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Mass shooting at Walmart in Las Vegas

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posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Mikeultra
. I doubt the cops would kill their own for the cause, so that part may be fabricated.

How did they fake the videos below? There were 3,000 people at the funeral. All crisis actors?:


Video Two

video 3

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:19 PM
If you look at the footage from the Wal Mart camera where they are supposedly shooting each-other, you can clearly see that neither gun is being fired. No muzzle flash, nowhere near the kick that gun would have, and there are no holes in either of them and not a drop of blood in site....something very odd about all of this. One of my friends was there when it happened and she didn't think they killed themselves...She said she heard a lot of shots inside of the Wal Mart after the police entered.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: UndeadMetalhead
It is a Crisis production. Look at the cheesy manner in which they paraded the dead cop. Not in a traditional hearse. No they just used a crappy pick up truck. How pathetic!

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Mikeultra
a reply to: UndeadMetalhead
It is a Crisis production. Look at the cheesy manner in which they paraded the dead cop. Not in a traditional hearse. No they just used a crappy pick up truck. How pathetic!

I really don't know that I have ever met anyone as insane as you are Mike.

It defies all logic when I see some of the things you say and it borderline scary if you actually believe them.
My advice, get more tinfoil because what you wearing isn't doing the job.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Mikeultra

Do you even watch some of these videos? They are bunk b/s... Some times I like the way your going but than others times...

I feel more like this was two nutjobs doing something unfathomable by most people.

edit on 12-6-2014 by wutang717 because: mistake

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:02 PM
If this (and some others) are all faked/staged, then we are so far over the rainbow we should be seeing flying monkeys anytime now.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: wutang717
Yes, of course I view the video before posting it. The 2nd part of the video was showing how terrible actors perform a shoot out. In comparison to the Walmart "surveillance video" the bad acting is slightly worse. I do hope they will release more video evidence that hasn't been tampered with. I'm not convinced by what I've seen so far.

I've researched the name Jared and there is a reference to fallen angels in the bible. During this research I discovered that there is a strong Illuminati presence in Portland, OR where the other killer named Jared did the school shooting. I know mentioning the bible will now bring the full wrath down upon me. So be it. The Illuminati is involved with these events.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: Mikeultra
a reply to: UndeadMetalhead
It is a Crisis production. Look at the cheesy manner in which they paraded the dead cop. Not in a traditional hearse. No they just used a crappy pick up truck. How pathetic!

Below I have a link to a horrible fire in which 3 fireman died trying to save 3 children who also died on the 4th of July in 2002.

For each of their funerals through the towns where they were firemen the processions were lead from the funeral home to the cemetery where they were buried and in each case the coffin was transported on top of a firetruck not dissimilar to how the coffin of the fallen officer was transported in your picture.

No traditional hearse was used 3 times which I can 100% confirm because I was in each of those funerals.

Tell me Mike, does that mean that those events were crisis productions also because a crappy truck was used?>

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: opethPA
I'm familiar with firemen having a coffin on a firetruck, but this is the first time I've ever seen a cop's coffin placed in the bed of a pick up truck! It's disrespectful I think. It doesn't look right at all. Why did they do that? We all know he was cop. The tons of cops in the procession illustrate that. It looked very odd!

EDIT: I see where my other post may have confused you a little bit. The Crisis Production I was referring to was the Walmart video. The funeral procession with the pick up truck I labeled as cheesy.

edit on 12-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Mikeultra
The best known Yared in the Bible is 6th in the line from Adam and father of Enoch who was such a good man that he was taken. Can't think of anything connected to evil. Some of the same names were used in the line from Cain so that may be a possibility *but* a stretch.

While thinking about this whole fakery angle, I did see some possibility. Remember Barry's obviously fake BC on the .gov site? That should be a crime, but nobody got in trouble. So.... What if they (TPTB) allow anyone to post BS fiction on TV news and youtube and pass it off as real? No prosecution because it's understood that it's fiction meant to deceive the unknowing masses. It opens up a whole other world when you start thinking this way. An insane world, perhaps some would say

It's still a stretch to understand how somebody wouldn't be able to blow the cover, but ....

For now I'm sticking to what seems like reality and that is that these events are really happening. But some are not being completely truthful. But I will keep a little tiny section of my pea sized brain open to other possibilities.

edit on 12-6-2014 by toidiem because: speeling, haa!

