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Update: Texas Judge Who Beat Daughter loses Seat

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posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

Couldn't agree more.

This was a disgusting display of physical abuse, masquerading as discipline. Nothing less.

He paid a price by losing his job. As he has a God-complex? This is more punishment, perhaps even more just, than throwing his ass in jail...though I wouldn't have had an issue with that either. He won't be able to play judge, jury, and executioner anymore...punishment, indeed.

His life has been, with justification, destroyed.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Plugin
The sounds did it look worse, I don't think it hurted that much and somethimes it's needed with kids.. not that I ever beaten kids and in this case (downloading some music) not worth a beating (although those sentences I have seen in the USA for downloading illegal music are crazy!, no wonder a dad as a Judge in the US could freak out).

Anyways when I got a beaten it did me well.. I often was looking for boundaries.

Boundaries shouldn't be set with violence, because they beget more.

Hitting a child does one thing makes them mean, angry, and instills a sense of ignorance at a very young age. An ignorance that when someone does something that they think is bad, or angers them that they inturn can strike with violence.

I was abused as a child.

I didn't know it then because I thought it was normal and OK. When I got to my late teens and early twenties I had a lot of rage inside. Corporal punishment was the way to discipline anyone that pissed me off for many years.

Adults are there to guide a children, not subdue them with physical force that most of the time leaves them stunned and trying to understand why they deserved to be struck. IMO if an adult loses control, and does not know how to communicate with their child, then they both need some counselling.

If your spouse or friend does something you deem as wrong do you haul off and hit her/him?

Of course not, because you'll most likely go to jail, so why do we treat children different? ( Because many adults feel it's OK to take their aggressions out on children, because they know that children can't and won't defend themselves and hit back.)

Just remember parents, if you hit your kids for small things, even big events they will think that this is the way to solve problems, so when you are older, can't take care of yourself and you do something wrong don't expect kindness from your children in return, because you taught them. Also if they get into violent situations take some of the blame because you taught them how.

edit on 8-6-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:37 PM
A reply to OrphanApology,

"You're still touching/hitting them on what could be an erogenous zone."

That is hearsay, you just said it, AKA unproven, AKA unproven seriously flawed science in context, AKA, your take on it.

"Edit: Also I didn't say you pulled your kids pants down, I stated what I think when I hear of people doing that."

Wrong , you appropriated that remark in a direct reply to me, no context was given by me, your assumption though is telling.
Your tack is wrong anyway, every Goddam person here knows that the Judge/father was way out of line, full stop, AKA over the top. What you should be doing, is shrinking the judge...horses for courses.

edit on 8-6-2014 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

I had not heard of this beating before today, so I am still caught up in reaction to it at this point. However, that admission aside, the video is very disturbing.

What is even more disturbing, is the context involved. I disagree with physical punishment of this type as a general rule. Obviously, if your kid is a gangbanger, then my attitude is, either have them arrested, or shoot them yourself, but outside of that, there is very rarely a good reason for a parent to strike a child, let alone repeatedly, or for that matter with a belt or a paddle of some sort.

To find that a judge has been doing this, not to mention doing it over something as utterly trivial as online activity which, although probably illegal, was certainly not evidence of severe moral collapse, boggles my mind. People who behave like this toward their own families, are hundreds of percent more likely to have problems with empathy and compassion, something which legal processes, even at the best of times, lack as a matter of course. The law is a cold, horrible monster, a parasite which sucks on the blood of justice, and the more people like this judge, who are responsible for its upkeep, the more it will suck the life out of justice.

To be honest, I think he ought to be tied down, and given exactly the same number of lashes by the daughter he struck, and if he complains... Well, I am not one for half measures, just set the bastard on fire and record his screams for posterity.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the footage was " F'n coward " and " Give me 5 minutes with that A-hole".

But I can understand your feelings for wanting to kick the piss out of him.

Most children love their parents unconditionally, so they will most likely never strike back, well at least at an early age.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Listen, I understand that discussing spanking children is a sore spot for many people. No pun intended.

But the science just doesn't back it up as a good tool for child development. No need to get bothered by what I am saying.

I see no reason to believe that hitting children, in any way, is going to be a good development tactic. You stated that abuse was "nothing like a clip on the bum" if I remember your wording correctly. So based on what you wrote, you at least support touching/hitting children on their butts...

or am I missing something?

Either way, no point in discussing it further. The science is there in multiple studies over many years showing that spanking in any form is harmful. Whether you choose to do it is of course a legal right as one of the above posters stated (believe it was rabbit) in many countries.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: AK907ICECOLD

Really, I was beat worse than that by my family as disipline. Are you saying she needed cookies but no milk and a talking to? I think you need a ass whooping after such a comment... BEND OVER!

