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What Is The Tea Party and What Do They Stand For?

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posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Sweetheart. I agree with you that order of operations are important. Which is why I believe we should keep our eye on the ball and not try to run before we have taken our first step.

First, we should make a list of solutions to our problems. I agree that some things will be phaseal and its wonderful that you think 20 steps ahead and have such things in mind however, the first thing we need to do is find the solutions, then we can decide how to phase the items that need some measure of phasing out and what things can be abolished all at once.

Whatever is decided I am not discussing a plan that will take 10 years to implement. 18 months in my opinion would be the longest before something is put to its fullest implementation and that in my opinion would be welfare because people will need to feel the full effect of new laws concerning international trade and of course need time to get jobs for all who are healthy as new factories are being built.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 07:51 PM

reply to post by nenothtu


Awwww shucks... how in the hell is a fella supposed to argue with that?

What am I supposed to say now - "don't argue with me woman, get in the kitchen and make me sammich"?

First, we should make a list of solutions to our problems. I agree that some things will be phaseal and its wonderful that you think 20 steps ahead and have such things in mind however, the first thing we need to do is find the solutions, then we can decide how to phase the items that need some measure of phasing out and what things can be abolished all at once.

Yes, but the phases themselves are an important consideration in the demands. I don't suppose you've ever gotten ticked off enough at someone to sell everything they have and have their utilites cut of, too, but if you had, you'd realize that it's important not to have their phone cut off before all the Craig's List responses start flooding in...

The main solution I would think would be to start enforcing the Constitution on the government, not letting them slide as they see fit, but holding their feet to the fire as to it's specific provisions. Now, granted that would probably not do anything to rid us of DHS or lower our taxes, but it's a start. Limiting government to the provisions of the Constitution (the reason it was even written in the first place) would go a long way towards causing them to have a sudden surplus (since they would have lot less to spend on), and that, in turn, would get some of the constituents to thinking "hmmmm..."

... and other constituents would be sharpening pitchforks because their checks didn't come. There are always trade-offs.

Whatever is decided I am not discussing a plan that will take 10 years to implement. 18 months in my opinion would be the longest before something is put to its fullest implementation and that in my opinion would be welfare because people will need to feel the full effect of new laws concerning international trade and of course need time to get jobs for all who are healthy as new factories are being built.

It would probably require at least 4 to 6 years, minimum. Not only would "people" need to feel the full effect of "new" (old?) laws, but before that will ever happen, politicians need to feel the full effect of the potential of the unemployment line. That's the only thing that seems to get their attention. For that to happen, it would take 4 to 6 years.

You see, you can make a list of demands (in any order you like, dear) and it will still be of no use until the politicians who have to act on it begin to take it seriously.

Meanwhile, if Guido and Nunzio of the DHS are still in business, the politicians don't have to take much seriously at all - they can just send the leg-breakers out for individual therapy sessions with us malcontents.

edit on 2013/10/29 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 08:01 PM


No, we can't take the keys away through any force, not without clear violations and their part that make it absolutely crystal clear where the wrong is. Otherwise, we will very much be fighting uphill.

Aye. Resistance/Guerrilla Warfare 101. Force the government to show their true colors, and the more violently THEY do it, the better. It gets folks' attention, polarizes public opinion against the mean old government. The problem there is that for that to happen, there generally have to be martyrs, and most folks don't want to be martyrs. it wrinkles their threads.

At this point, those "clear government violations" almost HAVE to be violent. I don't know how much clearer it can get than forcing the populace to buy useless products from private corporations on penalty of tax evasion (i.e. "health insurance" - what a scam!) or listening in and recording their phone conversations and sexting sessions, or requiring them to carry standardized ID ("yohr papers, plisss, mien herr..."), et cetera, et cetera. Looks to me like the only thing clearer than that would have to be bodies in the streets.

edit on 2013/10/29 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 08:18 PM


Sounds easy, doesn't it?

But what aboiut my monthly check?
What about my government subsidized housing?
What about my food stamps?
What about my healthcare?

Government has insinuated itself into so many aspects of our lives that to get a simple majority (when the actual majority receives benefits from government) IS IMPOSSIBLE.

And there is the problem.

exactly 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, the government has purchased itself an entire new plantation full of slaves. It bought them with monthly checks, subsidized housing, food stamps, etc.

The government is not buying votes, it's buying slaves. How else can you see it when those same slaves are entirely dependent on the government, and can have their all taken away by the same government that gave it to them to begin with if they don't play the way massa wants them to?

