posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Hey Simon, I've always been a lurker, dipping my toes in but now I have finally jumped in!!! One of my first posts
( got BUMPED!!! WOOHOO!!!
Quick question, so why does everyone keep asking you if you've seen Aliens or have knowledge of advanced research and not asking you why you
haven't put your DVD's on a RAID 6 arra y (SSD, of course) on your media server and then pay someone to sell them one by one? You could probably
gross enough to pay some migrant (less conspicuous/easier to find these days) workers to dig you an underground laboratory where you could experiment
with advanced energy devices, electrogravics and might have to fly some help in, but I'm sure that that'd be the easy part. I've
heard that static, radiant (cold) electricity devices are not only cheap to build but heal as well (maybe not easy though, sheerly from a timing/fine
tuning requirements perspective) and if you could perfect a generator (perhaps modular in design for stackability, interchangeability...) then that
would be a significant step as far as a CPU (Central Power Unit) perhaps for some sort of craft... Dan Winter also has some interesting stuff on these
fields supporting how plants grow "better" in them, not to mention that the tech could at the least provide the power and perhaps the light to light
them indefinitely and run/"charge" their water (from a well or a condenser) and that right there would provide food and oxygenation for you extended
lab sessions (not sure what you would do about heat in the winter, though, but that wouldn't matter once you got the craft running 'cause you could
just migrate)...but I digress...lastly, there are some inventors out there that claim that this type of tech is cheaper and less complicated than most
modern "tech", I think the guy used automobiles as his example.
Peace! and Thanx for such a great site!