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A Message from The Qur'an

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posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:02 AM


Look, we have seven billion plus humans on this earth today. We all have our own unique perspective of "God" no matter what religion or non religion we "attach" our self to.

The alleged prophet insisted that Allah spoke to him via an angel, one man, not 7 billion, not a 'culture'.

This same man who claimed this exclusive communication was remarkably similar in interest to this "god" who was uncannily interested in granting the prophets every desire.

And I do mean every desire.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

I myself don't really worry about God... that's none of my business, I just have faith that I'll know the answers some day?

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Well the message is exactly the same,
Maybe the 2 Gods are related
or or nah there no possible way its the same God.

If it were 'exactly' the same, then it would be exactly the same. But it's not.

The reason why the 'god' in the Qu'ran is similar to the God of the Old Testament is because Muhammad plagiarized from Judaism, Christianity and the Zoroastrians. He wrote down the stories he remembered and then he added a bunch of fabrication to beef up his 'revelations'. His fabrications contradict scripture.

The Christian God is one God .. three aspects or manifestations of the One God -
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Judaism and Islam do not agree with the Christian view of God revealing Himself to
humans the way that the Christians say He did.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:55 AM



Look, we have seven billion plus humans on this earth today. We all have our own unique perspective of "God" no matter what religion or non religion we "attach" our self to.

The alleged prophet insisted that Allah spoke to him via an angel, one man, not 7 billion, not a 'culture'.

This same man who claimed this exclusive communication was remarkably similar in interest to this "god" who was uncannily interested in granting the prophets every desire.

And I do mean every desire.

Are we still talking about "interpretation"? Because, I am. lol

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:01 AM


Well the message is exactly the same,
Maybe the 2 Gods are related
or or nah there no possible way its the same God.

If it were 'exactly' the same, then it would be exactly the same. But it's not.

The reason why the 'god' in the Qu'ran is similar to the God of the Old Testament is because Muhammad plagiarized from Judaism, Christianity and the Zoroastrians. He wrote down the stories he remembered and then he added a bunch of fabrication to beef up his 'revelations'. His fabrications contradict scripture.

The Christian God is one God .. three aspects or manifestations of the One God -
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Judaism and Islam do not agree with the Christian view of God revealing Himself to
humans the way that the Christians say He did.

But doesn't the Bible already tell us in Genesis the nation of Ishmael --will be every hand against him and he against every hand? The kid in my view didn't have a chance. lol

I still wonder where is Abraham's karma? Did it pass on to his seed with Hagar?

It's my understanding the two nations.. the two tribes... the two religions are supposed to be at odds for a reason. It was set in stone in the beginning.

Is there a choice that can be made to change the course of the future? I don't know.... I do ponder such things though.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:02 AM

Are we still talking about "interpretation"? Because, I am. lol

Interpretation is what is needed to pretend very clear wording means something other than what it plainly says.

Apologists 'interpret'.

Practical people simply read and understand.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:04 AM

I still wonder where is Abraham's karma? Did it pass on to his seed with Hagar?

I still wonder - did Abraham ever really exist?
If not ... Christianity could survive, but Islam and Judaism would be mortally wounded.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I don't get it? I haven't really looked into the Jewish... does it change something? they just exist too eh?

should I look?

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:58 AM


Are we still talking about "interpretation"? Because, I am. lol

Interpretation is what is needed to pretend very clear wording means something other than what it plainly says.

Apologists 'interpret'.

Practical people simply read and understand.

Evidence shows via this thread and all others and of course is not limited to a forum that reasoning is done by the eye of the beholder.

Didn't you learn this in elementary school when you sat in a circle and told the one next to you something and by the time it came full circle it was interpreting something completely different than first thought, first word?

I am not going to continue to drive this thread in a way that it was not meant.

Carry on...

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

the practices of Islam are morally wrong... that is logic and reason

all they need to do is apologize and ask God in heaven for forgiveness.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:05 PM


I still wonder where is Abraham's karma? Did it pass on to his seed with Hagar?

I still wonder - did Abraham ever really exist?
If not ... Christianity could survive, but Islam and Judaism would be mortally wounded.

Honestly, I have thought the same! The story could be a metaphor or just not true. We will never know in this plane but it makes one wonder. His story does not add up with me. I can't wrap my mind around it. Was he really going to slay Ishmael instead of Issac? Why was his sin of adultery not addressed or was it? Is it the reason why we have taxes? lol I know that was waaay out of the box. In my mind I was thinking about Abrahams "chosen fruit of Israel/Jacob".

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:46 PM

reply to post by MamaJ

the practices of Islam are morally wrong... that is logic and reason

all they need to do is apologize and ask God in heaven for forgiveness.

That's funny, because God is the one who told them to do it. Or did I read the wrong book on Islamic history?

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Allah's business is none of mine... only that of the humans which remain.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:46 PM

because God is the one who told them to do it. Or did I read the wrong book on Islamic history?

