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The Rage of the Angry White Male Continues Its Battle Against Equality

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

Yep. with my mixed race (black/white) wife.. I am racist and my best friend while in college being

I think that Nationalist is EXACTLY what I am.. meaning... if you paid a price through YOUR personal family lineage, then YES YOU deserve MORE.... than any family that comes later will EVER GET..

THEIR FAMILY DID NOT WORK FOR IT>. When immigrants leave somewhere, they let TPTB win there... and then win HERE! where we already FOUGHT FOR OURS!

So, basically here is the immigrants motto

"yeah, sure you lost tons of family, sure they died for you. But since you didn't come and do the same for us.. cause we never had what it took. We are gonna come and ruin what YOU got, HECK we will get a part of it too."

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:48 PM

reply to post by FyreByrd

Yep. with my mixed race (black/white) wife.. I am racist and my best friend while in college being

I think that Nationalist is EXACTLY what I am.. meaning... if you paid a price through YOUR personal family lineage, then YES YOU deserve MORE.... than any family that comes later will EVER GET..

THEIR FAMILY DID NOT WORK FOR IT>. When immigrants leave somewhere, they let TPTB win there... and then win HERE! where we already FOUGHT FOR OURS!

So, basically here is the immigrants motto

"yeah, sure you lost tons of family, sure they died for you. But since you didn't come and do the same for us.. cause we never had what it took. We are gonna come and ruin what YOU got, HECK we will get a part of it too."

Thing is, there is no room for an attitude like that in this new global economy(NWO) bull#.
Everybody is supposed to be entitled to live where they please. And as long as they pay their way, whats the problem?
They can create businesses and employ people. Local people.
Are any of us really entitled to say we "own" a piece of land. The land isnt there to own. The land owns us.
As long as they can integrate and contribute then I see nothing wrong with it.
As long as the infrastructure can keep up, then growth is a good thing.
At the end of the day, we are all human beings, just in different situations.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 06:18 PM


reply to post by FyreByrd

Without reading thw whole thread I'm presuming its about wjite/black race. Also I want to point out the whole original post is extremely racist.

It might be prudent to actually follow the thread. One doesn't look out of water then.

I will agree with your characterization of the OP as being racist by discussing only white males. In that sense it is racist.

However, the scope of the discussion should, rightly and logically, remain on white males. Bringing other races or genders into the discussion is off topic/point and tangential.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 06:26 PM

reply to post by FyreByrd

Yep. with my mixed race (black/white) wife.. I am racist and my best friend while in college being

I think that Nationalist is EXACTLY what I am.. meaning... if you paid a price through YOUR personal family lineage, then YES YOU deserve MORE.... than any family that comes later will EVER GET..

THEIR FAMILY DID NOT WORK FOR IT>. When immigrants leave somewhere, they let TPTB win there... and then win HERE! where we already FOUGHT FOR OURS!

So, basically here is the immigrants motto

"yeah, sure you lost tons of family, sure they died for you. But since you didn't come and do the same for us.. cause we never had what it took. We are gonna come and ruin what YOU got, HECK we will get a part of it too."

And again, I ask: What is your standard of purity? Are all your progenetors for 200 years US Citizens? What is your standard for 'national' identity. We've heard this line before.... How about the people whos families been here for longer including American Indians, Mexican Indians and various mixes..... Many Black families can be traced back for more then 200 years in this country. Do they meet the standard of National Purity?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:22 PM
Thanks for the read OP. I am taking a class at IU right now called Women, Men, and Society and Kimmel is an author of the first book "A Gendered Society we had to read in the course. Although this book is very interesting I as well as many other classmates find his ideology pretty extreme to say the least. He is a brilliant Sociologist, but I think his strong stance on these issues can be sort of dangerous due to the rhetorical aggression in his works. I have to say though the book "A Gendered Society" will blow your mind and change the way you view hegemonic masculinity, gender essentialism, and femininity in the United States. Combine this book with Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood and Marriage A History, and you'll never view homosexuality, religion, Republicans, gender roles, or the nuclear family the same ever again! I've actually been wanting to make a thread on this guys work, and it looks like you've gotten me started. I am not religious, but I have always dismissed same sex marriage as a deviance rendered by an inability to suppress one's subconscious thoughts, but after finally taking this gender class I realize I have been a biggett my whole life. Although I am still not sure about the male strip clubs where straight and gay males are bribed with meth and electronics to perform sexual favors, but that's a story for another time.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:53 PM
Just more bull, people trying to control the paradigm.

