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Fox News Finally Admits "Serious Factual Error" In Segment About Muslim "Zones"

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posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

You made a stupid assumption that he didn't travel. He was responding to it.

I've seen you on the board, always with the name calling. You are what we call a "Put Down" poster, no class, no style.

Elevate your posting level.

And to be On Topic ask anyone that doesn't believe France and other countries don't have "no go zones" or whatever each country calls them, nothing is stopping you from visiting. Just make sure one of you is a woman, ask her to wear shorts and t shirt and let her walk alone, see what happens then.

edit on 26-1-2015 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

You made a stupid assumption that he didn't travel. He was responding to it.

I've seen you on the board, always with the name calling. You are what we call a "Put Down" poster, no class, no style.

Elevate your posting level.

And to be On Topic ask anyone that doesn't believe France and other countries don't have "no go zones" or whatever each country calls them, nothing is stopping you from visiting. Just make sure one of you is a woman, ask her to wear shorts and t shirt and let her walk alone, see what happens then.


The OP is on "no go zones" in France being terrorist training camps and mini Muslim fiefdoms where police won't even go. Not if there are hoods or ghettos where a sexily dressed woman might be harassed. I live in memphis TN where like 40% of the inner city is horrible ghettos where any attractive woman in low cut attire whould get scared walking.

You should stay on topic please.....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:54 PM
Thanks for the information. Eventhough we all know the media is totally corrupted, this information always helps.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

I don't know any ghetto that calls you an infidel dog and stones you. They weren't short shorts, they were khakis and a regular white t shirt with white reebok tennis shoes.

Unless you've lived there, you can't compare it to a regular ghetto. It is Sharia based. No doubt about it.

Go there and see for yourself,


edit on 26-1-2015 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: eisegesis


Here's a fact: people believe what they want to believe. If you are told something that is congruent with your belief system, your personal philosophy, or whatever....if it resonates sufficiently, you will buy it hook line and sinker. This website is the classic example of that.....

This just proves that FOX news is no different from the average joe. They heard it, it resonated, they "published" without a fact check. Why? Heck, everyone knows this must be true...right?


posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

Yeah...I lived in Cordova (just outside Memphis) for a couple of years. Memphis is a cesspool. Populated and led by the lowest class and denominator possible. Politicians are the crap in the cesspool.

Sorry about the somewhat off-topic post, but Memphis is a POS and yet there are no no-go zones that I am familiar with. But then I do not think Memphis has a substantial Moslem population.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

The OP is on "no go zones" in France being terrorist training camps and mini Muslim fiefdoms where police won't even go.

You should stay on topic please.....

What a terrible post - this is not what the OP was about.

To address your twisted assumption - there may not be terrorist training camps in Paris, but there are significant neighborhoods where the prevalent culture is diametrically opposed to traditional western European culture. These oppositions are expressed with violence and intimidation, and they are a growing problem - not just in Paris, but across Europe.

There is substantiation provided in this thread, and multiple others about these no-go zones where non-muslims and police are readily attacked.

Try to stay on topic, please.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
a reply to: Entreri06

I don't know any ghetto that calls you an infidel dog and stones you. They weren't short shorts, they were khakis and a regular white t shirt with white reebok tennis shoes.

Unless you've lived there, you can't compare it to a regular ghetto. It is Sharia based. No doubt about it.

Go there and see for yourself,


Whether it's being called an infidel and being stoned for your clothes or being called (insert insult) and being shot or stabbed or beat with a bat it's still the same mentality and possibly the same result. I still don't see why it's so much worse just because of their ideology.

If someone calls my wife a name and throws rocks at her I don't care why they did it. All that matters is that they chose to do it. The "why" is insignificant.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

The "why" is insignificant.


The 'why' is the essence of the problem.

You cannot address an ideological aberration with "Je suis Charlie."

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Seamrog

First, you should really stop calling everyone naive without knowing who you're talking to first.

Second, knowing the "essence of the problem" isn't my concern unless I plan on fixing or eliminating the ideology as a whole. So unless you're talking about only a handful of people, then no it doesn't matter. But that's really what you're talking about isn't it??? Eliminating the whole of Islam as an ideology???

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

"Only a handful of people"

The very definition of Naivete.

Sorry - the shoe fits.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Seamrog

Sorry - the shoe fits.

Sure, so everyone who doesn't agree with your ch*cken # world view to fear all Muslims must be naive now.

I notice how you've stopped even having any kind of debate and just ignore all questions and call people naive and tell them how they just don't understand. Like you're some kind of expert because you once got your ass kicked by some Muslim guys over in France.

You'd make the next great Fox News Expert!!

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: mOjOm

You must have missed the words from the president of the largest muslim country in the arab world...apparently he's a little concerned too. In fact, I'm sure you missed it, as it was largely ignored by the enlightened.

Just keep you head in the sand and feel enlightened...

Among other things, Sisi said that the “corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years” are “antagonizing the entire world”; that it is not “possible that 1.6 billion people [reference to the world’s Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live”; and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) “is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

There is more that is more damning, but hey, al-Sisi is a chicken s# too, right?

