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The JFK Assassination----NASA and USAEC Roles-----50 Years is long Enough

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posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 10:22 AM
History tells us the Kennedy questions were close very early on, yet just short of the most hidden culprits. Likewise, Jim Garrison got very close, but the real question was what controlled the CIA ideals and methods, and that would be the Mason's techniques that had them banned all over Europe and other countries.

Those early bannings for Masons was the idea behind the Joseph Smith deal to take the Masons behind the cloak for religion via the LDS.

When persons like Louis Bloomfield introduced the Mason George Mandel of the Hungarian anti-Communists, he introduced a person of "highest character and integrity." But the issue is of loyalty to what country, and the country and system the Masons back is the English Royalists / Nobles and their fear and hate for Communism ideals.

The system they use for this support is that of one from Bavaria, which Hitler cloned in many ways, but came to be part of the CIA via the inclusions of NAZI SS Gehlen and Gelli of P2 fame. imho

The Masons in the leadership in England were those of the Windsor German clan "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha," and it was the Mason George VI that joined with Mason Winston Churchill to use Mason methods to drag the US into WWII.

Then we find the NAZI Walter Dornberger backing the frame of LHO via the Mike and Ruth Paine connections with LHO and gaining the TSBD job. Then we find lots of LHO Reily Coffee pals getting nice NASA jobs down in New Orleans to keep their mouths shut. imho

Then to persons like JFK, it would be obvious that the Civil Rights issues of the South were driven by various corrupt Masons to include Mason J Edgar Hoover, Mason George Wallace, and that they were following in lock step with the Mason Albert Pike plans to have Masons rule the world. Certainly, when JFK got to president, the games of the P2 Masons were well in progress from the dates of the NAZI Mason Gelli list of Vatican associated Mason operatives in the church being used to battle Communism.

Then we find at the very roots of the Vietnam War origin, several Nuns of the Catholic Church getting into trouble and the conversion of the Diems to Catholic orientation to battle Vietnam's Communist directions. Then we find the P2 Mason games to influence JFK, very early on!! imho

What we eventually discover is the Hiram Key is really the Lion's Paw grip, then the Mason's grip being used to reinstate the Mason designs for three world wars envisioned by Traitor Mason Albert Pike. That the first two wars were Mason's designs for power. That the final war is very much in progress, had involved the invasion of the Catholic Church by Masons and that it seeks to invite religious wars for profit and control. imho


It was the Robert F. Kennedy, the president’s brother, notes Mark Lane, author of “Rush to Judgment,” one of the first books criticizing the Warren Commission report. In a speech today at the Duquesne Univerisity JFK conference, Lane recounted that on the day JFK was killed, RFK asked CIA director John McCone if agency personnel were involved. McCone said no


Lane also noted that former president Harry Truman connected the CIA to JFK’s assassination in late 1963, long before any JFK conspiracy theorists had done so. In a piece written for the Washington Post on December 22, 1963, Truman called for the abolition of the CIA.


Truman said he knew the first two directors of the CIA, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg and Allen Dullesk, and knew them to be “men of the highest character, patriotism and integrity.” He pointedly added he could only assume the same about “all those who continue in charge.”

He said the CIA’s “operational duties” should “be terminated.”

While Truman never mentioned JFK’s assassination, there is little doubt that his views on the CIA were prompted by Kennedy’s murder.



edit on 16-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The Mason P2 Vatican insurrection games to draw in Catholic JFK to be used for their designs for Vietnam War. imho

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Hey, I just wanted to say, thanks for being so damn predictable.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 05:12 PM

network dude
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Hey, I just wanted to say, thanks for being so damn predictable.

Seconded. And even thirded.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 06:25 PM
Now we get to look at a Mason Murder in 1982, over the P2 being exposed at the Vatican in 1982. Hanging is one of the warnings from the Mason's Degree teachings, and Mason bricks in the pockets speaks again of Masons having killed Roberto Calvi. imho

Gelli's Mason world fell apart when Calvi talked. imho


ch a forthcoming event would “provoke a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions in which the Church will suffer the gravest damage."[3] Banco Ambrosiano collapsed in June 1982 following the discovery of debts (according to various sources) between 700 million and 1.5 billion US dollars. Much of the money had been siphoned off via the Vatican Bank (strictly named the Istituto per le Opere Religiose or Institute for Works of Religion), which was Banco Ambrosiano's main shareholder.


