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Black lives matter movement = Domestic Terrorism

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posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Its not my problem that you cant recognize a violent culture for what it is. Imo, youre part of the problem by not recognizing it, rather continually embracing the nonsense instead of denying it, giving it no more room to breathe. That culture is THE problem, brush it off all you want, that wont make it go away.

edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Its not my problem that you cant recognize a violent culture for what it is. Imo, youre part of the problem by not recognizing it, rather continually embracing the nonsense rather than denying it. That culture is THE problem, brush it off all you want, that wont make it go away.

Let me ask it another way: why do you think this culture exists?

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Just a note, you mentioned admiration for forensic stamina recently ... I can only say:


posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Because its galmourized every single day, its politicized as well daily. It shouldnt be cool for kids to want to be thugs but it is! Ive been poor all my life, everyone i know is, but they arent thugs so it isnt a poverty thing. Just turn on your tv sometime and watch how glamorized it is. These kids dont even want to learn proper english cause it may make them too 'white'. Its a mess, it really is.

edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot

Personally I think it is becaue of two things:

1. Many blacks thought when Obama wa elected that because he was black himself that their lives would miraculously improve. Fast forward 7 years later and the reality for most of America including blacks their lives are worse.

2. I think there is a systematic issue with blacks where the govt appears to be on their side but in reality they are actually more dependant on the govt. Look at welfare, the labor participation rate, food stamps, and black unemployment (especially young black men 25% plus)

Idle hands are the devils tool as they say.

IMO the biggest issue affecting black people is due to our current administrations agenda. Importing millions of illegals that take jobs away from the lower class including blacks. (less opportunity) creating dependency for govt programs which lowers the need and drive to get educated and make something of ones self. I could go on and on about other instances.

We all have "free will" to do our become whatever we want to be. I agree it is harder for some then others but it is possible.

Im not even going to get into the issue's black people have with the erosion of their family units but that plays a role as well. When yound men have no male role models and their peers (many of which are not positive) become the role models the wrong lessons are taught!

Systemically there are changes as well. 30 years ago if a kid was bad he got a ass whipping. Now DHS is called and the parent is thrown in jail.

This PC culture is breeding a bunch of whiny kids that have no respect for authority and it is playing out in the streets of America today!

Seriously Trayvon, Mike Brown, Rice, McDonald. What where these guys doing when they met their demise?

Trayvon was beating a guys head into cement.

Brown was rushing a cop he already assualted,

Rice had a gun in his hand

McDonald had a knife, was running, and when confronted took out his knife and didnt listen to commands.

Bottomline is they all where chesting up to authority and they paid the price. (all that being said in the case of Rice and McDonald I believe the Cops could and should have handled thing differently)

Thank you - for putting some thought into it. You seem to be very concerned with authority - and the disrespecting of it

...unemployment (especially young black men 25% plus

A good point

Lastly when you see black kids in college who are there to get an education they should be motivated to get a education so they can better themselves. Instead they go around listing demands, dictating who should teach and what should be taught. You would think they would be glad they made it and their chance to become educated is ripe for the taking. Instead they go around disrupting.

So, you're saying they should have never brought up any racial issues at a school (or schools) that honor a man and system that believed they were inferior and instead they should just be good - and grateful?

Do you think it's not possible for them to be politically active and also focus on their educations?

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I'm about to kiss it all goodbye for the evening


posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:48 PM
The only way racism, homophobia, islamaphobia, or any other phobia will end, is through one interpersonal relationship at a time. No one wants to take time to talk to folks that are unlike them, and make friends anymore.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Thats probably largely my fault. Let me ask you the same question why do YOU think that culture still exists today? The white man still hasnt done enough? Should all whites give a portion of their paychecks to blacks in bad neighborhoods? More guilt perhaps, what?

This is part of WHY that culture still exists, because for thug culture to continue to thrive, it needs more programs, more handouts, more sympathy more more more. It will never be enough and we wonder why that culture is thriving.

edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Not your fault - all good things must come to an end

....and I have to make dinner


I'll get back to this tomorrow most likely

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Thats probably largely my fault. Let me ask you the same question why do YOU think that culture still exists today? The white man still hasnt done enough? Should all whites give a portion of their paychecks to blacks in bad neighborhoods? More guilt perhaps, what?

This is part of WHY that culture still exists, because for thug culture to continue to thrive, it needs more programs, more handouts, more sympathy more more more. It will never be enough and we wonder why that culture is thriving.

Government programs have destroyed the black and poor white communities. If you make 14,995 you get everything, if you make 15,000 everything is taken away. Seriously, that 5 bucks put me in a such better position. Lawmakers use no common sense in writing these laws and trap folks in poverty. The dope dealer down the block, drives a caddy and has gold teeth, momma is struggling, choose the path to the most success.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
I believe in the BLM cause, which is to finally gain equal treatment by law enforcement & judicial system. I also believe in universal healthcare; equal rights, protections & responsibilities for all members of society; the reallocation of our war budget towards domestic advancement projects; and a robust social safety net that eliminates homelessness & world hunger.

