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TOP 5 Types of "Good Evidence" -or- What "Undeniable Evidence" of ETs on Earth Would Look Like

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posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Onslaught2996

why not go to the actual website the Wackypedia information is so yesterday? that's why it is "crap" evidence

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Ectoplasm8

I don't think you know enough about it. The dna (so far), the morphology, physiology and chemical make up are not even close to human. It wasn't a human with a disease it was a healthy non-human. Read more about it, don't just get to the first part that gives you reason to doubt it. Read ALL the info and even watch some of Lloyd's lectures. Don't sell yourself short.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by tanka418

I'm not sure where you failed to understand, but stories, and what ever you are talking about is not how I roll. I apply science, mathematics, established data analysis method to all of my research. I would hope that you do the same.

Yes, I understand that you're attempting to distance yourself from the "tin-foil hat" crowd by saying you use science and mathematics for your conclusions, that's obvious. As I've said, the ultimate outcome and end result is still the same as other believers though. It doesn't matter how you arrive at it, the fact still remains that you're doing so with the lack of any physical evidence.

Again; WTF??!!? What Hook? And why would I need let off it? If I fail, I fail; ain't no thing to me. Besides, I confidant. But, I guess you're not interested in the experiment. . .

Both times you commented about providing this UFO landing or hovering evidence, you included "not sure if I could do it again"... "(maybe it will work)" and "maybe it will again". If you can do it, simply do it. Don't set it up to backpedal even before it happens.

I'm just curious, why haven't you used this 'power' to show the world that UFOs in fact are visiting Earth? You could single-handedly put an end to any doubt about this phenomenon that has been going on for over 65 years. Why fiddle with your "mathematical and scientific data" when you have this power at your hands and can summon a UFO at will? Not much common sense and logic there.

I'll make it easy for you and let you pick the time and place. I'll make sure people know and will be looking out for this.

Oh by the way: Your info on the "starchild skull" is entirely incorrect. More intensive research, subsequent to the reports you read have shown the skull isn't quite terrestrial. The presence of X and Y chromosomes does not make it "Human", though it would make it male. It is entirely possible for ET to have DNA that is virtually indistinguishable for Terrestrial Human.

You believe this too, huh? Proving me "entirely incorrect" should be an easy task for you. Link me to the latest scientific tests that show this skull is alien. Not could be, or possibly, that has been going on for over 14 years. Show me the factual testing saying this is alien.

It is entirely possible for ET to have DNA that is virtually indistinguishable for Terrestrial Human.

What luck! That would be convenient for you believers wouldn't it? Another excuse for the lack of physical evidence. Only this time it's not that it's hidden by government agencies, but it's hidden in plain sight. Let me guess, you won't find any independently tested results definitively proving this skull is alien, so you'll refer back to this quote?

I'll summarize:
You think you can summons UFOs at will or predict where they will be.
You believe the 'Starchild' skull could be alien.
You believe alien abductions could actually be happening.
You think aliens could be exact matches and indistinguishable from humans.
You think aliens have already addressed the U.N. G8 and G20.

Collectively, that's quite a list you have. Of course conclusions, or possible conclusions, reached through your rigorous mathematical and scientific study, right? Any more you want to add?

edit on 15-12-2013 by Ectoplasm8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 04:27 PM
US GOVT: "Yeah ,we have an op for that".If you wish to be a guest in some cozy facility then go ahead and screw around. If HUMAN saliva is a pathogen then one can but shudder at alien tissues and their toxicity.Or for that matter exotic energies and fields they may give off if their version of a "core" is exposed.I wouldn't go NEAR a crash site and if I did it would be under MOPP 4.
Then you want to "shout it to the world". How do you do that CORRECTLY fast enough? Or ,again,a guest?
If the aliens in question are bad guys you will be eaten or experimented on.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 04:34 PM

I'll summarize:
You think you can summons UFOs at will or predict where they will be.
You believe the 'Starchild' skull could be alien.
You believe alien abductions could actually be happening.
You think aliens could be exact matches and indistinguishable from humans.
You think aliens have already addressed the U.N. G8 and G20.

