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CNN’s Piers Morgan Signs Off With Final Blast At U.S. Gun Laws

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posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I despise everything about that man. He needs to go fix all the problems with the UK before he tries to take an outsiders view to someone elses supposed problems.

If you want to give up your ability to fend for yourself in an environment that has been kill or be killed for millennia until very recently and could return at any time frankly...why then by all means give up your guns...

If you want to give a government (anywhere) the ability to destroy all evidence of life as you know it, but reserve no option for yourself and your brethren to oppose them no matter how insignificantly upon their going rogue, or falling deeper into corruption...than by all means give up your right to bear arms.

Piers Morgan is the same kind of "bag" used to hold vinegar etc..that we all are familiar with.

Why isn't anyone looking to see how many SSRIs these mass shooters have been on? Seriously lets level the blame where I bet it belongs, western pharmacy and our disturbing levels of long term drugging of our children while subjecting them to TV, movies and video games that serve the same use as Monarch programming disassociation techniques...

Call a freakin spade a spade already

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 08:58 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'm sure he'll wind up on another channel so he can keep spewing his crap. Too bad we can't ship him back to England where he belongs. Good riddance!

Now, how can we get rid of the rest? That's the 24,000 dollar question.

If you figure it out let us know... I'd love to figure out how to kick out all you dirty awful americans from my country...

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by OatDelphi

The only discussion topics piers Morgan stimulated were about British tabloid scandals and the lack of ethics in journalism.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:05 AM


Gun restrictions have been loosened...

Interesting perspective. I don't suppose you could give some examples or citations show just how they've been loosened, I'd love to see them since where I live they have redefined what constitutes an "assault rifle" and outlawed magazines l
Tat hold more than 10 rounds and its illegal to have more than 7 rounds in it.

Its a silly notion, and let me tell you why.
If the government decided to suddenly turn on the people, it would be spears against tanks.
Lets be real. You are out there with your semi assault rifle in the woods -playing- army. you got some old surplus camo a few hundred rounds, and maybe a sidearm 9mm.
On the other side, the ah-64 apache longbow is fueling up. a few mraps are circling your little funtime encampment. all are waiting for the initial payload from perhaps a ac-130h to drop down some trees and scorch the earth. perhaps drop a daisy cutter on you. then some troops get in position for the fleeing half dead rebels, cutting them in half with their m240b's. This is little more than a training exercise against the rebels. not even breaking a sweat. Hell, if there was ten thousand rebels in the hills, it wouldn't pose more than a mild inconvenience.

You're neglecting the fact that there are more ex military infantrymen in the US currently than there are current members of all the branches of service combined. They were the ones who trained us. We know their tactics and how they will respond. It wouldn't quite be the lopsided over before you know it scenario you are envisioning. If it ever came down to it, how many US military would be prepared to fire on their own countrymen and how many would be refusing orders? It seems to me that you're telling everyone what the puzzle would look like when complete but haven't started putting it together and don't have the box top to know what it should look like all the while forgetting critical variables.

You cannot win a violent battle with the us military playing backyard soldiers...
Stop pretending it even remotely effects your safety as some sort of freedom fighter.

I made this statement in page 2 of this thread...

Any student of history that has made it to the 6th grade knows that you're assertion is complete BS. Vietnam Nam managed to handle the French for a decade before spending another 20 years inflicting heavy casualties on US servicemen, the fledgling US managed to do it to the British twice, Afghanistan, Iraq... I could go on all day with examples of poorly trained guerrillas keeping pace with or defeating superior forces. And that's just guerrilla fighters and not taking into account trained US military personnel who are now civilians. My eye sight might not be what it used to but I can still pick a target at 300 m and I'm not an anomaly. There are a few million more like me.

If your going to get into the argument, know what your arguing for...home security, and because its fun and legal.

rebellion. pfft...have better luck shooting least then you won't anger them enough to drop a small yield tactical nuke on you town.

I'm glad you cleared that up for everyone so that we can now make the appropriate argument, or rather the argument YOU have decided is relevant.

Legislation is how rebellions take place..thats it. no GI-Joe fantasies..lets deal with reality and shut off red dawn for your understanding of military dynamics.

In regards to my personal feelings about the 2nd amendment, I on principle stand for it in some form. commonsense restrictions of course (well regulated milita does have the word regulated in it)..I am not a fan of guns personally. more of a sword and bow kinda guy.

I guess nobody mentioned that piece of advice to Jefferson, Mason, Madison, Adams, Hancock, Wshington et al...

