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How Can You Fix A Broken Anything?

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posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:13 PM
I realize this is a very broad stroke of the premise...the principles for fixing anything remains the same no matter what it is. In my opinion.

First, you have to recognize that something is broken first.
Second, you have to want to fix it.
Third, you have to decide whether it is fixable.
Fourth, you have to choose the best way to fix it if it is.
Fifth, are you going to fix it right? How many chances do you get? Do you go for the quick and cheap fix? Do you replace it and not fix it at all? What if there is no replacement? Do you keep it and make the best of it in a broken state? Do discard it and do without?

This applies to material possessions and behavioral patterns, either way the choices we make concerning broken anythings is not easily decided, unless we think we can replace it with something equal or better, there may not be a change worth making.

The world is broken...can it be fixed? Can it be replaced? There is no easy fix is there? The problem is there are many who think this world is just great the way it is...I am not one of them...I walk the streets where I live and my first reaction when I see something happening I don't approve of is to try and fix it...unfortunately, my second reaction often overrules me...why get involved? I will only cause problems by reacting, right?

If something doesn't concern me or my immediate safety it is easy to walk away or ignore what I see, right? Not really. I often find myself feeling guilty for not doing what I could. Rationally, I say to myself I can't fix the world...I can't save what if that child playing in the street gets run's not my child...this is the "cop out" choice...there was a time when I would not hesitate to tell someone to stop doing something I felt was a danger to themselves or others...whether it affected me directly or I have this mentality to pick and choose my battles instead of trying to win them all.

I want to fix the world, but I have to fix myself that selfish of me? What if trying to fix everything I can is the answer to fixing myself, too?
edit on 10-5-2014 by soulpowertothendegree because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:15 PM
Two words; Duck tape!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Two words; Duck tape!

What an astute reply...perhaps you could actually give what I am saying some actual thought process first, before putting "duck tape" on it...But start with your own hands and mouth first...perhaps that would be the most effective use.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: soulpowertothendegree

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Two words; Duck tape!

What an astute reply...perhaps you could actually give what I am saying some actual thought process first, before putting "duck tape" on it...But start with your own hands and mouth first...perhaps that would be the most effective use.

Oh was a joke. Maybe that's part of what is broken within you. You need to lighten up and don't sweat the small stuff.
edit on 10-5-2014 by Meldionne1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:27 PM
i think its duct tape, not duck.
but yeah, that or zip ties.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:44 PM
If you truly want my opinion on how to fix things for you...then start with your soul. Create inner peace. Realize that what ever issue you have, how ever crappy you feel It is, may not be as bad as you think. Look for the silver lining in everything. ...others have it worse matter what the situation....someone has it worse. And Yes sometimes life throws you curve balls...buts it's all in how you handle it. If you want to fix whatever is broken, ...I mean truley fix whatever is broken..then you will . You will find a way to make yourself happy. It all starts with happiness. For some, a simple life makes a happy life, and for some material things make them happy. Each person is different. But " laughter does make the world go 'round". Always smile!'d be surprised how infectious happiness can be , and effect everyone around you.
As for a Broken world....The world has been broken for a very long time. Social media has allowed this realization to be brought into the lime light , and has allowed us to see more evil than ever travels faster , and there ARE evil people in the person can not fix the world, YOU can not fix the world, but we can all contribute together and make changes... Throughout all of the history of the world,at the darkest of hours...people have always rises up and lead the way for hope and takes a community to make the change........or there's always " duck tape! "

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: Rikku
i think its duct tape, not duck.
but yeah, that or zip ties.

Ha! You are correct...I could blame it on my auto correct? But really I think is the fuzzy hang over that gave me a blonde moment! Lol...thanks for pointing that out..that's too funny.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:53 PM
A man was sitting in a bar when he saw another man who had a banana in his ear - when he caught the mans eye he told him that he had a banana in his ear - the man replied sorry I cannot hear you. So he said it again - excuse me you have a banana in your ear - the man replied I am sorry I cannot hear you, you see I have a banana in my ear!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Meldionne1

Agree with your other post entirely. Just be Zen man... no matter how crappy things get someone always has it worse but someone always has it better too. There is no truth. There is no lie. There just is. Here, now, you, me, and most importantly, us.

