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Satanic Temple chapters offer Muslim communities help against ‘right wing xenophobia’

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posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 11:34 PM
Honestly, I'm not aware of any real anti-Muslim business going on. At least where I live.

I mean, do I want refugees from Syria brought here? No, but it's not bc they're Muslim. It's because there's plenty of ppl here ALREADY who are CITIZENS that need help. And that's BS.

I think the anti-Muslim/xenophobia nonsense has been cooked up by the media this past week or so.

I'm definitely anti-terrorist though, as are most ppl. This Satanist BS an entirely different set of circumstances. Guess they're looking for some attention?

posted on Nov, 20 2015 @ 11:35 PM
Satanism is muslim! satanists worship saturn (black and yellow) muslims pilgrimage to mecca and walk around a giant black cube
if you look down over the top of mecca the pilgrims walking around the cube kinda resemble the clouds circleing what looks like a cube formation on the northen tip of saturn

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: bolloxlikemelons
Satanism is muslim! satanists worship saturn (black and yellow) muslims pilgrimage to mecca and walk around a giant black cube
if you look down over the top of mecca the pilgrims walking around the cube kinda resemble the clouds circleing what looks like a cube formation on the northen tip of saturn

Muslims worship Allah, which derived from the same name(s) of God used in the Bible "El" and "Elah" which, in turn, points to the Canaanite/Semitic roots of the religion. (El,Elah, Etc.)

The hurricane at Saturn's "north pole" is actually hexagonal in shape. Cassini Catches an Awesome Glimpse of Saturn's North Pole

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: lucifershiningone
a reply to: Klassified

He brags because it has been the only highlight of his life.

I don't even believe that.

He's been banned 4 times in one month, always an anagram of Jmilo...

The mods know who it is.

The guy is clearly overcompensating for a lack of self worth.
edit on 21-11-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: Spelling.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: bolloxlikemelons
Satanism is muslim! satanists worship saturn (black and yellow) muslims pilgrimage to mecca and walk around a giant black cube
if you look down over the top of mecca the pilgrims walking around the cube kinda resemble the clouds circleing what looks like a cube formation on the northen tip of saturn

Muslims worship Allah, which derived from the same name(s) of God used in the Bible "El" and "Elah" which, in turn, points to the Canaanite/Semitic roots of the religion. (El,Elah, Etc.)

The hurricane at Saturn's "north pole" is actually hexagonal in shape. Cassini Catches an Awesome Glimpse of Saturn's North Pole

Sound's right as it make's sense but is actually wrong if you mean it is based on the god of the old testament as it began as a heathen god

The hebrew name is Yahweh, not El though they took up the word as it means God as in our God is the Real god, Baal is another that was an idol BAAL note the similarity's there and there were a lot of Mesopotamian and Semitic (which is the whole of the arabian peninsular not just the Jew's) deities that ended or began in Al which the names in Hebrew beginning in El meaning God Of such as El Elion - God Most High or El Shadai etc.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

You need to do a bit more research. Here's a more scholarly summarion.

It seems almost certain that the God of the Jews evolved gradually from the Canaanite El, who was in all likelihood the 'God of Abraham'... If El was the high God of Abraham—Elohim, the prototype of Yahveh—Asherah was his wife, and there are archaeological indications that she was perceived as such before she was in effect 'divorced' in the context of emerging Judaism of the 7th century BCE.

The Oxford Companion to World Mythology

The name El (and it's variants) came first. I provided basic links from the Wiki aggregator which provide other sources that were not Christian
apologist sites.

The worship of El was so widespread as the main Canannite deity that his name became universalized as "God" (and also as "King and Lord").

The "god" that Abraham talked to was El.

The Name YHVH is not "Yahweh" (the common interpretation) anymore than it is "Jehovah" or "Yahwooh".

As far as Allah goes ... Brittanica - "Allah"

Allah, Arabic Allāh (“God”), the one and only God in Islam. Etymologically, the name Allah is probably a contraction of the Arabic al-Ilāh, “the God.” The name’s origin can be traced back to the earliest Semitic writings in which the word for “god” was il or el, the latter being used in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Allāh is the standard Arabic word for God and is used by Arab Christians as well as by Muslims.

edit on 21-11-2015 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Actually I would point out that those are work's mostly complied by secular scholars, Brittanica especially which is far from the all seeing eye some seem to think it is and I would also note the use of the word World Mythology by the Oxford publisher's, you do know that reference material can often be totally wrong and of course the deep seated intent of such a title is to call all these religions mythos were in fact that is merely the one point of view of a group of secular scholars taking most of there source material from later and often erroneous sources which in turn were based on opinion or the material available at the time of there own publication, often stemming from a long seated attack on the religion in western Europe by scholars whom saw themselves as the heirs of the so called age of enlightenment/reason.

I could point out for example that in Christianity the long term adoration of the virgin Mary (Miriam) is rooted back right to the beginning of the church itself but was dropped by the protestant faith merely because they shed all non written religious cannon even though that religious cannon like I point out was neither exclusively catholic nor was it in any way against the faith in the written work but nevertheless the protestant age gave birth to this age of reason.

