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When Aliens Attack!!

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posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by sled735

I turned on my TV and saw the news.....
So I turned the TV off.
It is all brainwashing right, or left...or both

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by sled735

Whoa!! Too bad about the camera. You could have had some fantastic shots. That's some cool encounters you had!

As for the show. I agree that sometimes the media goes overboard with dramatizing events like this.
But then, who is it that controls the media?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

S&F Sled.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 05:17 AM
Aliens probably never attack us but rather exploit us for whatever reasons they have. If they watch tv shows like that, then most likely they think us as m@#$#s for our hunger to fight the unbeatable fight...

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by sled735

couldn't watch it. felt it sucking my brain right outta my head

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 05:23 AM

This is how the government plants fear into people's mind about outside life visiting us using the media.

It's brain-washing, people! Pure and simple by our beloved government. They don't want us to accept that the aliens could be coming to help us! That would mean their loss of control over us!

Oh man! I hope everyone sees what's going on here... how these movies are planting ideas into the public's mind!

LOL - - - Not in Korea ... video unavailable. We can't clog up our brains with such nonsense. Must save room for the anti-North Korean programming.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 05:55 AM
Well, it is a program called "When Aliens Attack" so its pretty clear that in the program they mean us harm, maybe one day they will make a documentary called "When Aliens Come to Help Us" and it wont be about intergalactic war.

This is how the government plants fear into people's mind about outside life visiting us using the media.

I'm pretty sure the government are not linked to this documentary in any way shape or form.

The narrator even speaks with a negative, sinister tone about them, piling on all the negative effect the show can muster!!

The show is about a negative situation, its called dramatic effect.

Yeah, they COULD be coming to take over the world, but shouldn't we find out what their motives are before we attack them? And, yes, if they are under our attack, they're probably going to fight back. Wouldn't you?

I think determining whether or not they come in peace will be the first port of call. And just like them, if they attack, we would fight back to the best of our ability.

Not all of them are bad, with evil intentions for us. Some want to help us.

How do you know this. Met any lately?

It's brain-washing, people! Pure and simple by our beloved government. They don't want us to accept that the aliens could be coming to help us! That would mean their loss of control over us!

Honestly, I dont think this documentary has much to do with our government. They probably dont even know it exists.

Oh man! I hope everyone sees what's going on here... how these movies are planting ideas into the public's mind!

I'm pissed!!!

I really think you need to get a hold of yourself and come to your senses.

Its just a documentary about aliens attacking us. Not related to government imo.

But it should be clear that you or the program makers have no idea what would happen and this program is kind of like a "What if" scenario. To give a little food for thought and to entertain you at the same time. I'm certainly not scared by it. I'll be scared when one really does start shooting at me in real life.
edit on 3-1-2014 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:22 AM


reply to post by JadeStar

Alien invasion ideas are fairly juvenile and scientifically illiterate.

Personally I am looking forward to the next season of falling skies.

So am I!!!
I love that show! lol

I will say one thing about that show. One thing about Spielberg is that he does a very good job making it all plausible.
edit on 2-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

Good sci fi should a nice mix of themes on social issues and some juvenile and scientifically illiteracy with a little kick butt action.

Personally I'm bored with most alien invasion movies and "ideas". The way humans conduct an invasion is very human. We just project that on to any concept of "alien" we have. Alien invasion scenarios come from within us not the "aliens".

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:49 AM
The only thing I can think of which makes remotely sense would be humans are resources as cpu's and the natural formed OS (the psyche) can be used to interface with robot armies from remote distances. Humans and other species could be used by other species who do not want to fight themselves (for example for religious reasons not to kill) and rely on others to do the 'dirty work' of dealing with species unable or unwilling to coexist.

There might be lifeforms out there who do nothing else but breed and procreate and don't use devices such as we but can travel in cold space like space cows and are like neverending plagues one can only run away from or kill. As warrior souls maybe others out there wait until we mature and are ready to operate their machines without anyone using it for their own benefit or their countries. Even with the most advanced sentient AI technology, it might still be worthwhile to complement it with organic lifeforms for senses and processing. Maybe not in our case because we lack that level of intelligence but who knows how the standard IQ might be for someone several centuries away with developing computer technology.

