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Immortal Technique : Al-Aqsa and the Knight's Templar

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posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:05 AM
Hi I've been doing some research and found that king Solomon' actually ordered for all books about the dark cabala rituals to be retrieved and stored under his temple. HUNDREDS OF YEARS later the first crusade occurred and with it the "liberation" of Jerusalem.. ( Which actually showed how evil and barbaric the church, aristocrats, and common folk truly where by slaughtering women and children , because of jealousy of the middle east for their prosperity and wealth there was so many killed that the crusaders walked in in rivers of blood up to there ankles. Many actually boasted upon the death of the innocent.).. Nine knight's decided to form a order for the protection of Jerusalem and it's people against foreign invaders. The knight's decided that Solomon's temple should be there headquarters . Once the found what was under the temple they completely changed their world view and abandoned Christianity. Some historians say templar knights believed that God governed another world and said Satan governed this material world Thus the began to praise him and denouncing Christ by pissing on the cross and spitting on Christ image performing sacrifices in Satan's name ,sodomy and other horrendous things. Later the pope found out making the order illegal and order the death of the templar grandmaster causing the remaining of the templars to go into hidding making them infiltrate the free masons and eventually taking over them changing their ideologies. That eventually helped formed the US ,and israel .The point is to destroy al aqsa to rebuild Solomon's temple to let the anti Christ enter Jerusalem and deceive the people .

TURN Off The News And Read , Read ,Read,

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: kingaztec7676

TURN Off The News And Read , Read ,Read,

That's funny. Read huh? Should I look for a particular blog, or just the average Christian Hate site?

History has a vastly different story. Unplug from the land of unicorns and see if you can find the truth.

Balphomet wasn't real, and nobody did anything bad to the cross. All that stuff was made up by Pope Clement and King Phillip to discredit the Knights and make the public rally against them so the two could steal their wealth and land.

Who knows what you might find when looking at non biased sites.
edit on 24-9-2015 by network dude because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: network dude

I actually did already know this...

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: network dude

Have you personally notice how the Shroud of Turin looks a lot like Jacques de Molay, not to mention the fact that if it were indeed some kind of imprinted photograph with blood, sweat, the cloth, etc; that would place it's carbon dating to the medieval period, just about spot on.Jacques de Molay

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:48 AM


posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:55 AM


posted on Apr, 1 2017 @ 02:08 AM
There was artistic artifacts and a book ment for king solomons son buried beneath his temple. The freemasons and illuminati have it all in there possesion. They try to desypher the book, aka the book of solomon.
It is in almost every library.
edit on 1-4-2017 by BENnPHO because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2017 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

I think of it in simpler terms; An armed Police force, striving (generally) to uphold societal values, ensure laws are observed and ultimately to stave off anarchistic chaos is and in one form or another always has been battling those that oppose such order and clarity of purpose...the opponents are also armed.

Both sides use the same defences and offensive tools.
The innocent bystanders, usually the ones caught up in and at the sharp end of those tools, do not have access to them in the same way the Police and Crooks do, and so are powerless against those that brandish them.

This could be thought of as analogous to possessing the knowledge and the possible uses and applications of that knowledge.

Each 'side' can reach a stalemate of sorts, an equilibrium preventing the scales from tipping too far in either direction.

Knowledge, even potentially dangerous knowledge enables the same thing...stalemate. Like armaments, knowledge can be used for both positive and negative ends. As each 'faction' is aware each has the knowledge, there will be balance a zero-net departure from the middle ground, which is really the same as the Police using knowledge of advance weaponry to maintain order, and crooks using the same for their negative ends.

One thing that is absolutely clear...the ignorant, the uninformed, the unknowing are easy prey and can be easily and callously manipulated, coerced and controlled by those that possess superior knowledge and understanding..always have been and always will be.

The way to reach balance, equilibrium for Humanity as a whole, is to prevent ignorance and be mindful and vigilant of the directions knowing could take our species, both positive and negative and plan and act accordingly.

posted on Apr, 2 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: MysterX

You sure did pick an odd thread to grave dig my friend..

However, I enjoyed your reply fairly well. It was highly insightful!

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