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Hawaiian Official Who Released Obama's Birth Certificate Dies In Crash

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

thanks, that's why i'm here, to have fun

as for your issues, sorry to hear it man, it's nothing new to me

perhaps you shouldn't be wasting your time with this subject matter ?

the current imposter serving as our 'leader' as we tumble off the proverbial cliff, is kinda important in my book.

by the way, just cause i forgot to signout doesn't mean i was ignoring anyone, i have a life ya know, had to go out.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:45 PM


with regard to your last paragraph, i don't yet believe Ms Fuddy was directly involved with the forging process.

Nor am I. But that was one of the first things I wondered about. If she was not the forger identified in the court docs, let's hope the plaintiffs say so and put this puppy to rest.

personally, i don't recall reading about it being 'sealed', however, understanding the adoption process, it really doesn't surprise me.

I looked up the statutes years ago after being told this by a friend born in Hawaii. At the time, I had satisfied myself that was the law in effect at the time of the adoption and still is. Anyone who knows better is welcome to correct me of course.

Ms Fuddy was specifically named in recently submitted court documention (recent as in this year)
i don't recall the gist of it atm but we could discuss it in another thread after i re-read the info.

Interesting. I'd like that.

i have not read or even skimmed Corsi's book but from what i gather, his presentation has motivated many to look deeper and to that i say good.

I have not read Corsi's book. I don't trust him or his motives. I don't recall the details now, but he was on Hannity before the election, claiming he was hassled by Kenyan authorities while looking for evidence, and was supposed to be on the next day to give all the details, but that never happened and wasn't even mentioned again by Hannity. Doesn't inspire much trust and confidence...

WHY can't this wreckage be recovered ?
why does the truth have to remain hidden ?
...the facts would be nice and then let the chips fall where they may.

Yes, I'm a firm believer in getting the truth out and letting the chips fall where they may.

thank you for encouraging those willing, to look for themselves, it's refreshing.

Sometimes I feel so old... I remember when this was the norm... now not so much. Such a shame.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by SirMike

Like someone on the plane was planted and the crash was planned so that as they were going down the mole injected her with a fatal does of something or other and she drowned.

No autopsy because it was an accident and because of her injuries she drowned.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:13 PM
here's a post from a different thread about adoptions in Hawaii..

The evidence is in the Hawaiian court records that remain sealed by law.

To have a request to view those kind of records requires someone to show just cause.

Usually the only ones who can show cause are the adoptee and/or the parents or guardians.

The 'request' papers are also sealed.

Adoption Records

All records of adoptions are sealed by the State of Hawaii. Any records or information must also have written permission from a Circuit Family Court of Hawaii.

Hawaii Public Records

in 1961, the Hawaiian laws permitted adoptive parents to obtain a birth certificate that didn't indicate any original information about the adoptee. From there, it established a new I.D. and also citizenship, etc. "Alterations" were also legal at the time and still may be.

This was applicable in 1961...

Other references were established in law changes made after 1961.

Take notice of the "Repealed" statutes;
AdmRules1/8 8A B VR Admin Rules.pdf

some discussions here --- goes for several pages.

and keep in mind that we never have actually "seen" the original birth record on an original certificate copy or old photostat. All we have is a "new" certificate on new paper forms that supposedly reflect the "original" information. All this is easily "fixed". I think the "original" was in fact requested but denied by the State of Hawaii on some kind of legal grounds concerning just cause, or "direct and tangible interest", or "access restricted or closed by law", or something like that.

The original records were never released, only "certified as genuine" on new forms.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by SirMike

an unreported fact is that the plane was experiencing troubles BEFORE takeoff that delayed its departure. some passengers [ticketholders] did not travel on that flight because of the mechanical delay. the plane later departed.

from the AP article:

...Richard Schuman, owner of Makani Kai Air, operator of the plane.

"There's only one engine on that plane, and when it quits on you, you just have to deal with it in that moment," he said.

Schuman said he did not know why the engine failed. The aircraft had no previous problems, he said."

yet we know, from first person accounts at the airport, that the plane was delayed from experiencing mechanical difficulties. so shuman lied.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Boadicea

hmmm, gotta review those docs, i haven't seen'em as of yet.
is a copy available on Orly's site ?

and was supposed to be on the next day to give all the details, but that never happened and wasn't even mentioned again by Hannity. [color=amber]Doesn't inspire much trust and confidence
true from a very narrow point of view.

when you understand the 'players' and the game, as mentioned above, ie: entertainment, the manipulation is easy to see. since neither of us have read his works, who are we to say?
maybe he wrote about it.

ssshhhhhhhh, neither of us is getting any younger, i promise.
yeah, once upon a time, isn't that the truth ?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:21 PM

Obama was born in Hawaii, but used his "foreign" status to obtain student loans/grants as a foreign student.

this is a sign of how desperate birthers are getting, they have to use a 4 year old April fool's joke as "evidence"!