Regarding the wording of the 2nd amendment I would suggest reading the Federalist Papers so you can see the explanations of the actual authors of the bill of rights including Mdison who authored the 2nd amendment. Federalist #29 is a good one to start with.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Jefferton

So all Americans are dirty and awful because SOME Americans dislike Piers Morgan for his generally ignorant statements regarding gun control? That's a little sad.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:13 AM

peter vlar
reply to post by Jefferton

So all Americans are dirty and awful because SOME Americans dislike Piers Morgan for his generally ignorant statements regarding gun control? That's a little sad.

Read what I replied to. Just reminding that poster that the disease called americans spread the globe as well. You aren't the only ones with unwanted visitors.
edit on 29-3-2014 by Jefferton because: spelling

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

WE won't allow criminals and crazies to change our policies.Just because YOU can't handle cultural casualties regarding guns (Shooting of our kids innocent death by accidents etc)doesn't mean it's the best move and WE can handle the deaths,nuts...political Ero-Progs,we got ALL of it,no big deal.We are seeing the ultimate liberal expression in Obama and as could be EASILY predictable( I know I'm only 115 IQ and I knew it) we are seeing an epic train wreck. Thank you for your opinion,love you guys...get off our ass about a tool YOU once needed us to supply you with when YOU needed them and respect our gunmen,with NO peers on this planet (No doubt because of our large populace)
we will keep them.
Russia's restarting the band,your populace will be under threat soon....

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:17 AM


Well, Piers is off. Off to greener pastures or just off. I suppose it doesn't much matter with how many he managed to upset by some very unpopular positions he's pursued.

Piers Morgan wrapped his three-year CNN run tonight with (gasp!) a full hour of discussion about the missing plane. But in his four-minute final remarks, he couldn’t resist taking a parting shot at the NRA. “I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater, and then, just a few months later, 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, the absurd gun laws in this country would change,” he said.

I'm pleased to see that he is (unintentionally) reminding people how absurdly suspicious and oddly out of place these events are in light of the obvious nature of the loony left's obsession with gun control (and the fact that they are currently well-placed to pass legislation, assuming they make it through the elections).

That's to say that if they wanted to provoke public outrage and coax people into supporting otherwise blatantly unconstitutional gun laws, being able to dangle a bunch of dead kids in front of the public would be just the thing they needed.
edit on 29-3-2014 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2014 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Jefferton

I did read it. They were talking about one individual whereas you covered all Americans under a blanket statement and then reaffirmed it by calling us a disease. I stand by my original assessment. It's pretty sad when we stop judging the individual on their merits and judge an entire nation based on the actions of a few. You're entitled to that opinion and I'm entitled to disagree and think its sad.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:24 AM


What really bothers me is knowing that Peirs home of England has outlawed saying anything against politicians now. You can be arrested for saying that The Prime Minister of England is immoral, unethical and is just a lying little slag who harms his country just by waking up every morning.
So It is a good thing I don't live in the UK.

Erm, that's a load of nonsense, where did you hear that?

We have freedom of speech - I can call Cameron any name under the sun and walk down the street with an 'I think we should hang the Queen' t shirt on and the police can't do anything.

As much as I hate Moron, I fail to see why he gets so much flack and comparisons with NK for pointing out facts like your gun laws mean 100,000 Americans are shot a year. But hey, I live in the UK where we're not paranoid, don't feel the need to carry guns and have gun crime rates less than 1/500th of the US rate but can still own guns as long as your mentally sound, fully trained and have no criminal record (I.E Exactly the same 'regulated militia' the US constitution lays out.

No trigger happy rednecks, armed police or serial killers to worry about when walking around in public over here - Sounds much more like freedom to me.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000


posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:32 AM



What really bothers me is knowing that Peirs home of England has outlawed saying anything against politicians now. You can be arrested for saying that The Prime Minister of England is immoral, unethical and is just a lying little slag who harms his country just by waking up every morning.
So It is a good thing I don't live in the UK.

Erm, that's a load of nonsense, where did you hear that?

We have freedom of speech - I can call Cameron any name under the sun and walk down the street with an 'I think we should hang the Queen' t shirt on and the police can't do anything.

The thing about England is that often, the British government doesn't have to censor. It's getting there in America too but it isn't quite that bad.

