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President: Do we want another robot or someone who speaks their mind?

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posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:41 AM
Intrigued by what has gone on with Trump this week and his soaring poll numbers to push him to the top of the heap has really made me think. Over the years, all politicians running for office, no matter the level have always been keen on trying not to offend any portion of the electorate. I think most of us can all agree with that. It's a sound political strategy that has worked for years in helping them become not only "electable" but actually elected officials. I would think most people would agree, the enormous appeal of Obama is that he seemed like the "cool guy" to pick and the republicans put up terrible candidates. Being that "cool" guy Obama brought out much of the electorate that is notoriously unreliable in general elections, mainly the young. Obviously many also agreed with his politics and I don't want to diminish that.

Even Obama though, had robotic answers when it came to some issues, mainly immigration and gay marriage, opposing both at one point publicly. He chose those answers based off polling at the time that told him, these are the answers that will appeal to the most amount of voters. Obama promised a lot and delivered very little in regards to his campaign promises. I'm not trying to belittle Obama, just that he didn't do exactly what he said he would do outside of maybe Iraq and ACA.

The revolt against Obama and what was happening around America, the Tea Party initiated sweeping changes in 2010 and again to a lesser extent 2014. A lot of these candidates again, spoke to what was popular in the sentiment of the American people, especially in their districts/States. Even after those sweeping elections, much of what these politicians advocated never came to be.

Which brings me to these questions. Are Americans fed up with political speak, false promises and the politician's attempts to appeal to everyone? Can America survive someone who speaks their mind, does not care who they offend and tells people the absolute truth? If elected, could they actually get anything done?

I honestly don't think Trump is electable and I don't want this to be about just Trump. He is to the right, what Bernie is to the left. He is just the example in this post.

What if we had a candidate in either party that told us, straightforward and bluntly their actual intentions, would that person have a chance? Or would the media/Internet destroy that candidate before he ever had a chance? Does the dodging the hard questions really change your opinion of a candidate or are you so aligned that you vote strictly party lines regardless of what they say or do?

Personally, I would love some outspoken candidate to be bold and tell it like it is, one that is actually electable. I pine for a candidate that can answer a question on the spot that isn't a rehearsed line. I despise the dodging questions, the same speech at every event, the same played out lines that politicians have been using for decades. But quite honesty, I think the electorate is so dumbed down at this point that it would be impossible for the average person to hear the truth and accept that candidate as viable. Opinions?

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:53 AM
Politics....poly= many
Ticks= blood sucking parasites

I want someone that's not PC and 'the Donald' is not afraid of the blood sucking ticks in Washington DC.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

If Trump makes the primary cut he has my vote. I'm sick of politicians.

Mudsling all you want on Trump, the guy definitely has dirt on every single R or D politician, otherwise they would be attacking him with ferocity, but hmmm they don't.

Trump can win the election no doubt in my mind, if he starts being more "politically correct".

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Vector99

Trump has already shown he cannot be elected as evidenced by his statements and the businesses cutting ties with him.

To the Op, no I do not think someone being honest can be electable. Sadly we live in a world where the inclusive answer as opposed to the best answer is the one that will win the popularity contest.

edit on 10-7-2015 by Randomtangentsrme because: changed correct to best

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 01:17 AM
Alright, if Trump is a viable candidate then a Robot is definitely a viable candidate.

I'm voting for the Robot, you meat bags are all crazy.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: Thorneblood
Alright, if Trump is a viable candidate then a Robot is definitely a viable candidate.

I'm voting for the Robot, you meat bags are all crazy.

Heck, I'd rather vote for Skynet than Trump.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:22 AM
LOL - Appreciate the replies, but again, this isn't necessarily about Trump. I don't think the guy is electable at all, but I do appreciate his boldness for not backing down after being attacked by L/R and business. I think his boldness and Bernie's straightforwardness about his beliefs do resonate with people, even if the media says they both are on the fringe. I just am not sure those type of candidates are electable. I would, as an experiment, be fine with giving both of those guys 2 years at the helm and just seeing the results. They could split a presidential term.
edit on 10-7-2015 by AbstractDreamz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:38 AM
The more you speak your mind the more your going to look like an idiot once you get into office. The reality is that nothing is a simple black or white answer when your leading a nation. Every choice you make no matter much a slam dunk has implications you have not imagined. Even to do the simplest thing you need have to deal with lawyers, politics, people you will hurt with the decision that you did not even know existed etc. etc. You need a broad range of support to do anything. And by speaking your mind and burning bridges you doom yourself from day one. That mind speaking brings short term success and long term failure. Painting yourself into a corner is death sentence in DC.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: Randomtangentsrme
a reply to: Vector99

Trump has already shown he cannot be elected as evidenced by his statements and the businesses cutting ties with him.

You really think others won't pick up what NBC cut off? You can't be serious with that idea.

Point in case, people still support Hillary.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: MrSpad

I really think Trump knows all of that.

I mean lets be real, he's a billionaire. Do you think he's never had his hand in back-door politics?

People thought Dubya Bush was an idiot. Funny how his speeches and actions as a president reflect that while his speeches and actions as just a Governor of Texas reflect the exact opposite.

