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Missing Time and Missing Memory, can we blame A.I. yet?

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posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 06:58 PM
actually, it was back in 2009 when this was first floated here on ATS
maybe I'm being paranoid, but sometimes when I edit my own post
the entire thread can be wiped out... why does this keep happening?

Okay, I know, it just be being paranoid... but both times it happen
when I was adding info about the individual: JS who is referenced
in this video: 763&v=SrCEq7S4se0

Here is transcript of the most interesting part of this video:

2:07automatically to jump into the rabbit hole for a second I'll give you an
12:12on what this leaker explain and what happened during his experience with
12:16Project Camelot
12:17they're sitting around campfire he's trying to talk about this extremely
12:21classified technology
12:23and the all-star instantly falling asleep he starts going on
12:26into a certain topic and everyone just starts falling asleep
12:30and then can't remember what they were talking about
12:33when they come to you this happened a few different times um
12:37the individual

Why does this get cut off here?

edit on 29-9-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/30/2015 by semperfortis because: Corrected ALL CAPS

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: wasaka

It is like the A.I. system doesn't like the next word, but here it is:


posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:04 PM
Should I even bother to try and make sense of this? Project Camelot is garbage, I wouldn't trust anyone associated with it.

If you're having memory issues look at your diet and lifestyle.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:05 PM
It is like the A.I. system doesn't like those two words,
Moving forward, I use "JS" for MISTER persona non grata

originally posted by: wasaka
a reply to: wasaka

12:27 ("JS") [edit]
12:29said this was being done by the artificial
12:41intelligence system to thwart
12:43his ability to (no being) to be able to share
12:46further detail so intentionally had to change subjects Araceli
12:50and for him to get the message across he had to you actually out
12:54think the AI that was trying to impede his ability to deliver the message

Two Words:

Radio Waves

>> "How The National Security Agency (NSA) Illegally And Unconstitutionally Harasses Law-Abiding Americans Everyday. How, you ask? Quite simply, actually. It's done by EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as "Remote Neural Monitoring". Haven't you ever wondered about that ringing in your left ear? Well, here are the reason(s). And just why should the NSA do this, you ask? To silence any who who dare to speak out against them or any other agency, or the Government or simply to think for themselves, and "outside the box", if you will. "

So the tin hat guys had it right all along?

Please tell me, "IT'S NOT TRUE"

And I just need to adjust my diet.

edit on 29-9-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I just ask you to consider the possiblity
that in the future, the National Security
Computer becomes an Artificial Intelligence
that can reach out and touch people.

Not like the Hollywood movie, but
actually uses radio waves to cause
people to fall asleep or forget...

...and even is used to read their mind.


- perhaps it is the one we find ourselves in right now.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:36 PM
>> What good is the mind to the soul? Like a game without a goal.
> Oh man, that is so depressing. Slow it down.
> You know we have to create our own game-goals sometimes.
> They are not always provided to us, or we might reject the ones
> we are assigned, which is okay. More freedom to create our own, yes?
> But we must do so, otherwise we stay in a steady state of floundering.
> Now THAT is a waste of time.

Yes, it is as you said.

"..we need to create our own game-goals sometimes"

We can reject the one we are assigned.

That is freedom, autonomy, and authority all rapped up in LIBERTY.

Yes, I am about about it. First, see the False Authority
for what it is. Second, rather than fight it directly and
risk immediately loss, learn the tech of asymmetrical
warfare. Attack the enemy as its weakest point. If
you enemy is the AI "mind print" speak in metaphor.

Reject the games-goals assigned, create new one
that are your own, that you can OWN.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: wasaka

There's a guy in another thread trying to convince me that psychotronic weapons are being directed at key individuals causing them to develop schizophrenia.

I think the easy clue this isn't happening is all the people who are healthy that are whistleblowers, and dissidents.

I don't think the tech exists and is in use in 2015, but I do think a lot of tinkering is going on. It'll take some time to perfect these wacky techs. Maybe another decade or two, or longer, I don't know.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: wasaka
actually, it was back in 2009 when this was first floated here on ATS
maybe I'm being paranoid, but sometimes when I edit my own post
the entire thread can be wiped out... why does this keep happening?

