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Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters

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posted on Jan, 3 2016 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
Who are they armed against, the National Guard?

The BLM, just like in Bunkerville.

posted on Jan, 3 2016 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: mazzroth
I've seen this movie before, there will be talk of the 2nd amendment and standing up for rights against Government tyranny then when the real men show up with guns, tanks and well trained military the cowards back down like always.

Forget all this nonsense about standing up against your Government, you will be labeled a terrorist and shot on sight. You cannot fight this system now its too big and too powerful, we need it to go financially broke first and when they all go home because they aren't getting paid then maybe perhaps then you exersize your rights a citizen. Until then you will be nothing but cannon fodder.

The US government has known this since the end of the civil war.
The North knew that in order to keep control of the nation it needed a mega industrial and militarized nation. Or else they would get trampled over by their own people, or another civil war would break out.
And that mind set was the reason why the north simply out matched the south in every way.
It's nothing new, just that in today's world it's a lot more known because of the internet and the way society is going right now.
edit on 3-1-2016 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2016 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: mazzroth
I've seen this movie before, there will be talk of the 2nd amendment and standing up for rights against Government tyranny then when the real men show up with guns, tanks and well trained military the cowards back down like always.

Forget all this nonsense about standing up against your Government, you will be labeled a terrorist and shot on sight. You cannot fight this system now its too big and too powerful, we need it to go financially broke first and when they all go home because they aren't getting paid then maybe perhaps then you exersize your rights a citizen. Until then you will be nothing but cannon fodder.

They didnt back down last time though.the BLM did. Also Alot of soldiers in th emilitary if they see their government outright slaughter them THAT would be perfect and start a expulsion of federal workers by force by th e majority of the military who actually uphold their oaths.

Ye s please government slaughter them so we can get this party started.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Good thing they are white people or they would be dead by now. But then, black people would not be heroes like this scum.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: mazzroth

these clowns are a bunch of gun loving idiots trying to make a buck! Bundy is just trying to not pay rent, the Ritzheimer clown did an anti muslim rally here in phoenix,had to go into hiding after the "muslims" threatened his family. The guys in oregon commited arson,poaching,not once,but twice.Where did the 2nd amendment allow for that?
15 members of Y'all Quida hanging out in the forest in 1 old rusty Ford pickup,eating a can of beans...All dreaming of Red Dawn. I hope there is no confrontation,but if there is one,these jerks are great targets.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 10:57 AM
So I was reading this a bit earlier and thought it was funny.

Oregon Militants Vow To 'Kill Or Be Killed If Necessary,' But FBI Isn't Biting

The FBI is working closely with state police, and FBI officials are busy establishing a public information office in Burns. But due to a number of factors -- the crisis is unfolding in a remote part of Oregon; it doesn't appear to be a life-or-death situation; and there are no hostages involved -- law enforcement officials want to avoid unnecessarily escalating the standoff, the source said. The FBI instead hopes to get a better handle on the situation over the next few days.

The FBI will not be releasing specific information about law enforcement movements, but it is working with local law enforcement agencies to “bring a peaceful resolution to the situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge," officials from the bureau said in a statement.

But apparently these idiots can't imagine that the FBI would actually LEARN from its past mistakes and instead insist another Waco is about to go down.

But near the facility, people aren't convinced. Jon Ritzheimer, a militiaman who has organized anti-Muslim rallies, said in a video that he parked outside the refuge's gate “armed with the Constitution and a camera” so he could document the situation if the feds "try and come in here fully armed and create another Ruby Ridge or Waco event.”

In the parking lot, Pete Santilli, a radio talk show host from Ohio, said he hoped for an open line of communication with law enforcement. But he said that so far, none had materialized. "We know based on history that the federal government will try to take control, and they will try to bring force upon these people," he said. "They will literally kill these people that are here, in order to make their message."

These idiots are just looking for attention and I'm glad the FBI isn't giving it to them.
edit on 4-1-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 01:48 PM
Why would you choose a freezing area with #load of Snow to stage something like this...

I am all for minimal government but I agree with many others here that this is a waste of time and just attention grabbers.

Considering that the Government heavily subsidizes the rancher industry, I am really speechless how these people who enjoyed all the benefits and were one of the biggest money takers from the Government are all anti-government suddenly.

Anyhow, the Government does very questionable things but this situation is more like biting the hand that feeds you.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: yuppa

Good thing they are white people or they would be dead by now. But then, black people would not be heroes like this scum.

Quoting for truth.

Now if they were OWS, would the supporters of the criminal Bundy be for or against? I'm going to say against based on all the condemnation of OWS in the past.


posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 03:45 PM
I find it interesting that the Paiute Indians consider this to be their land. Part of a 700+ acre land trust.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: MOMof3

Got a link to prove this?