I believe it was Jefferson who said "government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have". If they give it, and you take it, they can either take it back or just withhold giving what the slave have become dependent upon. It ain't rocket science to figure that out, yet so few seem to be able to do so.

Not that we haven't given up, but it is hard when most want to watch "Cooking Beans WIth My Hedgehog" (season premiere tonight on CBS) instead of actually taking responsibility for themselves.

WHAT? HEDGEHOGS? Cute little hedgehogs? Where in the HELL is my remote!

edit on 2013/10/29 by nenothtu because: of hedgehogs on my TV!

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 08:29 PM


And this is a perfect example of what the Tea Party is up against. A liberal-progressive mindset that abhors the thought of individuality, personal responsibility, smaller government.

They are terrified that they might end up having to rely upon themselves.

Hateful out-of-context examples, spiteful commentary, snide remarks are all that the progressives have.

they are terrified to rely on themselves because they know how unreliable they are. It's gonna get interesting when the rest figure that out, too.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 08:44 PM


That it might be starting to be noticed to some extent might be seen in some of the things being done at Congress, like how McConnell's deal with Reid gave Obama the power of the purse in defiance of the COTUS, something that is supposed to be the power of the House specifically because the House is the direct representative of the will of the people.

I hate to profess ignorance, I really do, but what in the devil is a "COTUS"? You've used the term a couple of times now, and I have no idea what it is your are talking about.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

So why are we not sitting down as people together, and hammering out these problems and what might solve them?

Because the elite have found divide and conquer works very well. Both the Tea Party and Occupy wall Street hate the banksters but thanks to the MSM (owned by the banks) they have contempt for each other.

I remember when abortion became legal and why. I remember the civil rights act and how southern democrats attached women to the bill figuring no MAN would vote for a law making women their equals.

Yet how often will these issues be fought AGAIN in every election while the TRUE issues of today are NEVER EVER brought up?

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

what in the devil is a "COTUS"?

Constitution Of The United States.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Cut black budget spending by 2/3rd since we are light years ahead of the competition. Do we really need stealth fighters and stealth bombers,

Unfortunately you are WRONG! Clinton sold our military secrets to China. See:
HISTORY of Sellout: Chasing the Dragon: Clinton's China Policy

TIMELINE of Sellout: How China Conquered America

A paper addressing WHY Clinton sold out the USA: Dale C. Copeland, "Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations," International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996)

Back-up mainstream news articles:
Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

Probe Urged Into U.S. Technology Transfer to China

The Nation: Open Arms; Spying Isn't the Only Way to Learn About Nukes

NOW that a Congressional committee has released its three-volume, 872-page techno-thriller on the theft of atomic secrets by Chinese spies, much of Washington is agog. But the uproar overlooks an arresting fact. For more than a half decade, the Clinton Administration was shoveling atomic secrets out the door as fast as it could, literally by the ton. Millions of previously classified ideas and documents relating to nuclear arms were released to all comers, including China's bomb makers.

The tale of that giveaway and what it helped accomplish, its architects say, is perhaps ultimately more important than the Congressional nail-biter, even though the tale is subtle and the accomplishments not what you might expect from disclosures on how to make bombs....

That answers the question of WHY I consider Clinton a traitor, and it doesn't even get into the World Trade Organization that transfered US jobs overseas or the five banking laws that he signed that ultimately caused the 2008 banking crisis.

Clinton's signed the laws that repealed the McFadden Act of 1927, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 passed to prevent a repeat of the Great Depression. The repeal of these laws lead to the Formation of Mega Banks. He is also responsible for the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 that was responsible for marginal mortgage loans that were doomed to fail especially when US jobs were outsourced. He also left the CDSs used to insure the banks against foreclosure unregulated.

(I am not fond of Reagan or Bush or the Shrub either)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by buster2010

So you have no problem with people being racist...

You have ZERO idea where that label comes from.

It came from the ROCKEFELLER-Blair Poll done by the University of Arkansas, Clinton School of Public Service and FUNDED by the Winthrop Rockefeller foundation. The poll was run by democrats after 2010 elections to figure out how to do damage control.

The "Racism claim came about because of answers by Tea Party members to the questions:

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have job equality with Whites, even if it means you will have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government)

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have schools equal in quality to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government)

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have housing equal in quality to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government)

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have health care services equal to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government)

When the poll was "published" the BANKSTER OWNED MSM spread far and wide that the Tea Party was racist based on these OBVIOUSLY rigged questions.