Working class people aren't angry because they are being screwed over, they are angry because they are just stupid racist whatevers. Riiiiiiiiiight.

I wholly agree that many of the white poor in this country are just flat out stupid. They attack mexican immigrants, while supporting republicans who employ these illegals. They attack their fellow poor people for getting government help, while supporting their government who is the biggest leech, welfare queen, POS in the country. They are just stupid. They are brainwashed.

But to instantly label an "angry white man" as the above type of person is totally dishonest and only seeks to muddy waters.

The thing is, these people are VERY justified in their anger, the problem is they are too stupid to direct that anger where it BELONGS. Corporations, and their friends in government. THEY are the #1 problem in this country, not immigrants, not blacks, not muslims. It's corporations in bed with government, THAT is it.

Angry people are easy to control, and they are being controlled well. I'm angry as hell at the way this country is going. I'm a white, working-poor male. All my anger with the true problems of this country, however, are directed at those who are ACTUALLY at fault.

We are expected to look at things from everyone elses perspective, by why does nobody look at things from the perspective of younger, working poor white males?

The working poor is overwhelmingly white in this country. We are told from a young age we are bad guys because we are white. We are bad because we are men. All the problems in this country are due to white males. We are taught to hate ourselves, as the white male is always seen as a bad guy regardless of anything else.

How would that make you feel? That you have nothing, you literally bust your ass damaging your body due to working long hard hours of physical labor. I'm barely over 30 and my knees and back are SHOT. I have arthritis in my hands. At 30. I can't afford healthcare, so I suffer through the pain, self medicating with amounts of Ibuprofen that are sure to give me severe organ damage later in life. I've worked long hard hours of labor my whole adult life. Yet I'm told that "I have it so good because I'm a white male" Bullchit, sorry.

THATS MY life. How's yours? You want me to feel bad for minorities, when I'm told my whole life that I have it easy while I kill myself working? I'm following in my father's footsteps, who's body is currently destroyed and broken from a lifetime or hard world. Our family has always worked hard and fought hard.

There are many stupid, bigoted, poor white folks out there. But they aren't the majority. I AM. The type of person who sacrifices their body and time in hopes of being comfortable one day, and then gets told they are a privlidged white guy with such and easy, carefree, pleasureful life.

Damn right that makes me angry, PLEASE explain to me why I shouldn't be angry about that? Seriously, I know someone here is going to reply to me saying I don't know how easy I have it being white, show me, tell me how much better my life is.

If you aren't super rich, or well connected, you are TRASH. It doesn't matter what race you are. We are all victims in this, we are all getting the shaft. Minorities who think white people have it so easy are not only wrong, they are doing themselves a disservice by not uniting with their fellow taken advantage of citizens.

I will gladly and proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with men and women of any age, race, or religion to fight our oppressors. I will NOT unite with someone who thinks their race makes them more knowledgeable about struggle or pain, while they denigrate my own struggles in life and those of my family. I'll fight against those people with the same conviction and strength I'd use against government oppressors.

edit on 24-11-2013 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2013 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by James1982

Again, this is not about you, the specific you. It's about an intellectual, statisical class (or set for the math minded) of white males. It says nothing at all about you or any other individual data point in the set.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:50 PM

reply to post by James1982

Again, this is not about you, the specific you. It's about an intellectual, statisical class (or set for the math minded) of white males. It says nothing at all about you or any other individual data point in the set.

No, it IS about me and people like me, because we are constantly labeled as these types of people because of stuff like in the OP.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:03 PM
You trying to make someone angry?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by James1982

That Ibuprofren is gonna tear your stomach up severely.. Avoid NSAID's in heavy doses or over long time periods.

And yes, us white males are hated by ALL races. We get discriminated against by everyone else. Work construction and SEE it, LIVE IT firsthand.

