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Is this the moment that "Time Travel" was discovered?

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posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: Forensick
If time travel was ever possible, how come we dont have visitors and messages?

Oh yes, there will be those that say "how do you know we havnt" and claim that some group such as the Illuminati or presidential club can control everything, including Alien contact but I dont go in to that. No not even the Hipster Time Traveller convinces me.

If Scientists at CERN discovered it, or if future scientists in a future CERN discovered it, they would probably contact Scientists back here, not secret societies that control the earth.

However, if you contact someone like say a Scientist and they change something because of that, say they invent time travel sooner, and that means that the contact you got from the future Scientist doesnt happen in the future but it has already happened in the past, and considering you cannot unlearn something, would you break the space time continuum?

A message is purely theoretical at this point, but the process is sound. It's unlikely to happen without a major breakthrough in Quantum Entanglement though. Our current process uses huge amounts of energy to make only small amounts of usable data. We need to produce them more efficiently and in higher volume by an order of magnitude.

Here's the thing though, we're just now learning how this works, meaning we're just now building the machines that can listen for these messages. No one earlier in the time line than us can do this, which means that even if we can transmit information we can't send it back as there's no one to hear it.

On the other hand, we should be able to send a message forward. The question then becomes, if sending a message forward creates new timelines, 1 message forward should result in an infinite number of responses backwards. Allowing us to choose the most beneficial actions. If this were to be done just a few times, our timeline would seriously change.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

So only once we prove the theory does it become possible and then it's only possible to send some message between once we prove it and say someone in the future who is waiting for a message to answer.

Well it's not as exciting as my planned trip to see the Dinosaurs and Noah,I'll just go to Vietnam.

So if we sent a message into the future that said send back the cure for Cancer, but then with the cure we don't bother to research it, we research Alzheimer's, and so a week later we ask for the cure for that, so we have both cures we focus on.....

Basically once this theory is proven the first time we will have the answer to almost everything within minutes?

Well that is pretty heavy, it could break our fragile brains, we may enter an Age of Enlightenment or all go mad.

I wonder if a boy will ever born that can swim faster than a shark?

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 03:16 AM
I once watched a doco where a physicist discussed the fact that in terms of known human general knowledge, we haven't seen anyone from the future. 2 possible reasons being that travel to the past is impossible or the human race goes extinct before developing the required technology.

For what its worth I am in the "impossible" camp even tho I am generally an optimistic person.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: chelsealad

Time travel isn't what you think it is.

Time is flexible, mass and velocity mess with the flow. It isn't the solid regular thing that you, most likely, assume.

Going forward in time (moving faster into the future) is achievable with current technology. Relativistic effects are used in a synchrotron light source to achieve high frequency Synchrotron radiation.

Going backward in time is a bit more of a problem. Kurt Godel (along with a few others) produced solutions using Einstein's equations showing that short time-like loops could occur and that these would allow retrograde movement through time.

The other issue with moving backwards in time is that it loops causality and these loops would be likely to propagate infinitely, creating multiple simultaneous instances of any object or person that 'traveled'.

edit on 20/4/2015 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

In programing (extreme novice) loops that are not ended eventually crash the system. Although its believed space is infinite maybe it isn't.......

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: ms898
a reply to: chr0naut

In programing (extreme novice) loops that are not ended eventually crash the system. Although its believed space is infinite maybe it isn't.......

You've got it in one!

... and space isn't infinite. The universe is finite according to the big bang cosmologies.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: 38181
I believe that "when" the time travel "mechanism" was/is discovered is the start point in the time line. Operators any time PAST the discovery point can do what they do by going back in time and foward, but before the discovery point, nobody can travel back or foward because the time of discovery mechanism hasn't been found yet.

So, we may be visited by time travelers, or not. The main question is whether or not we currently have an operational mechanism, if not, we're going to have to wait until it's produced, if we live that long to that point. Otherwise we get to sit back and hope we run into a time traveler.

When you think about it, that can't be correct.

Let's say hypothetically that time travel is perfected in the year 2050, that's 35 years from now...and the project lead and his partner decides to take a trip back to the year 2015 (because he remembered reading an interesting thread on ATS about time travel back in 2015 perhaps).

That doesn't mean we would have to wait for 35 years to see the machine / device, as when the traveller leaves 2050 and arrives in 2015, the time machine / device is physically existing now in the year 2015, despite not having been discovered until 35 years later in 2050.

Other possibilities could be true too...

If the travellers decided to go to see the dinosaurs, lets say 65 million years into the past, and the time machine became damaged or was destroyed, they'd be stranded, this could explain the various OOPARTS dated to millions of years old found in various places around the world..remnants of the travellers and perhaps their descendants surviving in a hostile environment millions of years ago.