Good grief they even went so far as to print (not the responsibility of the federal government) in RED

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB
I can't speak for anyone other than myself and I support the Tea Party. I am a middle aged women, married with grown children long gone from the nest. I have worked since I was 13 years old. My family was not wealthy so all three of us kids got jobs to have money for cars, gas, entertainment and extra things kids want. My folks provided for us clothing, a clean decent loving home and all that basic stuff. We learned the work ethic young in life. There was not money being handed over every time we wanted something extra. I thank them for that every day.

If you don't want to read this whole long post why don't you find some information and go to some Tea Party rallies and see for yourself the kind of people that belong. Go meet them, talk to them and see what they are all about. You will find hundreds of people just like you. Honest, hard working, God fearing good people. And unlike the constant mantra being repeated over and over and over again WE ARE NOT RACIST.

The reason I support the Tea Party is limited government and pretty much that is it. This country has gone so far off the deep end I hardly recognize it anymore. Why in the world anyone would want some government lawmaker running their life I cannot understand. Those people don't care about us- they care about themselves. Just look at the billions of wasted dollars and the endless debt they have created. They are out of control. They are corrupt, dishonest and they are taking away all of our liberty and freedoms. Chipping away at it a little at a time.

I KNOW the people that support this have no idea what it really means. They have no idea what Socialism really is or how it will change their lives forever. What it means to me is that eventually government will steal away everything I and millions of others have worked hard to get to give to those that either cannot find work or just don't want to work. In the end government will have the power, all the money and we will have nothing. They have destroyed this once great country with their lies and deceit and isn't coming back. I am not blind or naïve. The debt we have accumulated is not fixable. Industry and jobs are gone and not coming back either. The almighty dollar is going down and it is deliberate. Our corrupt leaders are owned by wealthy bankers. We have about 300 families on this earth controlling everything. That seems a little messed up when you consider there are 6 billion people on this planet. I do not believe we are overpopulated and I do believe that millions of people have lived miserable lives because of the elites. There is no reason that anyone should live in utter poverty and be starving to death in this world. It is that way by design. The facts about how all this has happened are out there and everyone should take the time to research and learn the truth. Don't take anyone's word for anything. Look it up and read.

I am not a wealthy person. I consider myself middle class and I got here because I got myself up every day and went to work, did the best I could and through that managed small success for myself. I am a charitable person. I give to charity and the needy on a regular basis. I have no problem helping those in hard times. I am not a racist and I am pretty tired of being called one simply because I am against big government. I support none of the representation we have in Washington today. They do not reflect my beliefs or values. In fact the Liberals have taken the very attitude and values that made this country great and have done nothing but demonize those things as if those values are what created this mess. This mess was created by a small group of greedy, lying people that no longer care about the people, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

The current attitude in America is that everyone should think like the Liberals or you get bashed from one end of the field to the other. I have a big problem with that. We are all different and we all have a right to think what we think as long as we are not hurting anyone else. The way the Liberals bash Black Conservatives is abhorrent. I cannot even believe the nasty names they call them. Just because they are Black does not mean they have to think a certain way.

I know abortion and religion are important issues within many Tea Party members and that's fine. As a conservative I do not necessarily agree with all the things that some do but I do not feel the need to force my beliefs on anyone else. If you are gay- in my mind God created you that way and I accept you for what and who you are. If you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist whatever that is what you are and I feel no need to try to change your mind.
I don't care if you are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic a zebra it doesn't matter. We are all just people and we all just want to live life to the best of our ability.

I personally am and Atheist but I am not one of those people that feels the need to throw a big fit over the local Nativity scene on public property every Christmas. Enjoy. If someone says 'Merry Christmas' I will just say it right back. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. Let people live their lives. They are not hurting anyone.

Abortion - I used to be pro choice until I saw the realities of abortion during the Gosnell trial. I had no idea people were murdering almost full term babies. Now I believe abortion should NEVER be performed after 12 weeks. That is disgusting and I would fight to defend that.

Guns- I am a gun owner and I enjoy target shooting. I don't hunt but I do like to compete in shooting. It's fun. We do keep firearms locked in a hefty safe. I would not hesitate to use them to protect my home. I am not however a violent person. I don't eve watch violent movies. I don't like to look at that stuff and I think it is far more than anyone really needs to see.

This is America where people want to come and realize their dreams and have the ability to live and believe as they choose. That's going away and it is not a good thing. The Liberals scare me- I have read history and all of this has happened before. It did not turn out well for millions of people and sadly I think it is too far gone to stop it from happening again. I no longer trust the media, the president, congress or the senate. These people have done nothing by lie and deceive us. Even worse the media is helping them do it. All these news outlets pretty much making people think things are business as usual. They are not. Things are not well in this country and economy is going to collapse. They all know it and they sit there night after night seriously trying to commentate on this circus in Washington while ignoring the elephant in the room. So many millions are going to be blindsided when things go down and I blame them for that. They are supposed to be the watchdogs for the people and instead they have been bought off to keep quiet.