Um .... A man who was a liar, thief and murderer CLAIMED that God told them the laws.
That doesn't mean it was really God who 'told them to do it'. The 'god' in the Qu'ran
contradicts the God in the Old Testament and New Testament. He couldn't have
dictated all three books ... he'd contradict himself a whole lot if the did.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:14 PM
Hey, isn't our host, the OP, going to join the discussion?
He was the one who called this meeting.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:25 PM


because God is the one who told them to do it. Or did I read the wrong book on Islamic history?

Um .... A man who was a liar, thief and murderer CLAIMED that God told them the laws.
That doesn't mean it was really God who 'told them to do it'. The 'god' in the Qu'ran
contradicts the God in the Old Testament and New Testament. He couldn't have
dictated all three books ... he'd contradict himself a whole lot if the did.

Or maybe it's the NT and OT god who is the liar. That's probably what the Muslims would tell you. And what do you have that they don't? Where's your tie-breaker?

edit on 17-12-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by TheWrightWing

Since the Qur'an is God's words to the people surrounding historical events, the historical events themselves cannot be separated from it. It is knowledge of the events that God is speaking about which makes the Qur'an valid for all time, and the only light one can view the Qur'an from.

This is why someone cannot simply read the Qur'an and decide they understand what it means.

If I tell you someone tried to kill my neighbor this morning, it would sound as if this person is a horrendous human being who needs locked up.

But if the historical context was that someone tried to kill my neighbor because he murdered this man's wife and was about to kill him next, but this person fought valiantly against my neighbor's attack and prevented his own death... then that seriously changes your perspective.

It is the exact same with the words of the Qur'an. You HAVE to understand the historical context to understand the words.

Its really simple common sense to know this though.
edit on 17-12-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 06:17 PM


reply to post by MamaJ

the practices of Islam are morally wrong... that is logic and reason

all they need to do is apologize and ask God in heaven for forgiveness.

That's funny, because God is the one who told them to do it. Or did I read the wrong book on Islamic history?

MAN has expressed over the course of time that GOD is to blame for all the bad, good, wars, diseases, and you name it, it's God's fault.

"I am so glad God saved my son from dying", Really? So I guess he didn't save my kid because _________ best answer there...... hmmm... must be from Ishmael's seed!!? Seriously?

"God told me to" ?? There is not an excuse and Karma doesn't care.

My two cents.

Also, men of all religions have said that, so don't just say Islam. Suckers still say that. Man is to blame for all his choices made out of ignorance or full blown selfishness. Man is to blame but man will always want to point the finger at someone.

Jesus is one prophet, one man, one cool dude that was all about loving others no matter what. Find the good.. the light in them and help him with the darkness within his soul. He was a genuine teacher. This is why he said he is the way. Not because you have to believe in him but because his=story proves all that we go through in time. We all have burdens and carry a cross.
edit on 17-12-2013 by MamaJ because:

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 06:21 PM



First, Allah is the Arabic word used for "God".


Oh, he said it was God? Well then, no one would lie about such a thing!

No, you misunderstand. "Allah" Is Arabic for God ("al-Lah" - "The God") in the same way that Spanish for God is "Dios", Latin for God is "Deus", Greek for God is "Theos", etc. It's a title for an entity, not a personal name for it.

In Latin, dog is "canis", in Spanish "perro", in Dutch it is "hunt", German "hund", in Irish "cu", but in none of those languages is it "Rover" as you may have named your own personal pet.

"Allah" is just Arabic for "God", just as "azeroh" is Arabic for "blue", which is "azul" in Spanish. It's just a word specifying an entity, not the personal name OF that entity. To take "allah" out of the Arabic is to cause Arabs to never be able to speak of a deity. Christian Arabs ( I know some of them, from Beirut, who worship what they refer to as "Allah", same as you would refer to "God") would no longer have a way to talk about their religion, either. If you were to remove the word from speech, they would no longer be Christians, as they would have no description of what they worship.

And this "God" grants his whims as they occur, eh?

That does not sound familiar at all...

Anyone can call anything "God", Allah is nothing at all, in any way, similar to the God of Abraham.

your phrase "God of Abraham" is "Allah men Ibrahim" in Arabic, but oddly "men" does not mean a group of male humans in arabic, just like "allah" does not mean "The personal moniker of the diety" in Arabic, and "dog" does not mean "Fido" in English.

To Lebanese Christians, "Allah" is indeed "the God of Abraham". As in - not just "similar", but "the exact same".

It's a word.

In Arabic.

It means "God".

There is a reason those "Coexist" stickers exist, its to apologise for and obscure the nature of the doctrine represented by one particular symbol.

Lost me there. I don't have a bumper to put a sticker on.

I DO have a wife.

She's a Muslim.

We coexist pretty well.

Believe it or not, she hasn't killed me yet - and oddly enough, she's not apologetic about that.

edit on 2013/12/17 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I have enjoyed your feedback, all of it.

This below though made me literally LOL! hahaha

Believe it or not, she hasn't killed me yet - and oddly enough, she's not apologetic about that.

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