Okay, I know, it just be being paranoid... but both times it happen
when I was adding info about the individual: JS who is referenced
in this video: 763&v=SrCEq7S4se0

Here is transcript of the most interesting part of this video:

2:07automatically to jump into the rabbit hole for a second I'll give you an
12:12on what this leaker explain and what happened during his experience with
12:16Project Camelot
12:17they're sitting around campfire he's trying to talk about this extremely
12:21classified technology
12:23and the all-star instantly falling asleep he starts going on
12:26into a certain topic and everyone just starts falling asleep
12:30and then can't remember what they were talking about
12:33when they come to you this happened a few different times um
12:37the individual

Why does this get cut off here?

As someone who worked in AI and got sued by AOL because of an AI project I had done a long time ago, even though mine was primitive it was adaptive and learned from it's conversations.

I still follow AI and I think we're a LONG ways yet from having to worry about it.. I do think if we survive long enough and we keep pushing the limits of computing power and our experience with AI, we certainly face risks... but that's not as near as most people would like to think.. not by a long shot..

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: wasaka

I like it.

So what you're suggesting is the NSA could develop a system that becomes so intelligent, it could actually leverage future versions of itself in the here and now to refine it's own direction and manipulation of public information and in the process make itself more impervious to threats and vulnerabilities?

I mean. Let's say they invent warp theory and (god forbid) time travel in the future, in addition to mind altering and manipulation capabilities technologies...

So you think it's possible that a supercomputer now might develop a way to interact with it's future versions (and past versions) to exchange technology and information on a real time basis?

Thus treating all time itself as occurring simultaneously?


Makes me wonder if the Terminator and Matrix movies were actual movies, or messages sent in time.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: bgregory
a reply to: wasaka

I like it.

So what you're suggesting is the NSA could develop a system that becomes so intelligent, it could actually leverage future versions of itself in the here and now to refine it's own direction and manipulation of public information and in the process make itself more impervious to threats and vulnerabilities?

I mean. Let's say they invent warp theory and (god forbid) time travel in the future, in addition to mind altering and manipulation capabilities technologies...

So you think it's possible that a supercomputer now might develop a way to interact with it's future versions (and past versions) to exchange technology and information on a real time basis?

Thus treating all time itself as occurring simultaneously?


Makes me wonder if the Terminator and Matrix movies were actual movies, or messages sent in time.


The "mastering the human domain" term is used in Jade HELEM
documents over and over... what does it mean? It means that
a thinking computer (a QUANTUM computer) now has been given
the total and complete Command and Control over the US Military,
and direct the action of the boots on the ground.

"mastering the human domain"

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: wasaka

No it doesn't. It means that they're using tools like psychological studies to predict how a group will act. So when a Special Forces team is hunting a group of fighters they're using techniques to try to predict where they'll go and what they'll do.

Jade Helm didn't have anything to do with a computer program. It was a randomly picked name for an exercise. That's all. The point of an operation name is to HIDE what the operational objectives are, even with trading exercises, not slap you in the face with what they're doing.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

There is technology that exists that can give people missing time and there is also technology that exists that can throw audio into a persons brain both are used by the intelligence services.
The key to sending a person potty by projecting audio into their heads thus turning them schitzo is to feed them psychotropic drugs as it weakens the minds reasoning with the audio being fed.
All mass shooters in recent history have been on psychotropic drugs and if you look at the case of the Navy yard shooter it makes some interesting reading as well as the Batman shooter.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: wasaka

No it doesn't. It means that they're using tools like psychological studies to predict how a group will act. So when a Special Forces team is hunting a group of fighters they're using techniques to try to predict where they'll go and what they'll do.

Jade Helm didn't have anything to do with a computer program. It was a randomly picked name for an exercise. That's all. The point of an operation name is to HIDE what the operational objectives are, even with trading exercises, not slap you in the face with what they're doing.

