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Question: To what extent are disinformation agents active on ATS?

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posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:59 PM
The best way I have found in dealing with those disinfo. yahoos is to present the truth as articulately as possible and in a manner designed to piss them off. Talking down to them in other words, like a parent chastising a child.

Be mature about it so you don't lose your peers, but get the truth out there in a very matter-of-fact kind of way that will also make them cry. When you see others trying to get to them too, PM them or otherwise talk to them off the boards and tell them what your method is so they might try the same. While you're at it, get to the one's privately whom you believe are disinfo. agents as well and break their spirit in any way possible. Make it to where, whatever money they make doing this is........that it just isn't worth being berrated, belittled and otherwise demeaned.

Believe it or not, there is one thing more powerful than money and it has been known to financially ruin very rich people: Pride.

If this can be done in real life, it can be done online. Most of the people doing this are still young, hungry for money and the lines between reality and what goes on online are still very blurred.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
The thing that always gets me about this idea of having "shills" working on ATS is this:

Why bother?

Think about the amount of utter crap that is on this site, just stuff that is quite obviously total bollocks, why would they need disinfo agents, what are they going to do, post yet more pictures of Martian rocks?

I am sure that there is someone sitting in a office at the NSA who every now and then might have a little peek at what is being said on ATS and other conspiracy sites but nothing more.

I would think that they are more interested in social media sites than conspiracy sites.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
For starters, let's do some math. Math is logical. Even as popular as this site is, the number of members total pales against the world population. Even just figured against the U.S. Population, it would be less than one tenth of a percent.

Do you really think agents are gonna waste their time and resources on here? There are many more on Facebook, Twitter, et al. Coming on here would be an exercise in futility.

No, I don't believe for one moment that there are disinformation agents on this site. Trolls yeah sometimes.

And no, I'm not one of "them".

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

Looking at the way online media has changed into trying to get as many shares on social media as possible, I'd say that the disinfo agents actually WORK for these crappy media outlets like WND and just write bad articles for gullible idiots to share on Facebook.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Outrageo

originally posted by: draknoir2
a reply to: Outrageo

This place is brimming with them.

Yes, granted, agreed, thank you. BUT WHO are they? And WHY? What is the motive? WHY lie to us?

The motives are primarily commercial but there are issues of population control that run under that. ATS is one of a set of sites that are explicitly targeted to delve into the workings of big money and various control structures. It is for that reason, entities want to not only monitor but intercede. They will actively intercede if they can whilst protecting the intel flow from the "fringe", which is valuable.

There is a lot at stake for the bad actors and authoritarians of the world. It would be childish to think fringe channels of information are unmolested. The investment of resources is small. A few trained people working part time managing 6-10 unique avatars is all that your need to weave narratives and obscure "dangerous" information. I believe from the syntax of some, there may be software at work. Those are fairly easy to spot and can only obscure, not create information.

As I see the world through ATS, there are mostly sovereign governments at work US, Israel, UK, Russia and China. In the commercial space, Pharma is the biggest player followed by Monsanto. Interestingly, the commercial disinfo is getting a beat down, that's why the TPP is needed to captivate customers. Info won't matter anymore at that point.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

Who's to say you aren't a shill yourself?

That's how disinfo works; place the seeds of distrust and let the populace do the rest. It's gotten to a point where many members have been accused of being a shill, therefore the spooks have done their job. Then there are times when they will use honey to entrap the bears, however if you haven't done anything wrong then you have nothing to fear; but you always need to be vigilant because subversion is global.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:17 PM
I really appreciate your perspective. Now I have to wonder if you're one of those 3 letter agencies agents hehe just seeing who you can rope in with your silver tongued truth!

I believe there are those you speak of in most every thread pertaining to political themes, social themes etc...however we have been forbidden to use the sh_ll word.

aliens...ancient civilizations, yes Id agree with your sentiment. There is almost always some d bag coming in and being condescending in order to ...what I believe is to steer the conversation and get the ignorant sheep to agree. I also leave threads as you do for the same reasons. I suspect that is the reason often enough...break up the crowd and redirect.

a reply to: Outrageo

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

I get this perspective. And I do think that they are interested in social media sites. However, the deliberate attempts to ferret out truth is not so strong on SM sites. Here, for all the bollocks, the possibility for a strong insight emerging that could catch the winds of verisimilitude and spark a meme that could prove disastrous to the status quo continues to be a threat.

Novice gold miners will mostly find 'fools gold' over and over. However all it takes is one person to stub his toe on a truly hidden nugget to inspire others to look in the same area.

Should that one nugget be found here, say at ATS, it is much easier to poo poo it, nip it in the bud, crush it before it goes viral, than to wait until it hits the larger world of social media. For that matter it is just as easy to squash something that is patently NOT true before it can catch on with the wider populace be it true or not. In this manner all the bollocks can be a threat to the system also.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:19 PM
Start a thread criticizing big oil companies like BP.

During the discussions during the BP blow out in the Gulf; new members signed up in droves singing the praises of BP; after the controversy died down those members were never to be seen again on any other ATS threads.

So I guess it depends on the subject to draw out the DIA. Chem-trails sure get's some passionate responses as does anything dealing with Catholicism, climate change or fracking.

It's been my experience that disinfo types will use every trick in the book to derail a thread....including all of these.
edit on 2-6-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Who's to say you aren't a shill yourself?

Ha ha hee ho (nervous laughter). *cough*. Well, yes, I thought while writing this OP that it would only be a matter of time before this accusation would surface. Happened faster than I thought it would, though.

No, no, my good sir. A cursory look through my last nearly ten years of posts on ATS should convince anyone I don't have "the right (wrong) stuff" to pull it off...

