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posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 04:58 PM
The basic human Fault is Aggression, which is here defined as 1/2Humanities Achilles Heel. Aggression is part of a duality with determination. As the idea now strikes me, Aggression is at one end of the spectrum, so to speak, and Fear is the other. Depending on the person and the circumstance, Sin can be replaced by Faith, where Faith is opposite to Sin. And the basic Trait is Curiosity, being the other 1/2 of humanities Achilles Heel. Curiosity is ambiguous by nature, right? What if Curiosity and Imagination together causes free will? And what if the Aggression/Fear spectrum is a direct result of Original Sin, as from it stems all sins? What if Aggression/Fear taxes the soul so much that the soul can no longer sustain the body, and that's why we surely die because of it. It's been demonstrated that maintaining positive outlooks and feelings and lifestyles does wonders for health; perhaps these things bolster the immune systems while Negative ones, i.e. doubt, weaken it and allow Viruses/demons/germs to enter the body, as you believe? Is Free Will what allowed us to choose to Sin? Sin, Or the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil weakens the spirits connection with God, and without that connection the spirit becomes corrupt and withers away. The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil forever leave it's mark(Original Sin, Aggression/Fear) upon those that eat of it, who shall not again be able to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Life until they have been Saved through the Son. The Evil was given alongside the Good. Lust and Chastity. Gluttony and Temperance. Greed and Charity. Sloth and Diligence. Wrath and Forgiveness. Envy and Kindness. Pride and Humility. Hope and Despair. Light and Dark. Just my musings. What say you, ATS? Mods, I felt this topic was more suited for this forum, but should you decide the Religion forum is more aptly suited, be my guest.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior

Yes, but no reason to get all religiousy on the issue. Religion is not an accepted universal factor. Some areas of humanity have a fairly strong grasp on the neck of aggression in the human animal (Buddhist monks). But it seems that in some cultures within societies that aspects of those cultures have a heightening attitude problem that feeds into instinctual aggression and thereby causes mayhem across the infrastructure of that otherwise fairly solid and just society.


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