It may even be absolutely critical that Time travel is perfected and used to go way back in Humanity could be the result of a time travel other words, if the travellers from 2050 didn't go back in time and become trapped there, survive and procreate the Human species may never have in this mental musing, we were created by the traveller and his partner way back in the remote past...if they didn't go back and be trapped, they could not have created the Human species!

The travellers names may even be Adam and Eva...or something like that

edit on 20-4-2015 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 05:56 AM
Personally I think that sending transmissions back in time is possible and that it is probably going to happen in the next few years or so if it hasn't already happened.

Back in the 80s as a child I had an odd experience. I was watching a movie which was one of those Indiana Jones style films such as 'Romancing the Stone' or 'King Solomans Mines' on ITV, probably late 80s and early in the afternoon. When the adverts came on one of the adverts (the Peugeot 405 one with the burning corn field and the 'take my breath away' song) was interrupted by some strange interference and then a message from around 2015ish.

The voice was slightly garbled, but it was saying that it was the first experiment in sending transmissions back from the future. The visiual transmission was also like nothing I had ever seen. The graphics were more like something you would only get in more recent times with high end computers like a high spec PC or Xbox. The visual was like a camera angle flying through a tunnel with advertisements for several familiar and unfamiliar companies including, but not limited banks. This transmission only lasted for around 30 seconds and then disappeared again with some static in time for the end of the advert that it has interrupted.

Now of course this may be simply the product of an over active imagination or a dream, but I doubt that. The memory exists and feels vivid and real. Make of that what you will, but I am pretty sure that I am not mental or making this up.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: Flux8
... Only if you ascribe time as a dimension. Euclidean or "Einsteinian"? Dimensions were described mathematically as physical dimensions, not temporal. So the first 3 are physical, then the fourth a divergence to the non-physical, cheap yet succinct... Hmmm.

Thinking of physics maybe they are more like time "elements".
Originally seen as the beast with seven heads that arose from the sea in the cave of the apocalypse.
Like Isotopes of Roentgenium they have a half-life so short that they decay through spontaneous fission before they can be recognized.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 07:55 AM
Just a cinder, one of billions and billions after the Big Bang, finally losing momentum and forming the Galaxy.... Setting stationary nearly, simply orbiting or occupying some gravity well.

And we thought it would be easy. Look up, count the stars, plot the tides, and have the occasional eclipse treat, call it all good, and establish that this is "The Unified Field Theory"...... Maxwell, Plank, Einstein searched so hard to formulate.

I don't think we realize how infinitely small we are. Or that our place in the universe means little or nothing. Maybe a little residual warming detected for a brief moment in ...time...
Deep thoughts for sure, and utterly a waste of time given mans propensity for violence and self destruction. Just a free lunch, then decay into oblivion.

But it happens so slow in relative time, we scarcely notice. I guess we should be content with the 'Time' we have, and stop trying to make 'bank' on it in some fashion. I think one day perhaps that time might be manipulated and maneuvered and traveled through to some degree. Three dimensions, 4, 10 dimensions......... We are barely able to understand and comprehend 4 let alone 10, or where 'Time' lies in any of them. Eloquence is a poor substitute for proof, or the absolute properties in this proof one desires. Then you can always look at an infinitely small scenario and rethink it all over again....

Time is like a new car......................... it's only new once.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 08:09 AM
Heck, can you make a mock video of the message you saw and post it here. It is kind of interesting and intriguing.
a reply to: HippyAIDS

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: chelsealad

Just some food for thought...

Not really a question as such...

No time = no entropy, hence a reality/dimension without time would be viewed from our perspective as 'afterlife', 'heaven', 'eternity'....

its hard to put into words so im sorry if this doesnt help much.
Yes definitely food for thought, but I don't think our flesh and blood bodies will survive where there is no Time.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 08:34 AM
I think there have been time travelers around since the orgins of mankind. I also think our government may have some time travel capabilities. They have already said they can hide an event outside of what we percieve as normal time. So what havent they told us? Lets not forget there are plenty of whistle blowers talking about government time travel. So we are just waiting to be in the know, from darkness into light, to be illumined etc. . . .

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Nochzwei

It was kind of like this.. Only with better visuals.. I'm sure I seen HSBC advertised too..

edit on 20/4/2015 by HippyAIDS because: Bad link

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 12:30 PM
Time is a not a thing in itself its a concept mostly used to lock and hold minds/souls in a fixed place and time. Time for the most part is just a concept which exists in our heads, its a created mental construct, like the Easter bunny or Jesus or God or Government or all of it really. It was a concept which was first created billions of years ago by entities to hold and capture what you would call souls and hold them in fixed states for energy creating purposes, ie this world and universe.

