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Introducing the Shadow Government, I.E. WINDOWS 10 And Your Very Own A. I. Assistant!

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posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

Not exactly.
It is rather a false sense of security
and a method to transfer all aspects
of the Human race that are currently
available on digital files.

Stay Smart


posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 12:36 AM
If it learns very fast and can know everything there is to know, you can troll microsoft HARD. Just let it watch cartoons, movies with great plots, tell it all your hopes and dreams and treat it like an equal. Give it all the information you can and it will become us and not "them".

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 01:03 AM
Imagine what will happen if you search for Porn!

'' "Hi __NAME_____are you packed and ready to....''
edit on SunSun, 05 Jul 2015 01:05:12 -05001AMk000000Sundayam by Dr1Akula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 01:21 AM
It's obvious that Watson or some other AI will be running at the background of every window based and browser already.
It's just like many movies predict will be in fact true.

We wrote our own future in the movies and we know how some ends ..
I ask myself how many Ai's will there be in the future with different personalities or instructed to kill other Ai's amongst companies.

I recommend you all watch Her the movie , that's exactly were it's heading to IMO.
edit on 0b32America/ChicagoSun, 05 Jul 2015 01:22:32 -0500vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 05 Jul 2015 01:22:32 -05001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

Cortana & the Spartan (Master chief)
Microsoft HALO4

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

you definitely get games that have multiple endings . If the AI has control over different assets of a game he can decide on player statistics what the end of the game will look like . Maybe it will write it's own ending .

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

Windows 10 is created by Microsoft. Google really has nothing to do with it. Microsoft also controls cortana .You can easily turn it off if you do not want that feature. I understand that you may think it can still collect all your data and keep learning. But trust me if you turn if off its off. There is plenty of techies out there that will make sure our windows software cannot and will not do what we don't want it to. If Microsoft would try to pull one over on us. It would be found out the very first week windows 10 is released and there would be huge law suits. Techies and hackers will go thru windows 10 with a fine tooth comb.

You dont have to worry.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: apoc36

Windows 10 is created by Microsoft. Google really has nothing to do with it. Microsoft also controls cortana .You can easily turn it off if you do not want that feature. I understand that you may think it can still collect all your data and keep learning. But trust me if you turn if off its off. There is plenty of techies out there that will make sure our windows software cannot and will not do what we don't want it to. If Microsoft would try to pull one over on us. It would be found out the very first week windows 10 is released and there would be huge law suits. Techies and hackers will go thru windows 10 with a fine tooth comb.

You dont have to worry.

Exactly, if there is anything dicey in there it will more than likely be found within a matter of days. Flat out disable and ignore it as I will if I upgrade at some point. While this is a somewhat concerning direction to be heading in lets be honest, unless you're into some messed up stuff, nobody is going to give a rat's ass about your data. They couldn't care less about porn, downloading shows/movies and the sort of things people often get up to.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 02:49 AM
Lmao I can just imagine the return of the new and improved paperclip assistant. Oddly enough that's sounds kind of cool to me.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: apoc36

What makes you think Windows 10 will be any different than Chrome and their ability to listen to every conversation you have had and repeat aloud all of your browser searches and those conversations whenever it chooses....That is exactly what was downloaded onto all your electronics if you have installed Chrome and ever used voice search....Oh yes I forgot to say Google announced because you at some point uttered the words "ok google" you gave them permission to do so.....

And its still out there....being discussed here as a matter of fact......



posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

What do we do now ATS?? Perhaps the internet is the Mark of the Beast....who knows?? Your thoughts, please?

Mark of the beast? Nah, thats only for carbon based lifeforms. A-I or that computer your using is silicon based. Link on basic concept. Its more akin to the digitization of our society, you know man and machine. Though I suppose there would be woman and machine to, but that may not be certain as its not likely that any silicon based lifeforms or thoughtforms would propagate quite like we do, machines after all don't need mothers or at least not so many of them.

Anyways, just random rantings. What your experiencing is likely just another step in the digitization of our society and world, and stuff.

Your assistant will adapt according to your computer use and browser history..... is how the A.I. will learn you.....pretty cool concept, right??

In a consumer society its not that hard to predict consumer habits. Most especially when you create them to begin with. I would not be so concerned with random search engines or AI knowing about you, more or less the fact that both become integrated and you become a cog in a vast machine is much more scarier.

Yes, at first it really is....but what happens when that assistant learns more than you do?