, 18 June 1982, a postman found his body hanging from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge on the edge of the financial district of London. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with bricks, and he was carrying around $15,000 worth of cash in three different currencies.[4]
Calvi was a member of Licio Gelli's illegal masonic lodge, P2, and members of P2 referred to themselves as frati neri or "black friars". This led to a suggestion in some quarters that Calvi was murdered as a masonic warning because of the symbolism associated with the word "Blackfriars".[5]
The day before his body was found, Calvi was stripped of his post at Banco Ambrosiano by the Bank of Italy, and his 55-year-old private secretary, Graziella Corrocher, jumped to her death from a fifth floor window at Banco Ambrosiano. Corrocher left behind an angry note condemning the damage that Calvi had done to the bank and its employees. Corrocher's death was ruled a suicide, although, as with Calvi's death, there have been suggestions of foul play.


n July 2003, the Italian prosecutors concluded that the Mafia acted not only in its own interests, but also to ensure that Calvi could not blackmail "politico-institutional figures and [representatives] of freemasonry, the P2 lodge, and the Institute of Religious Works with whom he had invested substantial sums of money, some of it from Cosa Nostra and Italian public corporations".[13]
On 19 July 2005, Licio Gelli, the grand master of the Propaganda Due or P2 masonic lodge, received a notification – required by Italian law – informing him that he was formally under investigation on charges of ordering the murder of Calvi along with Giuseppe Calò, Ernesto Diotallevi, Flavio Carboni and Carboni's Austrian ex-girlfriend, Manuela Kleinszig. The four other suspects were already indicted on murder charges in April in a separate indictment. According to the indictment, the five ordered Calvi's murder to prevent the banker "from using blackmail power against his political and institutional sponsors from the world of Masonry, belonging to the P2 lodge, or to the Institute for Religious Works (the Vatican Bank) with whom he had managed investments and financing with conspicuous sums of money, some of it coming from Cosa Nostra and public agencies".[14]



posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 06:48 PM
Mason Calvi didn't exactly tell the Mason's secrets because he used the word BlackFriar, but it was enough for the Vatican to add 2+2 and find the Vatican was invaded from within. imho

Various Masons Degree programs put hangman's ropes around the persons neck, others claim the skull will be opened and the brain exposed. It appears Mason Calvi got the former treatment and JFK got the latter, and was filmed by Mason Zapruder. imho


Fascist grandmaster of infamous P2 Masonic Lodge to be interviewed on TV talk show


Propaganda Due or P2 was a Masonic lodge operating under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy from 1877 to 1976 (when its charter was withdrawn), and a pseudo-Masonic or “black” or “covert” lodge operating illegally from 1976 to 1981. During the 1980s, when the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli, the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona’s financial empire.


When searching Licio Gelli’s villa, the police found a document called the “Plan for Democratic Rebirth“, which called for a consolidation of the media, suppression of trade unions, and the rewriting of the Italian Constitution.


Licio Gelli (born in Pistoia, Tuscany, April 21, 1919) is an Italian financier, chiefly known for his role in the Banco Ambrosiano scandal. He was revealed in 1981 as being the Worshipful Master of the clandestine Masonic lodge Propaganda Due (P2).


As headmaster of Propaganda Due, Gelli allegedly assumed a major role in Gladio’s “strategy of tension” in Italy, starting with the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing. Gladio was a clandestine “stay-behind” operation sponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence in Western European countries, which has been involved in terrorist false flags operations in Italy.


TheVaticanP2Story/Ge lli/Calvi



The trial of 16 members of the outlawed Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodge began yesterday after 11 years of investigation by magistrates. Licio Gelli, the former grandmaster of the masonic lodge, faces trial along with 15 other people, including five former generals. The charges include political conspiracy, spying, revealing state secrets and threatening the constitution.


The P2 lodge, a secret society of top politicians, businessmen and military officers, was exposed in 1981.


Mr Gelli was sentenced to more than 18 years in prison earlier this year for his part in the 1982 collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano. He remains free pending an appeal.