And when one group loses BRANCH after BRANCH from the family tree. Then the immigrants who didn't, end up bringing DOZENS of family members with them.. AND then they START SABOTAGING people at jobs so THEIR FAMILY can have a position

Granted there are few left for us working poor whites. All the privileged whites have jobs guaranteed. We have to fight against a STACKED DECK.. for the rest of the jobs go to MINORITIES and the QUOTAS!!


posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:30 PM

reply to post by James1982

That Ibuprofren is gonna tear your stomach up severely.. Avoid NSAID's in heavy doses or over long time periods.

And yes, us white males are hated by ALL races. We get discriminated against by everyone else. Work construction and SEE it, LIVE IT firsthand.

And when one group loses BRANCH after BRANCH from the family tree. Then the immigrants who didn't, end up bringing DOZENS of family members with them.. AND then they START SABOTAGING people at jobs so THEIR FAMILY can have a position

Granted there are few left for us working poor whites. All the privileged whites have jobs guaranteed. We have to fight against a STACKED DECK.. for the rest of the jobs go to MINORITIES and the QUOTAS!!


Yeah, definitely doing some organ damage, what ya gonna do? Pain is pain, and doctors refuse to give you stuff that actually works without destroying your organs because they care more about stopping druggies than helping people.

I find it hilarious the OP keeps replying to people saying "it's not about you, it's about the average white guy" or whatever. Guess what? WE are the "Normal, average white guy" Work hard, treat others with respect, and get chit on for it.

It all boils down to this:

Stupid poor white people who are rightfully angry, being tricked into blaming their problems on minorities.

Stupid poor minorities who are rightfully angry, being tricked into blaming their problems on white males.

I don't identify with either group, and I refuse to associate with either as well.

The OP's article is just pure trash, the guy says things like "white men rage for our attention" WTF? Seriously? They say the anger is over them no longer being dominant in society. UH, sorry, I've never been dominant in society. If you want to group all whites together, then don't get mad when people group all blacks or mexicans together and makes blanket assumptions and statements. It's NOT OK from EITHER side, but the current society accepts it against whites, but not against anybody else. If you cannot see this you are blind.

The "universal you" not actually "you you"
edit on 24-11-2013 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:32 PM
There are a thousand things that I could say about this, but my main thoughts are these:

It boggles my mind how things like poverty and high crimes rates amongst many minority groups can be seen as they legitimately are: complex and resulting from a variety of different sources.

But anger amongst middle and lower class white males can be boiled down to simple concepts like "losing the patriarchy" and "losing their place in society to minorities and women and angry that those groups won't stay in their place".

It's amazing how these people go on and on about racism and sexism and stereotypes, then in the same breathe engage in a textbook case of all of the above.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 01:58 AM


reply to post by James1982

Again, this is not about you, the specific you. It's about an intellectual, statisical class (or set for the math minded) of white males. It says nothing at all about you or any other individual data point in the set.

No, it IS about me and people like me, because we are constantly labeled as these types of people because of stuff like in the OP.

Okay - if you say so - I didn't, the writer of the book didn't 'label' you. YOU, labeled you.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:18 AM
What race is the Original Poster?

And don't say it doesn't make a difference. The message is too personalized to pretend like it isn't a personal attack.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by intrepid

And the Mexicans are actually Spanish that took that land from the natives there a couple hundred years before that. You can't pick and choose only the history that suits you. The original peoples from the area called Mexico were enslaved and murdered and most still live homeless and shunned on the outskirts of society to this day.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:58 AM

There are a thousand things that I could say about this, but my main thoughts are these:

It boggles my mind how things like poverty and high crimes rates amongst many minority groups can be seen as they legitimately are: complex and resulting from a variety of different sources.

But anger amongst middle and lower class white males can be boiled down to simple concepts like "losing the patriarchy" and "losing their place in society to minorities and women and angry that those groups won't stay in their place".

It's amazing how these people go on and on about racism and sexism and stereotypes, then in the same breathe engage in a textbook case of all of the above.