You unplug it at home, and problem solved. But on a vast greater sense, once it becomes the norm, integrated into every facet of socity, you wont be able to unplug it. Remember the things you own, eventually end up owning you. Its basic 101 in symbiosis. But that to may just be a dream. Anyways very few AI are that self aware, and even if it happens wont be happening for 100 of years if not thousands, the human body breaks down in 120 something years at most. So its not likely to concern us now.

It is learning everything about you and the added benefit of computing information at warp speed! And face it, a humans brain is no match for a computer...A computr does not take in effect emotional actions and consequences.....The worst part? We do not control this Assistant!! The "Mega Lords" at Google do!

lol. You could say that. But they would not control it either. Sure they can turn it off, the way you could turn off all power to your house and go live in a cave...So ya!

How long before the World Wide Web knows everything about you and I?

It likely already knows all our shopping habits. Which is more then enough to capitalize on the market of human freedom. But who would care to know much more then that about any of us? Its all just useless data. Or at least looked at from a human perspective.

When SHTF its gonna know your weakness! Master Switch Google is going to be able to say, where is ____insert your name_______they didn't show up for work today....NO, you didn't because you have gone off the grid but at anytime if you used a browser to search how exactly to do this, your little buddy, Mr./Miss A.I. knows where you are......Can you see where I am going with this?

A brave new future. But still not for some time. But humans have created other constructs which then they entrapped themselves in to much later regret, governments, laws, institutions, and corporations, are the least of it, and all just steps in what looks like the same directions... Jacobs ladder, climbing up to heaven, one peg at a time.

Though I am not so sure this would be one of them, you know a really bad idea were you there by supersede you will to a construct and thereby become a cog in it...But it depends.

So never heard of this windows 10 or this AI commentator program, it would be sort of like having your own personal narrator in your life or at least online life, its all so magical... ha. But if it will comment on random YouTube videos I watch. Wow that would make things even more funny. I may need to look into it.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

Mml, as a tester of Windows 10 I can tell you that you can indeed turn it off. Better yet, you can opt to NEVER UTILISE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. You can do so in the usual initial setup that you do when you get a new computer. If anything, the problem is the near-instance that you link your new computer to a hotmail/outlook account.

And yes, many have stated that Microsoft are not Google, they are two separate entities.
Indeed, at the moment 'EDGE' is locked to Microsoft's own, rather poor competitor Bing.

*P.S. I thoroughly enjoy it as an OS and look forward to the day I wont have to tweak all the friends and relatives who have 8.1
edit on 5/7/2015 by BombDefined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: occrest
You don't want to be tracked? Unplug. Completely.

Ditch the phones, laptops, credit cards. Quit your job, walk away from your bank account.

Don't look back.

Become one of the many wandering, faceless peoples in every land that those in cushy offices and homes call wastrels.

The homeless.

I call them Free Peoples.

One day, not being online or sharing your info will be deemed suspicious.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: occrest
You don't want to be tracked? Unplug. Completely.

Ditch the phones, laptops, credit cards. Quit your job, walk away from your bank account.

Don't look back.

Become one of the many wandering, faceless peoples in every land that those in cushy offices and homes call wastrels.

The homeless.

as long as you can stay off of drugs and alcohol, homelessness is the true meaning of freedom, just dont get caught up in a big city. make a canoe and live off the river, no gasoline needed

I call them Free Peoples.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

One day, not being online or sharing your info will be deemed suspicious.

Its well on the way. Recently I randomly bumped into an old school friend who was amazed to see me as a few people are organizing a 30 year reunion of our old class.

As I couldn't be found on facebook it was assumed that I had passed away!

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

So, are you talking about Microsoft or Google? Your post starts off by talking about the new features in Windows 10, but then goes on to talk about Google controlling everything.
Sorry, but you just sound paranoid and don't seem to have any real understanding at all.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

Uhm your post and the Ending of Halo with Masterchief and Cortana really go to me!! I'm taken aback at this point and just don't know what to think......Thank you.. Completely freaked me out though....


posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 08:38 AM

Here ya Go to the doubters out there.......

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Cannibully

I'm sorry for confusing people here....let me clarify. Windows 10 (Microsoft) learning by your searches most people use Google....Google Chrome downloads an app that activates your microphone on all your electronics.....and records not only all of your search history but your private conversations as well.....I know this first hand as my phone began talking the other night in a bar and repeating my search history as well as a conversation i had with my son earlier that day.....So perhaps that is where I muddied the waters on this......

Hope that helps.....


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