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Have You Had a Mythical Beast Encounter?

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posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Halfswede

I have pretty much come to the same conclusion especially after seeing sled's picture of a skinny bear. Thank you for your reply. The cutest thing I have ever seen was a baby Hypo running across the road during a safari in Kenya. My sister has been collecting hypos ever since. However it is the single biggest man killer in Africa because they are territorial.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 11:07 AM
My ex partner and I had a strange encounter @ the old site of Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh obviously, which is in Scotland.

I think it must have been around 2002/2003. We had been out the night before and I had landed on my ankle awkwardly while trying to be smart and avoid a small set of 3 steps in a bar. When I woke in the morning the pain was too much and we went to the hospital so i could get an x-ray.

While waiting outside the x-ray suite, i felt something land on my leg (as if it had jumped) it was enough of a weight that i felt it on my trousers i went to swipe it off when i saw......

4 legged
Lizard/Newt like creature with tail
It was almost transparent, I could make out it's outline

when i swiped my hand it jumped off onto the speckled eggshell patterned floor which we would see through its body. My ex tried to stand on it but it was very quick and darted away, it came back 3 or 4 times and each time she tried to get it, it sped off. I know its not bigfoot or anything massively exciting but at the time the experience shook me and I've nearly really found out what it could be.

Scotland doesn't really have the climate to support exotic reptiles or amphibians, although the hospitals here are kept warm. Could it just be that it accidentally arrived there and now thrives? or does it have something to do with the x-ray room? I really have no idea

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Scotscorps84

Well, there are transparent fish, so why not transparent newts? LOL
Makes me wonder what they have been injesting!

Shucks! Makes me wonder what WE are injesting!!!!!

edit on 3/8/2014 by sled735 because: correction

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by sled735

I've googled it a few times but have never spotted anything I could say for sure is what I saw

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Scotscorps84

Sounds pretty cool. Could have been a natural pigment mutation of a known species, or something unknown. I know some geckos can get reasonably semi-transparent, but nothing approaching 'clear'.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 07:56 AM
Bumpity, Bump, Bump!

Anyone seen any monsters lately?

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 07:59 AM

Did anyone watch the last few weeks of the monster movies? If not, you really missed some good ones!

You can go to the link in my OP and watch all they have on their website; I can't embed the videos here.

edit on 3/16/2014 by sled735 because: sigh

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by sled735

About 10+ years ago i was working at a Boy Scout Camp in Georgia as a Life Guard. I was 14 or 15 at the time not really sure some details are fuzzy but my brother was the water front director, that's why i was able to get a job there. Every morning some time before sun rise on weekdays the life guards would have to be at the water front for the campers to practice for the mile swim merit badge. So every morning i would have to walk from the staff cabins i stayed at past the dinning hall and then turn right down a hill to get to the water front.

On a morning just like any other me and a fellow Life Guard that stayed in the same staff cabin not sure of his name we did not stay in touch, Started Our morning trek to the water front. Now it being SO EARLY i was hanging my head not really looking where i was going, i had been working there about 4 weeks now so i knew the path well and didn't bother taking a flashlight. as we passed the dining hall and started walking down the hill we got about half way and started hearing noises to our right. They sound like hurried footsteps. i looked up and at that moment saw a white hairy blur about ten yards in front of us run from the right side of the path to the left and disappeared in the woods. I soon as we saw it we both stoped looked at each other and sprinted down that hill.

I made an image from Google maps of the path i took everyday to show the area i was at.

Also after the encounter i told my brother that had been working at this camp for a few years now what i saw.
He told me he also had an encounter with it on a trail in the mountains.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by SgtKeroro

An albino Sasquatch?! That's amazing! I bet the Sasquatch hunters would love to see that! Was it like a Yeti?
How tall would you guess it was?
Wonder if it's still there? How long ago was this?

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Mindless1980

Not sure of any differences from a yeti and a Sasquatch other than their fur being white. So yes i guess it was like a yeti i could not see his eyes, it happened so fast so i'm not sure if it was a true albino with red/pink eyes.

I would say it was about 7 feet tall much taller than me as i am a short man.

I'm not absolutely sure of the date but i believe it was back in 2000 i was a teenager working there. i am 26 now.

I have not been in contact with the camp or anyone that worked there other than my brother.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by SgtKeroro

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I haven't heard of any white Sasquatch being shared on any of my threads.

