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*listen* to a mass UFO reporting to a 911 Dispatch live Raw Audio

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posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz


posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Good work, there.
The only thing that gets me is that when I search for photo/video examples of AP, ionspheric plasma, ionosphere conductivity, airglow phenomenon, etc., they do not visually compare or share any characteristics to what people are describing they saw in the sky at all. I don't think it was any of these, but you mentioned the Hessdalen Lights.

Let's look at how the lights are described:

"The Graves' son spots the thing first right in front of the house over the street. To him it manifests as a circle of five pretty colored lights. His sister rushes out and sees the same manifestation just slightly further away across the street. Mrs. Graves follows and sees the circle of colored lights spinning, which she feels are mounted on an object. The object is still very close at that time. Finally Dad gets out of the house and sees a circle of colored lights moving down the street. He also believes this to be a solid object.

By the time Officer Velthouse gets there, and even though this initial motion has been like a slow cruising, the thing is fairly far away and he basically sees just two lights, or perhaps it is just two at a time. It is still plenty of corroborating testimony to make it all stand up."

"We are seeing four lights going back and forth. It's a circle of lights and they split apart leaving three, split apart leaving just two. Then they are like a 'V'

Keep those descriptions in mind and watch the following video about the Hessdalen Lights:

The Hessdalen Lights: UFOs over Norway - Truthloader Investigates

The footage seems to match the descriptions perfectly.

Aside from the testimony that they believed it was a solid object, which easily could be what the same optical illusion skeptics are claiming is the explanation for the Phoenix Light (that I strongly disagree with for that case). In this case they do not actually describe a solid object (like in Phoenix), but are basing it on the light patterns, so I'm willing to dismiss the perception of a solid object in this case.

The Hessdalen Lights remain a mystery, but I really think this is something very similar!! Greeat teamwork there!

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: NYCUltra

...when I search for photo/video examples of AP, ionspheric plasma, ionosphere conductivity, airglow phenomenon, etc., they do not visually compare or share any characteristics to what people are describing they saw in the sky at all.

Right? I know, it's like all the parts are there but I don't know how to put them together so they make sense. Part of what was throwing me is the word peculiar that Project Condign and the paper that it cites uses to describe the airglows. The ionospheric airglows they are talking about are as rare as UFO sightings so the chance of having one in a photo or video seems slim to none.

The part of the description from the recordings that had me thinking the sighting had to do with an atmospheric effect were the descriptions of the lights coming together and going apart. That just seemed kind of mechanical to me, and then you posted that video...


There is a bit of kismet going on here, I think, as I had just been reading a paper, one of the authors of which is Erling Strand from the video you posted which I had never seen before.

After listening to the Holland, MI recording over and over and reading about all of this and trying to make things fit, I was stunned to see it, and I appreciate it very much as it makes me feel and think as though I am headed in the right direction.

So, the paper is called Data Analysis of Anomalous Luminous Phenomena in Hessdalen. Interestingly enough, it also cites the Brovetto and Maxia paper on ionospheric plasmas that Project Condign cites. It's also a bear getting any text copied out of it, but I think if you haven't already read it that you are probably interested enough to go check it out.

The paper discusses some really interesting aspects of the phenomenon, such as how the phenomenon has a time variability that may be closely linked with solar activity. Also, how the "luminous phenomenon" coincides with "peculiar pulsing magnetic disturbances"; really neat stuff. It also describes how the Hessdalen lights also come together and go apart in a synchronised way.

The Hessdalen Lights remain a mystery, but I really think this is something very similar!! Greeat teamwork there!

Agreed! Thanks for the fun and informative posts.

edit on 11-2-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 05:53 PM
Very interesting indeed, S&F

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: Bybyots
So, the paper is called Data Analysis of Anomalous Luminous Phenomena in Hessdalen. Interestingly enough, it also cites the Brovetto and Maxia paper on ionospheric plasmas that Project Condign cites. It's also a bear getting any text copied out of it, but I think if you haven't already read it that you are probably interested enough to go check it out.

