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Putin - Russia Must 'Cleanse' Itself of Homosexuality

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:29 PM
Still waiting on that reply about your "Obama wants world war three".

I'd expect this kind of baseless thing from xeunchen but not from you Flyer.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by flammadraco

Looky there, again you introduce my faith into an argument that I have never brought it into. You assume entirely too much. The mods allow me to stay because I have done nothing wrong. I have spewed no hate. You my friend are the hateful one. I haven't even hinted at the concept of kicking people off of this site that disagree with me unlike you. Again, I hate no one,,,, disagreeing with a lifestyle choice does not = hatred. Again, this is how a child thinks. You appear to have a childish anger toward God and that is between you and him. You do not have to bring me into the middle of it. I have successfully debated this topic for a while without bringing my faith into the mix but I can start if it makes you more comfortable. You are just pissed because I caught you all in a mass bullcrap flinging. You claimed yesterday that homosexuals were born gay and yet at the same time claim that all homosexuals are consenting adults. That statement also implies that no homosexuals are pedophiles. Such a hypocrite....
edit on 19-1-2014 by Christian Voice because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by the owlbear

I usually am on the other side of the fence from Flyer but I agree on this one. Nobama is an idiot hell bent on war. Remember, War is big business. I wonder how many wars our leaders would provoke these days if they had to physically fight them themselves ?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:48 PM

Nikola014, I understand you are offended by Putin's comments, but he's the president of Russia, and if they don't mind, why should we?!

At any other time I'd agree but Russia is hosting the world for the Olympics.

If they kill their own, there's not much we can do about that but if the focus turns on Olympic attendees that's another matter. Not sure how any country would respond if Russians attacked their citizens whether they're gay or not.

Not saying Russia shouldn't be Russia but maybe now isn't such a good time to get either side riled up with such a diverse crowd coming in.

Could be he's sending a message to the world to leave their propaganda/agendas at home, I don't have a problem with that but "cleansing" does imply more and sounds a bit like a call to action.

I imagine Russian people are very aware of their leaders feelings so in that regard the message is mainly for outsiders. It's possible his words will incite some very ignorant Russians to lash out at invited guests. Russia can't enjoy the financial benefits then turn on attendees. If that was their intention or "agenda," they never should've been given the opportunity in the first place.

Even China made a huge effort to clean up their mess in light of the Olympics. Sure they went back to life as usual but they did it for their invited guests. I don't think the Chinese handed Olympic attendees garbage bags and water skimmers to aid them in their cause, neither should Russia. Russia/Putin imo is being a big butt.
edit on 1-19-2014 by Morningglory because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:02 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by flammadraco

Looky there, again you introduce my faith into an argument that I have never brought it into. You assume entirely too much. The mods allow me to stay because I have done nothing wrong. I have spewed no hate. You my friend are the hateful one. I haven't even hinted at the concept of kicking people off of this site that disagree with me unlike you. Again, I hate no one,,,, disagreeing with a lifestyle choice does not = hatred. Again, this is how a child thinks. You appear to have a childish anger toward God and that is between you and him. You do not have to bring me into the middle of it. I have successfully debated this topic for a while without bringing my faith into the mix but I can start if it makes you more comfortable. You are just pissed because I caught you all in a mass bullcrap flinging. You claimed yesterday that homosexuals were born gay and yet at the same time claim that all homosexuals are consenting adults. That statement also implies that no homosexuals are pedophiles. Such a hypocrite....
edit on 19-1-2014 by Christian Voice because: (no reason given)

With reference to pedophiles, I said that over 90% of cases are committed by heterosexuals, you were provided links to these studies and never responded. You said during that debate that Gays and Pedophiles were one of the same thing. That is homphobic and entirley untrue.

You have used scripture in previous threads thus being the excuse for your hatred towards the LGBT community that is so evident in your posts.

To make the assumption that people would choose to lead a lifestyle that attracts so much discrimination and hatred is obnoxious to say the least.

You have said during this thread that the US should be helping Putin and following in its footsteps. The Russian Orthodox Church wants to ban all gay relationships as does Putin. This is homphobic.

Your religion has done more harm to the social fabric of our civilisation than the LGBT community ever has or could.

I stand by my last statement that I find you homophobic and offensive. And btw you still skirt the comment I've made relating to your own sexualty issues.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

So in a nutshell one could say your argument is that some homosexuals are pedophiles?