If that's your definition of a "domestic terrorist", it says more about you than it does about me.

Often the concept is understandable in a movement "equality" "liberty" Freedom ect but and I'm going to be honest here and tell you what it turns into for us "white people" and why eventually we end up loathing the movement. At first the movement seems legitimate with a focused goal and us white people feel we would like to help. The goals are defined everyone rallies for change and the problem seems to addressed and corrected or is in the process of being corrected. The next thing we see is hate towards us for the situation existing then this group proceeds to take on movements not well defined and often which seem contrived at best and these new movements are always at the expense of white people and mostly at white males "not Latinos not Chinese Americans and never ever at the expense to black Americans. What makes this worse is its under the banner of equality so when we "white people" voice our concerns over the legitimacy of said movement new direction we are called racist. Its a practice in futility because some new not clearly defined injustice will take its place and pointed in our direction as "The white mans fault". The BLM movement screwed themselves when they got involved with

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Ok, so you think poverty is the reason. I disagree, even though you had some flashy links, but for arguments sake lets say youre right. Do you beleive povety is a pass for an entire culture to rise up supporting voilence and thuggery?

Will you tell me with a straight face that murder is a-ok because the person who commited the crime was poor? I think youre giving an excuse for a violent culture to exist.

Even if poverty caused it to start, we live in a day and age where minorities are under law, no longer discriminated agaist, not to mention, again, the many programs and grants etc to help them succeed.

no more excuses, thats the last thing they need..

edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Ok, so you think poverty is the reason. I disagree, even though you had some flashy links, but for arguments sake lets say youre right. Do you beleive povety is a pass for an entire culture to rise up supporting voilence and thuggery?

Will you tell me with a straight face that murder is a-ok because the person who commited the crime was poor? I think youre giving an excuse for a violent culture to exist.

Even if poverty caused it to start, we live in a day and age where minorities are under law, no longer discriminated agaist, not to mention, again, the many programs and grants etc to help them succeed.

no more excuses, thats the last thing they need..

lol @ flashy links

It's called information...

Asking me whether or not I condone murder is a backwards way of admitting you don't actually want to understand why this is happening - you just want to say wrong is wrong and feel good about being better

If we can't figure out why something is happening - we can't fix it

But have it your way - put them in prison and let's be done with it

The truth is probably closer to this: people will come up with all kinds of moralizing when they don't want to look at the facts, or as some might say - flashy links

edit on 11/28/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: seemed important...

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

I even gave you the benefit of the doubt with your 'facts' and you still dodged the question. I get you think poverty is the root cause. So what's your solution? Hand them some money, pass a white guilt law, what?
edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot
Is it a viable threat? Many people have called for the death to police, there has to be more than just people saying death to this or that group. There has to be actions behind it. And the way the country happens to be, if cops were to be killed, and it was traced back to BLM, then the government would move and start shutting them down.

The last thing that the local and federal government would want to do, and we should allow for such, would be to violate a persons right to protest and speak. If said speech inspires to violence, then yes it should be shut down, but until that time, just let them vent.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

I get you think poverty is the root cause. So what's your solution? Hand them some money, pass a white guilt law, what?

From your earlier post:

Even if poverty caused it to start, we live in a day and age where minorities are under law, no longer discriminated agaist, not to mention, again, the many programs and grants etc to help them succeed.

People believe that the problem of discrimination has been dealt with - this is the problem. The playing field is not even

This thread is not about solving the problem of poverty - which isn't something that can be solved. We seem to keep coming back to why the Black Lives Matter movement is not a valid movement. There's this idea that after all that's been done in this country that the problem of inequality has been fixed. That there is no profiling. Crime statistics (for some) prove somehow - magically - that black people are essentially bad people. This is your argument

Here you are asking me - again - what more can whitey do? We're done. It's on them now

Honestly? It becomes clear past a certain point that there is no answer that you will accept that doesn't involve thug culture, moral inferiority and incarceration

This is exactly why BLM exists:

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here's why:

Read the article - I'm reasonably certain it won't make any difference to you, but hey - we already knew that this would just go round and round...

edit on 11/28/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

If you didnt want to discuss this in depth for fear of going off topic then theres no reason to engage in it in the first place. You asked. I told.

Told you this would be circular.

Eta- i saw your edit, ill read your huff post article (lol) but i think were done here. Btw i never once mentioned incarceration as a solution, you may be addressing the other guy i dunno.

edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 07:50 PM
Double post
edit on 28-11-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

If you didnt want to discuss this in depth for fear of going off topic then theres no reason to engage in it in the first place. You asked. I told.

I was up for the discussion

From a previous post:

Ok, so you think poverty is the reason. I disagree, even though you had some flashy links, but for arguments sake lets say youre right. Do you beleive povety is a pass for an entire culture to rise up supporting voilence and thuggery?

You disagree. You then go on to say that the entire culture - meaning black culture - supports violence and thuggery

Then this:

Eta- i saw your edit, ill read your huff post article (lol) but i think were done here.

It was you that never engaged - you had no intention of discussing this

I can guess why

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