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Did Obama or Shadow Government Try To Nuke Our Own Country Last Year?

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Thanks for your post. If you'll check my post in answer to "DigitalJedi805", you'll see that a richter-registering "event" was recorded off the coast of South Carolina in the same time-frame. Although called an "earthquake," it occurred in a region that had NO earthquake fault lines. Thus the strong suspicion that it was a "created event," possibly the detonation of one nuke.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
Team Obama ordered him to "stand down, this is not a terrorist attack". General Hamm responded with colorful language - and was relieved of command within minutes. He returned to the U.S., gave a great speech about holding onto your ideals, then retired.

How could he return to the US when he was already there? Did you even know he was in the Pentagon when the attack occurred? You really should do some research before posting nonsense

I heard that you had made the statement that you were prepared to go to their aidJ and somebody told youJ noJ and you said we are going anyway. Is that all some supposition that comes from some reporter? General Ham. YesJ sir. No one ever told me no.

So as we can see "stand down" order was given.

He retired in 2013, nearly a year after the attacks in Benghazi. As for him being relieved of his command within minutes - more nonsense from you, he was replaced on the 5th April 2013....

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: ausername

If you had checked out the links in my earlier posts, you would have seen that everyone from Infowars to the Russian MoD agreed that this was a government planned nuke-theft to cripple the U.S. Team Obama's fascist government plans in his first term had not come to fruition, from gun-bans to FEMA camp incarceration to military-enforced martial law.

So now we're in a later Phase, to "finally bring those hard-headed American individualists to their knees by killing the Internet and all cell phone towers." Our military has been gutted, from both cut-backs and soldiers fleeing the strange morphed version of what our military has become, with rumors of soldiers/officers who want to re-up being subjected to lie-detector interviews with questions like "Would you be willing to fire on American citizens?" Suffice it to say, I don't ever want to meet up with the American soldiers/officers who answered "Yes."

So now our military is 50% Army, under the direction of Joint Chief's Head, Army General Martin Dempsey - who recently showed up at a press conference with Hagel in his Dress Blue uniform with gold-thread rank epalets on his shoulders. We also now have so many different Spec Ops groups in all the branches, that rumors are rampant that some may have "trained" the too-professional, too-good ISIL. (The ISIL water-boards for Pete's Sake! No one else water-boards but the U.S. And the first troops we sent over to fight the ISIL were all bearded Spec Ops Deltas. So "someone" knew our regular infantry would have just been cannon fodder for the ISIL.)

And - most telling - we now have a stealth infantry being trained at Letterkenny Army Depot in Pennsylvania, with recruiting ads on for "indirect fire infantry." Both the Army and other branches were requesting bids on around May/June of this year, for .50 caliber bullets and spare parts for .50 caliber machine guns.

Fast forward a month to the crises-du-jour of all the illegals crossing the Rio Grande into Texas, and the strange little side story of ".50 caliber machine gun fire from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande." It was "assumed to be the Mexican Drug Cartels." But it was OUR U.S. ARMY ordering the .50 caliber ammo and spare parts, and training "indirect fire infantry" in Pennsylvania!

So I seriously doubt the nuke-story was just a cover for a military coup. Although it's well known now that 90% of our military (current and veterans) have no use for Obama. Has Team Obama's paranoia reached the point that they are nervously eavesdropping on our domestic military bases? Those 17 rogue cell-phone towers are all near domestic military bases.

And the Global Elitists' continual agitation for the U.S. to stoke more civil wars in the MidEast, may have the added component of the White House and Pentagon wanting to ship as many combat troops overseas as possible, should any domestic military plotters start thinking "military coup."
edit on 24-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification, typos

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
a reply to: ausername

If you had checked out the links in my earlier posts, you would have seen that everyone from Infowars to the Russian MoD agreed that this was a government planned nuke-theft to cripple the U.S.

So you are using Sorcha Faal as a source,.... that just shows this is all a hoax!

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

"How could (General Ham) return to the US when he was already there? Did you even know he was in the Pentagon when the attack occurred? You really should do some research before posting nonsense."

