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Putin - Russia Must 'Cleanse' Itself of Homosexuality

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:12 AM
How would one go about cleansing the homosexuality from a person? or indeed a country.

"Sir do you know how gay you were going back there, im gunna have to write you a ticket"
"Sorry officer wont happen again*

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:13 AM
I have nothing against gays. But I will say this. I know 2 lesbian couples and one gay couple. 2 of them adopted children and the other has a child from a previous straight marriage. All 3 children are males and they all grew up to be gay. So I think being gay is not just genetics but lifestyle how you are raised too.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:17 AM

If he wants to increase the population he should encourage immigration.

Well, if he wanted to destroy Russia, then yes, he would encourage that.

Everyone knows that immigrants fail to assimilate into the culture of the country they are entering more times than they succeed, and end up creating little outposts of country X inside the country theyve immigrated into.

Increasing a nations population by diluting its culture with immigrants is a death sentence for a nation. Its happening right now in many "first" world ones as we speak.

The culture of a nation *IS* the nation, not the land it rests on.

edit on 1/19/2014 by CaticusMaximus because: grammar

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You over exaggerate this beyond belief. While I disagree with Putin's sentiments, I don't feel we should be trying to make the issue bigger than what it is. He's not "cleansing" anything, just promoting heterosexuality to increase Russia's birthrate.

And please tell, why is it so damn bad that he wants Russia to remain Russian? (This is something I don't get, Japan has no interest in mass immigration and they're applauded. Yet, a European country wants the same and they're demonized for it?!)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Sometimes it gets hard for me to ignore the insanity that people are cheering for or participating in today - be it the red versus blue war tearing minds to shreds while the shepherds cash in or gross ignorance simply because of the fear of an emerging new age and the death of another - no matter if you agree with it or not. It's like a vortex - get's harder to sit on the edge and observe the transition - if you can call it that. It feels like we're in a cosmic pressure cooker sometimes and that it's making us all mad.

edit on 19-1-2014 by Floydshayvious because: boop

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:01 PM

I have nothing against gays. But I will say this. I know 2 lesbian couples and one gay couple. 2 of them adopted children and the other has a child from a previous straight marriage. All 3 children are males and they all grew up to be gay. So I think being gay is not just genetics but lifestyle how you are raised too.

So the Lesbians, who assumably modelled behavior that focused on finding women attractive/lovable/lustable, taught the boys to be attracted to men? How would that work exactly?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:09 PM
Has anyone considered the possibility that the promotion of sexual lifestyles that do not promote procreation are part and parcel of the larger overal scheme to reduce the population in preparation of a REPTILLIAN alien invasion? Maybe Putin is the only hope for humanity? I have no doubt Putin would kick thier ass! It's time to put "Conspiracy" in the forefront of this "conspiracy" web site!!
edit on 19-1-2014 by HUMBLEONE because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2014 by HUMBLEONE because: Poetic hyperbole

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:11 PM

Everyone knows that immigrants fail to assimilate into the culture of the country they are entering more times than they succeed, and end up creating little outposts of country X inside the country theyve immigrated into.

Increasing a nations population by diluting its culture with immigrants is a death sentence for a nation. Its happening right now in many "first" world ones as we speak.

Everyone does NOT know this. In fact scientific studies show immigrants over time adopt many cultural norms of their new homeland. When including 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants into the analysis the evidence is overwhelmingly against your statements that 'everyone knows that immigrants fail to assimilate'.

Ah the uselessness of 'common sense' ...

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:11 PM
This is awesome. Go Putin. He is no dummy and he wants the gay agenda to end.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:20 PM
The amount of homophobic attacks on young LGBT people in Russia has increased massively in the last year. Putin is playing the game of divide and conquer in Russia to deviate attention away from other problems in Russia. Has anyone seen the new drug in Russia called Krocidile? It kills all users within two years by eating away and rotting flesh and bones of users and this drug can be made at home for less than $2. Surely he should pay attention to this as it's killing all the "breeders" he so clearly needs. It's already being classed as a major problem in Russia.

Russia is not the only country with an increase in attacks on the LGBT community, a 16 year old gay male was beaten to death and had all his teeth pulled out with pliers and this happened in one of the worlds most gay friendly cities San Paulo.

In times of depression and recession, it's a known fact that TPTB will use everything in their arsenal to divert attention away from themselves and unfortunately the LGBT community is often in the crosshairs for this kind of treatment.

I am a gay man and I can tell you I did not choose to lead a life of discrimination, I would rather have had a family and wife and been seen as normal by the rest of society but it was not a choice. Anyone that says otherwise is in my mind bisexual as you have made a choice to be heterosexual.

