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Is anyone else disgusted by whats happening in the world?

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posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
I find myself often disgusted when i read news stories of judges imprisoning young people for ridiculous amounts of time over practically nothing, stories of war, reading what people actually think and believe. It disgust me.

Whats wrong with humans, whats wrong with people? I dont get it...There is something deeply wrong with the way people think and act. Its almost as if we are an experiment seriously gone wrong.

Is it fluoride, the education system, greed, sheer stupidity? Is there really people who are intelligent enough to perpetrate a massive multinational conspiracy? Sometime i think that humans are to stupid to even consider.

OK I can Sum it all Up for you in Just a Well Known Political Theory

Ready ...

political parable of how to catch a wild hog

there is so many Version's of the Story yet all the same Meaning

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 05:38 PM
I created an account just to be able to reply to this thread ( maybe some others ) . Screw the human race! We are a virus a plague that needs to be exterminated. An experiment gone wrong! We DO NOT deserve the beauty of this planet nor to breathe it's oxygen. I am a misanthropy and I have been one for a long time. I can't stand that I exist with other humans. I wish I was the only person on this planet and then I could live out the rest of my days happily.

They say we are above animals HA at least animals have social structure and can work with others of their own kind for a common goal.

I live by Detroit man what a hell hole city that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth. I see people wearing shirts and jackets " proud of Detroit " " I (heart) Detroit " and it makes me want to puke. You want to see pure evil? Visit Detroit but make sure you hide your money.

The level of denial and how blind people are to things is just way beyond me to understand. Idiots

God my hatred towards the way we have become and always have been makes me want to explode. Evil, cruel, vile, disgusting, greedy, virus , destructive , abusive pieces of crap
edit on 18-4-2014 by fumankind because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2014 by fumankind because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2014 by fumankind because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
I find myself often disgusted when i read news stories of judges imprisoning young people for ridiculous amounts of time over practically nothing, stories of war, reading what people actually think and believe. It disgust me.

Whats wrong with humans, whats wrong with people? I dont get it...There is something deeply wrong with the way people think and act. Its almost as if we are an experiment seriously gone wrong.

Is it fluoride, the education system, greed, sheer stupidity? Is there really people who are intelligent enough to perpetrate a massive multinational conspiracy? Sometime i think that humans are to stupid to even consider.

You are the minority and likely a different personality type. I am a Leo and one day my girlfriend had a birthday horoscope book. I open the page for my birthday and there it is... you can't change the world just accept that people must desire change on their own, and only then will there be peace. It was just a random quote in a random book but it changed my perspective. I'm the one that is different these people desire these things. I'm by far outnumbered and trying to bring these things that I find unbelievable to peoples attention just annoys them. They don't care, don't want to know, and honestly could care less. If they had their way they'd probably stab me in the face there and then.