I researched this story out of personal outrage. Did you?

And General Ham was NOT in the U.S., he was in Germany at the headquarters for Africom, which includes Libya. So he got the calls/e-mails for 'Help!' in real time at his German headquarters - NOT in the Pentagon.
"The United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM or AFRICOM) is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Armed Forces, headquartered at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany."

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
And General Ham was NOT in the U.S., he was in Germany at the headquarters for Africom, which includes Libya. So he got the calls/e-mails for 'Help!' in real time at his German headquarters - NOT in the Pentagon.

So you never even bothered to read the transcript of the AFRICOM AND SOCAFRICA AND THE TERRORIST ATTACKS
IN BENGHAZIJ LIBYA ON SEPTEMBER 11J 2012 House of RepresentativesJ Committee on Armed ServicesJ Subcommittee on Oversight and InvestigationsJ WashingtonJ D.C. WednesdayJ June 26J 2013

Where General Ham stated he was in the Pentagon....

"The United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM or AFRICOM) is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Armed Forces, headquartered at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany."

That is where their headquarters are, what makes you claim General Ham was there? Especially when the General stated he was not there....

Oh dear, one of your links states "his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command."

Another silly story, General Ham was in the Pentagon, his 2IC was in Germany.

As he states himself

I remained in Washington) D.C. throughout the process) throughout the evening and the next day as I had reliable communications. And then I returned to Germany_


The Chairman. When you leave the command General Ham. The deputy is there. The Chairman. When you came hereJ somebody else takes charge and they have got the authority? General Ham. YesJ sir. Typically] I don't relinquish command unless I am going to ifJ for example] I am on personal leave or something like that. But in D.C.J where I have very good communications] then I retain command. But the deputy commander, if I am gone] is on-site so that if communications were to failJ if there was a problem then you have got a seasoned] experienced officer on-site who can make decisions. And Vice Admiral Leidig was there to do just that.

No wonder you are so wrong, you use "Sorcha Faal" as a source!
edit on 24-9-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:58 PM
Wasn't this a Sorcha Faal story?

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Wasn't this a Sorcha Faal story?

Yes, the op even linked to a eutimes article which used a article..As we all know is the well known hoaxer, Sorcha Faal's website.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
a reply to: Fylgje

Before the (stolen) 2012 election, his chief adviser - Valarie Jarrett - was quoted as saying "This is our last election. There won't be anymore." How exactly does that statement advance our proud American tradition of Freedom and Justice For All?

MKMoniker, you got a source for the Valarie Jarrett quote? It would be interesting to see/prove. I did a search and can't find anything to the effect.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:41 PM
i dont think this should be in skunkworks.

just my 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

Wow, this isn't just anti-Obama rhetoric, this is delusional. No matter who it was, Obama or a Shadow government, trying to take control of an EMP ruined country and economy could ONLY be self destructive! SO who steps in to fill the void? China? Russia? The entire world economy falls apart? But not only that, how does the ruined infrastructure get repaired and replaced without the infrastructure to manufacture it all? Send in China? Do you really think this is plausible or probable? I suggest you start taking your meds again. Only a real nutcase would risk WW3 like this. And Obama, for whatever he is worth, is more intelligent than you obviously give him credit for. I see a lot of ridiculous anti-Obama stuff here on ATS, beyond what is reasonable or sensible.... is it his color? His former pot smoking? His lack of military service? His just being a Democrat? His re-election? His efforts to reign in the insanity of the Right Wing? I don't get the outrageous extent of hatred for a fairly elected President who was even re-elected. Talk about sore losers!

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: WCmutant

"MKMoniker, you got a source for the Valarie Jarrett quote? It would be interesting to see/prove. I did a search and can't find anything to the effect."
"According to the source associated with Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago, Jarrett's rep said:

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”

NOTE: A lot about Team Obama seems to morph, news-wise, over time. Originally this story was from someone in the White House who supposedly overheard Jarrett saying this herself. Now the story is that it was heard from her Rep - and in Chicago.