The paper discusses some really interesting aspects of the phenomenon, such as how the phenomenon has a time variability that may be closely linked with solar activity. Also, how the "luminous phenomenon" coincides with "peculiar pulsing magnetic disturbances"; really neat stuff. It also describes how the Hessdalen lights also come together and go apart in a synchronised way.

I've been playing around with the idea of energy harvesting (airborne microbial swarms is one chain of thought I've been entertaining) and I am increasingly wondering whether atmospheric and terrestrial nitrogen excitation may be a factor in light based visual stimulus phenomenon (is there any other kind?), this paper provides some interesting tit bits to build upon that wonder, thanks for posting it. I was particularly interested that they explicitly state that they take a systematic approach to the study and this is demonstrated in the discussion, however they do recognise that there is an interconnectedness at play in the manifestation of the phenomenon but fail to run with this and begin looking at the situation systemically. That is a pity.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Anaana

I was particularly interested that they explicitly state that they take a systematic approach to the study and this is demonstrated in the discussion, however they do recognise that there is an interconnectedness at play in the manifestation of the phenomenon but fail to run with this and begin looking at the situation systemically. That is a pity.

Do you mean in the sense that papers like this insist on holding out an olive-branch to the ETH folks? I would tend to agree with you there. I use the "read3X" rule when I encounter stuff like the Hessdalen paper, I read it three times, look up stuff I don't understand, and then relax on a fourth reading. I just realized: that's sort of like a reading-pranayam, but I digress (again). My point being that the paper kept ending with a "clunk" and I haven't been able to quite articulate why.

Part of it I know why though: it's because my inagination went straight to energy-harvesting, too. The linked Hessdalen paper, Project Condign and the papers that they cite refer to the great potential for a powerful energy source that these "lights" might hold out for us.

My imagiation is fast and pretty wild and before the second read through I was already imagining these plasma-blobs as "sun-babies", thinking that once we understood them we might have some vessel that could capture them as the Sun and Earth create them and take them home for an energy source; plug container in to home system, "voila!", the lights is on.

I love your idea about the microbes: I am imagining a harvesting-strainer of some kind that produces a blue-glow.

Anyhow, loose-thinking for a Thorsday morning. Thanks for your kind response.

ETA: Wow. Now I can't get the weird images out of my head: it would be like some sorta sky-agriculture for harvesting energy?
edit on 12-2-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 03:17 PM
I only popped in to say "Great thread Zazz. "

Very interesting debate by the 'ATS gang' with a number of possibilities all being discussed.

I know we'd all like to find undeniable proof of just one UFO case that really was an alien craft. But it is also important to consider that UFOs are simply "unidentified" until we know what they are. I think slowly but surely we are moving away from the two camps of either the "everything is aliens" or "de-bunkers" clubs with threads like this one.

posted on Feb, 12 2015 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

It looks like something else is going on in Hessdalen, check this out

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: NYCUltra

Good work, there.
The only thing that gets me is that when I search for photo/video examples of AP, ionspheric plasma, ionosphere conductivity, airglow phenomenon, etc., they do not visually compare or share any characteristics to what people are describing they saw in the sky at all. I don't think it was any of these, but you mentioned the Hessdalen Lights.

Let's look at how the lights are described..

NYCUltra great post and they do sound similar, think it´s fair to say some of the witness testimony from Hessdalen residents also involve solid objects and the cigar, saucer and conical shape reports are pretty intriguing (particularly when they are reported to have specific features like two vertical lights).

Witness interviews:

originally posted by: NYCUltra

This must be one of the best corroborated visual to radar eyewitness accounts out there.

The pilot radar/visual case below is also very interesting (and also involves three objects 'merging into one').


This one is also a bit freaky.

