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Lady problems - looking for advice

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posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: Bluesma

Since I clicked on your header I have to say. I don't
think any guy on the planet would make it as a full
fledged woman. Bruce? Not even close. He'd whither
and drown in his own tears if he got the full force of being
a woman. And I might even be worse. In truth woman make us
men look like ####ies

Truly my hats off to you all.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:40 AM
Thank you so much!
I'm making a list of the many different ideas here!
It sounds like one of those things where everyone has to experiment and figure out what works for them personally.
I've been on anti-inflammatories for a few months, and I kind of wonder if that plays into it.
I also have a big caffeine intake right now- been making iced tea every day. I read some people find that to make it worse. So I am going to try cutting that out.

I had heard women complain about this before, it didn't sound too bad, I had no idea. When it hits, I feel like I can barely breathe, and my head is on fire. Last night I kept a spray bottle of mineral water by the bed, to spray my face when it happens, and that did help. But at night the problem remains as someone else described- wake up, tear the covers off, open the window, then fall back asleep..... only to wake up later freezing and shivering, cover up... then repeat an hour later.

I am going to go through these one by one, starting with the less pharmaceutical ones, and see what might help.
I think it just feels better to exchange with others who have experienced it too. I don't have many friends who are my age, or who have gone through this, so I was feeling a bit alone in this respect.

Thank you so much, all of you!

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Bluesma
I got a book titled No More Hot Flashes, at least I think that was the title. It was written by a woman doctor with many years of experience in treatments of these issues. She offers a variety of things to try, including diet changes.
For me what worked was the diet changes. As long as I don't eat margarine, use fake creamer for coffee or snack on processed foods and don't get stressed, I'm good. But if I get stressed they begin to come back. I also tend to get them on vacation when I'm not always in control of the food I eat. Drinking LOTS of water, clean water, will also help. I find that if I drink a large glass of water at the onset, they seem to diminish much quicker.
During periods of high stress I sometimes take a herbal supplement concocted by a friend of mine who is a herbalist.
I know the waking up feeling like I've just been dipped in hell itself. One of the things my holistic practitioner suggested is the sweating is the body's attempt to throw off toxins. I know the smell of the sweat is toxic so she must be onto something.
Good luck with finding what works for you. I feel for ya!

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: diggindirt
a reply to: Bluesma
One of the things my holistic practitioner suggested is the sweating is the body's attempt to throw off toxins. I know the smell of the sweat is toxic so she must be onto something.

That is something I have been throwing around in my head about it. The medical establishment doesn't seem to have come to much of a conclusion on how or why this happens. But I tend to believe the body does nothing without reason.
The fact that my weight went down made me wonder if it isn't burning extra calories when this happens, and since sweating in general often serves to get rid of toxins....I've always had acne problems until now too, but then I never sweated much.
So in the past, toxins would be expressed through my face instead. Having them going out a different way might have been what cleared up my face.

That's where my thinking is starting to go in the direction of considering all forms of food, drink, or medication that cause toxic build up could be a factor!

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

In my case, sweating in summer was never a problem since I worked outdoors and the sweat was always rolling off me. I was also consuming large amounts of water. Also I always had control of my food since we did our meals on-site and always cooked from scratch.
For me it was winter when they got really bad.
It was my old auntie who told me about keeping a full glass of water at bedside and drinking it down when the devil began his business. It doesn't have to be cold---just water. It's not a cure---at least for me---but I know that it cuts into the severity and duration of the attack.
Some of my friends had to cut out sugar completely for a time but I find that using organic, raw sugar doesn't significantly affect my system. I also stopped using any diary product that wasn't organic.
Since I'm of the inclination to take a shotgun approach when there are many options, I can't say specifically if it was switching to organic products, drinking more water, or consuming less toxins via processed food, but doing all those things certainly diminished mine. And----when the severe hot flashes went away so did the Bad Woman who came to possess my body from time to time. (That's how I described the mood swings to my Beloved. They were truly frightening to me.)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
I'm just wondering if any women out there might have some advice to offer me...

I've always had a high androgen level, and have entered early menopause. I went through a moment of feeling devastated by that, and feeling I'm no longer a woman or something.... but I got over it.
Turns out it is really nice to not deal with periods, or mood swings, or acne. I have had no problems with weight gain, just the opposite actually, and my husband finds me as desirable as ever, so...meh...not so bad!

Then the hot flashes started. I had no idea how horrible they are! Somedays it is happening like every twenty minutes! It is driving me insane, especially since it happens all night, and I can't get a good nights sleep.

I suppose I could get some sort of hormonal treatment from my doctor, but I hesitate because I've never liked the idea of tinkering with hormones.

I was wondering if other women have any ideas for ways I can deal with this naturally? Through diet, or exercise or whatever?
I'd appreciate any input !

Do you think you should see an expert to actually determine the cause before you embark on ANY therapy, hormonal or "natural"?
Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: antoinemarionette

Acupuncture was the only thing I didn't try. I even went on a strict ketogenic diet (no grains, no sugar, no dairy, no caffeine, no alcohol and no processed foods) for 6 months. Didn't touch the hot flashes. I tried using natural progesterone creme in various dosages with no luck. I tried maca root and had to call 911 because my heart rate went up so high that I was blacking out. I was too scared to try black cohosh at that point.

My situation is a little different in that I had a hysterectomy at age 46 (almost 9 years ago now), so I have no ovaries at all. My doctor told me that with natural menopause, even though the ovaries stop producing the normal amount of estrogen, they still will eak out very small amounts throughout a woman's life. With no ovaries, I get nothing other than the weàker form of estrogen that is created from body fat.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

What bad effects have been seen from hormone replacement, anyone know? I'd assume there could be possible similarities between both genders. I've heard, not really around that age, effects on cancer and I think heart disease...