Is it not also true some heterosexuals are also pedophiles?

Or are you suggesting that there's a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia, but not with heterosexuals and pedophilia?

If that's the case, the ground is very slippery underfoot, and your arguments do not make any sense.
edit on 19-1-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by flammadraco

Again, you think as a child. Are you old enough to be posting on this site ? Seriously ? You have decided that because I am against the gay agenda that that means I am a closet gay ? In your little mind, you are so filled with hatred and are blinded by that that you believe the only people in this world are gays, closet gays, and people who could care less either way ? That is a really warped view. I assure you, I am a man who is married to a beautiful woman and have never had an inkling of an attraction to any man ever. It is really ignorant to assume I am suppressing gay feelings because I disagree with the gay agenda. It truly is. I guess I can then assume that you must be a closet Christian because you despise us so ? That must be it.

Since you brought my religion into this, here's my religious views on the matter:
The Bible is very clear (despite what people try pervert it into) on homosexuality. The Old Testament is clear, the New Testament is clear, and YES Jesus is clear on homosexuality. The Bible and Jesus are clear in that it is wrong and even an abomination and it explains in the New Testament how homosexuals are given over to their sins by God because they are the one group of sinner that insists on forcing others to accept their sin and then to recruit others into it as well.

Now it appears we have derailed this thread enough. Just say the word and I will start a thread on the religious views on homosexuality so you can continue to bash Christians. We can have some real fun in a thread like that where I don't have to worry about hijacking and derailing someone else's thread.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by cuckooold

Yes I'm suggesting there is a correlation between homosexuals and pedophiles in that homosexuals claim to be attracted to the same sex and they cannot help it because they were born that way. Pedophiles claim to be attracted to children and they cannot help it because they were born that way. What is the difference ? Speaking strictly about attraction and going beyond legality, what's the difference. The other point I was trying to make was that how can they be born gay if the only gays are consenting adults ? That insinuates that the only pedophiles are hetero.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

I have no wish to derail this thread just your homophobic views and using your religion as a cover for this. You have said many times that people choose to be gay, if that's true at what age were you when you chose to be straight? As I've said to you before, if you made a conscious decision to be straight when you were younger makes you bisexual. If however you were born straight and no choice was made, then that is the same for me as a gay man.

You are very hung up on he LGBT community and using a book that was written 324 years after Jesus died by a group of men that could not agree if he was even Christ. You are still using your beliefs for this book and what was written in a different time as your excuse to say te things you do. Your views are no different to those of the Westboro Church and if that's your god then I'd rather worship Lucifer he seems like a lot more fun than your god.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:25 PM

reply to post by Christian Voice

So in a nutshell one could say your argument is that some homosexuals are pedophiles?

Is it not also true some heterosexuals are also pedophiles?

Or are you suggesting that there's a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia, but not with heterosexuals and pedophilia?

Pedophilia is its own sexual orientation. Their sexual attraction is children. Availability to the gender of a child is a major factor. After the Catholic Church began to allow girls as "alter severs" - girls were molested by priests too.

A pedophile is a pedophile. If they molest same gender it is called a homosexual act. Same for heterosexual, it is called a heterosexual act. But, a pedophile is neither homosexual or heterosexual -- a pedophile is a pedophile. The sexual attraction is children.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Way to live in the past Putin!

Should we bring back the stone wheel while we're at it???

They should cleanse themselves of the Neo-Nazi problems they have, or do their best to rid hate of all kinds...just saying.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

I am a female who is attracted to males. I was born to be a heterosexual. I can't help it - I have no control over which gender I am attracted to. What was your point again about the correlation between homosexuals and pedophiles?

Someone can be born a heterosexual. Most heterosexuals have consenting sex as adults. Some heterosexuals have non-consenting sex by raping someone of the opposite gender. Some are born to be homosexual. Most homosexuals have consenting sex as adults. Some homosexuals have non-consenting sex by raping someone of the same gender. Same - same. Do we condemn all heterosexuals because of the few bad ones? Should we condemn all homosexuals because of the few bad ones?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:40 PM
You know what I love? When people who cry to the heavens for tolerance don't even bother to hide their own intolerance or hatred for Christians especially, but anyone who doesn't share their opinion in general. Pretty much sums up all involved in pushing the gay agenda.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:41 PM

the owlbear
Why does Obama want to start World War Three?

