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Benghazi emails: White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ‘video’ explanation (Liars!)

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posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I am pretty sure his name was put on Madame DeFarge's list......

A very long list.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: anon72

What I love about your thread is that not many people have responded to this, in proportion to the scandal I mean....

And I have a theory why...

Myself and many others here on ATS including yourself, followed this whole situation relentlessly as it happened, from the moment the story broke to the subsequent hearings etc etc.......

Talking about it on ATS, all the while people called us right wing nut jobs, stupid right wing conspiracy nuts just hating on the administration, crazy, bigots, etc etc etc......

We didnt buy the line they were selling, and we stuck after it.......

i would expect some people with some backbone to come back and say "Looks like you guys were on the money on this one"

And maybe apologize for slandering anyone political and non political that cried foul on this whole thing......but naaaaaah

Why arent there many people posting on this?

Because we were right!

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask
Yes, the best they could muster is 'what's the big deal?' Or 'I'm tired of hearing about this.'

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask
Yes, the best they could muster is 'what's the big deal?' Or 'I'm tired of hearing about this.'

Im quite sure the administration and anyone else involved in the scandal is tired of hearing about it fact im sure they wish it would disappear...

This whole "Whats the big deal" and "im tired of hearing about it" apathetic approach to the things that are happening with our country is the reason we are in the messes we are in.

Im sure it would be a different tune if it was their family members that were killed....

But besides that, the implications of what was REALLY going on and why they ALLOWED this to happen should be making people very suspicious

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Truer words were never spoken. Dead on. Fire for effect!

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Perhaps no one's posting a "counter" argument because obviously ... no counter-argument makes any difference.

This seems to be one of those situations in which members have reviewed the facts and come to our own conclusions.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 05:16 PM
I've probably had to say this a thousand times since Obama took office, and I'll say it again. Filthy, dirt-ball liars. The whole administration.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

. no counter-argument makes any difference. 

The Hillary Defense, eh?

Is it that no counter-argument makes any difference, that no counter-argument is adequate.... or for that matter even exists?

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
I've probably had to say this a thousand times since Obama took office, and I'll say it again. Filthy, dirt-ball liars. The whole administration.

Not defending Obama but weve seem to have a serious string of them, IMHO Obama has been the worst so far, but seeing as how it looks to be progressing, I dread what the next one will be like if we do not do something as a country.

This mindset of "Well he got away with this when HE was president" is dangerous when when people in our country repeat the mantra, its catastrophic when a sitting POTUS does ......

"If Obama could get away with that when he was in office, Imagine what I can do now that im president" everyone wants to push the far will we let it go

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: anon72
a reply to: Granite

It may take some time but Justice and Truth will prevail....

How so? Are these people going to be charged and sent to prison? The truth part might prevail but I can see the Justice side of things will fail concerning these scumbags.
edit on 1-5-2014 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I wrote exactly what I intended when I said "makes any difference." You guys take Hillary's comment out of context as well. But never mind. Don't go off on that snipe-hunt, not yet anyway, you'll get your chance ...

Here, I'll demonstrate.

1. The single line in the Rhodes email that is supposedly the "smoking gun" as touted in this thread:

" * To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and are not a broader failure of policy; "

Protests. Plural. Rice was sent in not only to talk about the tragedy in Benghazi but about the protests erupting across the Muslim world that were definitely sparked by the video "Innocence of Muslims." There were two topics of concern: the general topic of the unrest in the region and the specific topic of what happened in Benghazi. The CIA provided the Benghazi points.

2. The memo reflects talking points for a media appearance. It is and was redundant in light of the other materials provided previously which say the same things. But, yes, it was dumb, dumb, dumb of the Administration to hold anything back. Is it a "cover up"? Of what, that Susan Rice came on the TV and made the statements she made and that she was provided what she said as "talking points"? C'mon!

3. And finally, no, it doesn't make any damned difference whether it was a video or a planned terrorist attack. Not then, not now. THE ONLY THING THAT DOES MATTER is that FOUR AMERICANS DIED THAT NIGHT. The only thing that should have mattered then and should matter now was finding and bringing justice the bastages that did this and doing everything in our power to make certain that every step was taken to learn everything we could from this f-ed up chain of events so that nothing like this would happen in this way ever again to Americans anywhere anytime.

Now. There you go. Tear it apart, quote The Blaze, or whatever. Call me a statist, communist, libtard, water-carrying dipstick ... I don't care.

I told you ... the counter-argument "wouldn't make any difference" ... and I was right.

edit on 18Thu, 01 May 2014 18:05:16 -050014p062014566 by Gryphon66 because: Cause.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 06:18 PM
It was a hit on the ambassador.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 07:39 PM

THE ONLY THING THAT DOES MATTER is that FOUR AMERICANS DIED THAT NIGHT. The only thing that should have mattered then and should matter now was finding and bringing justice the bastages that did this and doing everything in our power to make certain that every step was taken to learn everything we could from this f-ed up chain of events
a reply to: Gryphon66

Does that include the administration for failing to act during the time of crisis when military personnel were prepared to intervene and they were given repeated stand down orders?