Other than that I believe any civilization which is established in spacetravel lives in abundance and there is only a small chance they are petty and would wage wars with us or draw us into their conflicts and/or would use humanity for worship or for some alien overlord to pretend we are subjects, afterall what would a ruler be without beings to rule, much like an explorer would stumble upon a nation of primitives which treat him like a divine being while in everyday society in his homeworld he would be a nobody and he wouldn't let anyone know even put up scramblers or mask or planets presence and use humanity as nothing more but supporting actors.

The best defense I can think of would be having all of our resources devoted to science with the aim of developing radio techniques and translating alien languages. Most likely if an aggressive species would want to terminate us which are not like plagues of space cows or locusts they would do so remotely with machines only and we could have a chance at scrambling their signals and at best seize their equipment for study and reverse engineering. If aliens show up and turn out to be friendly we might even be able to hack their systems to make sure they do not have any hidden agendas. It would be easy to preach peace in our face while they would be talking about the progress of enslaving us on their homeworld, spying would not be the same as going to another country or asking any alien for information.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 01:31 PM

reply to post by sled735

I don't understand why you're so upset over it? It's based on a hypothetical situation. Hypothetically speaking, there could be some completely sentient robot civilization out there that wiped out their creators and is in the business of consuming planets for resources and self replication. Think borg, or The Matrix.

...Or Battlestar Galactica...

Either way, if a race of super advanced aliens that can travel the speed of light or faster came here with evil intentions, we wouldn't have much of a chance. In fact we'd (possibly) be wiped out before they even got within orbit...


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 03:58 PM

I wouldn't get too upset about the show OP. I agree with the general consensus, it's just a show they put together for ratings.
True, some could be hostile but why come unfathomable distances to blast us off of our planet? If they really wanted humans gone it would be so simple to drop a microbe here and there or even a neutron bomb to annihilate us. I would imagine though that their needs would be so different that coming here to destroy us wouldn't make much sense. I suppose they could need raw genetic material for whatever reasons.
On another note; Can you tell us more about the 'beam of light' experience you had?

I answered your question at the bottom of page 2, in case you missed it.

Any comments?

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 03:40 AM


There is a better program on The Science Channel called Alien Encounters. I think it was a 3 part series.

One was called "The Message", another was called "The Arrival". I forget what the other in between them was called. I think it might have been "The Reaction". Not sure.

It seemed to be the more realistic scenario as the "aliens" are pretty much unfathomable/indifferent. Not evil. Not cuddly ET either.

There are some excerpts from it here: but I can't find whole episodes there or on Youtube unfortunately. Keep an eye out for it because it has re-aired several times.
edit on 2-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

Good to know, i might try to find it from World Wide Dataspace

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 04:06 AM



There is a better program on The Science Channel called Alien Encounters. I think it was a 3 part series.

One was called "The Message", another was called "The Arrival". I forget what the other in between them was called. I think it might have been "The Reaction". Not sure.

It seemed to be the more realistic scenario as the "aliens" are pretty much unfathomable/indifferent. Not evil. Not cuddly ET either.

There are some excerpts from it here: but I can't find whole episodes there or on Youtube unfortunately. Keep an eye out for it because it has re-aired several times.
edit on 2-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

Good to know, i might try to find it from World Wide Dataspace

Cool, it's well worth it. Here are some clips:

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 05:22 AM
How much do you guys read into dreams/ strong intuitions you receive when it comes to this UFO Phenomena ?
I mean there are so many YouTube videos out there that have brought out some pretty astonishing footage that we are not alone on Earth , not by any chance.
I keep having a reoccurring dream, and have had it for some time now. In my dream I am with my brothers, and some friends and their is a massive invasion. We have to take cover its so bad. And In my dream I am always shouting out to my brothers, "They're not who you think they are" I can remember encountering UFO objects, and chaos was ensuing.
I've long believed that there is going to be a disclose date. I've always believed their is otherworldly intervention. The biggest belief I have is that the Grey type aliens are actually demons, that will come playing the invaders ( bad cop), whereas the stage and conditions will be perfectly set for the emergence of the NWO led under the reign of the anti-Christ who in this case will play the role of "Good Cop" and defeat the invaders with his host of an army. This will vault him into a state where his emergence as "King of the World" will be easier to access because everybody will revere him as the Messiah. ( Satan is obsessed with trying to replicate God, So Because the actual Jesus Christ who came and died on the cross for us all, Satan has to come in the same light in this case trying to re-enact himself as Jesus the Light of the World. If you remember in the bible, it states that Lucifer fell in the very beginning because of "Pride" , he said I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' Isaiah 14:14 . This hints to you that Lucifer was enraged when pride overcame him and he realized he was under God, not the other way around. It would have taken the most bold, brazen attitude, stance and hatred towards God to unleash an all out attack in the Heavens, while turning 1/3 of the angels to your side.