Although I don't know what the "two judges ready to go" is supposed to mean.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
Although called an "earthquake," it occurred in a region that had NO earthquake fault lines.

South Carolina has many fault lines running through it and has one off the coast - the Helena Banks fault line. South Carolina is in an earthquake high impact zone because of it's many fault lines - fault lines that also run off the coast. here's the hazard map .

SNOPES on this story
It goes back to Sorcha Faal. So I'm going to say it's likely a hoax. Sorry.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

As I said, Team Obama's news-stories tend to morph over time. I still say General Ham was in Germany when Benghazi was attacked. He was "relieved of his command" by his second in command, who came into General Ham's office and announced this within minutes of General Ham's colorful reaction to being told to "stand down." If he was in Washington DC that night, he would have been in a Situation Room - not in his Pentagon office reading e-mails about the crises. (And what would he be doing with an office in the Pentagon anyway, if his headquarters was in Germany?)
"At least two news networks have e-mails from the National Security Adviser's office telling a counter-terrorism group to stand down. They were a group in real-time trying to mobilize Marines and C-130s and the fighter aircraft, and they were told explicitly by the White House 'stand down and do nothing - this is not a terrorist action'." Newt Gingrich on Fox News
"An August 16 cable notes that there were Al Qaeda training camps in Benghazi and that the Regional Security Officer (RSO) in the State Department didn't believe the consulate could be protected with currrent security staffing. So why did they not act?"
His assignments, his awards - this brave officer is worth more than a hundred sniveling politicians!
He tells them to "Manage Change, and Stay With Bedrock Values"

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: add relevant materal

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: add content

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:29 AM
This was a real event - NOT a hoax. Even Russia's satellites picked up and identified the nuclear detonation in the Atlantic Ocean! This and most of the stories I've already posted, all agree on the basic points. And the article below was by someone who investigated and vetted all the key points. So you 'Sorcha Faal' fans can give it a rest:
"I have been able to check only these facts: There was indeed a minor earth quake epi-centered off the SC coast at the time indicated in the story; this article did appear in the publication; our own news agencies reported on the firing of the military personnel involved for not being willing to carry out the presidents orders; the response by Russia is confirmed in more than one location."
"Dr. James Garrow, the philanthropist and former US clandestine operative revealed on Nov. 18 in posts on social media that among the top military brass who have been relieved of duty by the Obama administration, there are three who were involved in preventing the President from launching a “false flag” attack on the US this Fall, one which involved nuclear devices and was calculated to cripple American infrastructure.

The posts, as well as re-posts from Garrow’s friends and followers, were scrubbed by social media outlets."
"(GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Barack Obama, while in a rage, ousted four of the United States top ranking military officers after they refused to detonate a nuclear device “in/near”Charleston,South Carolina this past week and, instead, exploded it off the Atlantic Coast.

"According to this report, Strategic Missile Forces Command (SMF) notified both President Putin and the General Staff this past Tuesday (8 October) that at 01:58:11 GMT/UTC an atomic device was exploded in the seabed off the US Atlantic Ocean, barely 1,000 km (620 miles) from Charleston, causing a 4.5 magnitude earthquake measurement that SMF experts equate to being a 1-kiloton yield, which is equal to the power of 1,000 tons of TNT."

"FlyersFan" - Kindly read that last paragraph again, slowly and carefully. Russia's Putin and his General Staff were notified that "an ATOMIC DEVICE was detonated in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South Carolina." Yes, we have satellite technology now that can tell the difference between an earthquake and a nuclear bomb detonation.

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: typos

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: add content

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:47 AM
"The Admiral took one nuke several hundred miles off South Carolina and detonated it deep in the ocean."

Afterwards the general, accompanied by a beautiful brunette, was seen by his butler at a Italian cafe.

edit on 25-9-2014 by Weatherman32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Weatherman32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
I still say General Ham was in Germany when Benghazi was attacked. He was "relieved of his command" by his second in command, who came into General Ham's office and announced this within minutes of General Ham's colorful reaction to being told to "stand down."