That is what I thought, until I listen to this:

This is the good part: 1h 24m 10s
Zoom with this link:

The AI will follow directives (if it "thinks" there is political will
to support XYZ action, this AI will use that XYZ force).

We know it will act impulsively based on those directives without
any human oversight.... but what does "political will" mean?

John B Wells agrees with his guest, it mean the political will
of the One World Government, ie The New World Order.

Should we be concerned?

edit on 30-9-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: southbeach
a reply to: pl3bscheese

There is technology that exists that can give people missing time and there is also technology that exists that can throw audio into a persons brain both are used by the intelligence services.
The key to sending a person potty by projecting audio into their heads thus turning them schitzo is to feed them psychotropic drugs as it weakens the minds reasoning with the audio being fed.
All mass shooters in recent history have been on psychotropic drugs and if you look at the case of the Navy yard shooter it makes some interesting reading as well as the Batman shooter.

Yes, the so-called "intelligence " services do things
like audio-spotlight for the voice of Allah in the head
of a Muslim or the Voice of Jehovah in the head of a
Christian.... IF the technology to read a persons thoughts
passively at a distance was perfected, there is no
doubt they would use it... the technology is being
worked on.... some day they will print the mind
the way we print a FAX

- BUT WHAT IF it were used by the AI ???

What if the world is being ruled by AI right now,
or a week from tomorrow... how would we know?

Post like this one would start to disappear and
people who have these thought might feel sick
or get a ringing in their ears, have a headache,
get sleepy... and fall into a dreamless SLEEP.

THOSE who are AWAKE would loose time.

If this is coming... what might one do now
to keep that future AI out of their head?
What kind of code would they learn to
use that would outsmart the A.I. GOD?

edit on 30-9-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: wasaka

It's not an AI. They have no idea what they're talking about. Again, the operation name has absolutely nothing to do with the mission. It's two random words put together from a list.

The computer program that they're repeatedly pointing out is a mission planning system. It monitors inventory of various units in theater, as well as equipment availability and allows for faster mission planning. It is not an AI, and had absolutely nothing to do with the Jade Helm exercise.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: southbeach
a reply to: pl3bscheese

There is technology that exists that can give people missing time and there is also technology that exists that can throw audio into a persons brain both are used by the intelligence services.
The key to sending a person potty by projecting audio into their heads thus turning them schitzo is to feed them psychotropic drugs as it weakens the minds reasoning with the audio being fed.
All mass shooters in recent history have been on psychotropic drugs and if you look at the case of the Navy yard shooter it makes some interesting reading as well as the Batman shooter.

The thing is, I haven't found any link between the people claiming the government is doing it to them. There doesn't seem to be anything in common between these "targeted" individuals.

These are seemingly random "normal" people. None of these people seem to have stumbled onto sensitive information, pose any threat, or exhibit any kinds of talents or skills that would render them a liability to the intelligence community.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: wasaka

It's not an AI. They have no idea what they're talking about. Again, the operation name has absolutely nothing to do with the mission. It's two random words put together from a list.

The computer program that they're repeatedly pointing out is a mission planning system. It monitors inventory of various units in theater, as well as equipment availability and allows for faster mission planning. It is not an AI, and had absolutely nothing to do with the Jade Helm exercise.

Science is about good explanations

You must be a scientist.

Nothing to see there folks, move on...

Wow! Thanks. That was what I was hoping.
Now I can go to bed and feel safe. Thanks.

What is going on inside the D-Wave 2 processor?
That question will have to wait until...

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: wasaka
What is going on inside the D-Wave 2 processor?
That question will have to wait until...

"...I understand a lot more than I apparently do."

D-Wave isn't an AI. Hell, it isn't properly a quantum computer. It's a simulated annealing processor.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: wasaka

You don't have to be a scientist to not leap from point A to point F and come up with some bizarre explanation for something to fit what you want it to.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: wasaka

The first thing AI would do is deceive us so we would never know it was in charge which is kind of funny as the way I see it the whole Planets systems of commerce and finance are based on deception.

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