Off topic but I'll quickly address that. That remark was in reference to this past fall when he was hell bent on getting us into yet another unnecessary war ... an 'urgent' war in Syria. Putin stepped in and stopped it. There are many other threads to discuss this on ... it was a hot topic here for a while .

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by flammadraco

I did not make a decision to be straight. Heterosexuality is the NATURAL order of things. In order for someone to stray from that they make a CHOICE to do so. We are born with the instinct to procreate. This is a very tiring argument but it's just the way it is. I will point out again though, look through the other thread you and I had it out on yesterday and the day before and see if I ever once brought my faith into the mix. I don't have to to get over on someone like you.
I'm going to share a story on this thread that I have shared a few times. I had a friend growing up that happened to be a girl. She had the biggest crush on me and was very blunt about it. One day when we were maybe I don't know 10 or 11 maybe, maybe younger her father left her mother and her. From that day on she withdrew from playing and slowly wanted less and less to do with me. When she was 15 she cut her hair really short and started hanging out with troubled girls only. I ran into her at Petco a few years ago and she was with her mother and she looked rough. Mohawk haircut, tattoos all over her neck and arms and hands, several peircings and we talked and she said she had been in a relationship with another woman for years. She said she always knew she was gay and was born that way. I asked her why then did she only start acting that way when her father left her. She got mad and yelled "My father never left us"!!! Her mother slapped her on the back of her head and yelled back "Have you lost your damn mind ? He left us when you were young and never came back"!!! They argued as they walked away.
She had convinced herself that she was born that way when it was not true. Her mother told me later on Facebook that the school counselor at school convinced her that her inner turmoil was because she was gay and must have always been and that she needed to embrace it. I'm guessing the only reason for having issues is because of sexuality.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Rollie

I could not have said it better myself

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:45 PM

How can anyone even think to utter the words "shades of Nazi Germany" when they themselves are doing everything to stifle any opposition to their agenda?

Directed at me by the new guy ....

I said 'shades of Nazi Germany' because that's exactly the same language used by the Nazis ... 'CLEANSE' Germany of the homosexuals .. the Catholics .. the Cripples .. the Gypsies ... the Jews. Same wording.

And what exactly is my 'agenda' in discussing Putins severe lack of intelligence on what homosexuality is?
And what exactly are the 'everything' that I'm doing to 'stifle' opposition to this alleged agenda of mine?

Putin said that he wants to 'cleanse' Russia of homosexuals so that the population will procreate more.
That's pathetically stupid. If gay people suddenly aren't having relations with each other, they aren't
going to go out and jump in bed with someone of the opposite sex. They don't want to. They aren't
attracted to the opposite sex.

His statement was stupid. I'm calling it what it is.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:47 PM

He also banned GMO crops and tainted meat from entering Russia. Shame on him for giving two hoots about the health and welfare of his people.

If he 'gave two hoots' about the health and welfare of the population, he wouldn't be trying to 'cleanse' the 2-4% of the Russian population that is homosexual in an effort to make them go make Russian babies. He's be acknowledging that they don't want to and he'd leave them the hell alone. they aren't hurting anyone.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Let me tell you a story. I have a very close male friend who happens to be gay. He grew up in a normal, healthy family, with a mom and a dad, and a brother. Everyone got along - there were no problems - there was a lot of love in the home. My friend knew he was different even before he hit puberty. He knew he was gay by the time he was in his early teens. His brother is not gay. They are only two years apart, and they were raised by the same parents in the same way. My friend was never molested in any way by anyone. He is very well-adjusted, is a successful businessman, and has been in a very long-term relationship (over 20 years). What do you have to say about that story?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:50 PM

reply to post by FlyersFan

You over exaggerate this beyond belief.

No. I quoted him exactly.

He's not "cleansing" anything, just promoting heterosexuality to increase Russia's birthrate.

1 - HE SAID 'cleansing'. That's exactly what he said.
2 - You can't 'promote heterosexuality'. Either someone is heterosexual or they are not.
3 - You can't make someone straight and make them procreate if they are gay. It doesn't work that way.

And please tell, why is it so damn bad that he wants Russia to remain Russian?

These are the people who whine about America and say we have to throw open our borders to let everyone in no matter what. I'm saying ... put your money where your mouth is. They should practice what they preach. Open wide THEIR borders if they don't have a big enough population.

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