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The people you work with

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posted on May, 19 2014 @ 03:47 PM
I think of myself as a person who can get along with most people and I generally for the mos tpart lik meeting new people. Even if I dont hit it off with the person and become good friends. There is still amicability iwht most people I interact with.

Whatever job i have had I have gotten along wiht all my co workers and even made great friends with some. That is one the things i like about getting a new job is the fact that you might make a new friend there.

At this current job that I have I guess i now have an enemy. Well enemy is to strong of a word. Lets just this person dislikes me and dis like her now. She says hyi to everybody else in the workspace and all my other co workers she will say hi to. And give her fake smile. But she won;t really ever say hi to me. When I was first starting out I would ask her a question and she would say "is this work related."

It just sucks because I dont think she knows what kind of person I really am. It hink she has this judgement already amde about me.

I guess I wanted to know from others if they have a work place beef? What is the drama about in your work place? and have you tried to work thing s out iwht the person?

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 03:55 PM
I don't care if people like me. Most people just take up space and piss me off. If there were less people I would be less cranky.

Why are you worried if this person likes you? Is she cute? Are you attracted to her? Does she give you butterflies in your belly?

Just ignore her some people are assholes.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:01 PM
Just tell her that she makes you horny?

Give her the wink and nod, then you're good to go

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

That's frustrating! You're not going to get along with everyone you work with. People and personalities clash, even if there is no reason behind it.

Have you tried pulling her aside to talk to her about it? I was having some major conflict at my workplace with a certain individual and I pulled her aside and brought it up because it was affecting our work and other people we work with. It really helped out and I'm glad I worked up the courage to speak to her directly about it. We now no longer work the same shifts because we are not compatible, lol.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

When I worked at larger companies, there were always a few jerks that I just ignored. There were also some very cool people that I became friends with. The only real problems I ever had were with managers, because they're often
delusional, sociopathic creeps.

If someone decides they are going to dislike me, I don't care. This person you're describing sounds like they aren't
worth your time. You already have some friends.

This reminded me of an old Seinfeld episode where George was very upset that Jerry's new girlfriend didn't like him.
Jerry said "Not everyone is going to like you"

George said: "That's unacceptable. I MUST be liked!"

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

I pulled her aside and brought it up because it was affecting our work and other people we work with. It really helped out and I'm glad I worked up the courage to speak to her directly about it. We now no longer work the same shifts because we are not compatible, lol. - See more at:

Good advice.

Funny stuff I did laugh out loud.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: minusinfinity

There was so much drama! She was talking about me, I was talking about her! It was ridiculous so I came in on my day off to clear it up. Luckily my shifts weren't effected because my boss sided with me
edit on 19-5-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: spelling

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
a reply to: American-philosopher

That's frustrating! You're not going to get along with everyone you work with. People and personalities clash, even if there is no reason behind it.

Have you tried pulling her aside to talk to her about it? I was having some major conflict at my workplace with a certain individual and I pulled her aside and brought it up because it was affecting our work and other people we work with. It really helped out and I'm glad I worked up the courage to speak to her directly about it. We now no longer work the same shifts because we are not compatible, lol.

One of the questions I always asked people I had to interview was: "Tell me about a job you have had where you had to work with someone you didn't get along with and what did you do to try and get along with that person.".

You would have "ACED" that question!

You would be surprised at how many people pretty much lost the interview with how they answered that one simple question......

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:41 PM
Some times people can dislike other people for things that arnt actually attributable to that person.

Something silly like "im positive that guy ate my lunch" can turn into a life time dislike and it may have had nothing to do with them.

Then theres the stirrers, those people that just like to mess things up and make up little lies here and their when they dont know the real answer, what gets them out of trouble for being stupid gets other people mad at each other.

Baseline, dont worry about it, you do your job they do theirs. Be nice anyway and as long as they arnt hurtful or vengeful whats the problem?

Its called work, not super happy fun land.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

You need to send your OP (sans typos) to your immediate supervisor. I've run across these types before. They're toxic people who need to be eliminated from the workplace.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

Ignore this person if all possible. Conduct yourself professionally around them. Watch out for vindictiveness and "back stabbing" activities from them. Do not discuss them with co-workers or express your anxiety concerning this person.
If need be tactfully inform your supervisor and seek their advice.
And lastly, grow up! You come across as needy and some people will take advantage of that.

edit on 19-5-2014 by grubblesnert because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-5-2014 by grubblesnert because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-5-2014 by grubblesnert because: dingy today

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: minusinfinity

not to sound like Donald Sterling but "everyone wants to be cared for" hahah

I dont want her to like me as in were BFF's. Its just I have an enmity towards her and I dont really have enmity towards people thats not me thats not my style.

and when I first started working at my job I was a little attracted to her. but now that I know she is a heartless harpie no thanks

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: weavty1

that will be the surest way to lose out on all income

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

I dont know if taking her aside would work I think it is what it is (even though I despise that saying) that we just dont get along. and I guess I am cool with that., But at the same time I want to gripe and complin about it. I know its petty.

IF I tried to talk with her she would just recite company policy to me.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Biigs

thats exaclty what I am doing just keeping my head down and not speaking to her and being a quiet little mouse

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher
a reply to: Biigs

thats exaclty what I am doing just keeping my head down and not speaking to her and being a quiet little mouse

That's kind of weird. You shouldn't project that image of yourself because of anyone.

