agree with you more, i give approximately 3 chances to people i meet to return my level of politeness, if they do not, i drop all extras and kindness and get right to the point. and to the point only, no frills.

Finding it entertaining is odd that i agree with you, but it strangely actually is entertaining to chance an attitude and observe their reaction - sometimes it is met with an apology from them some what redeeming them from a future dry conversation others the total lack of any care to be nice and then it is a game of who can be more ruthless without being offensive. Almost a game.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: amicktd
Honestly you make zero sense...period.

I agree
yet everything I said I can source from other progressives trying to argue

The short answer:
being PC means actively finding new things to become offended on...and you can find (or make up) offense by everything if you want.

Long (skippable) answer:
1) if you have a decent mind, judging others actions is ableist towards those who have a lesser IQ, or mental disability..aka, dont judge others because they may be incapable of making the same rational choices you make.

But the rest are now more mainstream
2) say whatever they please. you understand that progressives are creating "Safe spaces" and stopping people from giving lectures at college, they are also demanding a respect for all cultures (to include islam..especially islam, who does silence peoples opinion).
I was highlighting how your statement "say what they please" can be considered non-PC given it is actually actively being worked against by progressives

3) respecting elders:

system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.

Respecting elders, according to many SJW circles means also respecting the decisions of the past..and respecting the "patriarchy", which they are supposedly trying to smash..this means also not respecting the elders.

4) any give and take in society is a reward system, which according to more radical style anti-capitalists is a programmed response of capitalism and meritocracy..anti-socialist..(and for some reason, sjws are heavily into hard socialism and even communism..not hyperbole, actual supporters).

the point was to show you language is only as powerful as you make it. being politically correct is subjective and changing constantly to push whatever new perceived offense by hipsters in order to moan about how terrible the west is.

Well, you can take everything I said out of context and thats fine by me. Really doesn't matter, I stated my opinion on the topic. Unsure what your intentions are whether that is to offend me or get a reaction, I'm unsure. What I do know is "non-pc" people will make any excuse to continue to be rude.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:13 PM
Some people are just too sensitive and gentle to be of any benefit to anyone or anything. This is a good example you presented. I do get where they are going with that but its kind of a no harm no foul thing where the pets aren't exactly standing up and saying "umm excuse me I find the term owner to be offensive". I guess the thinking though is based on newer information that animals are more cognitive than previously believed on top of the old notion which I agree with in that pets are like family. So it is considered brutish to view your relationship with them as ownership which coincidentally enough from a legal aspect it is exactly that.

a reply to: ketsuko

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:15 PM
One thing that bugs me lately about the PC culture.

So, long ago, my granddad used to refer to black people as "colored people", and other variations.."those colored people", etc.

I remember saying that wasn't good. he didn't understand, but yeah, it was the words used for black people in the segregation times. it was considered better than the term negro, it was I guess PC for the time.

Then segregation ended, and that term was retired, it was then just decided to call a black person a black person, a white person a white person, and anything in between basically didn't change (asians are asian, latinos, etc).

Then some ultra PC tripe came about about calling black people African American..which I rejected as I wouldn't be calling myself a european american, so why would I then refer to black people from their continent.
But I did start to consider how this didn't apply to most other "races"
I have no issue calling a puerto-rican a..that, nor a spanish person a spanish person, etc..and thats because they also have no issue calling themself that.

But now we have come full circle, now the PC crowd is starting to demand we go back to calling blacks (and anyone not white now) colored people..or rather, people of color (no, reversing the order doesn't change it!)..

I am actually legit confused here, first, if we are going back to segregationist terms, then why was it retired to begin with?
and time a asian person says he is asian, do I correct him and demand he is actually a "person of color" and not an asian..or...

think I might stick with what the cultural norm is for most everyone and let the hipsters constantly change language until they basically just stop talking.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
Well, you can take everything I said out of context and thats fine by me. Really doesn't matter, I stated my opinion on the topic. Unsure what your intentions are whether that is to offend me or get a reaction, I'm unsure. What I do know is "non-pc" people will make any excuse to continue to be rude.

My intention is exactly what you perceived.
I took everything out of context in order to get offended.

That is the PC culture today. remove context, find the offense.

Being a rude s..poop isn't being un or dont need a new word..they are being rude, or they are being a jerk, offensive, or sexist, or need for a big blanket word that is PC that allows you to group everything into just a "undesirables" box. you can label anyone not PC..and if you have a view of non-PC people all being scum, you have all but eliminated most everyone.

not sure why you dont understand why this is a really judgmental mindset on what will effect most people...very divisive and dismissive

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: amicktd

Manners existed before PC. Why replace the one with the other? There is no need unless, of course, you thought the one was inadequate for the other.

Also, PC inserts itself in the darndest places. Did you know that we are supposed to call ourselves "pet guardians" now instead of "pet owners?" The first is PC because it invites people to think of their pets in a different way than simply objects. PC is an attempt to frame how you think by replacing terms used with other terms used and shaming people who don't use the "proper" terms.

Sure, to the people who don't think, they seem synonymous, but dig down and they have different shades of meaning and connotations. And through these, your thinking, attitudes, and behaviors can be "nudged" ... look it up.

I honestly think some people that are very concerned with the whole "PC" thing just need to take some time off from the internet.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: amicktd
Well, you can take everything I said out of context and thats fine by me. Really doesn't matter, I stated my opinion on the topic. Unsure what your intentions are whether that is to offend me or get a reaction, I'm unsure. What I do know is "non-pc" people will make any excuse to continue to be rude.

My intention is exactly what you perceived.
I took everything out of context in order to get offended.

That is the PC culture today. remove context, find the offense.

Being a rude s..poop isn't being un or dont need a new word..they are being rude, or they are being a jerk, offensive, or sexist, or need for a big blanket word that is PC that allows you to group everything into just a "undesirables" box. you can label anyone not PC..and if you have a view of non-PC people all being scum, you have all but eliminated most everyone.

not sure why you dont understand why this is a really judgmental mindset on what will effect most people...very divisive and dismissive

Oh got ya, sorry just wasn't in the mood to get into a huffy puffy argument about being "PC". The whole topic is just annoying anyways. I think people get offended to easily these days. Especially on ATS.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:33 PM
I think your overcomplicating it a little bit. Which terms you use and with whom you use them is something that in a person's day to day life should be fairly easy for them to determine. Know your crowd so they say for example say you will be attending a party with stuffy intellectual types it may be best to stick with more modern and culturally accepted formal terms. While I was enlisted I had a very diverse group of friends and if a stranger caught just a piece of any given conversation on any average drunken weekend they may accuse us of being insensitive racist bastards. Were we no, we just knew each other well and comfortably enough to rib each other over cultural differences. One friend would be sure to remark that he was in fact Guatemalan whenever we were picking on our mexican buddy who was wild AF.

Point is know your crowd before you go in just saying any old thing.

a reply to: SaturnFX

edit on 27-1-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

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