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U.S. Marine Asked His Bootcamp Buddy to Watch His House While He Was Stationed Overseas & He Never C

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posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: maybee
Very nice story, Snarky. Many of my family members (dad, older brothers, uncles, cousins) were soldiers and these stories just warm my heart.

And please keep in mind Tis The Season.....for trolls. School is out in a lot of areas so the young'uns gotta do something with their time.

Thanks, I thought it was an extremely kind story and since there are many military folks here on ATS, figured some would get a kick out of it and appreciate it

My husband, who is older than I by many years, served 2 tours during Vietnam
Going in, he said he was green as a gore, thinking he was doing good
But coming out, he was different, harder, more cynical. Viewed the government in a different light, no longer trusting them
He lost many friends over there and wondered why him, why he made it

Any how, he likes what the people are doing for younger Veterans now a days, even though more could be done for them
Back in his time, they were booed, spit on, frowned upon, shunned when they got home

Every little bit helps, especially the disabled vets

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: greavsie1971

Of course you prefer to turn a blind eye and be distracted by feel good stories like this while the same 'nice soldiers' are not questioning their leaders orders.

You obviously have no idea how the military works. I see hate filled Ignorance like this on ATS all the time, so allow me to educate you.

If you are in, then you have no right to question orders. There is this thing called the Chain of Command and they are pretty anal about enforcing it. You can be sent to jail and punished for refusing a lawful order. Military prison is not a nice place.

Soldiering is one of those things that nobody wants to do, but somebody HAS to do. Ever since recorded history as long as there have been civilizations there has been the need for somebody to stand on the walls.

You see its actually a very sacred thing to raise your right hand and swear to defend the constitution with your life. There is an unspoken promise between the you and the army that you will never ever be sent into harms way unless its absolutely necessary. Problem is that most of the time in recent years its not necessary, I've known several good people that are no longer alive today because they went when they were told and for what ultimate end I have no idea. Its a damn shame really.

I served two deployments each a year when I was in. I can tell you that if I had a choice I would much rather have been back home with my friends and family instead of any of those sandy hot middle eastern camel taint smelling places where the people liked to shoot at me and try to blow me and my buddies up.

I've seen bad people do good things and good people do bad things my whole life. A battlefield is no different. I've seen big strong 6 foot tall big strong guys piss their pants and freeze when bullets crack past your head and I've seen little small man who could'nt have been more than 110 pounds jump into a burning truck to save one of the people who was just shooting at us.

But hey, hate whatever makes you feel better.

22 veterans kill themselves each day.
edit on 26-6-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: snarky412

PLEASE READ. READ READ READ... before it is deleted or lost in spam, this thread sparked up a hot subject...!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats the problem i see, i can understand where u guys come in to defend this countries military but at the same time i totally understand where greavsie1971 is coming from as well.... IMO but sadly the truth, many of these people who join the military "think" they are serving/defending their country when really they are just puppets at play, what i cant wait to see is when they are deployed on their own land (usa), and are asked to either start the disarming of its own people or obligate its own people (who btw they swore to protect) to put chips under their skin cause the govt says its ok/mandatory for ofcoarse the sake of national security, how many will wish they never started service? or change their thoughts and views on the govt they decided to serve? (i just hope i can watch it from afar and not here in sunny florida.....)

I really find it sad how human kind is just pathetically so slow in certain ways, we are intelligent but yet so naive that we wait to the last minute to change or see things for how they truly are..... we smoke and poison our selves with products that literally kill us and know it but continue to do it.... then some of us have the nerve to question God? why doesent he help us? why does he allow these things to happen? blah blah blah....... wake the F up people, he gave us the intelligence to know right from wrong, to me that is enough...
wake up now and dont wait till its to late like we always tend to do!!!!

And i dont want to hear how this doesn't apply to a few of u.... this applies to more than it should hence the way this world is ran..

WAKE THE FU#& UP BEFORE IT IS TO LATE.. If not for God, then for our future..... a more peaceful positive one....

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:35 AM
and stop insulting and calling others ignorant.... We all are.....

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Lifeishigh

what i cant wait to see is when they are deployed on their own land (usa), and are asked to either start the disarming of its own people or obligate its own people (who btw they swore to protect) to put chips under their skin cause the govt says its ok/mandatory for ofcoarse the sake of national security, how many will wish they never started service? or change their thoughts and views on the govt they decided to serve? (i just hope i can watch it from afar and not here in sunny florida.....)

Military folks are some of the strongest supporters of the second amendment I have ever seen. If anyone in the chain of command gave such an unlawful order it can be refused by the enlisted.

And as for the RFID chips, I've seen that kicked around ATS for the last 10 years or so and its funny how its always just around the corner but somehow never gets implemented.

I live in the bible belt, If anyone came around here talking about "mandatory chips" there would be a holy uproar about Satan and revelations and 666 mark of the beast antichrist end of the world nonsense.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
Way to leave your wife in a shack while your gone..... You know his friend fixed more than a few "repairs"..... Yeah don't ask don't tell!

WTF? Have you ever tried to do something nice for someone else? Insensitive pri¢k !!!

p.s. 70 k is quite an amount to bang a girl. User your brain dummy and pull words out of your mouth not your bottom opening.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:09 AM
S&F. Thanks for sharing, OP.

Of topic, I'm used to seeing antisemitism on this site, but WOW! The broad brush strokes of hate for any group of people is NOT denying ignorance and very blatantly bigoted. There are bad apples in any group - no one is immune. But there are also very good people in those same groups. BROAD BRUSH STROKES! My husband joined the military right after high school. He was floundering - he really had no idea what he wanted to do. So like many lost kids, he joined the military. He was in for 12 years, until a back injury made him retire. HE IS THE MOST HONORABLE, KINDEST, AND MORAL MAN I HAVE EVER KNOWN. He has done things which he hated to do, but he has done great things as well. He is the first to criticize our government, and certainly does not trust them.