Egypt's as-Sisi Slams islamism

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 11:37 AM
Australians fighting for Isis reportedly killed in battle for Kobani
Australians among the largest contingent of foreign jihadists killed as the Syrian city was taken by Kurdish forces, a senior US state department official says

A “hugely, hugely significant” number of foreign fighters were killed in the battle, he said, nominating Australia, Belgium, Canada and Chechnya as major source countries.

You still don't think jihadists are a threat to western civilization?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: Seamrog

Sorry - the shoe fits.

Sure, so everyone who doesn't agree with your ch*cken # world view to fear all Muslims must be naive now.

I notice how you've stopped even having any kind of debate and just ignore all questions and call people naive and tell them how they just don't understand. Like you're some kind of expert because you once got your ass kicked by some Muslim guys over in France.

You'd make the next great Fox News Expert!!

Allegedly, got his A$$ kicked by a group of Muslims.... I figure it's an even money bet that he's just BSing to prove his point.... Which if he was attacked by the blood thirsty savages he believes most Muslims are, then they prob would have beheaded them instead of a little fistee cuffs...

This is a prime example of the feminization of modern men... Can't even handle an A$$ whoppin without a divine conspiracy. Lol

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: seentoomuch
a reply to: Entreri06

I don't know any ghetto that calls you an infidel dog and stones you. They weren't short shorts, they were khakis and a regular white t shirt with white reebok tennis shoes.

Unless you've lived there, you can't compare it to a regular ghetto. It is Sharia based. No doubt about it.

Go there and see for yourself,


Whether it's being called an infidel and being stoned for your clothes or being called (insert insult) and being shot or stabbed or beat with a bat it's still the same mentality and possibly the same result. I still don't see why it's so much worse just because of their ideology.

If someone calls my wife a name and throws rocks at her I don't care why they did it. All that matters is that they chose to do it. The "why" is insignificant.

No in the hood in memphis TN they would have called her a "witch" (with a b) and beaten and robbed you both. Not throw a rock from 20 yards away. On a bad day she would be raped too...

American Christians want to be warriors for Jesus. We all think we are bad A$$es (myself included) and LOVE a good fight. So the religious have finally found a bad guy it's except able to aim their faith at...

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Seamrog

I'm not saying ignore the problem. I'm saying have some perspective on the situation. We're still talking about rogue terrorist cells armed with basic weapons and some bad wiring. When they form an actual military with air support and a navy as well as a multinational support structure to fund their operations let me know. Until then they're a gang of thugs. Sorry if I'm not exactly hiding in my closet just yet.

One thing you do have right though is that I'm at least enlightened enough to know better than to accuse the whole of Islam for the actions of a few idiots who claim that same faith. But you go ahead and keep labeling them all the same and treating them all like evil savages until you convince all 1.6 million of them to join together for their own safety. Then you'll get that Holy War you want so bad to justify you're own indoctrination. Personally I think you're all zealots and crusaders of BS and I'm tired of all the damage so many like you have caused throughout history.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: Entreri06

Yeah...I lived in Cordova (just outside Memphis) for a couple of years. Memphis is a cesspool. Populated and led by the lowest class and denominator possible. Politicians are the crap in the cesspool.

Sorry about the somewhat off-topic post, but Memphis is a POS and yet there are no no-go zones that I am familiar with. But then I do not think Memphis has a substantial Moslem population.

There are worse places in memphis then anything Paris has to offer. It's just that Christians want to have a faith based antagonist. There are no real satan worshippers (almost all are Athiests poking fun at Christianity). The Jews are off limits since WW2 ( before that American Christians HATEd them). So anything involving a Muslim is a global crisis while any Christian atrocities are just a few crazies....

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Seamrog

I'm not saying ignore the problem. I'm saying have some perspective on the situation. We're still talking about rogue terrorist cells armed with basic weapons and some bad wiring. When they form an actual military with air support and a navy as well as a multinational support structure to fund their operations let me know. Until then they're a gang of thugs. Sorry if I'm not exactly hiding in my closet just yet.

One thing you do have right though is that I'm at least enlightened enough to know better than to accuse the whole of Islam for the actions of a few idiots who claim that same faith. But you go ahead and keep labeling them all the same and treating them all like evil savages until you convince all 1.6 million of them to join together for their own safety. Then you'll get that Holy War you want so bad to justify you're own indoctrination. Personally I think you're all zealots and crusaders of BS and I'm tired of all the damage so many like you have caused throughout history.

Well played!!!

Conservatives evangelicals are the best advertising Isis/alqueada ever had. You just know the fraction of 1% of Muslims that are nut job terrorists, want nothing more then to convince the other 1.799999999 billion Muslims that there really is a holy war against them. So every time some idiot focuses on the Muslim instead of the terrorist, they become a billboard for Isis.

But hey Christians all can't wait for there jihad (Armageddon) either.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 08:35 AM
Open Jihad Declared in Egypt Following State Dept. Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders
Muslim Brotherhood call for ‘long, uncompromising jihad’

The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising jihad” in Egypt just days after a delegation of the Islamist group’s key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement released this week.

Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders was hosted at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to “prepare” for jihad, according to an independent translation of the statement first posted on Tuesday.

The statement also was issued just two days before a major terror attack Thursday in Egypt’s lawless Sinai region that killed at least 25.

edit on 083131p://bFriday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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