Whether or not people in the UK CAN say what they like is kind of immaterial when most are afraid to because they feel like they'd be out of order to do so.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by peter vlar

"Now, how can we get rid of the rest? That's the 24,000 dollar question."
That applied to one person?
I understand that your reading comprehension isn't great(with the state of american schools), but try and keep with it.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Jefferton

My humble apologies your highness. I read it quickly in my phone while getting breakfast for my daughter. Not quite the same thing as being uneducated and lacking reading comprehension skills but it doesn't hanged the fact that you're the only one using derogatory blanket statements for an entire nation. I think Britain is a beautiful island and I wouldn't pass up on a chance to visit it based on my perceptions of you because your glowing personality isn't representative of the people of the British Isles as a whole just like I wouldn't shirk off a visit to Germany because Hitler was a POS. One persons point of view isn't cause to call over 300 million people dirty and a disease.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:43 AM


...What really bothers me is knowing that Peirs home of England has outlawed saying anything against politicians now. You can be arrested for saying that The Prime Minister of England is immoral, unethical and is just a lying little slag who harms his country just by waking up every morning.
So It is a good thing I don't live in the UK.

Notice how this law would not have been attempted before they confiscated everyone's guns over there? How many rights have been eroded or eliminated since the UK gun grabs? What will happen to you if the guns are stripped away here? Peace and harmony? WRONG


With respect, your idea of England (by which I think you mean Britain) is absolutely incorrect. Criticizing politicians and the Royal Family is somewhat of a national sport in Britain. And in all forms of media: in print, on tv, the internet, radio, Soap-box - everywhere. And yes that includes the government funded BBC.

The first Amendment is an admirable bit of law and statesmenship, but it's precepts are not unique to America. The concept of protected free speech is a widely held and codified concept in most of the democratic nations of the world.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:43 AM


Whether or not people in the UK CAN say what they like is kind of immaterial when most are afraid to because they feel like they'd be out of order to do so.

What a load of retarded yeanky doodle dripple.

We don't have freedom speech cause we have manners?

No we are not rude bad mannered jerks like Americans. No it not law. It just our dammed CULTURE!

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:44 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

people with sound judgement are right to question Americas psychopathic obsession with guns.
but as long as its your people reaping what you sow at schools, theaters and malls.. then who are we too stop you!

Foreigners cant really comprehend american culture or our laws and rights. You people cant seem to comprehend the fact that we the people hold all the power...that our government is only there to serve us....not to be our masters and tell us what we can and cant protect ourselves with. That was power never given to our government...something made clear in the constitution and the bill of rights.

Another thing, americans are not is a masculine culture here though (far more masculine than the UK for instance). This masculinity is followed by a sense of independence and a fighters spirit. You foreigners cant understand this because our culture isnt your own.

When it comes to the argument of "if we should have guns or not"...that is up to the individual in this country...not a government hellbent on instituting monarch style mob rule that countries like the UK still appear to be governed by.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:45 AM




What really bothers me is knowing that Peirs home of England has outlawed saying anything against politicians now. You can be arrested for saying that The Prime Minister of England is immoral, unethical and is just a lying little slag who harms his country just by waking up every morning.
So It is a good thing I don't live in the UK.

Erm, that's a load of nonsense, where did you hear that?

We have freedom of speech - I can call Cameron any name under the sun and walk down the street with an 'I think we should hang the Queen' t shirt on and the police can't do anything.

The thing about England is that often, the British government doesn't have to censor. It's getting there in America too but it isn't quite that bad.

Whether or not people in the UK CAN say what they like is kind of immaterial when most are afraid to because they feel like they'd be out of order to do so.

I'm sorry, but that just isn't true. Refer to the comment above.

Picking on government and the Royal Family is part of British life.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:57 AM


Foreigners cant really comprehend american culture or our laws and rights. You people cant seem to comprehend the fact that we the people hold all the power...that our government is only there to serve us....not to be our masters and tell us what we can and cant protect ourselves with. That was power never given to our government...something made clear in the constitution and the bill of rights.

That is the case in every stable democratic nation on earth.

Democracy and the right and duty to speak up against government is part of the culture and constitutions of most democratic countries of the world - if not all.

Constitutions in Democratic nations enshrine human rights, including the right to free speech and the right to complain and speak ill of the government - ( including the Royal Family in Britain, fyi).

Free speech is not a "foreigner" concept.

The mythology that surrounds the Constitution of the United States seems to have the effect of making some people believe that it's contents are somehow unique to America.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:57 AM



Whether or not people in the UK CAN say what they like is kind of immaterial when most are afraid to because they feel like they'd be out of order to do so.

What a load of retarded yeanky doodle dripple.

We don't have freedom speech cause we have manners?

No we are not rude bad mannered jerks like Americans. No it not law. It just our dammed CULTURE!

Not entirely certain....but isnt hateful speech banned in your country? I know that it is in canada.

And again, america is an alpha masculine culture....the modern day sparta if you will. For the most part, americans are nice, honest hardworking people just trying to live their own lives as independent as possible. We have our share of jerks...but then so do you and every other country...

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