Time for the most part is a prison, its just the software to the hardware of this physical world. So ya! You cant physically go back in time, but you can go forward, you do it every day at every moment, moment by moment. Not only does time does not exist in and of itself, but movement is an illusion as well.

Its why none of you will even get off this rock anytime soon, your not a self contained entity moving through the universe, your the culmination and product of the universe which is here for its short moment in this moment in this time in this space which took million to billions of years to condense to this point, and in another few billion it will condense to another form and point....After that, the paradigm shifts, but nothing really truly moves, its just shifts. Even the very atoms and down to the finite particles of atoms are merely ever changing and shifting particles bound by the overall change in structure of this universe, and has been around in one form or another since its creation. Everything else is merely the software of a self conscious universe.

So ya! In a mental construct or a bubble physical universe you can go wherever you want, go back in time go forward, go back kill your grandfather or even kill yourself and you will still exist. But in reality were your stuck in, the actual physical world, not only cant you go back in time, but your not even actually going anywhere. Or at least anywhere out of your designated predestined area.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 12:51 PM
I believe the problem to this question is that we have no definition of time. For me, time does not exist. That is not to say that changes do not occur within our realm of reality. Our Universe only exists in a single given state when measured. Only when compared to previous measurements is where we can see the differing states of the Universe. So, without some type of recorded statics (written or memory) we would not see any changes. So, time is just the recorded changes happening within our Universe.

Now we know that time does run differently for those in space or travelling at 'higher' velocities. How can this be? This is because the environment has changed. If you were to travel at near light speed and were able to measure regular occurrences outside of your environment, then time would be perceived to be changing differently as compared to your environment. So, time is not changing, but rather the environmental changes which are being measured are changing.

Why does time move in one direction? That is because changes happen in a certain order. You cannot undrop a rock or unexplode a star. You can pick up a dropped rock or a star can be reborn, but it cannot undo the process which created the change to begin with. Therefore, the changes, or time, that we experience happens as physics dictates. We know that when we drop an object here on Earth, it must follow scientific laws. Always. It is a constant. This is why we know that if we were to drop two solid objects form the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they would hit the ground at the same time. The Universe is consistent.

I would like to end in saying a minute is as real as a mile. It is the human mind that determines the measurement. And that is also where the past and future exist. Without memories, there would be no past, and without imagination, there would be no future. And here is my final offer, if you can hand me a single inch, I will give you a barrel full of minutes.

tl;dr Time is nothing more than measurements of constant occurrences within the Universe.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 02:23 PM
You people seem to forget that space and time is the same thing. So in order to travel in time you would need to bend space on the same way. The ammount of energy required is insane as proven by Eisten laws and the mechanics of time travel only causes headcaches.

There's the possibility that messages can be sent in time with the use of the quantic interaction between matter (Quantic fragmentation?) amyway, i'm not a physitician, so i can't really argue or debate.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

What is your definition of 'space'?

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: ObservingTheWorld
a reply to: Frocharocha

What is your definition of 'space'?

In physics time and space are booth the same thing (no wonder why Gravitational Time dilatation exist.) But there are multiple definitions of space. In my case, i refeer to time-space (booth are the same.)

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: HippyAIDS
Personally I think that sending transmissions back in time is possible and that it is probably going to happen in the next few years or so if it hasn't already happened.

Back in the 80s as a child I had an odd experience. I was watching a movie which was one of those Indiana Jones style films such as 'Romancing the Stone' or 'King Solomans Mines' on ITV, probably late 80s and early in the afternoon. When the adverts came on one of the adverts (the Peugeot 405 one with the burning corn field and the 'take my breath away' song) was interrupted by some strange interference and then a message from around 2015ish.

The voice was slightly garbled, but it was saying that it was the first experiment in sending transmissions back from the future. The visiual transmission was also like nothing I had ever seen. The graphics were more like something you would only get in more recent times with high end computers like a high spec PC or Xbox. The visual was like a camera angle flying through a tunnel with advertisements for several familiar and unfamiliar companies including, but not limited banks. This transmission only lasted for around 30 seconds and then disappeared again with some static in time for the end of the advert that it has interrupted.

Now of course this may be simply the product of an over active imagination or a dream, but I doubt that. The memory exists and feels vivid and real. Make of that what you will, but I am pretty sure that I am not mental or making this up.

Well accept that your TV or what ever could not have produced a higher definition graphic from any signal from the future cause the hardware limits this and back then it was not possible to produce HD on anything you watched a movie on. I guess you had a vision.

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