The name Blackfriars was first used in 1317 (as Black Freres from the French 'frère' meaning 'brother') and derives from the black cappa worn by the Dominican Friars who moved their priory from Holborn to the area between the River Thames and Ludgate Hill in 1276.


The older parts of Blackfriars have regularly been used as a filming location in film and television, particularly for modern films and serials set in Victorian times, notably Sherlock Holmes


Blackfriars is an area of central London, which lies in the south-west corner of the City of London.



posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 06:56 PM
The Mason invasion of the Vatican, and how early it was happening. imho


Albondi, Alberto. Bishop of Livorno, (Leghorn). Initiated 8-5-58; I.D. # 7-2431.

Alessandro, Father Gottardi. (Addressed as Doctor in Masonic meetings.) President of Fratelli Maristi. 6-14-59.

Angelini Fiorenzo. Bishop of Messenel Greece. 10-14-57; # 14-005.

Baldassarri Salvatore. Bishop of Ravenna, Italy. 2-19-58; # 4315-19. "BALSA."

Basadonna, Ernesto. Prelate of Milan, 9-14-63; # 9-243. "BASE."

Batelli, Guilio. Lay member of many scientific academies. 8-24-59; # 29-A. "GIBA."

Bedeschi, Lorenzo. 2-19-59; # 24-041. "BELO."

Belloli, Luigi. Rector of Seminar; Lombardy, Ita- ly. 4-6-58; # 22-04. "BELLU."

Cresti, Osvaldo. 5-22-63; # 1653-6. "CRESO"
Crosta, Sante. 11-17-63; # 1254-65. "CROSTAS"
Drusilla, Italia. 10-12-63; # 1653-2. "'DRUSI"
Fregi, Francesco Egisto. 2-14-63; # 1435-87

Ratosi, Tito. 11-22-63; # 1542-74 "TRATO"
Rotardi, Tito. 8-13-63; # 1865-34. "TROTA"
Tirelli, Sotiro. 5-16-63; # 1257-9. "TIRSO"

There are lots more on the URL.


Vatican Mason Invasion Dates

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 10:09 PM
Now we can deal with why the Masons invaded the Vatican, and why that very same issue is behind the JFK hit. The Vatican was once the big defender against Communism in Vietnam, and used the Catholics there to effect that effort. These Popes behind this effort were John 23 and Pius 12, and they were allied with the Dulles Brothers. imho

As long as the John 23 was alive, the JFK efforts on Vietnam followed that of Spellman, John 23, and the Mason Dulles CIA.

When John 23 died on June 3, 1963, everything changed regarding Vietnam and the Vatican. Paul VI had embraced Communism and rejected Spellman and un-embraced the Mason Dulles CIA efforts on Vietnam.

When Paul VI took control on June 22, 1963, the problems with overboard Diem and Buddhists expositions were in the extreme. Then, JFK took a new track on Vietnam and that was that of self-determination, and to remove the US support there as did the Vatican.

When Paul VI took over, the Masons began the invasion of the Vatican because he embraced Communism. This was the Gelli P2 efforts, and later linked with Ronald Reagan support of Masons. imho

When JFK didn't support the Masons designs on Vietnam via support for Mason Dulles and the allied radical right extreme Masons, they marked JFK for death.

JFK died on Nov. 22, just 5 months after Paul VI took control on June 22 and embraced Communism and peaceful co-existence. imho

11 days after JFK's death, Mason supporter LBJ awards John 23 the US Metal of Freedom, due to the Mason Dulles support.

Dulles good ole boy Cardinal Spellman of New York is reduced to near nothing in the Paul VI Vatican, and likewise so was Mason Dulles. This gave JFK much more power to work against the Mason Dulles designed CIA, Mason LBJ, and those extreme right anti-Communists in the US. imho

Then, due to the new Paul VI relationship with Communism, we see Mason Gelli connected to the implementation of Gladio methods based upon the Mason techniques of subversion, terrorism, killings, and again the Mason motives to have JFK killed.


The cooling of the Vatican-U.S. Alliance, in spite of Cardinal Spellman's efforts, finally became apparent even to the Pentagon. As the political void in Vietnam became increasingly felt at every level, military pressure was substituted to fill that void. If the Vatican-U.S. anti-Communist crusade was weakened by Pope John XXIII's winds of change, the attitude of Pope Paul VI gave the final blow to its very existence. Thus the new policy of the Vatican had become a major contributor to the ultimate defeat of the U.S. in that region.