Collectively, that's quite a list you have. Of course conclusions, or possible conclusions, reached through your rigorous mathematical and scientific study, right? Any more you want to add?

Actually that's not "my" list; You are the one who put it together. and YES mathematical and scientific study, and a whole lot of data analysis. You might want to try it some time.

Oh yes; and keeping up to date with the latest data and interpretation method and technique, that helps too.

In order from above:

Available data, personal history, strongly suggests that I may be able to predict, or perhaps cause the appearance of UFOs. This isn't a "I think I can", this is a hard probability...say around 88%. This is based on real physical data; and, no you may not see it.

Yes I believe the starchild to be non-terrestrial. A simple look in to the biology, chemistry, and most importantly the DNA; confirms this being was not of the Earth, even IF chemical isotope contradicts. Visit the website and actually read the data.

Yes absolutely, abductions do happen, both alien and domestic. I know this because of the physical trace, and mathematical probabilities involved.

Yes, "Human" isn't confined to just Earth; there are Humans all over the cosmos. Some are virtually identical to Terrestrials. There are also many who are not Human and have DNA that you couldn't distinguish from Human, but that's just a limit of your current technology.

Yes, I know (actually) that at least one ET faction has addressed the UN, general assembly, and security council, as well as the G8 and the G20. Further this has happened on more than one occasion. Feel free to ask any of the august organizations. I'm very sure they'll "shine you on".

You state that I base my conclusions on "no physical" data, yet you ignore the face that there is abundant data available. Not stories, as you complain, but real, hard, physical trace. The results of any testing being done is typically kept away from public view, for what ever reason. But, much of that data isn't really necessary. Through the proper application of probability, and a few of the other sciences one can arrive at a set of probabilities and make sound decisions based on that. You do exactly that all the time, just as we all do in our day to day lives.

It is really an interesting phenomenon how Terrestrial Humans, probably all sentients, can forsake method and technique for deciding the unknown that have proven themselves over 10,000's years when the idea of a specific unknown becomes overwhelming.

Sir; the physical evidence you desire is literally all around, and like the data you also seek is scattered, and horded, probably by people just like yourself. I suggest you collect all the physical trace, and the data into a single location; and go mining. This WILL yield all the answers yall want...and more.

posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by tanka418

Actually that's not "my" list; You are the one who put it together. and YES mathematical and scientific study, and a whole lot of data analysis. You might want to try it some time.

I thought I would compile a list based on your statements in this thread:

Give me a time and place. No more than 3 "space planes"...will need at least 6 week lead time. (maybe it will work) Would that work for ya?"
1- You think you can summon UFOs at will or predict where they will be.

More intensive research, subsequent to the reports you read have shown the skull isn't quite terrestrial.
2- You believe the 'Starchild' skull could be alien.

Yes absolutely, abductions do happen, both alien and domestic. I know this because of the physical trace, and mathematical probabilities involved.
3- You believe alien abductions could actually be happening.

It is equally as logical that ET would have DNA that is so "Earth like" that y'all can't tell the difference.
4- You think aliens could be exact matches and indistinguishable from humans.

You misunderstand the nature of Her office! But that's okay; ET has already addressed the UN; held meetings with G8 and G20, as well as any global governments.
5- You think aliens have already addressed the U.N. G8 and G20.

Does kinda smack you in the face when presented that way.


Available data, personal history, strongly suggests that I may be able to predict, or perhaps cause the appearance of UFOs. This isn't a "I think I can", this is a hard probability...say around 88%. This is based on real physical data; and, no you may not see it.

88% is pretty impressive. I'm giving you the opportunity to show me and the world this gift you have. Give us the place and time. Give us several places and times to narrow down this 12% negative margin. Enough with claiming that you can, just do it.

You never answered my question: Why haven't you used this 'power' to show the world that UFOs in fact are visiting Earth? End all of the speculation. You would be behind one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. There's no delusion involved is there?


