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Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:46 PM



I'd say that a lot of them have definitely earned the right to become Citizens.

So, should I then be put to the front of the line on say Govt loans, if I robe a bank???

And who has suggested they be put at the "front of the line"?

Everything I have seen proposed by both conservatives and dems is a "back of the line" and extra-hoops approach?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

They need to be deported and then they can start the lawful immigration process.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:51 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Confused? So did you lie when you said this or not?

Confused about what ?

A known leftist 'news' website making excuses for people who break the law ?


Huffpost was simply reporting reality...You should give reality a try sometime.

want another source?

The federal government cannot petition on behalf of an illegal immigrant so that they can obtain legal status and be able to enlist in the military. In order for an immigrant to join the United States military, they must first go through the immigration process of the USCIS (previously known as the INS) and then and then begin the enlisting process. Another requirement is that the Green Card and/or visa if the immigrant desiring to join the military must be valid for the entire period of their enlistment. Undocumented immigrants may not enlist in the U.S. military.

Just kind of shocking that you shouted about how if anyone claimed that they couldn't join the military, they were lying?

Well..not shocking...knowing your posts...

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:51 PM

Their forefathers had no problems following the rules.

The rules changed.

Your argument is invalid.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

So what ?

Picked one out of many still doesn't justify anything.

They ALL could have OBEYED the law, but chose not too.

YET AGAIN there are a myriad of LEGAL ways to come here.

So stop making excuses for law breakers.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:54 PM


Funny last time I checked the people who are crying about passing amnesty are the VERY same people who gut the military.

You mean the Tea Party?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:57 PM



Funny last time I checked the people who are crying about passing amnesty are the VERY same people who gut the military.

You mean the Tea Party?

Nice political trolling there.


They have never been president, or majorities in either house or senate.

But whatever.

Never letting a good crisis go to waste throw the TPM in a thread to see what sticks.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:00 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

So what ?

Why are you asking me? You are the one that posted this now thoroughly debunked claim with such vehemence.


Yet again opportunities ALREADY effing exist.

Anyone saying they don't is lying.

Military service.

I guess it matters as far as your credibility on the issue.

You either are intentionally spreading lies or are not educated on the issues you are shouting about.

I actually said that anyone disputing your claim was lying.

When in reality...the law is clear on the issue and your claim was 100% false.

Hard to take your input seriously on the issue in that context.
edit on 27-1-2014 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Why are you asking me? You are the one that posted this now thoroughly debunked claim with such vehemence.

Debunked ?

LOL funny.

I guess it matters as far as your credibility on the issue.

Actually the topic is the issue, and it's about illegal immigration, and the DHS credibilty.

Your either are intentionally spreading lies or are not educated on the issues you are shouting about.

I call this a victory because when some people try to make posters the topic instead of discussing the TOPIC.

It's because they really don't have a leg to stand on.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:10 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Why are you asking me? You are the one that posted this now thoroughly debunked claim with such vehemence.

Debunked ?

LOL funny.

I guess it matters as far as your credibility on the issue.

Actually the topic is the issue, and it's about illegal immigration, and the DHS credibilty.

Your either are intentionally spreading lies or are not educated on the issues you are shouting about.

I call this a victory because when some people try to make posters the topic instead of discussing the TOPIC.

It's because they really don't have a leg to stand on.

So you are saying as long as I focus on the topic and ignore your easily debunked, false claims in this thread all is good?

Sounds like a plan.
edit on 27-1-2014 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yeah the false claims about non existent paths to citizenship is the GD topic.

Because they clearly exist.

UNLIKE what the DHS says, and his boss.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:19 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

They need to be deported and then they can start the lawful immigration process.

The illegals who are working support the US by paying taxes. 10-30 million is a big spread. Even if the number of illegals is on the low end side of that is still a state the size of Illinois, the high side is bigger than Texas.

Maybe the ones who need to be deported are the ones collecting welfare and refusing to work.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Yeah the false claims about non existent paths to citizenship is the GD topic.

Because they clearly exist.

UNLIKE what the DHS says, and his boss.

Sorry. On your own advice I shouldn't take your word on it.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Don't really care.

Just keep in lockstep with the current administration, and what they say.

They are always 'right', and they 'always' tell the truth.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:35 PM

The illegals who are working support the US by paying taxes. 10-30 million is a big spread. Even if the number of illegals is on the low end side of that is still a state the size of Illinois, the high side is bigger than Texas.

How are they paying taxes if they don't have a Social Security card / number? Answer = They are not, because most of them get paid cash under the table. I worked in the trades with a lot of those guys when I was younger. Hard workers by the way.