Interviews at 36:10

Full Report / Thread

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: karl 12

and NCYUltra

The dispatch operator says people described a cylinder object when talking to the WS, and Hessdalen also has these cylinder objects sighted.
So its not just the similarity of object splitting apart and coming back together but the cylinder shape that interests me

I didn't hear any people actually say cylinder in their description during call in to 911.
Karl do you know if out there all the callers testimony can be heard? This recording whilst valuable for the corroborating call to the weather service, doesn't present all the calls it can. Are they out there to hear….anyone know?

I'd like to hear more descriptions.
edit on 13-2-2015 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 07:35 PM
To the thread at large:

It looks like something else is going on in Hessdalen,


I went ahead and watched all 5 parts of the video that NYCUltra linked and after watching them, I agree, there is something else going on there: it seems to me it's all of the energetic activity that is going on at that concentrated location in Hessdalen that we don't see.

The last installment is the best, I think. At the beginning you will hear Strand describing how they got the “best” ever photographic image of the Hessdalen lights. You'll hear the narrator comment on how the display of lights was visible to the naked eye for only a “few minutes”, but the radar return from that particular display lasted for 4 hours. 4 freakin' hours.

The reason that I think that the coming together and going apart of the lights over Holland is indicative of some sort of rare atmospheric and geophysical phenomenon, like unto Hessdalen, is because that part of the story seems to connote that the lights were subject to some type of time signature; maybe like that of the “peculiar, pulsing magnetic storms” recorded at Hessdalen.

The columnar shape, if these are some sort of electrical plasma, and Strand's team seems to think that they must be, is also due to magnetic forces affecting the electrical plasmas, which incidentally are made of energised silica, oxygen and nitrogen, a.k.a. “dust and air”, according to Strands sperctranalysis.

I agree with Arbitrageur's post, to say it's not all founded upon some perfect-storm of an anomalous propagation is short sighted: it seems to be based on an anomprop that is rare and that we hardly understand. Arbitrageur also mentioned that if refraction is strong enough that ground images may be seen as well, and you can see that at one point in that series of Hessdalen vids.

Amongst all of the people that live at Hessdalen, near Hessdalen and that make the pilgramage to see the lights at Hessdalen, there has to be some gradient-of-excitation that thay all experience the lights upon. That's because even though we all have a brain, they are all slightly different.

There are going to be folks on that gradient-of-excitation that are going to “fill-in-the-blanks” between the lights. I know this is a sucky idea to deal with, but at least we are dealing with it, as in this thread by forum mod _BoneZ_

(Part 2 with Map) The Phoenix Lights - Laying To Rest The Myth

...or this video posted by member karl 12

The part I am not understanding at this point is why this has to be dressed up as a “UFO portal”, which alludes to all sorts of whack-bag madness.

Listen at 2:50, the scientists at Hessdalen are excited that they may be on to something that may help solve the world's energy problems, not aliens.

edit on 13-2-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Bybyots
Do you mean in the sense that papers like this insist on holding out an olive-branch to the ETH folks? I would tend to agree with you there. I use the "read3X" rule when I encounter stuff like the Hessdalen paper, I read it three times, look up stuff I don't understand, and then relax on a fourth reading. I just realized: that's sort of like a reading-pranayam, but I digress (again). My point being that the paper kept ending with a "clunk" and I haven't been able to quite articulate why.

That is not what I meant by systemic, I'll get back to that at some point. In terms of the olive-branch, there is an inevitability about that, a lot of wealthy people have jumped on that particular bandwagon as a suitably distracting hobby, retirement activity. I am reminded of what Carl Jung said in his memoirs about the majority of the patients that consulted him, that were over thirty years of age, were suffering from a deficit of a personal belief structure. Much of the interest in the ETH seems related to a replacement for a god they don't feel a validity in believing in but need something (anything) to believe in, as well as needing the validation of others also believing in that 'reality'. It is not for me to say they are right or wrong, but I am becoming increasingly aware of their buying power in terms of deciding what gets publicity and what doesn't. Additionally, sometimes, as seems to be the case with the team at the centre of the Hessdalen investigation, a phenomenon is confirmed as having a recordable basis, but no one wants to talk to them other than the ETH. The Hessdalen lot desperately need funding and therefore publicity, they are doing the rounds of the UFO circuit because they are the only people approaching them.

