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TSA agent confiscates sock monkey's toy pistol

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:42 PM

Cant wait till they try to confiscate this :

Nice hole in the underwear. Real classy.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by suz62

Nice find let me study this further

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:48 PM
If it were about keeping us safer, there would be a better border fence and more security. The bad guys are streaming across the Arizona border while our Congressmen and Senators are getting richer off of the money they are given by the companies that make the airport x-ray machines and other devices. They will still be patting you down at Phoenix International Airport on the day the bomb explodes in the Capitol building.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:53 PM


I'm more terrified of sock monkeys than I am of domestic terrorists. Maybe because sock monkeys are real.

Yes, homegrown terrorists in America are purely imaginary.

Oh, wait. Turns out, they're quite real:

A new study finds that a majority of these operatives were American citizens. Nearly a quarter were converts to Islam. More than half had completed some form of college course work.

America’s Homegrown Terrorists

They are imaginary as far as statistics are concerned. Domestic terrorism is no more a threat today than it was 20 years ago. The threat of which can not and should not be used to justify departments of the United States government such as the DHS be created and sufficiently armed with taxpayer dollars with enough arms to wage war on a foreign country. No such threat as this exists from domestic terrorism. It is, sadly, in whole created by our government.

Domestic terrorism is being used to put a label on anyone or anything that chooses a position of dissent against the blatant and outright tyranny the government of the United States is involved in and has been involved in for better than a decade. It is used to divide the citizens, to scare them, to manipulate through fear and disinformation to relieve them of personal freedoms so that the machine of tyranny this government has created can march on unabated.

Terrorism laws that were created by the patriot act after 9/11 were supposed to limit the danger of an incident like that happening again, it was supposed to target radical muslim groups such as Al-qaeda and thwart their plans before another attack could happen but thats not what happened, is it? What has happened is that those laws have been used by the NSA to illegally spy, illegally collect data and illegally engage in secret court proceedings against whom exactly....... Domestic terrorists or..... You and I?

Surely then, the TSA has done something to protect us against the enormous threat of domestic terrorism, I mean in 10 years, in place at every airport in the country, screening millions of people a month, surely the fruits of their labor would have produced a good amount of intervention to terrorism right? Wrong, in 10 years at 8.1 billion dollars a year in funding and growing, the TSA has caught 0 terrorists........ Thats zero.

What about the DHS you say? Well, they purchased billions of hollow point bullets, armored personnel carriers, and thousands of assault weapons, along with the NSA I am sure they have foiled thousands of high profile and dangerous attacks right? Wrong, in fact almost all of the plots the DHS and NSA foil are plots of their own making.

You see, even though domestic terrorism is real, so are bee stings but nobody is spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year to save us from those or stripping our liberties in the name of anything else that kills far more people than terrorism. Consider that you are 8x more likely to be killed by a police officer than by an act of terrorism.

I understand and appreciate you acknowledging terrorism is real, of course it is but in this case, when put to the test, the ends to do not justify the means, we have services already in place to combat terrorism in the form of the FBI, CIA and ATF, there is absolutely no statistical, common sense or other need to justify a department like the DHS other than to facilitate a "brown shirt" gestapo force for a rogue and unlawful federal government.
edit on 9-12-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Haha would make me laugh if the zoomed out pic is a guy after all the comments.

But back on topic, Thats really dumb, Maybe the agent just wanted to make problems (slow day at work???)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Glz00

Yup with a beard

I was once locked in the gay nightclub Heaven in London by the bouncer (long story how I got there) and I bumped into the most amazing looking girl...well until I noticed the bulge
...lovely chap bought me a pint

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by suz62

Do to the recent terrorist threat posed by sock monkeys ive decided to interrogate one i captured. He hasnt talked yet but i have faith he will confess soon.

edit on 12/9/13 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

Don't do It I will let the cat go !!!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Maybe a good thing you noticed in time!

I hate to think what would happen if they were going thru the TSA checkpoint.

Is that a wepon in your.....(yeah ill stop before i violate the T&C's)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Poor monkey...


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

All I know is they really dont want me to start fkin with them.

Djinns can drive you mad with a mere 4 word sentence.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

So is the Monkey on the terrorist no fly list?.