Yeah, I'd say your legs were movin' on when you saw that thing!!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 06:42 AM
Though not a mythical beast, the direction that this thread has taken during the past week or so, regarding invisible/transparent beings and whatnot, made me think of sharing a post I made last year. Perhaps someone can shed some more light on it:

The entire story is here

...This thread reminded me of something that happened to me that is very ATS-worthy, but that I rarely think or talk about. Truly one of the most frightening moments in my life. I don’t think I have told more than one or two people outside of those who witnessed it, and I honestly think it may be because I don’t want to be labeled as crazy.

I was in the Army and it was a boring week of classes inside of a hot and humid building on a warm summer day. This was at a base in the southern US, approximately 10 years ago…actually it was almost certainly 2003, because I remember some of the people at the time. Lunch choices were MREs at the building, or if we could be fast enough we could race across post and get something from a restaurant. A friend who was the driver of a HMMWV suggested we grab the MREs and then take off for a leisurely drive during lunch, at least to cool off in the moving vehicle. Four of us did just that....

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 07:38 AM

Though not a mythical beast, the direction that this thread has taken during the past week or so, regarding invisible/transparent beings and whatnot, made me think of sharing a post I made last year. Perhaps someone can shed some more light on it:

The entire story is here

I'm posting your story here so people will be sure to read it!! Whoa!!

On with the narrative…

We drove around some barriers and into an abandoned housing area of the base. The paved roads were starting to be overtaken by trees on each side and grass down the middle. I checked online satellite images just now out of curiosity, and it appears the area still looks just like it did back then. There were very few buildings remaining and it did not look like the area was traveled much.

We were driving down a very broken-up paved road when we saw what was clearly a black box on the side of the road. I don’t think any of us thought it was a big deal, so we did not look closely. I would say it appeared to be roughly 10 inches square, was dirty as if it had been there a while, and appeared to be matte metal or plastic. I don’t remember seeing any holes, handles, or anything on it. I only saw it for a second or two, and I did not think it was important, so I really cannot be sure.

One guy in the truck didn’t see the box, and when someone else made a comment that it could be some kind of unexploded ordnance (we were not EOD, so we were not experts), he got agitated and suggested we go back for a look just in case it was something dangerous that should be reported. The driver turned around and we went back, but the box was not where we had remembered it. The time between the first sighting of the box and our drive back down was about 30 seconds, and there were no trees near the place where we saw the box, so we couldn’t figure out how it just seemed to disappear. There was no way a person could have grabbed the box and ran away in that time, and the treeline was too far from the box for them to seek cover. I think we were all starting to get nervous at that moment. But we had no idea what was about to happen.

The driver knew how to operate the video system and review the tape, so he suggested we do that. We thought that was a good idea. He rewound the video to a random spot, which brought us back about 5 minutes. The monitor was tiny but we were all watching and wanted to see if the box was a figment of our imaginations or something. I don’t think we ever expected to see what we saw. When the video came to the part where the box should have been on the side of the road (wow, I am actually literally getting goosebumps just typing this and thinking of the incident!), there was no box. Instead there was a really weird image of a soldier standing there, in our modern woodland camo BDU, with minimal load bearing equipment, staring at the vehicle as it drove by. The soldier was not a solid form, it was like a mirage or something, you could see him (it was a male) but could see right through him. The box was not there at all. We were sitting about 50 feet beyond that spot where we were viewing this, and I swear my entire body just went into this scared stiff mode that was just unreal. I was an experienced law enforcement officer and soldier myself, and I was probably as frightened at that moment as I ever was during a life-threatening man-made situation. I remember that we all went silent. Someone finally said, let’s not turn around, let’s get the “F” out of here, and we did as fast as we could.

I can't say why this ghost chose to show himself to you as a box, unless it was because he thought you all might think it was something dangerous, and stop to check it out.
When you passed him up, he left... immediately. This is why you didn't see it/him when you turned around.

I would say he was just trying to get someone's attention. He was/is probably lonely, or confused, and wanted someone to help him.

Poor guy!!

Thanks for sharing that!! You should have posted this my paranormal thread (see my signature). I love all the stories like this one that people share there. But, this thread will do just fine.