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: toidiem
Yes, when I use the word propaganda that is precisely what I'm talking about. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was inserted into the NDAA 2013 and signed by Barry. It is now legal for the U.S. government to use propaganda against the citizens of the United States! The media does their part and the governmental agencies do theirs. Police and alphabet agencies. The police are part of the government! Newspapers such as the N.Y. Daily News are heavy propaganda pushers with the shootings. Not real inner city shootings, the "active shooter" shootings. Most people are not aware that propaganda is being heavily used upon them. I assure you that it is. The shootings are the propaganda. I read something that was very alarming if true. The mother of the Oregon teen who killed in the school shooting had contacted someone two weeks before the shooting about Illuminati issues with the University of Portland. Shortly thereafter, out of the blue her son becomes the latest school shooter.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 10:59 PM
link if Jerad really did this he would be killed, just like any of us. But if he plays along and fakes it as they want, then what, they let him live, ala witness protection program? Seems to me they would terminate him anyway, to eliminate the possibility of revealing the scheme, so why play along? Or do they just eliminate him at the beginning and have a stand in after that? I went through this same thought process (not the stand-in part though) with another well known case from the 90s and I never could understand how that dude would fall for it. But then he had more inside knowledge than common criminal Jerad. Was his wife collateral damage or an agent and still alive? [I hate even having to consider this junk.] And what about the 3 deceased victims, that's too much to hide isn't it. And (how) can we resolve it one way or the other?
edit on 12-6-2014 by toidiem because: phhh

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: toidiem
You're close to understanding how these patsies are scammed. Once they agree to play their role in what they are told is a just an "active shooter drill", their fate is sealed. They're walking dead men at that point, they just don't know it. Once the drill starts it turns to real life, third parties may do the actual killings, and then the patsies are killed, end of story. Something like that... They may do all the preliminary videos at the Bundy Ranch, Youtube videos, Facebook, "Walmart" studio etc. while still believing it's part of the drill before the killings. They could have been killed once all that had been done, and on the day of the shootings, it was all done by the professional assassins working for the agenda. You know the ones who are always reported initially as multiple shooters, but then are declared as not being accurate reports?

EDIT: There are people killed when the drills turn to real life. I never said people are not killed while these things are pulled off. Barry just said the other day that until public opinion on these shootings is pushed to the extreme, things will not change. That's very telling. To me it sounds like the shootings are the work of HSEEP. Most of the time it's just drills. Then they go full scale table top exercise. That's when there's real people killed! To them the ends justify the means.

edit on 13-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 12:15 AM
Look into the Reynolds family name and their ties to the Illuminati and the Portland, OR area. The Oregon shooting took place at Reynolds High School. The Jared connection and the evil spirits making men do evil things.

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Mikeultra
Look into the Reynolds family name and their ties to the Illuminati and the Portland, OR area. The Oregon shooting took place at Reynolds High School. The Jared connection and the evil spirits making men do evil things.

Ummm, the school is named after the now-closed Reynolds Aluminum plant. The Reynolds wrap family never lived there. They just owned a plant there until 1978 when Dean Witter snapped it up. Its last owner was Alcoa, who closed the plant down in 2000, 14 years ago. The high school shooter there would've been 1 years old and the Reynolds family hadn't been in business there for 22 years prior to that.

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: WhiteAlice
Hold on now, don't dismiss the Reynolds family yet! There is much documentation of their Illuminati wickedness.

THE REYNOLDS BLOODLINE The Reynold’s family is not one of the 13 primary bloodlines, but they are such a prominent Illuminati family within the 13 bloodlines that I have decided to single them out for another article on Illuminati bloodlines. Although the Reynolds are allied with many of the major Satanic bloodlines, including the Rothschilds, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Graces and the Grays, they are especially close and intertwined to the Duke and Cullman families.

MY NEWSLETTER HAS REPEATEDLY EXPOSED MEMBERS OF THIS FAMILY During the course of putting out this newsletter in ‘92-’95, I have had repeated opportunities to include various members of the Reynold’s bloodline in my exposes. It must always be borne in mind that a large share of each of these bloodlines are hidden behind other last names. Within this area, my newsletter has exposed Reynold family members of the Illuminati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Mother of Darkness level, and since wanting her freedom it is anybody’s guess what happened to her.

OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS OF THE REYNOLDS Before we get into the nitty-gritty let’s take a quick overview of the Reynold’s financial interests. Much of the family’s money has been well-hidden behind fronts, holding companies, etc. The Satanists of the Reynolds family have been involved in high level drug dealing during this century. They have also had some important and major interests in Banking, Tobacco, and Aluminium, it seems like a fair number have gotten into the mortuary/cremation business, which is a great assistance for cremation after rituals involving human sacrifice.

