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We do NOT live in a police state! Please move on.

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by kx12x

some people just make good slaves.....

edit on 18-1-2014 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by kx12x

Just to clarify my post. Two points.

1. I was sincerely posting those rules for others to read and make an informed decision. That was it. I agree and disagree with a few point the OP made.

2. By saying if he were a shill it would fit, I simply meant what I said. If he were it would. I really did not mean to sound like I was calling him out. One of the things I love about reading everything here is that there are so many view points. I was just trying to throw another view point into the fray to get people thinking. Because at the end of the day, it is people thinking that will stop us from becoming a police state. The quest for truth is anchored on exposing all sides of the coin.

Sorry to have caused a few blood pressure spikes.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

Yes we are not full blown but yes there was a kid taken out of school by police for his facebook post, I was a victim of police piling 30k worth of charges that didn't even make it to the first arraignment. As posted above, there is a 100 mile "Constitution free zone" WTF is that??? It is happening. No we are not Nazi Germany... yet. If ANY ones liberties are being violated, we ALL are having our rights violated.

We may be on the road to a police state, but we aren't there yet.

That's what happens when people demand to take away their freedom to make themselves feel better or more secure. Look at anti-gunners for example, a group of people ready and willing to give up an amendment just so they can "feel" safer. Another example is people who get offended when someone says something they deem offensive then demand action be taken, now we have "zero tolerance" schools.

With that said, people still have the means to put the government back in check. We all still have the freedom to say what we please and take action, but you just don't see anyone protesting or doing anything, it's easier to just sit around on a PC and #tch about it and make excuses.

The problem isn't that we have a police state, it's that we don't have a real police state. People won't do anything until they're personally affected in their daily lives by government overreach to the point where it is literally a police state. By then all of those peaceful means of retaining or restoring freedoms will be gone and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by kx12x

If you had to determine the qualifications of being a police-state by simply looking at the laws that have been currently enacted, I think you'd find we are, in fact, a police-state.

Many of these laws are neither enforced nor are they put into play. Yet.

But I can assure you that there are those in power looking for any and all justification.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:49 PM

reply to post by Sremmos80

Yes we are not full blown but yes there was a kid taken out of school by police for his facebook post, I was a victim of police piling 30k worth of charges that didn't even make it to the first arraignment. As posted above, there is a 100 mile "Constitution free zone" WTF is that??? It is happening. No we are not Nazi Germany... yet. If ANY ones liberties are being violated, we ALL are having our rights violated.

We may be on the road to a police state, but we aren't there yet.

That's what happens when people demand to take away their freedom to make themselves feel better or more secure. Look at anti-gunners for example, a group of people ready and willing to give up an amendment just so they can "feel" safer. Another example is people who get offended when someone says something they deem offensive then demand action be taken, now we have "zero tolerance" schools.

With that said, people still have the means to put the government back in check. We all still have the freedom to say what we please and take action, but you just don't see anyone protesting or doing anything, it's easier to just sit around on a PC and #tch about it and make excuses.

The problem isn't that we have a police state, it's that we don't have a real police state. People won't do anything until they're personally affected in their daily lives by government overreach to the point where it is literally a police state. By then all of those peaceful means of retaining or restoring freedoms will be gone and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

..I'm confused why you even said anything if you admit it is happening... And the only way we have to but the gov in check is by opposing them. And with the new laws, that makes you a terrorist and can be held without charge.... Police state. Regardless of the level it is happening, it still IS happening.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:57 PM

reply to post by projectbane

Applause to people who recognize the problem as it emerges instead of waiting until the change is complete.

Apologists can and will join these thugs. They will not be absolved, like the German citizens that stood by and did nothing when the Nazis were assuming leadership in Germany. Blood on their hands.

Applause? How can one applaud a bunch of deluded "everyone is out to get us" illogical and basically scared people? They live there lives not by providing for their families, not by being all they can be, not by making the most of each and every day but by conjuring up this constant "attack on the people" by the government and using POLICE to enslave the population.