In the west the catholic church has been battered since the break up of the empire but in the orthodox churches it remained also relevant to adore and I say adore as a human intercessor not worship the virgin Mary.

All well and good you may point out and you may then say they were all bound by the conclave of Nicenea but that is actually not the case, the Aremaic Catachysm based oldest and perhaps truly the original church the Asyriac Orthodox church which can trace it's root's back to both the first century followers of Christ and also to followers of John the Baptist (still a separate religion in that part of the world but very much endangered by the secular violence that is tearing Iraq and Syria apart) as well as the Ethiopian Orthodox and the now absorbed Asiatic church's also held to that belief in the virgin Mary (Miriam).

Now to put my point in context for you, the Secular scholars call the Age of Enlightenment the AGE OF REASON for one simply purpose as they believe that all religion is bunk and superstition and this of course has flavoured there approach to how deeply they would be researching any given religious matter and of course anyway non of these scholars ever had access to the Vatican archives or even any intact copy's of the Codex Synaticus, or the Nag Hamadi scroll's never mind the secrets of the Asyriac Orthodox church, indeed they are merely positing there own populist secular theory's as actual fact and there assertion's can easily be poked full of holes by any cursory glance by anyone with even a small amount of historical religious laymans knowledge.

I encourage you to watch the video's before you come at me with critique or quoting source material that is actually probably wrong.

Indeed Theodore Shoebat has researched this matter far more thoroughly than the scholars behind the assertion in the above linked text's whose authors actually worked from standardised information without performing the research that he and other's have actually made into the matter, in other word's they simply re-quoted what other's had said before themselves both in earlier editions of those referenced texts (which it may simply be a case of re-quoting) and in the source material that these original quote's/text's were INSPIRED by.

Take Muhammed for a moment, what do you know of his early life.

He was what in todays vernacular we term a salesman.

He worked for what we would call an import export business and became highly proficient at his job, when the owner died he married the widow, he was very young and she was in her mid fifty's but this was how he took over the business, he had worked for her then he took over but it seems much of his need to dominate woman in part stemmed from this period of his life, later he was exiled from mecca but in his time as a salesman in the incence trade city of mecca which had it's own pagan god's whose idols' were placed in the temple called today the Kaaba and which was not built by Abraham as his religion claims today but was actually a pagan temple.

During his time he became somewhat of an expert in the customs and religious practices of those whom traded with him, it was good business to know the way's of his customers and he also became adept at twisting them to his will in order to gain a sail and make a profit so his expertise was not in question and of course these customers included those whom shared his own native pagan belief, Christians, Mandeans, Jew's, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians and many others all of whose customs he became proficient in and knowledgeable about.

When he claimed that he received his message he never received it from the holy spirit, this is at odd's with all biblical old testament and new testament prophets and actually set's him as not a prophet at all in both the Jewish belief and the Christian Belief, instead he claimed that the Angel Gabriel spoke to him, all his claims of communication were via this spirit not with God himself but Gabriel, except of course it was not Gabriel was it.

His last wife was six years of age and he was in his fifty's.

When he reentered mecca he killed two men personally, many others in his time raiding caravans and murdering woman such as Um Kirfa - a once powerful chiefteness of the Kufiri tribe whom was a peace maker and had over 50 tribal chieften swords gifted to her as thanks and sign of alliance by the leaders of other tribes, muhammed sneaked into her camp with his followers, they buried themselves just under the sand in the day and crawled on there belly's like snakes in the night.

While he feasted Um Kirfa was raped then tied to cammels by his men, after she had been pulled apart her head was brought in to him as a trophy and he gave her young daughter to his uncle as a plaything.

Muhammed told his followers they must live by the spear.

Christ said he that lives by the sword shall die by the sword, he has a spear, the spear of destiny and hitler never had it as it is his, it has his blood on it and in Christian eye's is the tool that unleashed salvation in the form of his blood at the sacrifice of the crucifixion, something the Islamic faith denies even happened.

edit on 21-11-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Facts are facts.

I will choose the compiled works of centuries of scholars who have actually studied the original languages, sources, archaeological evidence etc. over Christian apologists justifying their religious beliefs every day of the week.

Your mileage may vary.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:51 PM

edit on 21-11-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Satan is a literary character.

Maybe you need to take a break? You seem upset.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I do need a break, If that is truly your belief than I wish you well but hope you never encounter what I have in my life, reality is not as fixed as some think.

I have deleted my post, you have read it and may arrive at your own opinion, maybe I have dropped off the edge of sanity but everything I told you was correct and true.

I think you can understand though that Devil is not held in high esteem by myself and never shall be, literary or real not withstanding, I am actually sorry for losing my cool but that does not make me an apologist it is just my nature and always has been, for me the devil is a thief and he has stolen from me, I am not a good enough Christian to turn the other cheek and it being the devil I don't have too anyway so yes that really did happen about 1994 though I don't doubt you have either not had a paranormal experience or else do not believe they could be real.