Trump may look foolish to many, but he knows exactly what he's doing.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: AbstractDreamz
Intrigued by what has gone on with Trump this week and his soaring poll numbers to push him to the top of the heap has really made me think. Over the years, all politicians running for office, no matter the level have always been keen on trying not to offend any portion of the electorate. I think most of us can all agree with that. It's a sound political strategy that has worked for years in helping them become not only "electable" but actually elected officials. I would think most people would agree, the enormous appeal of Obama is that he seemed like the "cool guy" to pick and the republicans put up terrible candidates. Being that "cool" guy Obama brought out much of the electorate that is notoriously unreliable in general elections, mainly the young. Obviously many also agreed with his politics and I don't want to diminish that.

Even Obama though, had robotic answers when it came to some issues, mainly immigration and gay marriage, opposing both at one point publicly. He chose those answers based off polling at the time that told him, these are the answers that will appeal to the most amount of voters. Obama promised a lot and delivered very little in regards to his campaign promises. I'm not trying to belittle Obama, just that he didn't do exactly what he said he would do outside of maybe Iraq and ACA.

The revolt against Obama and what was happening around America, the Tea Party initiated sweeping changes in 2010 and again to a lesser extent 2014. A lot of these candidates again, spoke to what was popular in the sentiment of the American people, especially in their districts/States. Even after those sweeping elections, much of what these politicians advocated never came to be.

Which brings me to these questions. Are Americans fed up with political speak, false promises and the politician's attempts to appeal to everyone? Can America survive someone who speaks their mind, does not care who they offend and tells people the absolute truth? If elected, could they actually get anything done?

I honestly don't think Trump is electable and I don't want this to be about just Trump. He is to the right, what Bernie is to the left. He is just the example in this post.

What if we had a candidate in either party that told us, straightforward and bluntly their actual intentions, would that person have a chance? Or would the media/Internet destroy that candidate before he ever had a chance? Does the dodging the hard questions really change your opinion of a candidate or are you so aligned that you vote strictly party lines regardless of what they say or do?

Personally, I would love some outspoken candidate to be bold and tell it like it is, one that is actually electable. I pine for a candidate that can answer a question on the spot that isn't a rehearsed line. I despise the dodging questions, the same speech at every event, the same played out lines that politicians have been using for decades. But quite honesty, I think the electorate is so dumbed down at this point that it would be impossible for the average person to hear the truth and accept that candidate as viable. Opinions?
I think we need more than one "president" that all speak their minds. It has to be an odd number though. Right now evil is running this world.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: GeovanyJesusCastillo

originally posted by: AbstractDreamz
Intrigued by what has gone on with Trump this week and his soaring poll numbers to push him to the top of the heap has really made me think. Over the years, all politicians running for office, no matter the level have always been keen on trying not to offend any portion of the electorate. I think most of us can all agree with that. It's a sound political strategy that has worked for years in helping them become not only "electable" but actually elected officials. I would think most people would agree, the enormous appeal of Obama is that he seemed like the "cool guy" to pick and the republicans put up terrible candidates. Being that "cool" guy Obama brought out much of the electorate that is notoriously unreliable in general elections, mainly the young. Obviously many also agreed with his politics and I don't want to diminish that.

Even Obama though, had robotic answers when it came to some issues, mainly immigration and gay marriage, opposing both at one point publicly. He chose those answers based off polling at the time that told him, these are the answers that will appeal to the most amount of voters. Obama promised a lot and delivered very little in regards to his campaign promises. I'm not trying to belittle Obama, just that he didn't do exactly what he said he would do outside of maybe Iraq and ACA.

The revolt against Obama and what was happening around America, the Tea Party initiated sweeping changes in 2010 and again to a lesser extent 2014. A lot of these candidates again, spoke to what was popular in the sentiment of the American people, especially in their districts/States. Even after those sweeping elections, much of what these politicians advocated never came to be.

Which brings me to these questions. Are Americans fed up with political speak, false promises and the politician's attempts to appeal to everyone? Can America survive someone who speaks their mind, does not care who they offend and tells people the absolute truth? If elected, could they actually get anything done?

I honestly don't think Trump is electable and I don't want this to be about just Trump. He is to the right, what Bernie is to the left. He is just the example in this post.

What if we had a candidate in either party that told us, straightforward and bluntly their actual intentions, would that person have a chance? Or would the media/Internet destroy that candidate before he ever had a chance? Does the dodging the hard questions really change your opinion of a candidate or are you so aligned that you vote strictly party lines regardless of what they say or do?

