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Patient with Ebola Like Symptoms Reported at Howard Univ. Hospital in DC!!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: RunForTheHills
a reply to: Xcalibur254
So far we have a patient in ATL, Dallas, Nebraska, and DC (ebola like symptoms in DC).

Yes, and I just read about a possible case in Utah. Can't post the link right now.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: RunForTheHills
a reply to: Xcalibur254
So far we have a patient in ATL, Dallas, Nebraska, and DC (ebola like symptoms in DC).

And now in Utah

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: jtma508
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

But all the hysteria being discussed is about how it's going to go epidemic in the US. You cannot compare the situation in Africa with that of the U.S. They lack any sort of coordinated epidemiological response, they have extraordinarily short medical supplies of the most basic kind, culturally people are reacting out of superstition and are avoiding medical help being cared for instead by untrained, unprotected family and friends. There is no quarantine. There have been no deaths in the U.S. from ebola and cases present in only a small number of states. Meanwhile, there have been 4 deaths from EV-68, numerous cases of paralysis, and sickness reported in almost all states. In one year there were over 60M cases of H1N1, over 275,000 hospitalizations, and over 13,000 deaths.

I agree, it shouldn't be as bad in America as it is in some of these other countries. On top of what you said, I've seen several reports out of Africa that show Ebola victims are being denied help, because they have Ebola. The doctors seem scared to take them in, they also have a shortage of space so they are forcing sick people back into their communities untreated. The ambulance responds to people who die from ebola, but not people living with it. I don't think that will happen here.

edit on Octpm04pm312014-10-03T16:56:00-05:0004America/Chicago by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: YodaCoda

My brother-in-law is from South America, so I have no illusions about people from South America. In his family are lighter and darker skin colors, blonde and dark hair. However, the vast majority are lightly tanned to dark tanned looking and the vast majority have dark hair.

However, people from Arabic countries could easily pass as from South America and people are often confused just looking at people from South America and from Arab countries as to where they are from until they hear them speak.

The terrorists have said they will infect people and have them come across the southern border with the people from South America. I am not saying the terrorists will be from South America. However, the "mystery illness" is quite clearly from South America, that has nothing to do with terrorism. The terrorists carrying Ebola will not be from south america but will be crossing with them trying to blend in.

All a Islamic State of Daesh terrorist has to do is carry a vial of fluids with him/her (in the right conditions the virus will stay live for up to 50 days (see my first post). Then infect themselves just before crossing the border and asking for asylum. Very easy to do these days, and they will be given a notice to appear (no one will actually check if they appear), and a ticket to anywhere in the US. That is what is currently happening at our southern border. They may have tightened a little on adults, but get a jihadist teen to do it and they are guaranteed to land in a public school before showing major symptoms.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 05:01 PM
CDC will not be testing this patient for Ebola.

couldn't believe it when I heard it.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: lostbook
I just saw this reported on the news here in Dc so I don't have much information. This is getting scary now.

Ebola has been in the US for QUITE SOME TIME. What we are witnessing is Tuskeegee Experiment 2.0.
I've said it all on the threads of Ebola on ATS until its a broken record...ITS BEEN HERE. This is a manmade thing, and it just didn't get to the states. Whatever they tell us they knew damn well its been here at least a year, and for scrupulous reasons they are now "covering all bases" having outbreaks in "odd places" across North America. Think Of timing versus release of information! Look back at the history of AIDS. AIDS was first shown in the Vietnam war. Look at Agent Orange syndrome symptoms and look at 1970s AIDS symptoms. Do some research on it. Strain Type #1 AIDS was killing white boys as early as 1978 (after contagion was spread through Hepatitis B shots in NYC and San Francisco). Two places on opposite ends of the spectrum, but notorious for having a PROTESTING AND DEMANDING OF RIGHTS CULTURE from the turbulent 60s and early 1970s. White gay guys were dropping DEAD in 1978 and NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT. Nothing WAS SAID ABOUT IT. Doctors were begging, I mean BEGGING the media to cover it and it was gag orders from the top starting with the Reagen Administration (remember, AIDS hit as Carter was on his way out and probably didn't even get a handle on it). 1981 was the first year it was in the press as a "possible" epidemic, and that was still the SMALL PRESS. How many died between 1979-1981? Thousands. How many were exposed and infected? Tens of thousands. What we have is a combination of intentional infection and exposure from parties unknown, dishonesty from our government, corporations, and news outlets to provoke fear and panic so they can declare marshall law, or some other restrictive repressive bullshyt. It also is a nice cannon fodder cocktail to kill off some radical freedom fighting people that will CHALLENGE government rule against personal liberties too, or just bump off a race of people because of Eugenics. For all we know, Ebola may become for Mexicans what AIDS became for Black Americans after somebody in the lab tinkers with it and alters it to attack certain genes only inherent with their racial background.