They shouldn't be applauded they should be.......well why go on!!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:02 PM

reply to post by ProfessorChaos

The "wake up" call for the OP is going to be a particularly harsh one, in my opinion.

Cops will be the last to see the light. The public are viewed as the enemy by them. We see the evidence every day in the new threads in this forum. Cases of police brutality and violations of the Constitution show up regularly.
They can beat mentally ill people to death and get away with it. Yay! We are so free!

The public are NOT enemies. The entire public are a democratic voice. Just because your particular voice is not heard you few guys trump it up too "conspiracy" and a few incidents that are troubling (I do admit but I have always admitted it in the thread) you unheard traitors decide that the police are here to brutally attack you. It doesn't work like that im afraid. Wild child like imaginations don't constitute reality.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by beezzer

That may very well be true, but if we still have the means and freedoms to do something I about it, so I wouldn't say we're quite there yet. If we as a people continue to let governent continue unchecked, then I think we could easily end up as a police state in the near future.

But hasn't it always been the job of the people to keep the government in check? You can pretty much expect people in positions of power to get out of line if no one holds them responsible, which is supposed to be our job, and I don't see that happening.

But nonetheless, I believe its possible to turn things around using the freedoms we currently have, which to me, tells me we aren't quite a police state.

Then again, I might be wrong. I guess we will never know until we try.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by windcalmer

Just to clarify my post. Two points.

1. I was sincerely posting those rules for others to read and make an informed decision. That was it. I agree and disagree with a few point the OP made.

2. By saying if he were a shill it would fit, I simply meant what I said. If he were it would. I really did not mean to sound like I was calling him out. One of the things I love about reading everything here is that there are so many view points. I was just trying to throw another view point into the fray to get people thinking. Because at the end of the day, it is people thinking that will stop us from becoming a police state. The quest for truth is anchored on exposing all sides of the coin.

Sorry to have caused a few blood pressure spikes.

I'm quite relaxed actually.
Honestly I don't see the point of posting that if you had no intention of insinuating that the OP is a shill. If that were true you could have posted guidelines about what Santa Clause looks like or any random thing one could think of, but you obviously chose that for a reason.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:10 PM


reply to post by projectbane

Applause to people who recognize the problem as it emerges instead of waiting until the change is complete.

Apologists can and will join these thugs. They will not be absolved, like the German citizens that stood by and did nothing when the Nazis were assuming leadership in Germany. Blood on their hands.

Applause? How can one applaud a bunch of deluded "everyone is out to get us" illogical and basically scared people? They live there lives not by providing for their families, not by being all they can be, not by making the most of each and every day but by conjuring up this constant "attack on the people" by the government and using POLICE to enslave the population.

They shouldn't be applauded they should be.......well why go on!!

How is not illogical to say some one won't provide for their families or be all they can be and not make the most of each day?
That is generalization to the MAX. To me it drives me more, I need to make the most of everyday I can because when the day this all hits the fan I want to be ready.
Please stop calling every one else illogical when you don't really have a grasp of what it means. It has been shown the exact things you say are not happening to anyone are in fact happening. You admit it in your OP, but that isn't illogical at all

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:13 PM

reply to post by windcalmer

Just to clarify my post. Two points.

1. I was sincerely posting those rules for others to read and make an informed decision. That was it. I agree and disagree with a few point the OP made.

2. By saying if he were a shill it would fit, I simply meant what I said. If he were it would. I really did not mean to sound like I was calling him out. One of the things I love about reading everything here is that there are so many view points. I was just trying to throw another view point into the fray to get people thinking. Because at the end of the day, it is people thinking that will stop us from becoming a police state. The quest for truth is anchored on exposing all sides of the coin.

Sorry to have caused a few blood pressure spikes.