Really? For how many times I have heard this, I would be a freakin millionaire. Yes, there are those that do have it more rough than this. Does that make it right? Hell NO!

These parents deserve the right to rot in a prison because this could have been resolved a different taking the internet away; like some should do for you. I have children and would never ever lay a hand on him like that.

I wish my military azz could step up at you for a POS comment like that but you will get your time.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Realtruth

I had not heard of this beating before today, so I am still caught up in reaction to it at this point. However, that admission aside, the video is very disturbing.

What is even more disturbing, is the context involved. I disagree with physical punishment of this type as a general rule. Obviously, if your kid is a gangbanger, then my attitude is, either have them arrested, or shoot them yourself, but outside of that, there is very rarely a good reason for a parent to strike a child, let alone repeatedly, or for that matter with a belt or a paddle of some sort.

To find that a judge has been doing this, not to mention doing it over something as utterly trivial as online activity which, although probably illegal, was certainly not evidence of severe moral collapse, boggles my mind. People who behave like this toward their own families, are hundreds of percent more likely to have problems with empathy and compassion, something which legal processes, even at the best of times, lack as a matter of course. The law is a cold, horrible monster, a parasite which sucks on the blood of justice, and the more people like this judge, who are responsible for its upkeep, the more it will suck the life out of justice.

To be honest, I think he ought to be tied down, and given exactly the same number of lashes by the daughter he struck, and if he complains... Well, I am not one for half measures, just set the bastard on fire and record his screams for posterity.

It was not online activity per se, the girl herself posted the video of her corporal punishment after a law infringement, probably not reported .
She took the family car at the time without permission. That's a good while ago, maybe ten years.
edit on 8-6-2014 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

I have never suffered physical abuse at the hand of a parent, but my father was psychologically abusive to my entire family unit. He valued my mother, myself, and my sister so little, that his entire life was about what he was getting out of it, rather than what we were getting out of it.

He was physically present, but emotionally absent the whole time he was a part of our family, and so unpleasant was he towards us at the end of our association (having disowned my sister and I, and having pointed the police in the direction of myself and my mother when his local church was graffitied, despite my mother and I both being Christian, not to mention not being especially gangsta, if you know what I mean) that I told him on the last occasion we met, that if I saw him again, I would kill him.

I saw him a year later in our local shopping centre, walking by me on my right hand side. As he spotted me, he flinched away visibly.

Kids who receive unconditional love from parents, give that same love to parents, and to their own children. Kids who do not, give whatever they get. In most cases, you hope a parent reaps what they sow.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: smurfy

A beating like that cannot be excused for something as trivial as removal of the family car. I would argue that unless she molested someone, shot someone, stabbed someone, or something ACTUALLY serious, that the beating she received is utterly ridiculous, over the top, and unwarranted.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:13 PM
When I saw that video for the first time it made me want
want to beat that old man's ass until he bled.

Not because I believe children shouldn't be disciplined. In fact
I believe in the old adage 'spare the rod and spoil the child'.

But that video didn't show discipline. It showed a sick, sadistic
scumbag getting off on his own power.

That guy's a bully and a coward, and he deserves an appropriate
punishment. Simply being voted off the bench is nothing. That's like
the discipline you'd give to a child--like taking away their privileges.

Nope...what this guy needs is a good old fashioned ass-whuppin'.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: smurfy

Listen, I understand that discussing spanking children is a sore spot for many people. No pun intended.

But the science just doesn't back it up as a good tool for child development. No need to get bothered by what I am saying.

I see no reason to believe that hitting children, in any way, is going to be a good development tactic. You stated that abuse was "nothing like a clip on the bum" if I remember your wording correctly. So based on what you wrote, you at least support touching/hitting children on their butts...

or am I missing something?

I think you miss a lot of things, big difference in touching and hitting, big difference in clipping and slapping, and big difference in touching, clipping, slapping, hitting and being territorial.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: rival

But that video didn't show discipline. It showed a sick, sadistic scumbag getting off on his own power.

That, I entirely agree with. I went back and watched it again, carefully through some parts, and this run through, with the sound entirely off to remove any instinctive response to the emotion.

The guy did it as much for terror and psychological abuse as any discipline. Discipline is for correction and meant to cause correction, not to punish so much and sure never to traumatize.