Yes I believe the starchild to be non-terrestrial. A simple look in to the biology, chemistry, and most importantly the DNA; confirms this being was not of the Earth, even IF chemical isotope contradicts. Visit the website and actually read the data.

I asked for a link to the latest DNA study and you didn't provide it. Where's the factual data that: "confirms this being is not of this Earth"? That's a conclusive statement by you. Anything other than on this 'Starchild' biased website with maybes and could-bes?
If your only source is this site, I'll point out that it states the following as the "latest news":

What Happened To The DNA Testing "Slides"?
This data is currently in a useless jumble waiting to be correctly decoded and organized, a large and difficult task for such unusual DNA. It is impossible to know exactly how much of the Starchild Skull's genome might be waiting in the raw data, but whatever the percentage, it will be an enormous step forward. The lab team have done everything they can without an injection of funding to allow them to access a high power computing system, a suite of DNA computing software programs, and the dedicated computer programmer needed to run the system.

To raise the funds needed to continue, the Project has launched an Indiegogo Campaign that gives our supporters rewards called "perks" in return for their donations. Perks include T-Shirts with newly released Starchild Skull artwork, life-sized Starchild Skull replicas, crystal skull replicas, 3D laser engraved crystal cubes, and numbered, embossed Supporter certificates. The cost for this next step of testing is $75,000 USD, and the campaign only runs until January the 11th, 2014, so please help us to spread the word, and support us in any way you can.


2012 Starchild Skull Genetics Abstract
We are posting it to illustrate that the Starchild’s DNA analysis is in extremely competent hands, and that as soon as we can secure the funding necessary for our geneticist to recover and sequence the entire genome, he will indeed make history with it as big as history can be made.

So where is the: "most importantly the DNA; confirms this being was not of the Earth" when the site itself says it's waiting for funding and it hasn't all been tested?


Yes, I know (actually) that at least one ET faction has addressed the UN, general assembly, and security council, as well as the G8 and the G20. Further this has happened on more than one occasion. Feel free to ask any of the august organizations. I'm very sure they'll "shine you on".

So, is this first-hand direct involvement evidence? Or just another story you've read or heard? You know, the type of evidence you claim you don't rely upon.


You sound like you're a follower or have some affiliation with Steven Greer. It's basically the same type of wild-eyed "trust me it's there" hogwash.

This thread has been hijacked and lead into a different direction. Apologies to JadeStar. I've yet to see anything as in facts that support your beliefs tanka418 .... BUT, you have a saving grace. The UFO you say you can summons. I'll be waiting to see this....

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by tanka418

Sorry, man, there is actually quite a lot of physical evidence. The range of evidence goes from the inorganic, metallic, and composite, to the organic, and even extraterrestrial DNA.

The only true issue here is all this evidence is scattered and not available for examination.

So what you are saying is that there is a lot of evidence but we cant actually examine the evidence. Evidence that cant be examined and there is lots of this evidence but we cant actually see it. So there isn't any evidence of the evidence? I think I understand now.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:02 AM

reply to post by tanka418

This thread has been hijacked and lead into a different direction. Apologies to JadeStar. I've yet to see anything as in facts that support your beliefs tanka418 .... BUT, you have a saving grace. The UFO you say you can summons. I'll be waiting to see this...

No apologies necessary. You are doing an excellent job of exactly the kind of "sorting out" of outrageous claims I would have wanted if faced with a similar conversation.

It also serves to illustrate exactly why we demand good evidence and can not accept heresy, stories, "Trust me"s and other less-than-evidence.