The guy leading it is really interesting actually, well worth a closer look. He's working hard, doing lots of interviews. I like how he comes across.

Is it proven that 95% of Hessdalen phenomena is plasma? Or are we still talking about UFOs? I read that conclusion of the research was that "...its behavior most often unpredictable." And unknown origin.

No, it is not proven that the Hessdalen Phenomena is a plasma, but in many cases it might be a possibility. The many differences of shapes, colors, lifetime, behavior etc. makes us believe there may be different types of phenomena we are studying. There may be several answers to the question: What is it?

You may call it UFO, if you use J.Allen Hynek’s definition. But if you think of spacecrafts, we have very few sightings which indicate such.

Are there proof that we don’t talk about plasma?

Some of the sightings are difficult to explain as plasma, but many others are easier to explain as plasma. Remember plasma is a state. Other states are frozen (hard), liquid, gas, and then plasma. Which state “something” has, is depending on the temperature. A plasma state is mostly when there is a high temperature. The few times we have had the possibility to get the temperature, there are no indication of high temperature. None have ever indicated heat, even when they have been relative close to the phenomena. We don’t have any burn marks when it has touched the ground. However, we don’t know the temperature of the sightings up in the air,

There are probably several solutions to what the Hessdalen Phenomena are. Look at my answer to your question no.1

100% of the sightings of the Hessdalen Phenomena (HP) are unsolved. It is unsolved even if you find out something about it. It is not solved, even if it should be found to be plasma, or anything else. If it is plasma, the big question is: How can that plasma occur, and live in Hessdalen, Where does the energy come from, etc. When we found possible Scandium in a couple of cases, it is not solved. If you say it is solved when you find Scandium (or any other element) in it, you could say you have found out the solution of a car, when you find there is iron in the car. It is a long way from the element iron, to the car. I hope you understand what I am trying to tell.

When something is recorded on radar, it tells that it reflect electromagnetic waves. Strong reflections indicate a strong gradient of some kind. It doesn’t need to be a solid object to be captured on radar. Only a strong gradient is needed. For instance a local high ionization, or a high energy Rydberg state.

What about that Doppler VLF noise? I heard that others type of plasma can make that sound. Like sprites.
The “possible” Doppler VLF signals are still a mystery. What can move in such a high speed?

Can you tell us more about Doppler VLF signals? Any theories ?

It just looked as something transmitting a VLF signals was moving very fast. No theories.

After researchers done laser test they felt like in boat. Did you ever measured low-frequency EM-field?

The feeling of “standing in a waving boat” did not occur in connection with the laser test. When such waving feeling came, we had no instruments running, which measured low-frequency EM signals. Such waving feeling, which indicate some influence of the inner ear, can occur when there are strong low-frequency EM signals, or low-frequency sound waves (infra sound)

Are there any theories about feeling of “standing in a waving boat”? What can produce low f. EM signals or Infra sound?

No good theories exists.

The whole interview is worth reading, and I don't feel as though he is offering an olive branch, rather he is not biting the only hand willing to feed his publicity need, no pandering though, just lots of patience.
edit on 16-2-2015 by Anaana because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Bybyots

The part I am not understanding at this point is why this has to be dressed up as a “UFO portal”, which alludes to all sorts of whack-bag madness.

Listen at 2:50, the scientists at Hessdalen are excited that they may be on to something that may help solve the world's energy problems, not aliens.

Marsha Adams seems particularly keen on the energy aspect of the phenomenon.

In May of 2002 Strand and Adams became aware of each other’s research and began collaborating. They have assembled two portable monitoring stations. The missions below describe the ongoing research efforts using the portable stations to solve the mystery of the lights.