I would not wish it on anyone so I would regard that as a blessing as in my belief you shall find out in your own time and it is better that it happen in the natural course of your existence.

Remember this Sanity is merely a state of shared reality, what if that reality is a lie and someone stood outside it looking in but was also within it, how would there behaviour be perceived by the insane majority whom believed they were sane.

edit on 21-11-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:30 PM
Fallen angels...lots of those around.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Christian apologetics

"What is Christian apologetics?"

You seem to be operating off of a different understanding of the term than Gryphon is. I posted two links above in hopes that it can clear up some confusion.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

...whether actual or merely perceived.

Apologist...another word that people who don't understand words toss around in a way that has morphed it into an insult.

Strange times.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 09:19 PM
TST has sort of rescinded the offer to act as vigilante "muscle" for Muslims ... which I actually think is probably right in the long run. Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves the Founder of TST was recently interviewed in Esquire ...

"The sentiment came from a sincere place of empathetic compassion," Mesner said. "They [the Minneapolis chapter] were concerned about the wellbeing of people in their community." Mesner comes across as a calm and thoughtful guy. He considers himself a left-leaning Libertarian. "We want to stand by any demonized out-group and use our resources to help. If Muslim Americans, who aren't certainly invested in any violent behavior, are being treated poorly, we have nothing but empathy and support for them."

And while the members of that chapter meant every word of that post, Mesner has since couched the offer because, well, he said his organization should leave policing to the police. "I just don't want to be offering a service that we can't follow through on," he said.

Esquire Magazine -

"Unfortunately, lack of nuance and the prospect of a one-solution cure to all of the world's ills are all too popular with a significant portion of the American voting public," Mesner noted. "Clearly, 'Muslim' is not synonymous with 'terrorist.' We can disagree with one another, we can even mock each other's beliefs, but hopefully we can ultimately engage in a productive dialogue that addresses our differences. Preemptive violence, restrictions, or prejudice based on irrational assumptions is every bit of the problem and never a solution." And there you have it, straight from the Satanist's mouth.

Sentiments like that, along with their Tenets, as well as putting action to words, prompted me to become a soon-to-be card carrying member of the TST.

posted on Nov, 22 2015 @ 02:24 AM
Satanism's PR team has been killin it lately...

posted on Nov, 22 2015 @ 06:30 AM
Would they escort a non Muslim that had reason to fear for their safety?

Like someone who lives in a bad neighborhood infested with gang violence? Or a woman who has been raped before and is still having trouble dealing with the trauma and is worried about going out alone at night? Or someone who is afraid of being harassed by the police? Or a non Muslim who has been attacked by a Muslim in the past and is afraid of going into an area with a lot of muslims? Or a person like Billy Bob Thornton who is petrified of antique furniture and they have to walk past an antique store on their way to and from work?

Or do they, in their offered service, discriminate against nonmuslims? Wouldn't that be illegal? Like a bakery that refuses to serve non hetrosexuals?

I guess you could just say you are a Muslim and they would have no way to prove you wrong. "I just converted two minutes ago." Then after they have provided their service... "I just now decided that the Muslim faith is not for me, but who knows, I could change my mind again tomorrow. Say... around 2:30pm, a half hour before I plan to go grocery shopping? See you then!"

posted on Nov, 22 2015 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: bolloxlikemelons
Satanism is muslim! satanists worship saturn (black and yellow) muslims pilgrimage to mecca and walk around a giant black cube
if you look down over the top of mecca the pilgrims walking around the cube kinda resemble the clouds circleing what looks like a cube formation on the northen tip of saturn

Muslims worship Allah, which derived from the same name(s) of God used in the Bible "El" and "Elah" which, in turn, points to the Canaanite/Semitic roots of the religion. (El,Elah, Etc.)

The hurricane at Saturn's "north pole" is actually hexagonal in shape. Cassini Catches an Awesome Glimpse of Saturn's North Pole

I think what he/she means is that a hexagon can be seen as a 3d representation of a cube, in 2d, if the cube were tilted, with one corner pointed directly at the viewer, and the opposite corner pointed directly away from the viewer, the outline would be a hexagon.

Not that I think muslims worship satan/Saturn or whatever.

posted on Nov, 22 2015 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Umm. Hmm.

Alternate scenario: Perhaps folks say what they mean.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 01:01 AM
Look you pseudochristians, you failed, hardly! It's the same scheme, the #ing same over the time, the scheme of losers: Failing, blaming others. Spreading hate, bombing other countries, now they revenge, blaming muslims, you are a stupid sucker, can't get work in your own country, blaming the foreigners, always the same scheme. Now if you pretend to be christians, then follow your damn rules in your bible and nobody will revenge or hate you. 90 % of the commentary here gives me some headache, stop being jealous about the satanists. You know what: they know that you pseudochristians failed, you racist ignorants, this is your price.
edit on 23-11-2015 by Gogvonmagog because: (no reason given)

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