In the spring of 2009, a chain e-mail started circulating with claims of a "smoking gun" proving President Obama was a foreigner.
You know, when we started this website, Americans for Freedom of Information, we thought it would be a short-time effort to point out the absurdity in the fake Associated Press “news story” that some desperate right-winger pulled together in an effort to make you think that Barack Obama wasn’t born in this country. Surely, we thought, if we just make it apparent to people that the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” did not actually exist, then everybody will figure out that they’ve been hoaxed and move on to some new crackpot conspiracy, maybe about Corn Flakes.
But no. Seven months later, the completely fictitious “shocking revelation” that Barack Obama registered at Occidental College under the name “Barry Soetoro” is still being posted as fresh news on right-wing websites.

Pathetic - it also shows birthers do not do any research, just regurgitate the lies spread about Obama.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by urmenimu

I doubt any conspiracy theory on this one. but the fact remains, a mechanic operated on the plane immediately before departure due to 'problems' - an opportunity to tinker and sabotage.

another fact is that the health director was alive and well when the passenger swam to shore, tended by her deputy director. we can assume she died from a heart attack. heart attacks CAN be administered by drug ingestion and the circumstances of mechanical failure, whatever the passenger outcome outcome, could be pointed out as the culprit for the heart attack [from stress].

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by urmenimu

loser bichbois arguing above about their gayish obsessions is not interesting or germain to analysis.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:24 PM

if the original was sealed by court order ... how did she gain access without a court order to physically verify it ??

What makes you think it was sealed by a court order? care to show us this "court order", or is that just something you made up?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

thanks xuenchen, i'm marking this so i can come back and read it laters.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by urmenimu

so although I discount ay conspiracy, this is how the conspiracy would work if there was one:

the health director was given the heart attack pill before the flight.

the flight was delayed for mechanical tinkering - no matter what happened with the engine failure, whether no one dies or everyone dies, the health director dies of heart failure. the crash is the COVER for the heart attack drugging.

unfortunately, this is Hawaii. here, peeps mess up all the time and its called 'island style'. this is just a common human error [mechanical maintenance] crash imo.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

i believe relative info was linked above, feel free to review it at your leisure.

as he was adopted in HI, the adoption would have to follow the law, would it not ?

however, the first thing i recall is that he wasn't adopted in 1961. so, as the laws changed, that becomes relative to his actual adoption year and atm, i don't remember.
but, it is worth looking into.

do you know who would/should have those details on file ?
Ms Fuddy.
edit on 13-12-2013 by Honor93 because: add txt

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by SirMike

there's two reasons you would want to kill someone with a plane crash after giving them the heart attack pill - one, to get the job done - have a double kill method. two - to make the execution public and sensational, so that anyone else who was thinking about leaking info will shut up.

that's how the conspiracy theory rolls.

I voted for Obama, and I could care less about the birther conspiracy. I think the man is awful for policy reasons, not unconfirmed innuendo. and that's all we have with this plane crash - fleshing in a conspiracy theory is like any theorizing in science. the theory is not reality unless proven by factual test. but that doesn't mean one should not form theory as a tool for analysis.
edit on 13-12-2013 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2013 by urmenimu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Boadicea

ok Boadicea, sorry for the broken post.
i guess tags don't work quite like they used to.
since it won't let me in to edit, let's try again.

with regards to the Hannity episode:

Doesn't inspire much trust and confidence

from a very narrow point of view, that could be true.

however, when you realize both the players and the platform ... ie: entertainment ... the manipulation is easy to see.

as for Corsi's failed appearance, maybe he wrote about it ?
since neither of us have read his works, who are we to say ?

i don't watch Hannity so it's news to me.

sshhhhhhh, neither of us is getting any younger, i promise

ah yes, once upon a time, isn't that the truth ?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

She may have been ready (or threatening) to disclose things like this;

Perhaps information like:

1. Obama could be an adopted orphan child (possibly foreign born).

2. The birth certificate "information" may be incomplete. Perhaps missing one or two key things like an indication that it was "amended" or "produced" by a court order that would have been sealed (all adoption records get sealed).

Strange also is that all the bogus court cases have never focused on that possibility.


Because there is no evidence that Obama was adopted, it would be pretty silly to base a court case around documents that there is no reason to believe exist in any form.

Besides, it makes more sense that she would be killed because she refused to make false accusations on behalf of right-wing nutters who bought into stupid theories about Obama being foreign-born because they couldn't deal with the idea of a black president. I have my list of suspects

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:11 PM

as he was adopted in HI,

Do you have any evidence that Obama was adopted, at all?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by urmenimu

you present an interesting theory and on the flip side, since i don't know the water conditions/temps this time of year there, could it be as simple as hypothermia ? and a terrible tragedy.

point is, understanding why the plane went down could go along way toward understanding how Ms Fuddy died.

and as usual, the conflicting news reports aren't helping matters either.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

i don't have the link on this computer but yes, in order for him to be Barry Soetoro, he had to be adopted.
and some time ago, i viewed court docs indicating such.

and if you look, i believe scribd has the pertinent info.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:16 PM

Besides, it makes more sense that she would be killed because she refused to make false accusations on behalf of right-wing nutters who bought into stupid theories about Obama being foreign-born because they couldn't deal with the idea of a black president.

That makes more sense than any birther nonsense!

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