R.J. Reynolds Industries of Winston-Salem, North Carolina had an annual sales of over $6 billion and 37,000 employees. I have the 1976 profit figure for the company was $353 million. I don’t know what the current figures are. The public thinks that the shares are widely held by the public, while in reality the control is very narrow. The Reynolds were careful when their stocks went on the market to retain secret control. R.J. Reynolds Industries chairman was Colin Stokes. Colin Stokes is an interesting person who works for the Reynolds. He was a member of Kiwannis International, and a director of several key things, dir. of Winston-Salem Savings & Loan, Integon Corp., and NCNB Corporation which is the bank holding company of North Carolina National Bank. The NCNB, which at one time had assets of $4.647 billion (it may be more now) has been the largest of the Middle South banks and is a key component of the Reynold/Duke/Cuilman clique. From 1958 to 1964, Stokes was a director of the William and Kate B. Reynolds Memorial Park, and further serves the Reynolds as trustee of the Wake Forest Univ. Another interesting liaison person for the Reynolds has been J.P. Sticht, a director of R.J. Reynolds, who has acted as a liaison between the Reynolds, Duke, and Rockefeller dynasties. Sticht is a member of Rockefeller University Council, and a member of the board of visitors to Duke University. Leighton Hammond Coleman, who is in the Illuminati from the Satanic Coleman family, also sits as emeritus director of RJ. Reynolds Industries. His father and him both belonged to the Pilgrim Society, which is a level above the CFR in the Illuminati political section. His father was a director of the corrupt American-Russian Chamber of Commerce which has been previously exposed in my writings. Now readers can see why RJ. Reynolds Industries has been one of the top companies trading with Communist Russia in the past. Another director of RJ. Reynolds Industries is John D. Macomber, a 1950 Yale graduate. (I don’t know if he belonged to one of the Illuminati’s 5 fraternities at Yale or not.) Macomber married into the Illuminati Morgan family, and is a member of the Pilgrim Society. Besides being a director for Li. Reynolds, he serves the Rockefellers as a director of Chase Manhattan. He is also dir. of Norlin Corp. Gordon Gray, of the satanic Gray family, also sits on the Li. Reynolds board. Both Gordon Gray and John Macomber belong to the CFR.. Gray also went to Yale (‘33 grad.) and was with Triangle Broadcasting run by Pilgrim Society member Walter H. Annenberg (who is close to being a billionaire). As you can see, some heavy duty Illuminati men direct Li. Reynolds Industries. Gray, a member of the CFR., also served as a liaison to the Corcoran financial interests. William W. Corcoran was a corrupt Washington banker who had a lily white front. Corcoran bribed the chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee so that he could illegally profit a half million dollars for being the middle man of the transaction of the U.S. paying off its debt to Mexico for lands taken during the Mexican War. (See Reports of Committees, Thirty-third Congress, First Session, Volume iii, # 354:4.) The U.S. did not need a middle man to pay off Mexico, but due to corruption in Congress, Corcoran was able to make a bundle of money with no effort. Riggs Bank is associated with the Corcoran fortune. CFR & Yale Grad & Pilgrim Soc. member William McChesney Martin, Jr. has worked for Riggs National Bank as their advisor. The multitude of connections of people serving the Reynolds to the elite are mind-boggling. Many of the institutions in the Middle South connect back to the Illuminati and their front organizations such as the Freemasons and the Chambers of Commerce, the CFR etc. etc.

edit on 13-6-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 03:29 PM
Maybe we should get this focused back on the thread topic.

Here's the aisle where it happened (found on another site): [LINK CORRECTED]
As you'll see there is a door near that corner but it is on the side not the back wall (it was blocked from our view in released security video). But that means they would have clear sight of Jared. That may be why Amanda pointed the gun in that direction too.
edit on 13-6-2014 by toidiem because: typo

edit on 13-6-2014 by toidiem because: better link

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: toidiem
The link isn't working... Are you saying that door, which looks like a single door, is on the east side of the building?

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 03:46 PM
This single door on the north east corner of the building. Is this the door we're seeing on the surveillance tape?

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Mikeultra

No a full size fire door is on the left, lining up with the back aisle.
Link now fixed
edit on 13-6-2014 by toidiem because: re link

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