At about 12:27 Adams puts forth the idea of the possibility that the “energy source” could be underground and that that represents an untapped energy source. Goes on to report a connection, tangible enough, with the appearance of lights and subsequent seismic activity. Adams states that these light are often mistaken for UFOs. This, association with lights and seismic activity doesn’t seem solid, no hard data, she gets vague around the specifics. She was at SRI, worked on Ingo Swann’s RV research, so there is a history of having an open-minded approach, but she doesn't put any store in UFO explanations, but is very kind about those that do. It is worth getting to the end of the interview, she gives a tour of her house, which doubles as a research station. The lady has some serious kit, and an equally serious EM obsession. You're left in no doubt about what toots her horn.

The portal though, Strand reports...

In a recent interview, you have stated that “…you have had several daytime observations, where you have seen flying discs, etc…”Even if not related to the HP, could you please provide more details on such sightings?

I have had only three daytime observations, so the word “several” is wrong. I have however seen several unexplainable “things”, – such which goes into another category than HP or ufo. Two of those three observations was a flying disc. The third was a “black hole”. I did not get the impression that I was looking onto a black object, it was more like a hole into something completely black. This “black hole” changed size all the time.

There is some really funky stuff happening in Hessdalen. And loads of good scientific papers, in relation to those I have noted only one really controversy, difference of opinion wise, which is interesting, but I am still processing that, but one paper totally blew my socks off. It is beyond audacious, wonderfully presented argument, brilliantly supported. It has huge holes but then so do all the others, as he painstakingly points out. I have to say I love it even though I don't agree with a single argument or his interpretation of the evidence. The paper is entitled, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) A New Hypothesis toward Their Explanation"

Abstract—For six decades now luminous and other unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have been sighted worldwide in large numbers. Extensive scientific unidentified aerial phenomena observations have been made over the last 26 years in iHessdalen, Norway. The optical properties of luminous UAPs have been described in detail, but all efforts to explain them by terrestrial causes have failed. Earlier scientific attempts to explain UAPs by extraterrestrial visitation (ETV) have failed as well. A new ETV hypothesis is proposed which aims at causally explaining all luminous UAP sightings in Hessdalen and most elsewhere. To this end a galactic neighborhood scenario and model is defined. It explains why a stealth ETV probe equipped with artificial intelligence (Al) has been built by an exo-civilization and sent in a historical past into our solar system. It states that this extraterrestrial visitation probe (ETVP), now orbiting the earth, occasionally sends a stealth electromagnetic beam (SEMB) down into the atmosphere. It explains in detail how such an SEMB produces luminous UAPs by means of a nonlinear photonic mechanism which, as such, has been known and investigated since 1995 as a branch of current femtosecond physics. This photon mechanism is further developed into a UAP-A and a UAP-B model. Together the two models explain all optical Hessdalen observations.

Journal of Scíentific Exploration, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 415-453, 2013

The JSE, as you probably know, is the journal for the Society for Scientific Exploration, so we have a predisposition towards some kind of supranatural explanation, but then this is what the paper above also states...(note my bolding of his rather pompous chest puffing indignation)

The absence of any scientifically acceptable theory to explain UAPs has spurred the creation of thousands of Internet articles, books, movies etc., which offer pseudo-scientific or else fantasy explanations. For the general public, observable UAP properties have become indistinguishable from fictional UFO properties, and knowledge about UAPs has become mixed up with irrational beliefs. This is contrary to what an enlightened, democratic, and responsible society should head for.

I wish I could post the whole paper, but it also seems to be the most recent academic publication on the subject, and as I intimated eariler, there are divisions forming in terms of what researchers are willing to consider or not consider and vested interests are apparent, hence huge amounts of distortion.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 05:00 PM
To add, while 2013 is the most recent paper (that I could get hold of), there was an article in the New Scientist last May.

Another idea is that the lights are powered by radioactivity -- specifically, the decay of radon in the atmosphere. This was put forward by Gerson Paiva and Carlton Taft of the Brazilian Center for Physics Research in Rio de Janeiro, who have created ball lightning and plasmas in the lab. In 2010 they suggested that the Hessdalen lights are made up of "dusty plasma" -- one containing ionised dust particles. Paiva and Taft have used radon decay to make dusty plasmas and believe that something similar could occur in Hessdalen. (Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, vol 72, p 1200).