Could you imagine the deceit, the manipulation, the cunning to get you to turn your back on the one who created you, loved you. The very first event that catapulted every form of energy into all the evil we see in the world now originated with a thought, that thought transpired into the domain of emotion- HATE and that hate turned into an action- VIOLENCE. and this was the blueprint for everything we see now being passed down into the elect of this world.

Do you guys really believe when you look into the eyes of Barack Obama, The Queen of England, George Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, the Pope, Tony Blair, John Kerry you can't see the evil? If you are open and honest you would all admit that there is something very eery about how all the world's elect gather together in "secret meetings" and always seem like they are philanthropists, caring and charitable on the outside through their media outlets, yet completely heartless on the inside, and would wage war on their own people just so they can live excessively wealthy.

- It all has come down from Lucifer. And because he tried to overthrow heaven, the elect are now trying to de-populate us, microchip the remaining of us and create a slave race that serves them and them alone. They want to be as "Gods", because in their darkened hearts, souls and minds they believe they have that divine right to rule ( precisely because this is how the devil always thought, he is simply sending forth his legion to influence world leaders to side with him, so they could be a vessel for him to begin to try re-enact his rebellion one earth like he did in Heaven.

You guys remember the infamous Ronald Reagan speech? here - He was one of the main players in setting the stage with that speech. It sounds so utopian , just like the new age movement. About how if their was a threat from a species from "another planet" how quickly we would forget our differences and unite as one. Well that uniting on a global level can only come when all the worldly support seems to have no choice but to accept the new leader and savior of that movement.

Sounds similar?? where have we heard that before? Nazi Germany! A broken, shattered people ravaged by a previous war, uncertain, scared, confused, poor and desperately in need of a change- onto the scene comes the charismatic, psychopath Adolf Hitler. Who's rallies and speeches are so epic, and stirring that the energy the moment just overwhelms the senses and you believe he is the answer to all your pain and suffering. Hitler only was accepted because the stage was set for him to be accepted. And A vulnerable people were his target. they felt they had no choice but to fall in line, completely to naïve to the true agenda behind the Nazis.

it would be the exact same scenario during an Alien Invasion. Whoever prevents it, would be deemed the "Messiah" himself by the UN, every major news outlet would be on it, it would go viral on you tube. You need to think Justin Bieber hits times 1,000 viewers, people in the streets would be cheering for joy, every world leader would be caught in the trance and endorse this new world figure.

The bible said the devil was the first liar, Jesus said he was a "Murderer from the beginning", the bible also says the devil disguises himself as an "Angel of the Light" meaning it would be the perfect stage for him to merge onto , because if you don't truly know God you can be easily mesmerized and blinded by the beauty and grace of this new charismatic leader- and drink the Kool-Aid that is promised you.
* check this link out of a drawing made by Aliester Crowley of an entity he summoned up ( remember this guy was a full blown occultist, and luciferian- in other word he had contact with the satanic world) and tell me their are not STRIKING similarities to the new modern day "Grey Alien".

* if the picture in that website doesn't load the picture of him, just google this - Aleister Crowley's drawing of entity LAM.. -

With all the movies and music in the entertainment industry molding and conditioning our impressionable minds with movies such as Independence Day, Men in Black, "V" Visitors, The Cabin in the Woods, TV shows like "The Event", all the music you'll hear when you throw on the radio is " Welcome to the New age, Radioactive, Radioactive!" , Monster- Rihanna and Eminem- I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed, get along with the voices inside of my head ( demons)- The elite are just throwing in our faces now and laughing at us, because they've initiated end game protocol, so they're trying to go out with a bang, ( the devil knows he's going to lose, but can't bring himself together to believe it)

The top left image below shows the infamous occultist’s Aleister Crowley’s portrait of a being which was conjured initially in 1918-1919 AD.