Eventually I married her but I keep what I say to a minimum. She gets nervous when people start any type of political conversation with me because I'm not likely to agree with either side. I can't take anyone leaning on one party seriously. As if that party is always right, and the other party is always wrong. I find it absolutely ridiculous. She does not want to hear about current events, conspiracies, or anything unsettling whatsoever. If she had her way there would be no news of anything but happy pleasant things. That's the way she wants it, and I just keep it away from her. Occasionally she will ask what I'm reading on the computer, and I just smile. She will say, oh, and that's that. Really why should I even bother burdening someone like my wife with this what can I do to change people who in my opinion are downright happy being evil? Do I need to drive it into her consciousness that I believe we are in a hell of some sort, and that you can't have that feeling of despair if you don't ever experience having comfort? I like sex I'll not go down that path this weekend. We have to accept that there are simply evil people and good people are a minority. Good itself only goes so far. For instance, guys don't come over to my house I don't have buddies like that. I visit just enough to keep your friendship. You know what happens when you have male buddies near your wife? They try to bang her. Personally, I don't try that with other people's women. That's just me, I'm a minority. I'll be honest in my lifetime I haven't met one male yet that wouldn't screw me over if they could get away with it. They are just waiting on the right moment. If you aren't one of those types well... I wish I knew you. However, chances are if you are like me you don't want me near your wife or hanging around you either because you're more comfortable by yourself or your loved ones. Being in a large social setting actually drains you you're not into talking non stop. It's not your personality type. So, how are we the quiet nice ones going to overcome the loud mouth shnooks that never stop talking and absolutely freak out in a social setting if there is more than 3 seconds of silence. 3 seconds of silence... OMFG this party is failing! Clearly we need more of the more social personality types to speak with their gift of gab, but those become our politicians and they know damn well they can't change it either so they just start stacking cash and collecting really nice cars. The one thing they can do is Robin Hood when the opportunity presents itself to help out some people that really need it. I'll tell you what you can do if you want to help, personally. You can arm people you know with street smarts so they notice someone trying to take advantage of them, and that they don't let down their guard. My wife has thanked me on many occasions for doing that. If her and other people I love just want to live in a bubble, damnit I'll try my best to make that a reality for them, but open their eyes enough to understand the game being played.
edit on 18-4-2014 by ezwip because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: GreenMtnBoys

Because I could really give a crap about the rest of the world

And there-in lies the problem...I mean in Australia we had the 9/11 Trade centre destruction beamed into our homes and radios...and I'll never forget the live broadcast on the news driving to work that day...all those years ago...

Attitude like yours is part of the problem ...america and you do not exist in a vacuum...arsehole

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Indeed... the seven deadly consequences of this world have been running rampant.

The "cosmic video game" is making us all sad with you. The ELite have engineered this world in a way such that every action is controller by the SYSTEM.

Yes, and everyday I even worry about how we will leave this world to our children.

I can only feel sorrow for we who are the world, a world without believing in chance only. It is very simply far from my imagination, to mankind to spring up from nothing only.

Therefore I have only sorrow for those who could by mankind spring only, by chance as evolution suggests.

Humans are we going to be Islam or not?

I think not!

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 09:36 PM
What's wrong with people? We're all human. We're flawed, do and say random things. I don't think it's anything that can be analyzed by anyone. It's just life.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: ChiefD
What's wrong with people? We're all human. We're flawed, do and say random things. I don't think it's anything that can be analyzed by anyone. It's just life.

Little more can be said.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 11:55 PM
Anyone remember/know the story of Pandora's Box?

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 12:40 AM
Nope, it's just you. You are obviously the only morally minded person that gets it.

We all just love the misery going on in the world.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:35 AM
At the moment, I am disgusted after having read yet another article on the rich and famous pediphile rings.

The stories keep coming out that these child raping secret society members continue to go full out. There is no honor in these rings that profess higher knowledge while protecting their sex addict powerful friends.

The main stream media and law enforcement elements of government that people thought were guarding against such ruthless and degrading behavior are evidently in on it. There is no rooting out of these evil groups in RICO roundups. Politically correct language allows promulgation of the immoral behavior through films, laws and other entertainment venues.

edit on 19-4-2014 by searcher109 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: searcher109

Can you expand my knowledge on this? I know there is more between the lines but I don't have enough info to know.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: fumankind

You seem to agree with God's view of unredeemed, unrepentant, rebellious individuals.

. . . though perhaps . . . you ignore or are in denial about the parts "made in His image" and cleansed by the Blood of The Lamb to truly love others as themselves and to truly do unto others as they'd wish done unto them.

Such individuals exist . . . however few and far between.

Sadly, too many churches seem to have none to too few of them within.

But then . . . the halls of political power seem to be particularly devoid of such individuals.

BTW, I've never found despair to be particularly life-giving or productive in my life.

And research on pessimism is . . . rather . . . pessimistic.

It correlates with a lot of dysfunctional and unhealthy factors and outcomes.

Research also indicates that it's not per se WHAT HAPPENS to individuals that makes the major differences in their lives.