Coppins accepts that radioactive decay could generate some kind of plasma. Unfortunately, every search for radioactivity in Hessdalen since the very first field experiments in 1984 has failed to find evidence of it; indeed background radioactivity is lower in the valley than in the surrounding area. Even so, Hauge is searching for radon as a priority this year, and is placing radon detectors in an area where a large light was seen. He admits that the team has found no large radon-emitting rocks in the area, but points to nearby mines that are now filled with water. Could big radon bubbles be erupting from deep in the ground, picking up dust from the water's surface as they enter the air? "The bubble comes up and… whoosh!" he says.

And also mentions the Italian group doing research as Hessdalen.

The other main strand of research later this year will be led by Jader Monari of the Institute of Radio Astronomy in Medicina, Italy, who has been studying the spectrum of the lights and electrical anomalies in the valley since 1996. This year, though, he will turn his attention to the valley's unique geology in search of evidence of a novel source of energy.

In 2011 Monari and his team analysed rock samples from Hessdalen and found that it is a valley of two halves: the rocks on one side of the Hesja river are rich in zinc and iron, those on the other are rich in copper. Then, during the 2012 mission someone mentioned an abandoned sulphur mine in the valley. "For me it was news," says Monari. "We found zinc and iron on one side and copper on the other. If there is sulphur in the water in the middle, it makes a perfect battery."

Monari suspects that the iron and zinc form the anode of this natural battery, the copper makes the cathode, and sulphuric acid leached out of the mine turns the river into an electrolyte. This, he says, could explain a strange electric field anomaly that they measured in 2010.

To test the idea, he and his colleague Romano Serra from the University of Bologna, Italy, set up a pair of rocks from opposite sides of the valley as electrodes, and dunked them in river sediment to mimic a battery. They found that a current flowed between the two. "It was possible to light a lamp," says Monari.

Monari suggests that this unique geology contributes to the lights in two ways. First, it supplies bubbles of ionised gas, formed when sulphurous fumes react with the humid air of the valley. Second, it forms electromagnetic field lines in the valley that could move the bubble around. "This electrical field creates a path that could be the 'main road' of the lights inside the valley," he says.

This seems to fit with the evidence. If the ion bubbles are a cold plasma that hasn't been energised enough to emit visible light, it is possible that they would float around the valley invisibly, revealed only by radar pulses bouncing off them.

Light fantastic. By: Williams, Caroline, New Scientist, 02624079, 5/10/2014, Vol. 222, Issue 2968

This latter group got into a brief rebuttal with Strand over the first study they did which basically, from my reading, implied that Strand and his team had been exposed to too much strange happening and that was distorting their results. If so, since then and May 2014 they appear to have come under the same influence. They have university backing now, and the associated research monies, but there first project was funded, entirely, by directors of a ceramic tile manufacturing business in Italy. Semi-retired hobbyists no doubt.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:49 AM
Loving these thread replies.

My only thing is....this isn't Hassdelon.
I know its easier to review and discuss the Norwegian phenomena we have so much evidence to review, but it is a deifferen event and different location. So I'm thinking lets look at specific links starting with 'light' composition.

In one of the Hassdelon videos the professor say they think they have worked out there is silicia and another miner found only in Scandinavia in it. Can anyone recall what that mineral is called? I know Brown Mountain lights are starting to be attested to quartz and silica an possibly sulphur in Norway.

We can check if this area in the US has any minerals with similar properties.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz


Scandium is used primarily as a light source. About 20 kilograms of scandium are used yearly in the United States to produce high-intensity lights. Scandium’s radioactive isotope is used as a tracing agent in refinery crackers for crude oil and other materials. When scandium iodide is added to mercury vapor lamps, it produces a highly efficient light source that resembles sunlight. This is used for indoor and nighttime color television

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: karl 12

I didn't hear any people actually say cylinder in their description during call in to 911.
Karl do you know if out there all the callers testimony can be heard? This recording whilst valuable for the corroborating call to the weather service, doesn't present all the calls it can. Are they out there to hear….anyone know?