Here is the thing. We live in crazy times, where anything is possible in this an age where UFO hover around the skies. I certainly will be the first to admit I could be off in my theory. I just believe though their are mysteries the Bible is the source that can answer exactly why this UFO phenomena is happening, how the end times will unfold etc.. It's all in there!
edit on 4-1-2014 by freedom7 because: fixing sentence structure

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by sled735

Fully agree with you about that program. I saw it a little while ago and immediately understood it is part of the government control agenda. I believe the government realizes they will ultimately lose control of Contact. Previous agreements near their end and governments fail to implement what they agreed to do in return for limited Contact all these years.

I fully expect a serious propaganda push of negative imaging around Aliens just before admitting they are real. Its the next control lever after losing the only crazy people believe it control. Just keep posting threads like this to remind people the evil aliens story is garbage.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by JadeStar

(Imagine) if we were the aliens. Lets say a million years older than we are now...

That is both impossible and irrelevant. The only thing we can reasonably do is imagine aliens who resemble us as we are now, and as we have always been: very, very dangerous.

Your expectation that greater knowledge and technological capability will somehow make angels out of mortal beings (be they human or alien) is dangerously naïve. If Homo sapiens ever encounters another intelligent species, it is most probable that only one of them will survive the encounter — as has evidently been the case so far in all encounters between H. sap. and other intelligent species.

edit on 6/1/14 by Astyanax because: of the usual niggles.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 01:04 AM

reply to post by JadeStar

(Imagine) if we were the aliens. Lets say a million years older than we are now...

That is both impossible and irrelevant. The only thing we can reasonably do is imagine aliens who resemble us as we are now, and as we have always been: very, very dangerous.

That's the only thing you can do. Your thinking about deep time is rather limited. There have been societies on earth which were not very dangerous or aggressive. They typically lived in abundance so it's called extrapolating.

If one understands the reasons we've been dangerous its been mostly down to fighting over bits of this tiny rock and the resources on it.

Why fight over infinite worlds?
edit on 6-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by sled735

Hehe, I watched that, well at least some of the episodes. My opinion, well it`s quite possible that some of these scenarios come to pass in the future. As for the presentation of the show in dark narrative, I can say that there is definitely a reason for that. Whether they wanted to make the documentary more horror like or tried to frighten people I can`t say though

But if it makes you upset, maybe you shouldn`t watch it. It`s not good for one`s health

As for the ET`s, I must say that I believe the ones who will show up in mass will be probably malevolent. Why? Simple explanation...the benevolent ones would probably don`t want to do anything with us until we as humankind come to senses. Just look at all the bad things we do to our planet and each other. So the ones that will come and show, will probably have an agenda.

I might be wrong here, but ET`s are not stupid to just show up to another civilization before checking on them. It`s something we would do either in hope to be well received or blindly believe that they are peaceful in nature. Or with the orders from some evil people in power here to claim the planet and exterminate native inhabitants or imprison them. Sounds familiar?

As for the government, if they think they are able to control or influence the people via these type of shows, they are wasting their time. How stupid they think we are? But then again, can`t speak for all of us
But can say that closeminded people are not even interested in these type of shows and rather watch sth else. Most of them even don`t believe, care about aliens. And those of us who are open minded about these things and watch these shows, can`t be bought easily if that is their intent. So again, they are wasting their time

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by JadeStar

That's the only thing you can do.

I will not reciprocate your ugly and unwarranted personal attack, since you are a new member and probably haven't learnt to behave properly on ATS yet.

Your thinking about deep time is rather limited. There have been societies on earth which were not very dangerous or aggressive. They typically lived in abundance so it's called extrapolating.

Operative phrase: 'have been'. Where are they now?

If one understands the reasons we've been dangerous its been mostly down to fighting over bits of this tiny rock and the resources on it.

This lamentably ignorant and stupid statement assumes that human beings are disembodied brains without bodies, sex drives, tastes, competitive instincts or any kind of evolutionary history. It also suggests a very limited acquaintance with real, flesh-and-blood humanity.

Why fight over infinite worlds?

They are very far from infinite.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by sled735

Wow, that is cool. I've seen a few inexplicable sightings but nothing that close and personal. Thanks for sharing your story!

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Starcrossd

Here are a couple more I had when I was younger.
I've seen them all my life, but the ones I mention here on ATS are the best of the best.

Forgive my wall of text. I posted this when I was a new member, and didn't know better. LOL

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