Honestly how hard did you hit on her? What kind of questions did you ask her to make her say to you "is this work related?" on multiple occasions?

I'm not judging whether or not you are a good person, and she could just be a nasty person, but there seems to be vital information missing from this story.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: LizardSlicks

If shouting at them and attempting to aggressively solving things is your thing thats fine but very often that makes it worse. If they dont want to talk dont talk, smile and wave boys and girls, smile and wave.

Its not like you need to hold hands everyday and skip 5 miles singing nursery rhymes.
edit on b5858500 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Biigs


So there are only two ways to do things, dip your head in silence "like a little mouse" around this coworker who as you also understand is completely unimportant, or shout at them and cause a confrontation? I'm pretty sure you can just act normal about it and brush it off/ ignore it, it being the tension around this coworker which OP is making worse by "acting like a little mouse" with their head lowered in timid shame. Like you said, smile and waive. Smiling looks more natural when the chin is leveled, and a smile can really shine when the chin is tilted up slightly. Smiling and waiving with your head down is possibly the worst thing that could be done in this situation if this coworker already finds the OP creepy.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 09:54 PM

I get along well with 99% of the people I work with and I mean get along well despite language barriers.
Everyone says hello to me even when they don't really feel like it.
(There is Russian, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Spanish and Patois being spoken at any given moment)
Every Saturday and Sunday, I buy mini-muffins from Saint Cinamon and walk around the floor handing them out. Like "Santa only with Pastries" it's been said.
Even to the individuals I detest, few that they are.
(All but one...Quan...he's a real piece of work.)
I am on good terms with the suits upstairs and have my bosses confidence and respect.
He has commented many times I am the only one in the department he can count on.
Conversely I do very well and have very little restrictions placed upon me that most of the other workers must adhere to.
I can't always decide when I leave but I can come in at pretty much whatever hour I wish.
I take my breaks at whatever time I wish and are never faulted for being 5 or 10 minutes late.
(This may however stem from the fact that I voluntarily work 7 on 7 and my overtime hours frequently match my regular 80 hour pay period.)
Despite being there the least amount of time of anyone in the section, no other worker holds enough operational knowledge of department to run the place if something were ever to sideline the boss.
Neither does anyone else in the company for that matter, at least on an individual level...i.e. it would take 3-4 poeple collaborating (to control the monkeys we have to work with) to produce the work related effect my boss does.
The only thing I can't do is run the lift...and beat the stuffing out of Quan. Well, it's not that I can't do's just that it's frowned upon.
Our dinners are bought for us and offer's of "Coffee Hodles and Donuts" are frequent.
After taking my bosses advice, the suits upstairs decided to get dirty with the rest of us on the floor.
Their biggest concerns was in witnessing me remove "cheap" protective wrappings from computer servers. Pretty much the most inglorious part of my job description.
The glue on these things is old and it holds on for dear life instead of simply peeling away as its supposed to.
The plastic is also cheap and so rips frequently as it defies removal. Your nails are constantly digging into your own fingertps as you try and get a hold of the stubborn plastic, mostly without success.
I just didn't turn to see who was behind me.
I had peeling it off for the previous 7 hours but "old" chassis had been showing up all month, more so the last week
My fingertips were sore from trying to grasp miniscular pieces of shredded plastic. Raw from the glue itself...just drying out the skin. I wasn't sure how many had been done but I could see it would go on for another week or two minimum.
Tired, fed-up and hungry...that's what was going through my mind at the moment.
I heard an unfamilar voice say:

"You just have to work at it a little harder...that's the problem."

(Insert sound of record needle being scratched across vinyl!)

So, as is so common for me ATS...I "shot from the hip and took no prisoners".

"No, the problem here is the guys upstairs thought they were being smart when they bought this cheap @#$%...saving pennies a chassis...but what they forgot about is all the overtime hours they have to pay shmucks like me to remove it."

There was a silence...I turned around...there was the Unholy Trinity of Corperate Representation at the company looking at me like it's just puked up dead baby on their feet.
Fortunately for me, my boss was there as well and he started laughing.
Over the next few days different people from upstairs would come down try their hand and putting my words to the test.
It resulted in an immediate policy change.
Since then, I seem to be in their "good books" instead of the unemployment line.
I frequently buy other workers a lunch if they forget theirs and are hungry or give them my lunch and eat at the cafeteria myself.
I buy cases of soft drinks, water and non-gmo granola bars for everyone in the department.
I lend money to those in need.
As a result I rarely have to take a bus home and are always being offered food from pretty much all around the world on a regular basis. Some of it's even edible...
I joke with everyone within earshot.
Alright, there has been one complaint that I play the music a bit too loud (cause I'm going a bit deaf) but if I could just be serious with you all for a moment...@#$% Quan.
I take delight in burning movie and music disks and "share the wealth" everytime I have the means to.
I respect others and are in turn respected.
When the suits come down to shake your hand personally you are doing something right.
Both of my altercations with Mister Quan have resulted in disciplinary action being taken against him. Having exhausted both verbal and written warnings, the terms of the contract we all sign state one more instance like this will result in his immediate termination.
So, I guess what I'm really trying to say here is @#$% Quan.
Yeah that pretty much about covers it.

edit on 19-5-2014 by Eryiedes because: ETA

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: minusinfinity

Just ignore her some people are assholes.

Yes some people really are. Mostly, I just thank the universe for giving me an opportunity to practise patience and tolerance and go about my business. Works for family members too.

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