If so we could start a campaign to let the monkey fly !!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:57 PM

reply to post by Eryiedes

So is the Monkey on the terrorist no fly list?.

If so we could start a campaign to let the monkey fly !!

"Stop the TSA from spanking the monkey"


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Ok i have an update after an exhaustive interrogation of sock monkey (gun didnt work so i put him in the dryer for an hour boy was he sick). Any way he admited his job was to check out TSAs airport security for his masters. He said monkeys are planning a take over of major US airports at Christmas. He said monkeys are being led by this man!

Through further interrogations namely threatening to put him back in the dryer. Hethen told me all the monkeys in the zoos have a secret weapons stash and have been training when the zoo keeper leaves. Obviously i was skeptical and was ready to throw him in the dryer. Then he pulls out a cell phone wonder where he had that hiding any way and he shows me this!

So weve uncovered there plot just in time so should we contact the TSA?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:34 AM

Cant wait till they try to confiscate this :

Nah, they'll just use it as an excuse to strip search her...

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:14 AM
The sock monkey mafia is out there and gunning for you!

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

are those bullets your smuggling?

...going to have to check

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:55 AM


reply to post by Advantage

I wouldn't mind trying
for at least a few hours

Is that a sock monkey gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

I swear, the more I hear of what they confiscate.. the more positive I am I live in some alternate world named "Bizarroworld".

For all involved and thank God normal in their reaction, stars until I collapse to bed. It will now be soon.
Don't want any stars myself, thanks... beyond reacting by now to this, it's simply unreal.
If Alex J. says the system is so scrUd now that an Austin DA could convict a ham on rye for side packing a pickle, Ad, I have to emphatically agree with you. This whole planet is so brain- inverted and intellectually bankrupt it would be funny, except for the fact these creatures running it are actually serious.

Sorry about the rant, -- but I did have an Arab roommate who had a hobby of actually fabricating the incorrugible little criminals in question from scratch, for her three wonderful children. They (the sockeroos) all had rather swarthy and suspicious skin colors; but I figure it was because they were once worker socks in construction trades. This for probable insertion/infiltration later into the management workforce.
One of them even sported a fez (one of those truncated cone jobs, there's a red flag).

Lots of suspects, actually... but at no time were her three children ever dull-eyed or otherwise visibly impaired in my presence from snorting any cotton based monkey butts.
This leads me to believe there was no contraband or fume leeching explosive compounds concealed in the sullen artificial primates. It also alludes to no deviant tendencies in the youngsters, although maybe they're all on a list or four by now through association with such unAmerican inert riffraff. God only knows what would have resulted in these parts by actually arming one or more of them with high density polyethelyne.
/waxing to overt sarcasm off

My guess is that school bored the little geniuses unto general apathy. They probably were all exposed to instructor grade automatons for six and a half hours a day, and came home as Fry Bombardo's side men yet-to-mature. Public school, nasty stuff. I'd personally rather have married an energized belt sander than not done the K to 8th in a private prison.

Back to context--
First our government (elected because supposedly highly educated) decide to allow a fringe element of it, and from high up, to declare war that war on an idealogy, this for the first time in history. We the creeple swallowed the whole stinking mackerel and the complete contents of the tackle box.

If that isn't bizzare enough, examine the tactics to maintain the war being exactly those of the supposed 'enemy' --and this by definition. If you finally don't go along with this because by the way you're the normal majority, they call you crazy and either minimalize, politically bully or pass laws making it legal to kill you. Oh wait....

I forgot one step somewhere in there -- they can use a bunch of allegedly more learned minds to justify medicating you into somebody with all the perception of a well neglected and dried-down spider fern. When the wierdos are handing out the pills we have arrived... DC Comics have come home to roost and it's simply chock full of characters that make our superhero in need of a peel look like Kate Beckinsale.
Off topic and PS: and unlike Monkey Boy, words fail me except we're not worthy..

I'm not angry at the system, it's made up of what appears by now a noticeable subculture of people cultivated to overlook evil... especially upstairs, where those invisible offensive coordinators call the plays down on the field. And our republic is now a third hand football bat, cracked as a family sized Venezuelan soccer spatula taped top to bottom.

My kingdom for a hearse, and pass the mandatory probation.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 10:19 AM


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