He turned the lights out so she wouldn't even see it all coming, physically manhandled a 16 year old in an outright physical altercation (aside from the 'whipping'), HE started hands directly on with, and was entirely arbitrary about where he hit her. Butt, side, arm (by the look of one??) and who knows off camera. That's beating...not spanking. In near rage no less.

Even with the sound could tell he looked near but not QUITE over into a rage, for goodness sake.

I shudder to think what someone got for contempt of THAT Judge in the court room..and how much worse had it likely gotten to cause a kid to tape their own father like that?

The Citizens found HIM in contempt in the end.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:57 PM
The first thing that comes to my mind is picturing myself at sixteen and there is no way, no how I would allow myself to be hit or "spanked". I mean typically by the time a kid is twelve that kind of thing is over IF the parent can keep up to them but past that? I mean you would have to stand still and take it so maybe there is something more than just physical abuse going on to just sit there and take it. Or, if she were like me at that age and got savvy to the fact that she could take the SOB down she'd play along, which she did and good for her. Just sayin'

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Realtruth

I have never suffered physical abuse at the hand of a parent, but my father was psychologically abusive to my entire family unit. He valued my mother, myself, and my sister so little, that his entire life was about what he was getting out of it, rather than what we were getting out of it.

He was physically present, but emotionally absent the whole time he was a part of our family, and so unpleasant was he towards us at the end of our association (having disowned my sister and I, and having pointed the police in the direction of myself and my mother when his local church was graffitied, despite my mother and I both being Christian, not to mention not being especially gangsta, if you know what I mean) that I told him on the last occasion we met, that if I saw him again, I would kill him.

I saw him a year later in our local shopping centre, walking by me on my right hand side. As he spotted me, he flinched away visibly.

Kids who receive unconditional love from parents, give that same love to parents, and to their own children. Kids who do not, give whatever they get. In most cases, you hope a parent reaps what they sow.

I do understand that, and that it is difficult for you, and frankly there are no simple answers. Love, Smurfy.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: smurfy

A beating like that cannot be excused for something as trivial as removal of the family car. I would argue that unless she molested someone, shot someone, stabbed someone, or something ACTUALLY serious, that the beating she received is utterly ridiculous, over the top, and unwarranted.

Agreed, I have already said that, there is not even an, 'Unless' involved, the girl was in bed.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: Wrabbit2000
His life has been, with justification, destroyed.

Indeed, but there is a need to describe the inequality, a pleb goes to gaol, AND loses his job AND all the rest.
A judge, Ah! feck off, your honour.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Please explain to me how any of those: touching, clipping, slapping, hitting, or being territorial are appropriate to do on a child's buttocks.

I am curious.

edit on 8-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: Plugin

Are you sure it did you well?

To me if one starts down a path of thinking that a beating did them well then it probably didn't.

If you have any other reaction besides a negative one from someone hitting you then that probably means it did more damage than you might realize. It's called "battered person syndrome" and is a little like Stockholm where you develop amiable feelings toward the abuse being directed toward you.

Either way, whatevs man.

This guy is a douche-bag and a sadistic weirdo. A grown man spanking his teenage daughter with a belt to me just borderlines on...well...extremely inappropriate...let's just put it that way. I hope he doesn't seek out another relationship with the same dynamic. He should be barred from being around children.

Well, that's a bunch of BS.

A person can't be okay with their upbringing that included spanking without having a disorder? The fact of the matter is, some kids need it. Not saying THIS girl did, as I don't think downloading music is a punishable offense; but a lot of kids do need it. Just because people like me are okay with our younger selves being spanked doesn't mean we're broken. That is nothing short of insulting.

Oh and, while this video in particular is disturbing; it isn't disturbing because of the father using a belt, it's disturbing because of how this went about. A belt is not nearly as abusive as so many ignorant bleeding hearts seem to think (unless one is beat using the buckle). It's very standard.
edit on XJunamvAmerica/ChicagoMon, 09 Jun 2014 00:28:36 -0500282014-06-09T00:28:36-05:00k by JudgeEden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: smurfy

Any hitting is inappropriate especially near the butt or anywhere else down south.

For some the butt is an erogenous zone and spankings can have psychological consequences that reach far into adult hood. In other words it's weird. Just don't do it.

Anytime I hear of a parent pulling their kids pants down and spanking them I just think "What the hell? What is wrong with you sick ====?!"

Best rule of thumb is don't hit your kids. There are multiple ways to set boundaries and have authority without violence.

And just where is the proof for anything you said here? I don't view my own butt as an erogenous zone; nor have I ever thought my dad was sexually harassing me. Just because some people like spanking as a form of masochism, doesn't mean that the butt in general is a sexual area. How ridiculous.

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