So you agree the anger is there - what do you consider to be the cause. It seems to me that it's fear (anger is always an externalized manifestation of fear). Just what is it that white males are so afraid of if not the reasons you stated.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:03 PM


reply to post by FyreByrd

Yep. with my mixed race (black/white) wife.. I am racist and my best friend while in college being

I think that Nationalist is EXACTLY what I am.. meaning... if you paid a price through YOUR personal family lineage, then YES YOU deserve MORE.... than any family that comes later will EVER GET..

THEIR FAMILY DID NOT WORK FOR IT>. When immigrants leave somewhere, they let TPTB win there... and then win HERE! where we already FOUGHT FOR OURS!

And again, I ask: What is your standard of purity? Are all your progenetors for 200 years US Citizens? What is your standard for 'national' identity. We've heard this line before.... How about the people whos families been here for longer including American Indians, Mexican Indians and various mixes..... Many Black families can be traced back for more then 200 years in this country. Do they meet the standard of National Purity?

where did I mention anything about purity?
if your family wasn't here for the pain, then you get NONE of the pleasure..

Stay where you are from and fix your OWN land. otherwise you are allowing the ELites to win. The battle is ALWAYS between rich/poor.. When the rich have teamed up together, then they can manipulate things everywhere.

What people MUST do is STANDFAST! by immigrating (to somewhere better always), you are putting strain on the spoils of the battles already fought and won by those people. You ARE STEALING WHAT YOU DID NOT EARN!... And it weakens the strength in the area you freeloaded to, and made the situation at home no better either.

Imho, if you didn't have ancestors here for 200 years, OR served three straight generations with one including ww1 or ww2, then FOREVER... that family line gets less benefits than those that did.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:15 PM



reply to post by FyreByrd

Yep. with my mixed race (black/white) wife.. I am racist and my best friend while in college being

I think that Nationalist is EXACTLY what I am.. meaning... if you paid a price through YOUR personal family lineage, then YES YOU deserve MORE.... than any family that comes later will EVER GET..

THEIR FAMILY DID NOT WORK FOR IT>. When immigrants leave somewhere, they let TPTB win there... and then win HERE! where we already FOUGHT FOR OURS!

And again, I ask: What is your standard of purity? Are all your progenetors for 200 years US Citizens? What is your standard for 'national' identity. We've heard this line before.... How about the people whos families been here for longer including American Indians, Mexican Indians and various mixes..... Many Black families can be traced back for more then 200 years in this country. Do they meet the standard of National Purity?

where did I mention anything about purity?
if your family wasn't here for the pain, then you get NONE of the pleasure..

Stay where you are from and fix your OWN land. otherwise you are allowing the ELites to win. The battle is ALWAYS between rich/poor.. When the rich have teamed up together, then they can manipulate things everywhere.

What people MUST do is STANDFAST! by immigrating (to somewhere better always), you are putting strain on the spoils of the battles already fought and won by those people. You ARE STEALING WHAT YOU DID NOT EARN!... And it weakens the strength in the area you freeloaded to, and made the situation at home no better either.

Imho, if you didn't have ancestors here for 200 years, OR served three straight generations with one including ww1 or ww2, then FOREVER... that family line gets less benefits than those that did.

So what have you done for your country?
You keep talking about the blood of your ancestors grants you automatic entitlement.
What have YOU done?
Sounds like you are freeloading off the efforts of your ancestors.

People are only entitled to what they earn THEMSELVES.

If it wasnt for immigrants then there would have never been a space program.
edit on 201311America/Chicago11pm11pmMon, 25 Nov 2013 12:22:19 -06001113 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Valid points. My Grandfather was in the Army during WW2. My father Navy in peacetime. In NO way would I ever compare my contribution to our society with what they did.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:31 PM

reply to post by OneManArmy

Valid points. My Grandfather was in the Army during WW2. My father Navy in peacetime. In NO way would I ever compare my contribution to our society with what they did.


I wouldnt dare either.

As long as someone is a positive contributor to society and they abide by the laws of the land then they are just as entitled as anyone else. Its the "American Dream" & "The Land of Hope And Glory".
Freedom is a right for all men, women and children.

Is it any wonder the immigrants live in their own communities, hated by the "natives", and get "hostile".
Its only human nature to get hostile in the face of hostility.

edit on 201311America/Chicago11pm11pmMon, 25 Nov 2013 12:32:39 -06001113 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

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