No one would choose to be different, no one would choose to be victimised by the less educated sheeple of society, no one would choose to be seen by religion as an abomination to their god.

Young gay teenagers across the world are committing suicide because of their sexuality and yet surely if it was a choice they could have just said "you know what I'm going to be straight today". They killed themselves because they saw no way out, and with world leaders like Putin condemning the LGBT just adds to the self hatred these young people feel.

Russia will always have gay people being born and yet the way the country is going, I can guarantee there will be an increase in teenage suicide rates for years to come and will do nothing to increase Russia's population.

edit on 19.1.2014 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:25 PM
The Gay Agenda is a CIA plot to discredit Putin and Russia during the Olympics. I believe the code word for the op is operation "FABULOUS". Brian Boitano is actually a CIA operative.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by flammadraco

This is true, Russia will constantly have people choosing homosexuality but at least he is trying to get those numbers cut back a good bit. I will be glad when we final get some moral politicians here in the states again that will have the balls to do what Putin is doing.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

If our leaders had any morals they would boycott Sochi.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

I would say if our leaders had any morals at all they would assist Putin in any way possible.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:33 PM

reply to post by Christian Voice

If our leaders had any morals they would boycott Sochi.

Why? Then we would take away a venue for the promotion of sodomy. TOO MUCH goddamn drama in the world! More comedy bitches!!!

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:38 PM
How don't you get tired of discussing ONE SAME THING every-freaking-day?!

We don't know what causes people to be attracted to the same sex as them. You say, it's not a thing of choice. OK, i agree with you. But then it has to do something with genes. And considering that most of the people are straight and not homosexual, then we come to a conclusion that their DNA is somehow different from majority of the world. So I'm free to say that it is not a normal or biological thing. Also, I see some of you say that they can have babies. Yes that is true. BUT, with the help of the modern technology. In the past, it would not be possible, and human race would be long gone. I have nothing against them, because I don't really care about them. I just stated the facts.

And OP, I understand you are offended by Putin's comments, but he's the president of Russia, and if they don't mind, why should we?!

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:42 PM

I have nothing against gays. But I will say this. I know 2 lesbian couples and one gay couple. 2 of them adopted children and the other has a child from a previous straight marriage. All 3 children are males and they all grew up to be gay. So I think being gay is not just genetics but lifestyle how you are raised too.

Anecdotes are not evidence. As a child in the 70's I divided time between my mom and my dads, and my dad was actively living with his gay lover during this period.

I was surrounded by the gay, and I have always prefered women. How does that jibe with your observations? Were gay couples just more permissive of "straight behavior" in the 1970's and 80's?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Nikola014

Right on Nilola014! The Russians have Putin and America has Brian Boitano and....Barry S.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:56 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by flammadraco

This is true, Russia will constantly have people choosing homosexuality but at least he is trying to get those numbers cut back a good bit. I will be glad when we final get some moral politicians here in the states again that will have the balls to do what Putin is doing.

I never said it was a choice, I said if anyone believes it's a choice then they must be bisexual as that's the only time anyone can choose between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

I find your comments offensive and homophobic that you want the same thing in the US.

I can't wait for religion and the state to be separated as it should be as I find your religion offensive that you believe it gives you the right to bash the LGBT at every opportunity. You have some very bigoted opinions and use your religion as your tool to get away with it.

In my opinion your religion should be
Something you practice in the privacy of your own home. You sir from what I have seen on other threads are not a true Christian.

I have no idea why the MODS allow you to continue to use this site. If we were to replace the word "gay" with some other minority group, your opinions would be classed as racist or some other derogatory term but as it's homophobia hidden behind your religion is seems ok.

I have said to you in another thread that I believe you have issues with your own sexuality and this the reason you feel the need to bash the LGBT all the time. You never responded at the time, no shock there!

There is nothing in your 2000 year old fairy tale book that gives you the right in 2014 to use against a fellow human being. You will be held accountable by either your god or a higher being when you pass and I do hope your retribution will be to come back as a homosexual in Russia, (not bisexual where you would have a choice)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:26 PM

I have nothing against gays. But I will say this. I know 2 lesbian couples and one gay couple. 2 of them adopted children and the other has a child from a previous straight marriage. All 3 children are males and they all grew up to be gay. So I think being gay is not just genetics but lifestyle how you are raised too.

I also know two people, one brought up with lesbian parents, and one brought up with gay male parents.

Both of these people are pretty much as straight as they come, so I completely disagree with your premise. In the case of the people I know, lifestyle appears to have had zero effect on their sexual preferences. I would suggest the same applies for the people you know.

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