What a load of nonsense - he was seen in the Pentagon, and even gave evidence that he was there to a House
of Representatives Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Washington

If he was in Washington DC that night, he would have been in a Situation Room

Still wrong, he met General Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and they both went to the Secretary
of Defence's office and met him.

This is so easy to check, but you ignore the facts and paste silly made up stories, using known hoaxers like Sorcha Faal!

not in his Pentagon office reading e-mails about the crises.

Who said he was reading emails about it? He was contacted by phone by his 2IC, who was in Germany.

And what would he be doing with an office in the Pentagon anyway, if his headquarters was in Germany?

Meeting people like the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Secretary for Defence.... do you think Generals are not allowed to leave their office?

Good to see this thread has been moved to the correct place, the hoax bin!
edit on 25-9-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

Ok, follow along here. We're going to start with your source on Infowars, using your own link, starting here.

Take this part,

(GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Barack Obama, while in a rage, ousted four of the United States top ranking military officers after they refused to detonate a nuclear device “in/near”Charleston,South Carolina this past week and, instead, exploded it off the AtlanticCoast.
and paste it into Google, and we get,

Where we see,

A shocking new Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Barack Obama, while in a rage, ousted four of the United States top ranking military officers after they refused to detonate a nuclear device “in/near” Charleston, South Carolina this past week and, instead, exploded it off the Atlantic Coast.

Now here's where things get fun. is the reporting site of Sorcha Faal, who claims to be,

Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order, Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007.

Born in Dublin, Ireland, the 73rd Sorcha Faal joined the Order in March, 1973 and holds various degrees with both European and United States Universities.

Sorcha Faal has traveled and lectured extensively throughout the World, with her primary focus being the systematic structure of languages serving as a link between thought and sound, and as developed by Ferdinand de Saussure.

Sorcha Faal has further expanded her own research on ‘Linguistic Ordering’ with knowledge gained while a visiting researcher with Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev on the esoteric structure of DNA and its uses in explaining physic phenomena.

The reality on the other hand is quite a bit different.

According to, when we look up,

Registrant City: YARMOUTH
Registrant State/Province: NS
Registrant Postal Code: B5A 4K5
Registrant Country: CA

And when we do a search for Sorcha Faal, we get,

In 2004, the site claimed to be by Booth.[2] In 2005, it claimed to be by a Russian scientist named Sorcha Faal,[3] about whom none of the corroborating details like workplace or academic affiliations checked out. Funnily enough, the name "Sorcha[wp]" is not even remotely Russian (it's Gaelic). By 2009, the site was claiming "Sorcha Faal" was the title of the head of the "Order of Sorcha Faal,"[4] whose real name is Maria Theresa of Dublin.[5] (The Russian scientist version of Sorcha Faal has been retconned[wp] as being merely the person occupying the "Sorcha Faal" position at the time.)

We even have an ATS look at Sorcha,

So yes, anything that uses Sorcha Faal as the author IS a hoax.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 10:24 AM
This morning, this discussion was in "Skunksworks", and posted on the front page of ATS.

Now some Mods keep insisting that "Sorcha Faal" is the source of everything anti-Obama on the Internet, and have labeled the whole story a Hoax. So now this discussion is in the Hoax forum. Charming.

And no one bothered to mention that "Sorcha Faal" is really "David Booth" of the CIA COINTELPRO department.

But using this CIA hoaxer to dismiss the entire story, is more about "news suppression" than the Truth. And it in no way explains either the top military firings in all branches shortly after the event, nor how investigative journalists, separately and laboriously vetted the key points in the story.

edit on 25-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: add material and clarification

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

Except no investigative journalists vetted the nuclear portion of the story. Yes the firings are real, that's how this works. There's always a real aspect to the story before it goes into unreality. But every president has fired members of the military, that's nothing new.

And please, quote us where anyone said "anything anti Obama is Sorcha Faal". Show that exact quote. We'll wait.

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