As this thing unfolds daily, Ebola is looking EXACTLY like the AIDS Pandemic to me. People's heads are in the wrong bag about this. People are going on and on about "countries not giving Africa help" but face facts - Fact #1 - AFRICA HAS BEEN THE TESTING GROUND FOR THESE AGENTS SINCE DAY ONE. Fact #2 - America has a history of biological warfare on its own people and medical apartheid has been alive and well since slavery. Fact #3 - Like AIDS, Ebola has been specifically created and manipulated (the US holds ALL PATENTS on the strain now, don't they? I see they learned from AIDS since France cracked the disease and had a cure which the US sued them in international court and to this day has prohibited worldwide distribution of it). Think back to AIDS a minute, the early years. In the beginning the white gay boys exclusively got it; how many times was it just called a cancer? How many times did Reagen's administration shut down any and all help to them because it was just a gay illness? Then slowly after 1985 or so it started creeping up in black communities through and via the crack epidemic years. Now you tell me how did a disease that made people drop dead instantly within 3-6 months of exposure now have stages? There are people living with it for 20 years now. There is still misinformation on the tie-in to HIV, which has been proven to be an illness by itself; people can get it and not get AIDS and vice versa. But we the people 35 years later still don't have a good public grasp of the thing, and for newer generations its in the back of their mind as unimportant. Think of how AIDS went out there and was mutated (which no one discusses) and the conspiracies and proven documentation from various countries of PROVEN FACTS around it, including government conspiracies against the US. Now replace the word AIDS in the aforementioned with Ebola.

Like with AIDS TPTB front a great digital propaganda machine they can incite fear into the masses and discriminate against people with a single lie. Cue: Mass Media promoting "Contagion", "The Strain". The conditioning to accept this thing has been out there for ages. The Strain and Contagion of recent have been adding fuel to the paranoid fire. The Strain concludes next week - imagine that! Outbreak comes to mind as well, but that was a 90s Dustin Hoffman tour de force so most people didn't take "are you trying to seduce me mrs. robinson" to heart. The timing of the Strain is incredible though, you have to admit. People are getting conditioned into this, you see.

And just like my father claims that they used Vietnam to test the first strains of AIDS on them through mandatory inoculations, we may have that as well with Ebola since all of a sudden all these outbreaks are occurring. Let's see some data on how many of these people have gotten flu shots or other inoculations since Sept. 1st.

I cant stress this point enough ATS: If people think this just "happened", they need to check the Tuskeegee Experiment, and look at the protocols and origins behind the AIDS in the 1960s first. See Big Pharma comes under pressure as AZT kills Leukimia kids. Not jump 20 years later and said drug is being used as a "treatment" for this new outbreak illness, with the same symptoms and subsequent death as before some 20 years earlier? (AZT kills your bone marrow, making you suspectible to all viruses, and ultimately breaks your body down for defense and kills you). Look, research, and study WHY the US government goes over to Africa and drops shyt like this on people of color FIRST! It's the melanin factor - do research. Then it gets spread it out to the rest once its been perfected. (AIDS is an anomaly, the white gay guys getting it was really to kill their movement and eradicate their protesting in public but that is another story and France proved the strain they got was genetically different than the ones black people were infected with).

Wash rinse and repeat people. Remember the alleged Patient Zero AIDS guy. He was flying all over the place too right???? What one poor unsuspecting man who dies before he can be questioned on his "activities" can do.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: YodaCoda

My brother-in-law is from South America, so I have no illusions about people from South America. In his family are lighter and darker skin colors, blonde and dark hair. However, the vast majority are lightly tanned to dark tanned looking and the vast majority have dark hair.