His successor Paul VI, who only a decade before had been exiled from the Vatican by anti-Communist Pius XII for his extreme left wing views, went even further than John in appeasing communism. [1] Soon after his election, in fact while the U.S. was still heavily involved in her conflict in Vietnam, Paul Vl made the first tentative offer to Moscow. This offer was labeled by the present author the Vatican-Moscow Alliance in a book by that name.[2]


This general impression was given daily substance by the frequent and much publicized trips to the Vietnamese front by the Vicar of the American Armed Forces, Cardinal Spellman. Although persona non grata at the Vatican, he was a genuine supporter of the war and acted as if Pope Pius XII was still conducting the Cold War with the Dulles brothers.


The political results of the Vatican-Moscow Alliance was spectacular and concrete. Eastern Europe with its large Catholic population was pacified in a very short time in its struggle between the Catholic Church and their militant Communist regimes. Priests, bishops, and cardinals who until then had been systematically persecuted, arrested and imprisoned were released. Churches were opened and the clergy and the state began cooperating. To the chagrined surprise of the U.S., who was waging her vigorous Cold War against Soviet Russia and her satellites, the two former mortal enemies now began unprecedented cooperation.

In Europe the effect of the Vatican-Moscow Alliance was spectacular but in Asia caution had to be exerted. There, as the U.S. was escalating an increasingly ferocious war, the Catholic Church began to retreat as imperceptibly as she could, trying to avoid giving any formal shock to her ideological American partner. Not only must she avoid upsetting the U.S., but also not offend the patriotic susceptibilities of the American Catholics who had supported the Vietnam War. Many of them had done so in the belief that it was not only their country which had supported it, but also their Church, preoccupied with opposing the devil incarnate, world communism.





After the long pontificate (nineteen years) of Pope Pius XII, the cardinals chose a man who – it was presumed because of his advanced age – would be a short-term or "stop-gap" pope. In John XXIII's first consistory on December 15 of that same year, Montini was created a cardinal and would become John XXIII's successor in 1963, taking the name of Paul VI.


John XXIII died of peritonitis caused by a perforated stomach at 19:50 (local time; 7:49 PM) on 3 June 1963 at the age of 81, ending a historic reign of four years and seven months.


On June 22, 1963, one day after his successor Pope Paul VI was elected, the latter prayed at his tomb.

On 3 December 1963, US President Lyndon B. Johnson posthumously awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, in recognition of the good relationship between Pope John XXIII and the United States of America.



edit on 16-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The Mason connections to the Popes, and the loss of that Vatican pull on June 22, 1963, and loss of JFK alliance.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 11:49 PM
OP your research is extremely exhaustive. Many on here should thank you to bring your perspective and knowledge
about certain aspects about masons

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 11:58 PM
his wife had him off'd for sleeping with marylin monroe. the whole conspiracy story was cooked up to cover that fact. try and keep up. the only decent thing JFK ever did was take care of his crew after his boat got sunk in WWII. Once he went into politics, he wasn't any better than his bro teddy, and that ain't saying much. the kennedys. at least none of them are lonely in hell !

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 01:12 AM

OP your research is extremely exhaustive. Many on here should thank you to bring your perspective and knowledge
about certain aspects about masons

I'm sorry, but the OP has a bee in his bonnet about masons and blames them for everything under the sun. They are apparently everywhere and have been responsible for everything bad. The OP keeps sticking up links that don't actually prove his point because he probably hasn't been bothered to read them properly. I suspect that he thinks that if he throws enough mud against the wall some of it will stick.
edit on 17-1-2014 by AngryCymraeg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 01:22 AM


OP your research is extremely exhaustive. Many on here should thank you to bring your perspective and knowledge
about certain aspects about masons

I'm sorry, but the OP has a bee in his bonnet about masons and blames them for everything under the sun. They are apparently everywhere and have been responsible for everything bad. The OP keeps sticking up links that don't actually prove his point because he probably hasn't been bothered to read them properly. I suspect that he thinks that if he throws enough mud against the wall some of it will stick.