Star given. Carry on.

edit on 17-12-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 04:53 AM
This is my first post on this site and I picked this subject because it is of great interest to me.I have seen an object in the air that I could not identify even though it was relatively low [3 to 4000 ft] and looked to be maybe 100 ft. long. I cannot say it was alien but I can't say it was one of ours either.It was something I have never seen the like of before.It is my belief that we are not the only intelligent life in this galaxy or any other and it would delight me to no end to be able to prove that I am right but I cannot nor can anyone else without exactly the evidence that this debate is about.A body,a ship,anything that could be presented to the public as being manufactured or brought here by an extraterrestrial race. It's just that simple. Theories that appear to fit the facts are not evidence,they are theories.I have a never-ending hope that I will live to see this evidence presented but I haven't yet.I have seen very old photographs [black and white] that are available to the public that were made before there was computers or cgi by people who were simple farmers that were professionally assessed in modern labs by people who are very much respected in the scientific community,please don't ask me to remember their names,that were declared to be of unknown origins.But even this is not "true" evidence.To satisfy the skepticism of man , evidence must be quantifiable and incontrovertible. If they can't hold it in their hand,they are not going to believe it.Some people refused to believe the earth was round even after it was proven. Trying to convince someone that evidence exists,here,that aliens are,or have,visited earth is something that should not be attempted.You have your beliefs and they have theirs.I believe,based on science we are aware of is fact,that the odds are in favor of us having visitors, if we were out there we would be doing the same thing.Until a ship lands on the white house lawn and they announce themselves I'm afraid the skeptics are going to remain correct in their assertions that we have no least...none that we are aware of in the private sector,but that's a whole different issue.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 06:25 AM
An interesting topic, and a subject I have thought about for a long time. I've also calculated the probability of advanced civilisations in our galaxy and the likelihood of them developing faster-than-light travel. My conclusions were entirely opposite to the poster using 'mathematics and science' to claim that they have. Incidentally, I would seriously like to review these formulas and compare them to my own.

A few random thoughts, though.

In psychology there is a direct brain function correlation between people of religious faith and those of other-world beliefs, yet often they don't acknowledge each others beliefs, even though in a chemical sense they are exactly the same. The areas of the brain stimulated is in precisely the same regions.

If an inter-stella species were to visit our planet in a craft, why would they need lights – of any kind or purpose? A craft capable of navigating through the extremely dangerous place that space is would have absolutely no use for them at all. Or are they burning fuel? Seriously? Every single plausible prediction for future near-light-speed propulsion does not burn fuel in this way – in fact it's incredibly inefficient and wasteful use of vital resources.

Why, after spending a very long time getting here and quite keen on either meeting us or eating us, would they immediately want to be involved in a world-wide governmental or 'secret agency' conspiracy? Who picked the group of nations that would share in this conspiracy? What is its purpose? How can it possibly remain secret, while some of those nations are at war with each other, or at the very least on different sides. And finally...

If they are here, why is there still war and conflict? If the presence of an alien species were not enough to realise the futility, the utter waste of life, resources and capital, then what is?

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 07:53 AM

reply to post by tanka418

Sorry, man, there is actually quite a lot of physical evidence. The range of evidence goes from the inorganic, metallic, and composite, to the organic, and even extraterrestrial DNA.

The only true issue here is all this evidence is scattered and not available for examination.

So what you are saying is that there is a lot of evidence but we cant actually examine the evidence. Evidence that cant be examined and there is lots of this evidence but we cant actually see it. So there isn't any evidence of the evidence? I think I understand now.

My; how well y'all can read, and reason.

Instead of getting angry at me, why don't ya try to collect the evidence? Follow a suggestion once in your lives and see what happens.

Collect your evidence and data into a central location, organize it; MINE it The answers to every question you have is there.

And, as for the "arranged sighting"; that can go forward just as soon as y'all decide to be civilized about it, think of it as what it truly is; a scientific experiment. But, understand, IF I can't do this as a serious scientific experiment; I won't go there.

I leave that up to you.

put another way: I'm willing to work with y'all on this; I'm not willing to be abused by you however.

edit on 17-12-2013 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by yarblis

To satisfy the skepticism of man , evidence must be quantifiable and incontrovertible. If they can't hold it in their hand, they are not going to believe it.

And, Man need to understand that he does not dictate to the Universe any of the terms of existence. Man needs to understand that the Universe needs not "prove" anything, and it is only Man with his overweening insistence that the Universe conform to his whim that would pretend to require a "proof".