I'll take the compliment, though...
edit on 6/2/2015 by Outrageo because:

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:28 PM

Question: To what extent are disinformation agents active on ATS?

Well .. I don't know about all the other agents but we holy-half-dead agents from the Underverse have our weekly regional meetings where we receive our assignment. Usually we are required to have 40 hours a week of online time at our assigned forums.

Seriously though ... I don't think the professional disinfo agents need to show up here. There are plenty of believers pumping out the propaganda for free. I've seen a few folks over the years show up and I was pretty sure they were using this place as a training ground in their respective gov't facilities overseas .... but for the most part I don't think there are too many.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:35 PM
I would say 98%

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

To what extent are disinformation agents active on ATS?

You know what you will find even more frustrating than a "dis-info" agent?

An ATSer that came to the boards years ago a believer who has had all the same outrageous experiences as the othe believers, and then progressively realized that there is nothing to base that belief upon that has one iota to do with aliens.

We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

edit on 2-6-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

Perhaps those NSA gumshoes want to know what we may know - or what we "think" we know?

Like I said, I am sure that there is someone at the NSA who from time to time has had cause to have a little read over a post or two on ATS but thats about it.

Do you think they ever do anything more than just "take a peek' now and then? They don't post, i.e., 'disinform' -as a part of their job?

For the reasons I have already outlined, no, no I don't.

In fact on the topic of the idea of disinfo agents let me put it this way.

With out wanting to get into it, I post quite a lot on the 9/11 forum, its fair to say I mostly side with the official account and I almost always write large threads on the subject that are very wordy and full of reliable sources that put forward my argument in logical way. With out wanting to be big headed, I know i have written some pretty good stuff on that topic. But not once can i ever recall having a truther on this site say "you know what, your right I am wrong 9/11 was not a false flag". And why is that? well its because most people who believe in conspiracies have a predetermined view of the world that I believe is akin to a almost religious belief. I have been on this site I think 4 or 5 years now, its full of very clever and interesting people but almost all of us (myself included) are very stubborn when it comes to our views of the world and a few posts hear and there is not going to change any of that.

So given all of that then, even if there were a disinfo agent on ATS posting rubbish about UFO's to try to muddy the waters to make people doubt or to put them off one particular topic it would be pretty pointless. It would be pointless because no matter what evidence you present most people on this site are never going to change their views. If someone on ATS believe that a UFO crashed at Ross-well for example, no amount of "disinfo", as you may wish to call it, is going to change that view.

As such it would be much more cost efficient and less risky just for the NSA to sit about and let us post our own disinfo rather than paying a guy to sit about and do what would ultimately be a pointless job.
edit on 2-6-2015 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:02 PM
I recall an anti-Greer thread that summoned up new member Greerites from the ether.

Same with the GFL guys.

And then there was the STS Tether footage thread that inspired the now-known Stubbs sockpuppet.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:03 PM
I think there is a certain arrogance to the question.

It assumes that you are so important, and so right, that there must be high up people out there trying to discredit you or somehow draw you out. It makes people feel better if they can claim the government (in whatever guise they think it takes) is paying people to disagree with them or make them look stupid, when usually they are pretty good at that themselves.

In the end it doesn't matter where the information comes from, whether someone was paid to post it or not, it's either true or it isn't.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:04 PM
I think the whole disinformation agent conspiracy theory started on ATS as someone just possibly coming up with the idea, and then it went viral...unless the Associated Press or some other news agency actually reported that online disinformation agents are actually real. If that is the case then never mind...

If the two above scenarios are not true, it's also possible the CIA and NSA or whatever agency, uses propaganda for regular citizen to just become disinformation agents on their own, controlling their free will. I think this scenario is more of a reality as you see people from the online left and right political world arguing their opinion as fact all the time.

In the sense of ET/UFO's, maybe a lot of the TV shows, movies, commercials, and music is really propaganda to encourage regular people to post hoaxes and recreate hoaxes. It may be more fun for someone to make a UFO hoax video than to actually research the subject. It may be more fun to post an Ancient Aliens meme than discuss the topic. It may be more fun to troll the forum with a known hoax then to take the subject seriously.

That behavior or misbehavior might not even be a result from ET/UFO propaganda, but some other form of propaganda to make people stupider and more argumentative. Why pay government agents to do this online, when the CIA or NSA can manipulate citizen to do it for free?

So I think 3 scenarios for Disinformation Agents:

1. Random idea, and not really true
2. Factual and uncovered by the Press, i.e. paid government online disinformation agents
3. Regular people manipulated by propaganda to be the online "disinformation agents"

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
I think there is a certain arrogance to the question.

It assumes that you are so important, and so right, that there must be high up people out there trying to discredit you or somehow draw you out. It makes people feel better if they can claim the government (in whatever guise they think it takes) is paying people to disagree with them or make them look stupid, when usually they are pretty good at that themselves.

In the end it doesn't matter where the information comes from, whether someone was paid to post it or not, it's either true or it isn't.


posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
I think it was just recently stated by the site owner on another thread that there are more gov bot than actual members at ATS. Now imagine those he doesn't know about.

We are a think tank.
Have you noticed the amount of members missing? From the last two years'?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

I don't think we have any disinfo agents and most of the regular members are familiar enough that we know what to expect from their posts. Sure, one or two of them *might* be paid to post, but it doesn't matter because we recognise their arguments. I'm only saying *might* because it's something none of us can rule out entirely even though I think it's very doubtful.

However, you might find this intriguing and I can only say so much about it. A certain, credible member made a series of popular posts and threads and did it all without leaving a trace. Maybe they were a 'paid disinfo agent' or an independent mischief-maker? We'll probably never know because they executed it all without so much as a fingerprint left behind.

That's all I can say about it.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

I'm surprised you still don't accept that 9/11 was an inside job.

What's your agenda?

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