If the OP posted something wrong here is what you should do. Quote his post and interject your response, with sources. What you are doing is like a drive-by shooting. Stop spraying bullets all over the neighborhood bro. Stop and talk to us.

Do you deny that Hoover was a Mason and Hoover called LBJ to explain that the case had been solved, it was a lone gunmen? Are you sure you wanna put your faith behind a scumbag line J. Edgar Hoover? Are you here to defend him? Well, do it!!

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I think the complaints are, bottom line, that lumping all players in any situation into a group and labeling it as the central-connection between the events seems vastly unfair to that group as a whole. If Hoover and LBJ, and you can put any of these names in a jar and pick them out, had any connection it wasn't the Masons as much as their own personalities and power-centers. They had in common many things, maybe they liked the same ball club, or wore the same style shoes, or had social security numbers. The Masons here, and I am not a Mason, seem to be just standing up for their lodges as someone paints all of them - each and every one - with a wide-brush. And claiming that NASA is Mason controlled also seems odd, as NASA has done some very good things for mankind and the history of exploration overall, so is that a positive or a negative claim? See, the OP is all over the place, and although some of his information is interesting and entertaining, he is tar-and-feathering anyone who is associated with either the Masons, NASA, or whatever else he's pointing his keyboard at.
edit on 17-1-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Aleister

Do you deny that Hoover was a Mason and Hoover called LBJ to explain after the assassination that the case had been solved, it was a lone gunmen? Are you sure you wanna put your faith behind a dirtbag like J. Edgar Hoover? Are you here to defend Hoover? Well, do it!!

The fingerprints of the JFk assassination lead directly to Masons like J. Edgar Hoover not Lee Harvey Oswald, who was a patsy and Manchurian Candidate.

Some Masons operate in the same way as Mafia and CIA do... secret oaths, secret allegiances, NDA's, factions within factions... pro-Fascist, anti-Communist, pseudo-Democratic, fac·sim·i·le Republican, feudalistic in the extreme, they are a totally different species of human beings because they are Satanic in design.

Alan Dulles has no redeeming qualities and I challenge you do defend him rather than dismiss the OP. The OP is not condemning all Masons so stop being so butt-hurt about it when the OP points out that des·pi·ca·ble dimwits like J. Edgar Hoover was the master of black-mail for so many years.

Appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation—predecessor to the FBI—in 1924, he was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director until his death in 1972 at age 77.

That's 1924 to 1972 that this Mason had a controlling position over intelligence in the USA. Do you deny it?

Even tho J. Edgar Hoover and Harry Truman were both Masons they were also operating as factions within factions.

According to President Harry S. Truman, Hoover transformed the FBI into his private secret police force; Truman stated that "we want no Gestapo or secret police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him"

The Masonic connections in the JFk conspiracy are an important dimension to historical research of JFk studies.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Popped back in for a look and I find that I am supposed to be defending J. Edgar Hoover??? Well, no, why would I do that? I don't like Hoover and these other characters either, on one level they seem to be a squirmy bunch of sneaks, liars, and blackmailers. Defending them had nothing to do with my post. My post was saying that the Masons here have every right to post criticisms on this thread because the OP - who won't answer their objections if you notice - is lumping them in with Hoover and Dulles and the rest. They seem to be saying, not to put words in their mouths, that tarring them with a wide brush isn't fair. And it isn't.

Now, if you ask me to defend NASA, also put under this Mason umbrella by the OP, why sure. Except for the Space Station, and the lack of Mars missions - if it were me I'd have people running around Mars right now, and 50 active rovers up there instead of a lousy, but productive, two. So would the Masons here, apparently members of some all-inclusive Mason/NASA conspiracy, put up a manned space mission to Mars please. And can you do it before 2020, is that doable? If the answer is yes, can we then talk about putting some rovers on a few of the outer solar system moons? Thanks.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 05:54 AM

Some Masons operate in the same way as Mafia and CIA do... secret oaths, secret allegiances, NDA's, factions within factions... pro-Fascist, anti-Communist, pseudo-Democratic, fac·sim·i·le Republican, feudalistic in the extreme, they are a totally different species of human beings because they are Satanic in design.