I'm sorry that greavsie1971 had an awful experience by the hands of military troops. However, unless you learn to forgive, and come to understand that not all military men and women are bloodthirsty monsters you will NEVER heal.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: Lifeishigh

what i cant wait to see is when they are deployed on their own land (usa), and are asked to either start the disarming of its own people or obligate its own people (who btw they swore to protect) to put chips under their skin cause the govt says its ok/mandatory for ofcoarse the sake of national security, how many will wish they never started service? or change their thoughts and views on the govt they decided to serve? (i just hope i can watch it from afar and not here in sunny florida.....)

Military folks are some of the strongest supporters of the second amendment I have ever seen. If anyone in the chain of command gave such an unlawful order it can be refused by the enlisted.

And as for the RFID chips, I've seen that kicked around ATS for the last 10 years or so and its funny how its always just around the corner but somehow never gets implemented.

I live in the bible belt, If anyone came around here talking about "mandatory chips" there would be a holy uproar about Satan and revelations and 666 mark of the beast antichrist end of the world nonsense.

I can tell you from personal experience about what will happen if the military is ordered to fire on Americans etc...

My unit went to New Orleans after katrina.

We were being briefed by the governor of Louisiana when he said "if you see people stealing shoot them".

Every soldier around me went ballistic, yelling many things, most of these things were threatening towards him. They snatched him up and quickly removed him from the room.

Point here is, none of us volunteered our time to shoot Americans, we volunteered to shoot others in defense of Americans if need be.

There is no threat to the American public from soldiers, we are Americans, our wives husbands and kids are Americans.

I cant believe so many dont understand this fact.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: greavsie1971

Can't believe you got that many stars, must be a lot of liberals on this site. What an ignorant statement.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Wow, amazing how such a great story can bring out the full-on retards such as yourself. Take another few bong hits.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:30 AM
Concur and 2nd many posted comments. Awesome!!!
Maybe theres a tadge of hope! But unless we get rid of the greedy using parasitic PTB, then maybe not.
First thing the returning marine thought about was his fallen comrades!! Good luck to him!

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: oldetimehockey4
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Wow, amazing how such a great story can bring out the full-on retards such as yourself. Take another few bong hits.

One mans hero is another mans demon. In the end we are all judged for what we are done and not done paying the prize of our sin.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

originally posted by: greavsie1971

originally posted by: KnowledgeSeeker81
Stories like this give me faith in humanity, thanks for the share.

> People trained to kill other people being nice to each other? Gives you faith in humanity?

It would be nice to see people helping strangers. It would be nice if these people stopped killing brown people.

Sorry, no time for people acting all nice when in the military! If you decide to choose a profession killling people you are NOT a nice person.

whoa!, did i miss something? Are these guys bankers?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: snarky412

Agreed. Greavsie1971, sounds like you have an interesting story yourself. I wouldn't mind reading about your story, if you want to start a new thread & your ready to tell your story, I will gladly read it. Without derailing this thread, I think it's sweet what this house sitter did & I wish more people took an interest in our troops after they come home. After all, they are only doing what they are ordered to do.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:12 AM
I am not pro military at all but this is a story of one person being nice/generous to another.
I can't say he doesn't deserve it because he is a soldier. When there are so many bad stories in the news I can't understand the negativity of some people reactions to this. Maybe a bit of envy ?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
I am not pro military at all but this is a story of one person being nice/generous to another.
I can't say he doesn't deserve it because he is a soldier. When there are so many bad stories in the news I can't understand the negativity of some people reactions to this. Maybe a bit of envy ?

My problem with this story is that is used as a feel good story to drum up acceptance of the status quo and making people feel like they are one with the military and the so called sacrifice that is not moral justifiable in the first place. It tears at the emotional band in you making you feel like US is the greatest and a good community when in fact it is for those who do not benefit from it a predatory savage beast that destroys people lives for profit even internally in US now days.

At least now he is not recruiting anymore soldiers for the Marines.

If the US military was not used as an mercenary army for monetary gain and was a defensive troop for keeping the peace on US soil then I would not have any problem with it.

edit on 26-6-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: greavsie1971

Oh stop being bitter and such a hater. The guy helped a friend in need.

You don't get it...and probably never will.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: LittleByLittle
For me anyone who is a soldier in in the US is as bad as a German soldier was under the 2nd world war. Traitors to humanity and upholder of the fascist corporate system to scared to do anything except what they are told for some stupid programmed sense of nationality that only feed the top and use violence at the bottom and their us citizens.

If the military really was something to protect the US they would already have seized all the politicians and bankers and CIA in a coup and informed the people of what is really going on so that there can be a real election with all the cards/information on the table. That would end the FED and Corruption. But no as in Rome the stupid Army just follows orders and the internal enemy destroy the empire from within. People never learn.

Wow, posts like this make me question whether or not ATS is where I want to spend my time anymore. Between you and greavsie it is pretty disheartening. So because I joined the Air Force when I was younger, I am essentially a nazi soldier? Interesting concept.. I enjoy most of the discussion on here but to make such an ignorant statement such as this is disgusting and vile..

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Thank you!

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: greavsie1971

originally posted by: KnowledgeSeeker81
Stories like this give me faith in humanity, thanks for the share.

> People trained to kill other people being nice to each other? Gives you faith in humanity?

It would be nice to see people helping strangers. It would be nice if these people stopped killing brown people.

Sorry, no time for people acting all nice when in the military! If you decide to choose a profession killling people you are NOT a nice person.

So, when your house is hit by a tornado, earthquake, tsunami, and a Military chopper comes to pick you up, how will you feel then?

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