I'm quite relaxed actually.
Honestly I don't see the point of posting that if you had no intention of insinuating that the OP is a shill. If that were true you could have posted guidelines about what Santa Clause looks like or any random thing one could think of, but you obviously chose that for a reason.

Does a comparison to Santa Clause make sense in the context of the thread? No... So why bring it up? You are allowed to not share the same point of view, just stop putting words in his mouth.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:14 PM

reply to post by projectbane

And here you go. A Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies

Just saying if you did work with an agenda, or what have you...That would fit.

haha, you present this website as a guide to FORUM SPIES? A low rent made-at-home website that another crazy conspiracy theorist wrote. That is your basis for accusation of what? Im assuming you are trying your best (try harder) to label me with something? BEcause my view is DIFFERENT from yours?? HAHAHA and how is that not what North Korea does to their people? Is that not the abuse of freedom of speech??? Hmmmmm do I hear "hypocrite" somewhere?

You see, you guys who claim conspiracy round every corner are EXACTLY like the Police State Governments. When someone doesnt share your warped and uneducated views then you label and shun them. EXACTLY like a Police state. You victimize them, bully them and spread rumors. You people start your investigation or science project with a conclusion and tailor the rest to fit that conclusion.

edit on 18-1-2014 by projectbane because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:15 PM
This thread is breaking my brain.

Someone please author an awesome thread this Saturday so we have something to read before ATS Live.

Then i can listen to Nef and Semper peacefully disagree on things LOL.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:19 PM

This thread is breaking my brain.

Someone please author an awesome thread this Saturday so we have something to read before ATS Live.

Then i can listen to Nef and Semper peacefully disagree on things LOL.

If you don't like it then leave. Others are discussing something worthwhile. I have read some of your threads...and all I can conclude is that you say "breaking my brain"....I am dubious about that statement.


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:19 PM


Applause? How can one applaud a bunch of deluded "everyone is out to get us" illogical and basically scared people? They live there lives not by providing for their families, not by being all they can be, not by making the most of each and every day but by conjuring up this constant "attack on the people" by the government and using POLICE to enslave the population.

Those of us who believe a police state is emerging are not scared, we are aware. It is a very logical argument, take the time to read the Patriot Act, that alone sends the clear message that we are becoming a police state.

The ones who are scared are the ones who feel safer by a police state. Everyday the local news is full of shootings, robberies, murders, and the occasion drug lab bust. While the stories are true, they are often sensationalized and not just for ratings. A good argument can be made that this is a form of conditioning that instills fear into the average citizen. Not fear of the police, fear of their fellow man, because of this fear they voluntarily relinquishment rights for the illusion of security in the form of a stronger police force.

A good example of the way our society is being conditioned to fear thy neighbor is all over the place in my home town. Every city vehicle has a large sticker with the all seeing eye that says:

See Something, Say Something. Report Suspicious Activities to the Police.

edit on 18-1-2014 by jrod because:

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by projectbane

I postulate creative thought so my threads are very abstract.

But you know what, your probably right so im willing to concede my point and apologize for being rude.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by projectbane

Tell that to the families of Kelly Thomas, David Silva, and all the others who are beaten to death 'for kicks' by the police.
Murder is murder and a badge shouldn't make a difference in the dispensing of justice but it does and they know it and feel empowered by it and they always hide behind the same cowardly excuse that they killed because they were afraid for their safety.
This is akin to a firefighter letting a person die in a fire because the firefighter was afraid of the heat in spite of all his protective gear.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:24 PM



reply to post by projectbane

Applause to people who recognize the problem as it emerges instead of waiting until the change is complete.

Apologists can and will join these thugs. They will not be absolved, like the German citizens that stood by and did nothing when the Nazis were assuming leadership in Germany. Blood on their hands.

Applause? How can one applaud a bunch of deluded "everyone is out to get us" illogical and basically scared people? They live there lives not by providing for their families, not by being all they can be, not by making the most of each and every day but by conjuring up this constant "attack on the people" by the government and using POLICE to enslave the population.