Thanks for the clarification! I am glad I was not misinterpreted =). I suppose it would depend on which South American country we are talking about, you are right about that. I pointed it out because if you were to walk in the city I live in, for example, most of us are white as chalk
. But it is true that there is a big mix. Regarding the tour a terrorist would take, I agree with the carrying a vial theory. That could be done but so many customs in the middle would pose a problem. An infected one would not get there from here alive, that is for sure (I am at the other tip of the Americas), very little time to do it. I know about the mistery respiratory illnes but thought they were getting in through Mexico? Anyways, thank you very much for your clarification!

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

The planet has about 9 billion people. The chances of you getting ebola are 1 in 9 million. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than catching ebola. FACT. But you increase your odds of getting ebola when your in the same room or area. FACT.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: [post=18491523]mah

In one video a guy pulled off his mask with his gloves that i'm sure he touched an ebola patient with. Another video a guy wearing a suit and gloves goes to push croud away from ebola patients leaving the hospital. Sick people in the wet streets dying while it rains down and people are all barefoot. Talk about STUPID. I heard they were dying at a rate of 200 a day now. Don't these people realize that if they don't leave, they will die. 6 month's from now they will see the dead lying all over in the streets. Now we sent over 700 plus people on top of the 3,000 to combat the disease. These people we sent over there will get sick and then they will ship them back to the U.S.A.

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: cloaked4u
a reply to: [post=18491523]mah

In one video a guy pulled off his mask with his gloves that i'm sure he touched an ebola patient with. Another video a guy wearing a suit and gloves goes to push croud away from ebola patients leaving the hospital. Sick people in the wet streets dying while it rains down and people are all barefoot. Talk about STUPID. I heard they were dying at a rate of 200 a day now. Don't these people realize that if they don't leave, they will die. 6 month's from now they will see the dead lying all over in the streets. Now we sent over 700 plus people on top of the 3,000 to combat the disease. These people we sent over there will get sick and then they will ship them back to the U.S.A.

Another part i noticed is around 6:47 in the first video, the infected man tries to hand off the yellow item he was holding. It doesn't show the exchange, but if the other man accepted it, there's a good chance it spread there as well.

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 06:40 AM
1 of 2 possible Ebola patients in isolation at D.C.-area hospitals has malaria

WASHINGTON (WJLA/ABC News) - Two people were hospitalized in isolation units at D.C. area hospitals on Friday with possible cases of Ebola, hospital officials confirmed; one of the cases turned out to be malaria.

One of the patients was being treated at D.C.'s Howard University Hospital, while the other was was admitted at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Montgomery County, Md.

The Howard patient, who had just returned to the U.S. after visiting Nigeria, was listed in stable condition with "symptoms that could be associated with Ebola," a hospital statement said.

The Shady Grove patient had "flu-like symptoms and a travel history that matches criteria for possible Ebola," officials there said in statement. But they added the individual was "showing signs of improvement" over the past 24 hours. Shady Grove Adventist Hospital released a statement Friday night saying its patient had malaria, not Ebola.

edit on 10/4/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The tight classes and dorms in college, the shared bathrooms and locker rooms ... oh man that could travel fast through a school. Here it comes ...

Worse, the preschools and elementary schools. Almost everything they touch goes in their mouths. Not so much the older they get but those younger kids? Time to put them all in a bubble.

Howard University Demographics
Historically black university. Mostly black female American students.
Heavy arts and sciences.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity

originally posted by: rockpaperhammock
a reply to: RunForTheHills

more one in a georgia jail..just symptoms

They are saying (in less than 12 hours) that he tested negative and they are "certain he does not have ebola."

He claimed to have traveled from Nairobi (Kenya) first then went to Nigeria then to DC then Atlanta. DC again. Not verified yet.

My question is, why can't they test the two in DC this fast?

I wanted to be sympathetic at first but the cynic in me said he was claiming Ebola to get out of the DUI. I have GOT to stop being such a cynic.

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