Thanks again. Wow! What an experience!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:32 AM
I have met a mystical beast everyday of my life. I am surrounded by mystical beasts and am even married to one. I have two hybrid children that are now in beast college. The most dangerous beast that ever existed. It is the human beast. It is the human condition to be so. Why mystical because no one knows about their condition. A great mystery. Why dangerous. A danger to himself and a danger to this world that it lives on. No other beast has ever threatened the environment that it lives in as man has. What is the next step? It is called collective learning. We are going to be told that we are actually God gone wild.Sort of like when Nebuchadnezzar became a wild beast and lived in his garden for many years before he was restored to his senses and restored to the throne. The spirit of God lives in everyone of us but we have been completely disconnected from it by religion which is like a cancer that makes us spiritually dead. So I am going to cure the cancer and restore you to your proper place as ruler of this world except that we will restore this world instead of destroying it. We are going to turn our weapons into plowshares and restore the ecological balance between humans and the environment. ROAR!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:36 AM

reply to post by Mindless1980

Not sure of any differences from a yeti and a Sasquatch other than their fur being white. So yes i guess it was like a yeti i could not see his eyes, it happened so fast so i'm not sure if it was a true albino with red/pink eyes.

I would say it was about 7 feet tall much taller than me as i am a short man.

I'm not absolutely sure of the date but i believe it was back in 2000 i was a teenager working there. i am 26 now.

I have not been in contact with the camp or anyone that worked there other than my brother.

That was almost prophetic? I think I had a sighting too~!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by therainmaker

I was reading through this post on my phone, and i read your story and had to comment so I logged in. You said these people saw invisible men, or creatures? Well, I have too, I live in Maine, and I have seen these in my home. The first spottings were between 2010-2012, since 2012 I haven't seen them, it's like they left. The heights ranged between being extremely tall, o being very short, almost like children. The activity was centered around my dining room, and kitchen. I thought I was seeing things, you would see an outline of them and for split second it looked like they were watching us, and then i wouldn't see them anymore. They would come around anytime during the day or night. I am glad they left whatever they were.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by sled735

There's a rumor that Bigfoot is Esau who is completely covered with red hair and is a Great hunter . Remember the story in the Bible about Jacob and Esau? Apparantly he mated with a giant after he was doomed to roam the earth or he was of large size and given unusual strength to be in many places almost simultaneously.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by siluriancryptic

Can we categorize it as a rumor then with your permission of course.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:18 PM

reply to post by therainmaker

I was reading through this post on my phone, and i read your story and had to comment so I logged in. You said these people saw invisible men, or creatures? Well, I have too, I live in Maine, and I have seen these in my home. The first spottings were between 2010-2012, since 2012 I haven't seen them, it's like they left. The heights ranged between being extremely tall, o being very short, almost like children. The activity was centered around my dining room, and kitchen. I thought I was seeing things, you would see an outline of them and for split second it looked like they were watching us, and then i wouldn't see them anymore. They would come around anytime during the day or night. I am glad they left whatever they were.

An outline... exactly! Thank you for coming forward! I've been sharing my story with "the invisible creature" for the past two years. Finally, I'm getting others to share that they have seen them too.


posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 03:06 AM

I guess it's a parrot... No. Too big, unless there's a huge rainbow-colored giant a** parrots in the middle of Kansas. I hit the web Googling like crazy & rummaging through all of the zoology, bird, endangered animal books in the collection from my mom. The only things i could come up were a giant a** rainbow-colored parrot (Not likely) A hoax (I'm in the middle of no where! Not likely to happen!) & some sort of thunder bird or amphitheater. I've compared the feathers to blue jays, robins, cardinals, parrots, chicken, quail, etc. & found nothing that matched them.

I still don't like going to that spot. I try to avoid going to the pond in case that was a Mrs. Terrifying feathered bird thingy & there was a Mr. Terrifying feathered bird thingy & baby terrifying feathered bird thingies. I still have the feathers & down locked in a box in my bedroom. That shriek is the stuff of nightmares. I'm terrified that it'll come back & gut me.

I cut a little bit of your post out but left the description. I had read your post a few hours ago, then my internet went down. So I decided to look through my computer to delete junk and I came across this article that I had saved. As I was reading it, with your post still fresh in my mind, I thought wow! this kind of sounds just like that post I read on ATS. I saved it and am posting it here because it does sound very similar
to your sighting. How weird is it that I came across this after reading your post?

Article from the Pittsburg Press, 1903

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