Which ones are satanic? Please name them. You said, it, you own it. Now prove it.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:38 AM
Now the issues and sources for what was happening in Vietnam in the 50s and 60s should be well in mind. What happened in Vietnam can be connected with France and the Vatican issues of those periods per anti-Communism interests and the Vatican church, as well as Italian issues. imho

This can also be connected with Cardinal Spellman and his long relationship with the Mason Dulles Brothers. Such would be against the Catholic's ban on Masons as being insurrectionists in Europe.

One can also connect many of the issues of how important the Vatican Switch from John 23 to Paul 6 became for anti-Communism issues and the Dulles CIA per Cardinal Spellman. Spellman became unwelcome at the Vatican under Paul 6. One can discover the OAS in France as being highly anti-communist and persons such as FBIs Guy Banister being connected with them, as well as PERMINDEX. One can discover the CIA office in New Orleans was in the Mason's building, and much connected with Mason Dulles of the CIA. Just because Dulles was down and out of the CIA via JFK firing him and others, didn't mean Dullles was out of the Masons anti-Communism efforts. All that meant was Dulles and the Masons would come hard against JFK.

One can easily discover that the Mason driven CIA was connected with the Mason driven PERMINDEX via Mason George Mandel, and they with the French OAS that FBI's Guy Banister was member and supporting. Then the NAZI SS Mason named Gelli leaves Argentina and gets back to Rome and begins the Mason invasion of the Paul 6's Vatican. And when Paul 6 dies, a new Pope sought to expose all the Mason Crooks invading and controlling the Vatican on Communism issues is exposed via the term Blackfriars, and that person gets killed in a highly public Mason type execution on Blackfriars bridge in Rome. Then that soon followed by the death of the Pope that was cleaning the Masons out of the Vatican. Then charges are filed against Mason Gelli and his Mason gang's invasion of the Vatican. imho

Very similar efforts of the Masons to run the JFK presidency were also in place, and Catholic JFK soon met the same fate as John Paul I would in later years in offensives against Mason's control supporting Royalism and Fascism, even in the US. John Paul I appears to have been poisoned by fluoride, which stops the heart. imho

New Orleans Jim Garrison's 1967 to 1969 investigations got extremely close on all these issues leading into the JFK hit in Dallas, but he fell short of the Masons elements connected with the JFK hit and cover up via the Warren Commission. Garrison had PERMINDEX and the OAS issues per France's General de Gaulle and those associated with French Vietnam and Algeria falling to Communism, and how France backed off in the same fashion as the Vatican on Communism. That soon followed by JFK going by way of self choice for the people of Vietnam, which came about because of the extremes of Diem in becoming Fascist. imho

We find the CIA and the European NAZI elements would back Fascism over Communism, as a preferred choice. JFK didn't back the Fascist regime of Diem, nor the leading CIA Mason Dulles whom he fired. JFK didn't back Mason Hoover's echo that Civil Rights was Communism. JFK was not going to back the Mason Hoover installed Mason Initiated LBJ either. All manner of destruction of the Mason controlled CIA efforts and Hoover FBI were about to be torn to pieces as JFK had promised. imho


A sealed bed chamber. An archbishop with links to the Mafia. An embalming carried out with indecent-improper-haste


First of all, Villot had behaved very strangely. He had instantly pocketed the bottle of pills – Effortil – that the Pope took for his low blood pressure, together with his spectacles, his slippers, and the papers from his study desk. None of these were ever seen again.
The Secretary of State had also ordered the whole papal apartment – all 19 rooms of it – to be cleared of all John Paul I’s possessions; by six that evening there was no trace of the dead Pope anywhere to be seen. The apartment was then sealed until the arrival of his successor. That same evening – little more than 12 hours after its discovery – the Signoracci brothers returned to embalm the body.


He also maintained close contacts with Sicilian Mafioso banker Michele Sindona – with whom he was fellow director of a bank in the Bahamas, and who in 1980 was sentenced in New York to 25 years’ imprisonment on 65 counts, including fraud – and the chairman of the Banco Ambrosiano (the ‘Priests’ Bank’) Roberto Calvi, whose body was found in June 1982 hanging under Blackfriars Bridge.
The details of the activities of these men are far too long and complicated to go into here; but John Paul I, who had a remarkably good head for figures and could read a balance sheet like a thriller, was hot on their trail. He had already discovered – and revealed to the world – one nasty financial scandal in Vittorio Veneto; if he were allowed to remain, it was only a question of time before many more guilty heads would roll.