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Prove what? Common sense and reality? I know they call the national guard and tanks out on protesters without guns.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: MOMof3

Sorry, Waco comes to mind with 'white folk'...or Ruby Ridge. Baltimore let it's city burn and store fronts destroyed for a junkie while the black mayor stood by and did nothing. Start making this about race and it goes in another direction.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

I don't remember Waco being government property. I do remember seeing tanks directed at protesters at Ferguson who were on the streets and unarmed.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:20 PM
The race thing is just about the double standard

Does anyone think that if black men took over a government building by force with guns they would let them get away with this like they let the white militias get away with their protests?

They ’d be killed if they were black: The racial double standard at the heart of the new Bundy family standoff

Armed white men seize a federal building. The government stands down carefully. But a 12-year-old with a toy gun?

A black 12-year-old boy who was guilty of the “crime” of playing with a toy gun in an “open carry” state was summarily executed by local police.

African-American protesters in Ferguson were met with lethal rounds from police, faced down by snipers, were bludgeoned with nightsticks, shot with rubber and wooden bullets, spied upon by drones, and shown the full range of power that is capable of being summoned by America’s hyper-militarized police forces. The protesters in Ferguson were also confronted by the National Guard—a step that the governor of Oregon has so far not taken in order to neutralize the estimated 150 armed white men who are making terrorist threats and engaging in armed insurrection in his state.Text

If Muslims took up arms, occupied a federal building, recorded martyrdom videos, and threatened to kill police and other authorities, they would be called “terrorists.”Likewise, black Americans would be called “thugs,” “militants” or “anti-police.”

A black 12-year-old boy who was guilty of the “crime” of playing with a toy gun in an “open carry” state was summarily executed by local police.

edit on 4-1-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:28 PM

“These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers,” Ward said in a statement Sunday. “When in reality these men had alternative motives, to attempt to overthrow the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States.”

Several of the men occupying a federal wildlife preserve in Oregon have even recorded “goodbye” videos to their relatives in anticipation of being killed in battle with the United States government. Others have threatened to use deadly force if local police or other government forces attempt to remove the protesters from the land and building they have occupied.

Imagine the mass hysteria if they were Muslims or even Black

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:32 PM

[Oregon is a perfect place for such a gesture, as it was admitted to the Union in 1859 with a constitution that explicitly banned blacks from the state. Black Americans were barred from moving to Oregon until 1926. The Ku Klux Klan and other white terrorist organizations used violence and other forms of intimidation in their (failed) efforts to prevent black Americans from settling in the area. At present, white nationalist organizations continue to claim the area as a foothold and primary base of operations.]

White privilege has many components. One of its most powerful aspects is the ability to twist reality, and by doing so, free white folks from personal responsibility (as well as group accountability) for their actions. There are many examples of this phenomenon in the United States. White men who commit mass shootings are “mentally ill” and not “terrorists.” Heavily armed white cops who kill unarmed and defenseless black people were acting “in reasonable fear of their lives.” White conservatives who gather by the dozens and hundreds and then point loaded guns at federal authorities are described by the right-wing news entertainment media as “patriots.”

In America what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander

Until that is seen and understood and accepted by the mass of America...until the blinders are removed

Our country will never be whole

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Willtell

WEll they are not raping or beheading, shooting innocents or.anyone, nor are they planning to destroy businesses and usurp the community and endanger drivers and traffic whats your point? what difference does color make except to the NWO Agenda?

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:40 PM
Isn't it Ironic that the Hammonds don't support the "milita" that took over the govt. buildings in their name?

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Whoaaa there little doggie, you tell all the hard working whites 99% of them...and their children just how privilege works for them because obviously NOONE I know got that memo, including me and my awesome kids who have gotten nothing but the shaft simply because they are white and not considered a minority. BS!

Do you realize how painful it is for a hard working parent to watch as their children are passed over for scholarships even though they deserve them far more upon their good citizenship, morals and academic qualities to the 1% (remember the 1%?) of whites? Not only the 1% but also for the foreign students, the supposed and at one time minorities?

If the country wants to just round us all up for our color and hang us by the tallest tree, then I wouldn't doubt it with the way people are falling for the NWO and their demonization of ordinary whites today. Shame on this country because of all countries on the planet they know what it is to be singled out for their color and treated as a whole based on the behavior of their least of individuals. Seems in the 300 years we have been a country there has always had to be one race singled out and terrorized.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: antar

We don’t know what their capable of doing going in a federal institution with guns.

And in-fact there has been mucho murders by white radicals.

Oklahoma, abortion doctors have been killed, clinic have been bombed. McVeigh killed kids in his caper, a day care clinic was amongst his victims.

The Atlanta Olympics were bombed in 1996 killing some people

So the history of these radicals has been very violent.

And when the coddle them and not others what do you think that looks like?

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