Does that include the so many months leading up to this when they requested that the embassy either be vacated or their protection be increased because things were heating up and their warnings were IGNORED?

Damn right we need justice, and Hilary, Obama , Rice, and everyone down the line that failed these men and stopped military personnel from acting should be tried and sentenced.........

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

See? No difference at all. Now we're on to another aspect of the mythology ...

(PS, this won't matter either)

House Armed Services Committee - Majority Interim Report - February 2014

“There was no ‘stand down’ order issued to U.S. military personnel in Tripoli who sought to join the fight in Benghazi.”

Bipartisan Senate Committee Report -REVIEW

“The Committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel, including in the IC [Intelligence Community] or DOD, prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the Committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated.”

Both a Republican House Committee and a Mixed Senate Committee have both concluded after thousands of hours of interviews that there was no "stand down" order given. But, in this case, since it doesn't fit the scenario laid out by certain interests with certain agendas, well, the government can't be trusted, right?

Who can be trusted? Fox News Channel? The Blaze? Representative Issa? There's no obvious agenda there, eh?

I guess we all pick our poison.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

But, in this case, since it doesn't fit the scenario laid out by certain interests with certain agendas, well, the government can't be trusted, right?

Your right...

They cannot be trusted. It's our duty to question them.

It's like with kids. You trust them until they lie to you.

Are seriously trying to say this Administration does not lie?

They said it was about a video. That was a lie.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

I think you're right. They absolutely cannot be trusted. Benghazi and the death of Chris Stevens was the culmination of nearly a year of stupid, ignorant decisions from middle and upper State Department management that ended up staking those men out like the Goat in Jurassic Park. Well... The Dinos came out, as one could have predicted by all the state department message traffic on the worsening security situation.

Protest shmotest. It was a coordinated attack and the timing was anything but coincidental. Something or someone was inside that compound that the group who attacked it was willing to lose damn near everyone they had to get. Unless they'd been told by Americans that there would be no help, then they had no reason to know help couldn't come on call and come running. Prior to that night, it always had been and had been with bells on...if only for making every attempt in some tragic examples.

So who or what was worth dying for? Well, I can't believe they didn't know the answer to that as they blamed a silly video or protests that seemed more like a test of coordination across the region than what they first appeared, anyway. (Started on que, progressed together and ended on que. Nice demonstration atop Benghazi for a 9/11 anniversary)...

Who or what....was worth risking everything? The attack did stop and well before backup DID manage to one might even assume they go it. Whatever "it" was.

edit on 1-5-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:09 AM
Here's the latest from Nancy Pelosi !!!

SHE says : "diversion, subterfuge: Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi"

And she says she never read the releases from Congress !!!

Pelosi was quick to dismiss the controversy over the email even though she claims to have never read it. “Whatever was in that — what I know of what I’ve read in the press about those emails was very consistent with what was put out there before. I don’t think there’s anything new there.”

Nancy Pelosi 'Benghazi, Benghazi , Benghazi, Why Aren’t We Talking About Something Else?'

youtube link

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:01 AM
I gave Obama a chance. I have been deceived as well as everyone else we have all been deceived plain and simple.

If these trails of evidence were leading back to you or I we would be doing time for Perjury to how many hearings , 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter tampering with evidence, and tampering with witnesses . Plus others I am sure.

I look at this this way .

Corporation a has unsafe working conditions, employees, Osha mechanics ,and electricians all say its gona kill some one even sub managers agree it needs fixed . The department head ignores it . 4 people die by the way everyone said it could happen. Someone is usually indicted . Someone would be going to jail. If in our world jail it should in theirs also.

So if a politician can let people die the Superiors hide it in our world that's aiding and abiding plus manslaughter after the fact. With out any meaningful penalty it is creating a 2 class system the royalty who can get away with murder and the peons who experience the full weight of the law.

Regardless If you create a situation by lack of concern or even budget or ignorance in our world some one would pay for 4 deaths.

Since all are politicians nothings going to happen .

That is the biggest problem! Laws apply different to which class your in.

I dont care if you are a Democrats or a Republican this game is bs even the least negligence and perjury.

I listened to Jay Carney it made me mad perfect name for him Jay (jaybird slang chatterer) Carney (carnie carnival barker full of bs)

It seems to me we had the 2 class system before it didnt end well then .

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:47 AM
More history lessons from Hillary.....

It was the video !!

It was the video !!

Published on Sep 15, 2012

This is part of the statement Hillary delivered at the US Morocco Dialogue in DC. Again she blames this lame ass supposed Anti Islam movie for the violence in the Mid East. CBS, NBC, the liberal media and Hillary all blame the movie or trailer when in fact this is not about a movie but rather about radical Islam and terrorism.

youtube link

And this beauty....
She starts at around 1:00...

Published on May 9, 2013
Obama and Hillary Blame Youtube Video for Benghazi Terrorist Attack as Coffins Arrive

link to youtube

edit on May-02-2014 by xuenchen because:

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:08 AM
My original point: a counter-argument in the "smoking gun" discussion doesn't make a difference to the conclusions reached by anyone here.

That seems confirmed.


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