They shouldn't be applauded they should be.......well why go on!!

How is not illogical to say some one won't provide for their families or be all they can be and not make the most of each day?
That is generalization to the MAX. To me it drives me more, I need to make the most of everyday I can because when the day this all hits the fan I want to be ready.
Please stop calling every one else illogical when you don't really have a grasp of what it means. It has been shown the exact things you say are not happening to anyone are in fact happening. You admit it in your OP, but that isn't illogical at all

Well it seem to me YOU are losing your argument. My post makes sense in every way. As does my thread. I have explained CLEARLY how it is NOT a police STATE but the same few people can't seem to present an argument of how we are NOT free as of 2014 like my thread states. So yes, these people who "see" something that is not there are deluded. They wish to invent something to make sense of a few bad things that have happened. But bad things happen in every section of life. Here with the POLICE you guys feel better that you can point a finger at something tangible, concrete and visible. It eases your collective consciences and give you types something to pursue. Mostly its all imagined.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:28 PM

reply to post by projectbane

Tell that to the families of Kelly Thomas, David Silva, and all the others who are beaten to death 'for kicks' by the police.
Murder is murder and a badge shouldn't make a difference in the dispensing of justice but it does and they know it and feel empowered by it and they always hide behind the same cowardly excuse that they killed because they were afraid for their safety.
This is akin to a firefighter letting a person die in a fire because the firefighter was afraid of the heat in spite of all his protective gear.

See, you post a few vids OR names. So can I of hundred and thousands of officers who have done something heroic for the public or lost THEIR lives fighting the bad guy.

If you could be bothered to read ever post from start to finish you will see I acknowledged the few troubling incidents but that doesn't make up the whole. So MR Vforwhatever go back read EVERYTHING clearly and slowly.

Being convicted of a crime in a court of LAW is not down to the Police....that believe it or NOT is the JURY of CIVILIANS!!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:34 PM




reply to post by projectbane

Applause to people who recognize the problem as it emerges instead of waiting until the change is complete.

Apologists can and will join these thugs. They will not be absolved, like the German citizens that stood by and did nothing when the Nazis were assuming leadership in Germany. Blood on their hands.

Applause? How can one applaud a bunch of deluded "everyone is out to get us" illogical and basically scared people? They live there lives not by providing for their families, not by being all they can be, not by making the most of each and every day but by conjuring up this constant "attack on the people" by the government and using POLICE to enslave the population.

They shouldn't be applauded they should be.......well why go on!!

How is not illogical to say some one won't provide for their families or be all they can be and not make the most of each day?
That is generalization to the MAX. To me it drives me more, I need to make the most of everyday I can because when the day this all hits the fan I want to be ready.
Please stop calling every one else illogical when you don't really have a grasp of what it means. It has been shown the exact things you say are not happening to anyone are in fact happening. You admit it in your OP, but that isn't illogical at all

Well it seem to me YOU are losing your argument. My post makes sense in every way. As does my thread. I have explained CLEARLY how it is NOT a police STATE but the same few people can't seem to present an argument of how we are NOT free as of 2014 like my thread states. So yes, these people who "see" something that is not there are deluded. They wish to invent something to make sense of a few bad things that have happened. But bad things happen in every section of life. Here with the POLICE you guys feel better that you can point a finger at something tangible, concrete and visible. It eases your collective consciences and give you types something to pursue. Mostly its all imagined.

Like 85% of the people have disagreed almost whole heartrendingly with your thread... If you want to call that a win go for it.
You ignored almost everything people have pointed out that disproves what you have to say. The 100 mile constitution free zone disproves your ENTIRE thread. Please answer that as you have not yet addressed it.

When is the scale large enough to be of your conceren? You ADMIT IN YOUR OP that people get held without due process. That is the proof you want to show that we are not free in 2014. It is in your own thread.

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