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by tanka418

Instead of getting angry at me, why don't ya try to collect the evidence? Follow a suggestion once in your lives and see what happens.

Firstly, youse are confusing anger with pure amusement.

Secondly, I have collected loads and and loads of evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that aliens do not exist at all anywhere. Unfortunatly, the evidence can not be seen. As luck would have it, I proved a negative but am unable examine the evidence.

Thirdly, evidence that can't be examined doesn't get you very far in the court of law.

Fourthly, have you ever or do you now consider yourself an alien from the Andromeda galaxy that practices black magic on innocent wolves?

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:43 PM
I still have not seen the 'smoking gun' that proves EBEs are here or we have made contact. I have stumbled on a few good videos online, some even mysteriously disappear. I do think their is a significant amount circumstantial evidence that is widely available that suggests we may have made contact, maybe 50/50 but certainly not enough to win in a court(I suppose it depends on the judge and jury since weak circumstantial evidence has convicted people).

I stumbled on something really minor when watching some of Michio Kaku's speeches on youtube but it got my attention. This one he is talking about types of civilizations, 0-3 and how right now we are on the verge of possibly becoming a type 1 civilizations. When he goes to talk about our search for ET he says we have NOT made contact , however his body language suggests he may be trying to conceal something, lying about having NOT made contact.

Is this a tell at 5:14?:

edit on 17-12-2013 by jrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 12:52 PM

reply to post by tanka418

Instead of getting angry at me, why don't ya try to collect the evidence? Follow a suggestion once in your lives and see what happens.

Firstly, youse are confusing anger with pure amusement.

I have collected loadsandloads of evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that aliens do not exist at all anywhere
Secondly, I have collected loads and and loads of evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that aliens do not exist at all anywhere. Unfortunatly, the evidence can not be seen. As luck would have it, I proved a negative but am unable examine the evidence.

Thirdly, evidence that can't be examined doesn't get you very far in the court of law.

Fourthly, have you ever or do you now consider yourself an alien from the Andromeda galaxy that practices black magic on innocent wolves?

edit on 17-12-2013 by yarblis because: not very good at a lot of the functions on these computers

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:00 PM
I wanted to include your statement about the evidence you had gathered about aliens not existing anywhere but just don't know how to do that,dang it! Anyway,If you did that, you're the only one out of 8 billion who managed to pull it off,congratulations.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:07 PM

reply to post by tanka418

Instead of getting angry at me, why don't ya try to collect the evidence? Follow a suggestion once in your lives and see what happens.

Firstly, youse are confusing anger with pure amusement.

Perhaps if you didn't pleasure yourself in this manner; you might learn something.

Secondly, I have collected loads and and loads of evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that aliens do not exist at all anywhere. Unfortunatly, the evidence can not be seen. As luck would have it, I proved a negative but am unable examine the evidence.

Probability suggests this is wholly made up; curse we don't need probability to figure that out.

Thirdly, evidence that can't be examined doesn't get you very far in the court of law.

Is that not what investigators do? Go around and collect all the evidence and data into a single location, so that it may be examined?

I'm working on a small piece of the puzzle; what are you doing? That is other than attempting to discredit the evidence, data, and researchers that you don't like.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:08 PM

I wanted to include your statement about the evidence you had gathered about aliens not existing anywhere but just don't know how to do that,dang it! Anyway,If you did that, you're the only one out of 8 billion who managed to pull it off,congratulations.

Don't worry; he has no such evidence.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:38 PM
Yea,as far as I know, nobody has any evidence to conclusively prove or disprove the existence of alien intelligences. Until they announce themselves its all conjecture and opinion.I happen to believe there are based solely on the sheer size and # of planets and stars just in our galaxy. We just simply don't know.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 01:39 PM

Yea,as far as I know, nobody has any evidence to conclusively prove or disprove the existence of alien intelligences. Until they announce themselves....

Or until we detect their technology.....

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