Those who are on some sort of pay roll, have been found to be using fake numbers, or numbers of the deceased. Which begs the question of where are all of the those tax refunds going, and who is spending them?

Anyway, Out here in California you don't need a social security card / number when applying for a drivers license if you're here illegally, you just check a box.

If you're a U.S citizen, no card / number = no drivers license. How is that for common sense? Those are the kinds of lunatics that are writing laws out here. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by macman

Apparently, it may be addiction to coc aine for some of their psychotic behavior.

This is why we need to drug test all of them right now. Why should any of them be above drug tests? There just isn't any other explanations for the amount of insanity in US congress.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:39 PM


The illegals who are working support the US by paying taxes. 10-30 million is a big spread. Even if the number of illegals is on the low end side of that is still a state the size of Illinois, the high side is bigger than Texas.

How are they paying taxes if they don't have a Social Security card / number? Answer = They are not, because most of them get paid cash under the table. I worked in the trades with a lot of those guys when I was younger. Hard workers by the way.

Those who are on some sort of pay roll, have been found to be using fake numbers, or numbers of the deceased. Which begs the question of where are all of the those tax refunds going, and who is spending them?

Right...and here is the interesting bit on that topic.."Those who are on some sort of pay roll, have been found to be using fake numbers"

The Gov. collects those payroll withholding on faked SS numbers (SS, Medicare etc), but doesn't ever have to pay out on it to the illegal immigrant. That money collected pays for American Citizens safety net
The GBO estimates it at 6 to 7 Billion annually on Social Security alone.
They pay into a system that they will never draw from. Even if they do become citizens some day..those automatic withholdings from a false SS Number are not attributed to them, just gravy for the system.

Also...70% of all tax revenue in the USA is not income tax...Everything from candy bars to gas to food, Illegal Immigrants pay it every day in every way. They also pay property tax to landlords for rentals.

Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes, or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes — a main source of school funding — when they buy or rent a house or apartment. In addition, the Social Security Administration estimates that half to three-quarters of undocumented immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes, including $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security taxes for benefits they will never get using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number issued to them by the IRS. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps as they lack the documents needed for those benefits.

also here

Undocumented immigrants currently contribute significantly to state and local taxes, collectively paying an estimated $10.6 billion in 2010 with contributions ranging from less than $2 million in Montana to more than $2.2 billion in California. This means these families are likely paying about 6.4 percent on average of their income in state and local taxes.

Also here:
Study estimates that illegal immigrants paid $11.2B in taxes last year, unlike GE, which paid zero

And here:

Undocumented immigrants who live and work in the United States pay billions of dollars in taxes every year to state and local governments. Given the chance to earn legal status, they would pay even more. Those are the simple yet powerful conclusions of a new study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). According to ITEP, “undocumented immigrants paid an estimated total of $10.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010.” Moreover, “allowing undocumented immigrants to work in the United States legally would increase their state and local tax contributions by an estimated $2 billion a year.” In short, legalization pays. -
edit on 27-1-2014 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:39 PM
American public tends to think that the United States implemented the idea of a closed border. It was Mexico that introduced it with the Bracero program. Later the United States, due to increased pressure from Mexico, launched Operation Wetback.

It is due to our agreements with Mexico, that we must defend the border. Modern economic concerns and old propaganda prejudices turned this subject into what it is now, acted upon trivial indifference.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by blindprometheus

Mexico did not introduce the Bracero Program alone and don’t forget that the emergence of a demand in manual labor in the U.S. brought about by World War II was far more pressing than Mexico’s needs - besides since when does Mexico implement American programs? I’m sorry but your statement is shenanigans. The bracero contracts were controlled by independent farmers associations and the "Farm Bureau" this made easy to abuse workers. The contracts were in English and the braceros would sign them without understanding their full rights and the conditions of employment. After the war and during a pre-civil rights movement era; what is known as operation wetback, turned out to be another government sponsored racist movement that discriminates against Hispanics even Americans who can trace their history way before any pilgrim were being deported for being Mexican American or do you forget about the Mexican population post the Mexican American war? The Mexican migrant worker has been the foundation for the development of the rich American agricultural industry post slavery and many of the illegals now are decedents of this movement.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by jrod

Yes, Immigrants come to the US get their hands on Americas money give away and then go around and send that money back home, guess what sadly this do not help the struggling America economy and neither the middle class.

How can immigrants help Americas economy when they do not invest in it, they just take away.

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home,

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.

America the land of opportunity if your are an illegal in the nation, but hell went this people become citizens they can really bring back all their extended family and live off the welfare benefits as they will be entitle too and many other benefits in line.

How that sounds to you. Meanwhile we have millions of already American citizens with struggling families too.

edit on 27-1-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

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