It's WHAT THEY DO ABOUT IT; HOW they respond to what happens to them that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD . . . and certainly in their lives and sleep at night.

Yeah. The world's a mess. It will get much worse. The Bible says this era will be worse than EVER HAS BEEN and worse THAN EVER WILL BE AGAIN in the earth's future.

Welcome to the crucible.

Welcome to the finale.


. . . about the consequences and results for pretending that arrogance knows better than God how to run one's life and one's planet.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: demongoat

I think my answer was more funny. Obviously you're statements are basic. Maybe that's why most people that call USA the great satan call it that but there has to be some cool classy western cultured person out there that called it that for my reason.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 01:24 PM
Il. Just bet, if we could go back a 100 years, we'd see the exact same sentiment by another writer.
I don't think we're are living with that much of a changed mind set.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:13 PM
The problems with this world boil down to a serious shortage of RESPECT. For the most part people just don't respect one another, they don't respect nature, and a lot of them don't respect themselves. Everything's all about what can you do for ME? How do I make out in this? ME, ME, ME, I, I, I.

The Politicians for the most part are more worried about "will this effect my electability?", " can I use this to put more money in MY pocket?", and ""if I do this, will this guy or this company will take care of me and my family even after I'm out of office" THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE OFFICE, or what it means to serve.

The News Media, for the most part again has no respect for what they do anymore. They used to realize how important their industry was to keep people honest, most importantly Politicians and Big Business. Now more and more they're in big business' pocket just like the politicians are, OR they're all about ratings or web hits, back to what can it do for me.

When I see people in their cars driving around talking on their phones, or texting all I can think is "have some respect for the other drivers", but they're in their own little bubble, only worried about themselves.

Another example, I own a sporting goods retail store and when I see how some people treat my products in the store, it couldn't be more obvious that they have zero respect for other people's things.

People are driving me crazy, and I just don't see it getting ANY better. I try to do my part little by little to make this world better. I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated. I try to open doors, say hello, drive courteously, When I'm out I try to leave a place better than I found it. Be the change you want to see in this world, otherwise you're just another one of the A-holes.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: wrkn4livn

I don't think so. I don't believe as a nation as a whole, we lost hope before. The last time it got so bad, unions formed. Those kind of americans don't exist anymore. We send our best to foreign soil to fight for Oligarchy system, and there is no love for our country anymore. Just money.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:30 PM
We have three classes in the USA today. The takers...the whores who want more and more and give nothing. The elite as some of you call them that control everything and "feed" the takers. Those two are the majority. Then...there are us. Those of us who don't leach on society and aren't in control. We are the victims. The takers and the elite deserve each other and, basically need each other. We...the victims get trampled in the process.

The question, in my opinion many of us are there? Most of ATS I would suggest, but how many in total. And what can or will we do to "correct" the takers and the elite? But consider this first. They will die before giving up what they are.
edit on 4/19/2014 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Those of us who don't leach on society and aren't in control. We are the victims.

Theres so many flaws in your way of thinking i just had to stop thinking of where to start.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 05:28 PM
To the OP...

Try your cup half full, instead of half empty. Instead of being disgusted, why not celebrate progress.

For example:

- Continued reducing trend for global conflict.
- Improved dental heath because of (ahem) fluoride.
- Improved standards of education globally, including girls being educated across most of Afghanistan.
- Proportionally more people (globally) out of dire poverty.
- Fantastic advances in medicine, including positive news about defeating polio due to (ahem) vaccinations and steps towards the first malaria vaccination - just think of the lives saved and the misery avoided.
- Reducing crime across the developed world, even in America (although you American's continue to shoot each other with enthusiasm).
- Less stupid people around. You just need to look over your laptop screen.

I am not disgusted.


posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: searcher109

Can you expand my knowledge on this? I know there is more between the lines but I don't have enough info to know.

Here's a couple of links:

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