By the by, there is a brand of duct tape that is actually called duck tape so you're good.


posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
A man was sitting in a bar when he saw another man who had a banana in his ear - when he caught the mans eye he told him that he had a banana in his ear - the man replied sorry I cannot hear you. So he said it again - excuse me you have a banana in your ear - the man replied I am sorry I cannot hear you, you see I have a banana in my ear!

What was wrong with the other ear? Or did he have bananas in both ears, though that seems like a fairly crucial detail to leave out...

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat
The man was trying to fix something when there was nothing that needed fixing - oh never mind.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

You may not have started far enough down the rabbit mans fix is another mans break...if we FIX the economy...we simultaneously BREAK it for others.

"Problems - Solutions" are really reflections of perspectives. In fact I argue that most "problems" really aren't problems...their actually solutions to "deeper" problems...a drug addiction is considered a "problem" when really in most cases the drugs are a "solution" to a deeper problem only touched on later with countless hours of rehab and counseling.

"Greed" while a problem in the eyes of some is a solution for other problems...which leads me back to my signature thread on "Perspectology".

Problem -Solution - Problem: The proverbial downward spiral is really a circular pattern of problem solution creation. Most problems really aren’t “problems” they are merely states of reality that we “disagree” with individually or collectively for varying reasons. We subconsciously enjoy disagreeing with the “reality” around us because that gives us reasoning to devise and create “solutions”.

As a species we inherently love to problem solve…and we can’t do that without problems…so we start making them up and finding them everywhere even where none really exist. Whoever was the first person to interpret and label “distance” as a “problem” paved the path to create all the “solutions” we have created to solve the perceptual “distance” problem….cars, trains, airplanes, rockets, etc….none would have been conceived and invented if FIRST someone didn’t try to solve the “distance” problem which required someone to see it as a problem first.

These solutions can also be interpreted as problems themselves…as the car helped solve the distance problem…it created another problem of its own…pollution and traffic. We have replicated this solution PAST its point of efficiency as we are experiencing diminishing returns through things such as traffic jams slowing travel time down significantly…not to mention ALL The associated resources needed just to make it possible to get in a traffic jam in the first place. (oil, roads, maintenance, laws, enforcement, etc)…so this “solution” is now…a “problem” again…its no longer doing what we invented it to do…reduce the distance factor. One could potentially argue that the energy required to walk from California to NY is less than building and maintaining ALL the infrastructure and associated industries to allow one to drive from California to NY.

Essentially the essence of it all is interpretive and subjective...objectively problems do NOT exist...we make them up for a myriad of reasons one of them being for the mere sake of creating solutions...we replicate these solutions and follow them until they become NEW problems themselves...and this has somehow yielded phenomenal results because without this problem > solution > problem cycle we wouldn't have developed the internet...there would have been no perceived need to create such a thing.

When we FIX things on large general macro scales...such as the "world" or "humanity" or the "universe" we are simultaneously breaking those things for others....the perceptions of problems aren't universal.

edit on 10-5-2014 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 02:59 PM
Did you hear about the monkey that reached into the river and pulled the fish out of the water to save it from drowning?

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: soulpowertothendegree
I want to fix the world, but I have to fix myself that selfish of me? What if trying to fix everything I can is the answer to fixing myself, too?

You are not broken and neither is the world.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
Did you hear about the monkey that reached into the river and pulled the fish out of the water to save it from drowning?

Lol....laughter is good medicine, isn't it !

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 04:46 PM

edit on 10-5-2014 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 05:03 PM
I'm not aiming this at you, OP, but at why the world is broke and none of us can fix it. It's because:

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