John Paul I


Then one can go on to read, in Garrison's own words, about how his efforts to investigate and Prosecute those Mason elements tied with PERMINDEX, Dave Ferry, and how Lee Harvey Oswald was also hot on the trail of Fascists, like NAZI connected General Walker, in the 1963 time frame that got him "sheep dipped" and killed for infiltrating and knowing too much. imho

Those connected with Mason Gelli, who declares himself a Fascist and always a Fascist. Then the Gehlen NAZI's. Then General Walker's German NAZI Fascism support against Communism. Then on to Dallas and New Orleans PERMINDEX gang, Nagy, Shaw, Banister and their alliances with Hunt, Murchison, Ruby, LBJ, Hoover.

The most telling parts are that Clay Shaw stayed out of the US for 2 years after the JFK hit. All of them arranged to be in highly public places at the time for the JFK hit, and that involved General Walker flying around giving speeches. General Walker could not wait to call Germany after learning of the JFK murder. imho

Then the PERMINDEX head is a White Russian from Hungary, named George Mandel, and he then gets connected with Italian Masons and changes his name to George Mantello to appear as Italian and avoid the White Russian associations. George Mandel (aka Mantello) sometime after the JFK hit moves to New Orleans to complete the circle. imho


edit on 17-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Masons leave a large trail of dead people in their wake for first extreme tensions, the power grabs. imho

edit on 17-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: White Russian George Mandel, changes name to Mantello to appear Italian and loose the White Russian Name. imho

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

George Mandel was not a mason. Again, your entire premise if flawed.
But you are a mason. I have proof.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:57 AM

Bloomfield, in order to reassure an investor on the profitability of the Permindex real estate deal, explained why Mantello was able to buy some land from the exiled Savoy Italian Royal Family for a price that was “dirt cheap”. As Bloomfield explained: “(this) price was obtained through a curiously personal and exceptional situation between Mantello and the Royal Family, (inter alia, (a) he financed the Queen Mother in Switzerland during their entire stay when they were completely penniless; (b) he organized and financed the expedition which rescued Count Calvi, the King’s brother-in-law, just prior to his scheduled execution; and (c) he is a 33rd Degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest aristocratic circles.”


Whatever is our evaluation of this revelation, the fact is that, for the first time in more then 40 years, the Bloomfield Archives reveal a documented connection between Permindex and Italian Freemasonry, and not an insignificant one since what we do learn from this document is that the “genius” behind Permindex was a Freemason of the highest possible rank.

The March 24, 1960 letter containing this exclusive revelation is enclosed in one of two bonded books containing copy of Louis Bloomfield 1960 outgoing correspondence.


George Mandel Mason

edit on 17-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: George Mandel is the Hungarian Name, and he later changed to alias George Mantello to appear Italian. imho

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

First off, your proof is a blog? Really?
Second, who is "Mantello"?

You can't even keep the name straight. See, this is what happens when you lie. You cannot keep the lies straight, and they start to unravel.

But you are a mason.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by network dude

It appears to be what happens when a Mason doesn't follow his own advice. imho

Anyone can Google the two names and find one means the other. And all that has already been discussed here, at length.

George Mandel was Hungarian and the surname Mandel is highly Jewish linage associated. He helps Nagy and others get Hungarian Jews out of Hitler's dragnet in WWII. Those Jews that didn't run into Russia or out via Mandel and Nagy operations were sent to Minsk in Russia where some of the Jewish kids were sold and the rest sent in Carbon Monoxide trucks to their death. Minsk is the same place the Russians send Lee Oswald, because they don't trust him, and it is also were the Russians sequester many Jews out of their principle defense connected cities. imho

As Hungary fell later to the Communists in the 1956 time frame, all the old Save the Jewish types got together and started PERMINDEX in concert with a Bank to launder Money for the needs and the greater alliances. The White Russian and Jewish connected name of George Mandel was just a good bit too obvious in Europe and Italy. imho

So, George Mandel changes names to Georges Mantello, so that he appears Italian and can better connect with the Rome based PERMINDEX operation to promote Capitalism connections. George Mandel's alias is Georges Mantello, and any Google search finds they are the same person, with Jewish and Hungarian White Russian orientation.