I'd like to hear more descriptions.

I'd like to hear more descriptions too Zazz and although there are a few other newspaper accounts like the one below where another eye-witness reports the UFO as being '50 feet long, cigar shaped and round' I think that's it when it comes to the released police audio dispatch reports.

Think it's pretty lucky we actually got anything in relation to the audio and in my experience although we do hear about the police being 'flooded with calls' about UFO sightings we rarely get to know the actual content.

Another good example of separtely located folks all reportedly reporting the same thing is the Gosford case -according to Police Sgt Bob Wenning phone lines were 'ringing off the hook' yet they never released any audio dispatch -suppose if it wasn't for the investigative fieldwork of Moira McGhee and Bryan Dickeson we'd be pretty clueless about it.

Gosford NSW multiple witness UFO sightings Dec 30/31 1995

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
Loving these thread replies.

My only thing is....this isn't Hassdelon.
I know its easier to review and discuss the Norwegian phenomena we have so much evidence to review, but it is a deifferen event and different location.

The events recorded and discussed within the Hessdalen framework have similarities to those in the OP, that there are differences in both time and space should only emphasise the similarities.

In those terms, large fresh water bodies within the vicinity, copper mining (discontinued in both locations prior to first recorded sightings), shale deposits. I'm personally intrigued not just by the copper mining, but by the closures, what changes that might have caused. Lake Michigan is in a healed rift, I would expect there to be layers of rock exhibiting various magnetic memories. Norway is continental shield, rich in all kinds of crystal bearing rocks with magnetic and radioactive properties. It just takes the right atmospheric conditions to suitably charge whatever it is that is being charged. I don't think any of these incidents can be looked at in isolation. Hessdalen while suffering from a number of invested interests, offers some really valuable dimensions as to what properties could cause anomalous propagation, as well as be visible to human perception, and have a electromagnetic signature. And a multitude of other nuggets. The similarities, while some are quite minor, are sufficient, in these two events, to suggest some connection. I'm wondering if there are any connected weather systems and I'm continuing to look at that.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Anaana

9. After researchers done laser test they felt like in boat. Did you ever measured low-frequency EM-field?

The feeling of “standing in a waving boat” did not occur in connection with the laser test. When such waving feeling came, we had no instruments running, which measured low-frequency EM signals.

Such waving feeling, which indicate some influence of the inner ear, can occur when there are strong low-frequency EM signals, or low-frequency sound waves (infra sound)

Hi Anaana,

That bit really stood out for me and that's the first thing that I suspected as well: something is having some effect on the inner ear.

Sounds like it's the magnetic fields associated with either hessdalen, the lights or both.

Combining their results with what’s known about the inner ear, the researchers surmised that MRI-related vertigo most likely relates to interplay between electrical currents flowing through the salty fluid in the canals of the labyrinth and MRI’s magnetic field.

Roberts notes the finding not only solves a decades-long scientific question, but also has implications for research that uses MRI. In one technique, known as functional MRI, researchers measure brain activity by tracking blood flow in the brain as subjects perform tasks. The new findings suggest that the scanner itself could be causing previously unnoticed brain activity related to movement and balance, potentially affecting results.

“We’ve shown that even when you think there’s nothing happening in the brain while volunteers are in the scanner, there’s actually a lot happening because MRI itself is causing some effect,” Roberts says.

Johns Hopkins Researchers Pinpoint the Cause of MRI Vertigo

P.S. It will never cease to amaaze me how this always comes down to minerals and mining; makes me have to go play Dwarf Fortress.

edit on 21-2-2015 by Bybyots because: . : ,

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

So its Mountain Mining Dwarvan folk or Sprites and Elementals?

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