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: ghaleon12

There are definitely pros and cons to hormone replacement therapy. Studies have shown that hormone replacement can help prevent heart disease (although high doses have been known to cause heart attacks and stroke in some women). Breast cancer is a risk of long term use.

All the women in my family have had hysterectomies, and all have taken estrogen. My mom was on the lowest dose for 30 years with no ill effects. My grandmother had taken them for about 40 years, and lived to 93 - although she did get Alzheimer's in her mid 80's.

I have been taking estrogen off and on for the last 9 years. Every couple of years I try going off of them, but my quality of life is so bad that I'm willing to take the breast cancer risk. I just keep trying to go off of them - one of these days I think I won't need them anymore. My mom quit taking them at around 65 with no problems.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I got completely through menopause using herbal tinctures. They really saved me! The herbalist will mix several herbs into a tincture and can adjust it for you as time goes on. I would avoid taking hormones at all costs.

Also, have a squirt bottle (on "mist) by your bed so you can mist yourself when you wake up in a hot flash. It's lovely!

I agree with some of the diet suggestions. Cut out (or drastically reduce) sugar and grains. Stick with whole foods (not packaged).

I had a dream last night that I started my period! More like a nightmare! LOL! So glad that's over...

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
I've been on anti-inflammatories for a few months, and I kind of wonder if that plays into it.

If you're taking these for arthritis or general inflammation, stop eating grains and other carbs. Go down to 20-30 carbs a day (from veggies - no fruit). Eat a little protein - just what you need (protein calculator). And then fill in with healthy fats like coconut oil, REAL olive oil, avocado, eggs and grass fed butter. My pain DISAPPEARED when I did that.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 07:41 AM
There is a natural remedy available at the grocery store called "Remifemin" made in Germany. I would recommend that. I would also recommend a vegetarian diet and the reduction of dairy products in the warm months.


a reply to: Bluesma

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I took Estroven for a couple years post-hysterectomy and it did the trick for me. I had too many side effects from the prescription (synthetic) HRT. The Estroven contains phytoestrogens (phyto = plant) from soy and black cohosh, plus some vitamins and minerals. I only had to take it for a couple years, then I guess my body found its sweet spot and I haven't taken anything for 15+ years with no problem. Well, an occasional hot flash (I call it a power surge!), and usually during cold months - never figured that one out! But now maybe just one or two during winter, and much milder; nothing like they were immediately after the hysterectomy.


Good luck!

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I went through out all that, as I had surgical menopause at age 43, yes is horrible, incredibly uncomfortable and I end up in the emergency room with the panic attacks that sometimes follow, many times, I did progesterone and bio identical hormones, until this day, estrogen patch made me worst as I was estrogen dominant.

But hey Is a light at the end of the tunnel, It does goes away, now I feel more sexy and hottest than ever and life is wonderful, the whole nightmare lasted 6 years, but I survived and was able to fight the weight gain with lots of exercise and good diet.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:17 AM
I opted to not take hormonal supplements and just let it happen as nature intended. But, I did find that caffeine did not trigger them, nor sugar or refined white bread - but everyone's chemistry is different. What I suspect triggers them is alcohol consumption, most of all. Some women's full-fledged menopausal symptoms can last over a decade - then tapering off, so it can affect one's life quite drastically.

I also read where Japanese women who eat a lot of tofu (containing estrogens from soy milk) didn't experience hot flashes as much, but to me, this is another form of hormonal replacement by way of food intake.

I also found that a moist towel/face cloth behind the neck works wonders to cool the body off, as well as stepping outside in the Winter if you are fortunate enough to live in a cold climate (which I am).

edit on 14-6-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

Or to stop them in their tracks a nice bag of ice was good enough in my chest were it always started, I remember mine started in the chest area as a heat and feverish feeling and from there would spread to the head, ears and then the rest of the lower body.

You know looking back now that Im back to normal is hard to believe that I went through that stage of my life and was soo bad, we do tend to have short memories when it comes to bad experiences.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: InTheLight

Or to stop them in their tracks a nice bag of ice was good enough in my chest were it always started, I remember mine started in the chest area as a heat and feverish feeling and from there would spread to the head, ears and then the rest of the lower body.

You know looking back now that Im back to normal is hard to believe that I went through that stage of my life and was soo bad, we do tend to have short memories when it comes to bad experiences.

Yes, I am almost back to normal except when I drink alcohol, which because it's now Summer and BBQ season, that's a lot. LOL So, they pop up now and again, but nothing like the severity and length as when I started menopause.

I can't believe I hauled my behind off to work and still looked after my family and home while going through it.

Ah, the trials and tribulations of life my friend.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

Lo and behold, did you had the mental fogginess also? that was another issue, when your mind just doesn't seem to grasp to reality, it was a scary feeling, I also still have a hot flash here and there once in a while at night, but no as bad as been drenched in sweat.

Now as for the alcohol, I had my gallbladder taken back in 2010 and I can not longer process alcohol like I used to, so even the smallest amounts of it, will make sick.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: marg6043

I really didn't suffer too much with the mental fogginess, but then I do supplement with gingseng when I feel that fogginess coming on, as well as I have and still do incorporate a lot of garlic and ginger in my cooking. Basically, I eat very nutritious home-cooked meals and always have, so maybe we all should be looking at how food can help some conditions, for some people.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Pardon?

Do you think you should see an expert to actually determine the cause before you embark on ANY therapy, hormonal or "natural"?
Just a thought.

Oh yeah, I have! My doctor had blood tests taken about six months ago, and they clearly showed I was in menopause.
He asked me recently if I want a hormonal treatment and I told him no - for now.

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