Lee Oswald has these same White Russian and Jewish surname issues, because his New York Uncles are reported to be Hungarian Communists. That helps to explain why Lee Oswald had this fine White Russian accent that attracted George de Mohrenschildt as one of this buddies in Dallas. That George D is the one suddenly killed when he was called to testify on the JFK hit, and had been given electroshock therapy in years before to make him forget all he knew of Dallas and PERMINDEX. imho

Meanwhile, down in New Orleans Lee Oswald gets to see how the Guy Banister anti-Castro operations are connected with PERMINDEX associate Jean DeMenil and the company Schlumberger, and how they maintain an arms stash of weapons and explosives that were being used against Castro. So, Lee Oswald had infiltrated PERMINDEX operations around New Orleans connected with CIA efforts toward the same anti-Castro activities. What LHO knows was the same thing that David Ferrie knew, and why Ferrie was killed to keep him from being a witness for the Jim Garrison efforts to expose PERMINDEX. Dave Ferrie, George de Mohrenschildt, and Lee Harvey Oswald are all killed for knowing the same information on PERMINDEX operations. imho

One then notices the games of DeMenil and PERMINDEX are much the same idea for what became the Gladio operation set up in Italy by Mason Gelli, and his Mason gang, in fact, invades the Vatican City as a country to fight the Paul IV Communism support.

When JFK cut the CIA funds and programs to kill Castro, most all those in New Orleans on that originally the CIA effort were then funded by PERMINDEX's clandestine money chains.

JFK had discovered the issues of Secret Society problems due to Civil Rights Masons causing trouble since the Civil War, and JFK also well noticed the Mason Dulles Brothers associations with Cardinal Spellman, and that Mason associations with Vatican linked people was something set for a problem. The Vatican historically didn't like Masons, nor did they have a high value of Jewish religion. imho

So, in early June 3, 1963 the worst happened and John 23 died and on June 22 the Paul VI took over and the Country of the Vatican changed to Pro-Communism. Cardinal Spellman was on the outs with the Vatican, and JFK notices one more huge Mason screw up and Secret Society attempts to run anti-Communism.

JFK had dropped Dulles, and JFK then dropped anti-Communist efforts in Vietnam after the Vatican made their quiet Exodus from Vietnam. JFK changed track to that of allowing Vietnam's people to decide their plight ahead, and JFK was going to withdraw all the US troops from Vietnam after the next election that was going to be one without LBJ as part of the ticket. JFK knew that Mason Hoover black mailed Mason supporting LBJ onto their 1960 ticket.

JFK had his sights on the Masons as Secret Societies and they were also driving the violance issues in Civil Rights, just as Albert Pike's ideas dictated. JFK likely even spotted the huge Mason Winston Churchill alliance with Mason Hoover and Masons FDR and Truman in the Office of President. imho

In early 1961 JFK found all these matters to be repugnant.

Jim Garrison found these matters equally repugnant as they tried to ruin him for looking down the correct paths to expose all those associated with the JFK hit.

Thus, there were huge reason that PERMINDEX leader Mason George Mandel changed his name to avoid the Jewish and White Russian Hungarian connections being too obvious. imho

Likewise, Jack Ruby and Meyer Lansky both changed their Polish Jewish names to ones that appeared to be more White Russian in origin due to the Y in their names being characteristic of Hungarian Noble names. Both Ruby and Lansky then dealt drugs and funneled the money into the PERMINDEX connected Swiss Bank.

Italy and Switzerland eventually caught their money laundering and false front games when General Charles DeGaulle found them behind his assassination attempts connected with the French pull-out of Vietnam and the French pull out of Algeria. PERMINDEX then ran to British Controlled South Africa because Britain backed Masons and would hide them. Then the PERMINDEX types slowly invaded the US via Clay Shaw, Ferenc Nagy, Jean DeMenil, and so on, to the point PERMINDEX and the CIA were extremely close in the US, and very very close to Mason Allan Dulles. Then all the Crooked Masons turn up on the Warren Commision and are fed bogus and redacted information by Mason Hoover. Then one finds the Masons Deceit and Treachery Conspriacy to kill JFK. imho
edit on 17-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The major Crooks, and their allied organizations, on the JFK hit were Mason oriented and designed. imho

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