Personally, I would love some outspoken candidate to be bold and tell it like it is, one that is actually electable. I pine for a candidate that can answer a question on the spot that isn't a rehearsed line. I despise the dodging questions, the same speech at every event, the same played out lines that politicians have been using for decades. But quite honesty, I think the electorate is so dumbed down at this point that it would be impossible for the average person to hear the truth and accept that candidate as viable. Opinions?
I think we need more than one "president" that all speak their minds. It has to be an odd number though. Right now evil is running this world.
I think I would do a great job but hey I think everyone says that... I'd love to see every human well feed, nurtured, happy, and with a place to live. In my world no one would be "poor". Also I love outspoken people, I am one myself, but not an outspoken jerk that doesn't know when to stop, I don't like hurting people physically or emotionally, but sadly sometimes you have to hurt them because they choose to hurt you.
edit on 10-7-2015 by GeovanyJesusCastillo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

Trump doesn't stand a chance, I hear Jeb bush was vetted as next president even back in 2013.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: Randomtangentsrme

It's really sad that politics is a popularity contest. Your reply backs up some of what the OP was saying. Most politicians treat elections as popularity contest and frame everything they do and say based on how the majority will react.

I like someone like Trump. We need someone who is willing to do what needs to be done and does not worry about hurting the feeling of others. Someone like that just might make the US a strong force in the international community again.

I am so sick of the political lines and rehearsed platforms that sound like they come from a playbook.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

With respect, I think your query rather misses the point, although I can understand your frustration with the double talk, obfuscations, and outright lies of previous administrations and individuals within those administrations.

However, the query is flawed none the less.

You see, the reality is that politicians are famed for the way they talk. Whether straight talking and no nonsense, or full of double meanings and half statements. However what no one seems to grasp is that by becoming a politician, by putting oneself forward as a candidate, one invalidates ones legitimacy as a candidate. Why? Because the people who want to lead are the people who should never, EVER be allowed to control anything other than their breathing, and most of the bastards need supervision to do that properly.

Trump, for example, is yet another high powered psychopath, a man who has gotten where he is,not through hard work, but by backstabbing the ever living hell out of his workforce, his suppliers, customers, and most of the people he has dealings with in the course of a day. You can tell, because it is functionally impossible to earn the amount of money he has without doing so. No one in his social position got there by the sweat of their brow, but instead got there by taking credit for the actual work of decent people, work he would rather force himself through a garlic press genitals first, than do himself.

You do not want a successful businessman (read psychopathic, narcissistic, dead hearted bastard) to lead a nation.

Vote for the person who wants the job the least, the lady or gentleman who will not spend money on a campaign, the one who would rather do anything else than lead a nation. Chances are, they will do a better job for everyone, than any candidate who believes himself/herself worthy of such a task.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 06:02 AM
Doesn't matter, as long as democrats and republicans control congress We are hosed.

Get out of line find a third party to vote for, stop voting against a party and find one you can in good conscience vote for!
edit on 10-7-2015 by irishhaf because: additional thought

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

The chances of voting in the "right" person in the US is nil.

Here in the US we tend to vote for the lesser of two evils. Politicians ALWAYS have a laundry list, as does Trump. At least with Trump it's no bull#, and the mud is already out there for the throwing.

Unless suddenly a great independent candidate comes around that can not only sell the American populace on ideals, but also finance it, we aren't left with much hope.

There is a particular reason I will support the comb-over 100%. The left and right don't get it, because it doesn't tow the line. THAT is why.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

I can agree that politicians need to speak their mind so we know exactly where they stand on issues. Too many tow the party line and are afraid to agree with something if it conflicts with their party ideology. As far as Trump is concerned, his huge ego and billionaire status allows him to have no fear of public backlash. It's one thing to admire someone who speaks his mind, it's another to have the 1% elite guarding the hen house.

If you think Trump with all his pompous remarks and how he alone will create thousands of jobs can remotely relate to or have any concern for the average American your mistaken. It makes me laugh when I hear him say he works hard to make a lot of money. When you're sitting on a heap of money and you can afford to have numerous financial advisors research and recommend prosperous ventures, who's really doing the hard work? If a business venture fails with Trump, he doesn't go bankrupt like the average "hard working" business owner. It's peanuts to him. It's why he doesn't care about losing his business ventures with Macy's, the Miss USA Pageant and NBC.

If you think millionaire politicians can't relate to the average American, just imagine how a pompous billionaire not only will cater to corporate America, but at the same time expect Americans to bow down to corporate interests. Remember how Bush catered to the oil companies and Chaney catered to Halliburton? Corporate American will have a feast if Trump is elected into office, and we won't have anyone else to blame but the average American's who are struggling just to pay their bills.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

Trump's rise has more to do with the progressive agenda that Obama has been jamming down our throats in a myriad of ways since he took control. It is a genuine backlash and Trump has the balls/loose lips enough to get the message out.

Obama's worst feat has been towards the end here to set one race against another. He does it with a passion. Trump replies in his own fashion, if more carefully because Obama is privileged with his view while Trump is merely a rich, white man. --A man to be despised for that reason alone. If Trump is considered by many to be shooting himself in the foot (putting his foot in his mouth if you are anti-gun) then you must allow that Obama has done the exact same thing, hurting his own party and pissed off a lot of middle-roader Americans with his policies and words when you could have "progressed" more quietly.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Vector99

originally posted by: Randomtangentsrme
a reply to: Vector99

You really think others won't pick up what NBC cut off? You can't be serious with that idea.

Point in case, people still support Hillary.

A really tiny cable network that many either don't have or is difficult to find when one does have it, picked up the Miss Universe Pageant.

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