So that is pretty much what this Tea Partier person thinks about things. Just like everything else we are all different. I would say 100% of us believe in limited government. As for all the other topics I am sure we all have our own opinions about how those things are dealt with and may not agree on them all.
edit on 29-10-2013 by heidigirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

The ground zero eg you cite is pretty weak. More Libertarian than Tea Party.

There is nothing in the constitution that allows anyone to build a church/mosque where ever they want. Freedom to practice doesn't mean you can park at my house and chant 5 times a day or trump others rights.

If your "Libertarian" views resonated with the grass roots, there wouldn't be a need for a "Tea Party".

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

The Tea Party is the Republican Party pretending to be a third party because Bush made them so unpopular. It's their sneaky way to keep voters who would be running to the Libertarian Party if the Tea Party wasn't there deceiving them into voting for the Republican Party AGAIN. The Tea Party is NOT a party.

Do not vote Tea Party, do not vote Dem, do not vote Republican. Vote third party, vote Libertarian. Voting third party is the only way to make a change and the only way to have a real voice.

edit on 29-10-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Create a dependent people who look to you for everything and you can have your way with those people. You create a nation of slaves who no longer think for themselves.

That has been the plan for a lot longer than most people think.

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." - George Bernard Shaw

Shaw was a co-founder of the Fabian Society whose goal is a world government.

One of the founders of the American Fabian Society was John Dewey, father of modern education. Dumbing Down America by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld explains how Dewey worked 'to show how education could be changed to produce little socialists and collectivists instead of little capitalists and individualists. It was expected that these little socialists, when they became voting adults, would dutifully change the American economic system into a socialist one.

Carroll Quigley, an influential former history professor at the Foreign Service Schools of Georgetown University was Bill Clinton's mentor,..

Tragedy and Hope A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, 1966
A second longer excerpt: Tragedy and Hope A History of Banking and Money by Carroll Quigley

"The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20

...More than fifty years ago the Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both...

Pg. 939: The New Republic was founded by Willard and Dorothy Straight, using her money, in 1914, and continued to be supported by her financial contributions until March 23, 1953. The original purpose for establishing the paper was to provide an outlet for the progressive Left and to guide it quietly in an Anglophile direction. This latter task was entrusted to a young man, only four years out of Harvard, but already a member of the mysterious Round Table group, which has played a major role in directing England's foreign policy since its formal establishment in 1909. This new recruit, Walter Lippmann, has been, from 1914 to the present, the authentic spokesman in American journalism for the Establishments on both sides of the Atlantic in international affairs....

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years, and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.... [I]n general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown...."[5]

"At the end of the war of 1914 [World War 1], it became clear that the organization of this [secret] system had to be greatly extended... the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company.... In fact, the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and The Council of Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris [Peace Conference of 1919..

In other words, this conspiracy was international from the start. Beginning with ...Cecil Rhodes, it was grounded in enormous wealth -- riches acquired through capitalism, not through the global socialism it envisions for all but the elite. The key players were power-driven bankers, rich corporations, and tax-free foundations that controlled the resources needed to buy the cooperation of publishers,

Cecil Rhodes, one of the wealthiest men in the world, left Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917) to administered his estate after his death in 1902 and set up the Rhodes Scholarship. Leo was the youngest son of of Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

...the Rhodes Scholarship Program at Oxford to indoctrinate promising young graduates for the purpose, and also establish a secret society for leading business and banking leaders around the world who would work for the City to bring in their Socialist world government.

Rothschild appointed Lord Alfred Milner to implement the plan.

At first the society was called Milner's Kindergarten, then in 1909 it came to be called The RoundTable.

It was to work closely with the London School of Economics founded in 1894 by Fabian Socialist leader Sidney Webb...

Today former Rhodes Scholars (such as Bill Clinton), Fabian Business RoundTable members, and graduates from the London School of Economics (the primary Fabian Socialist training school in the world) dominate the global banking, business and political systems in every country...

The British Fabian Society plan to takeover the world by the City of London financial community was first published in a book entitled "All These Things" by a New Zealand author and journalist, A. N. Field....

Centered around City of London ...the Bankers Industrial Development Company, the essence of the document "Freedom and Planning" was (and still is) to gradually "Sovietize" the world based on their "Five Year Plan" inaugurated in Moscow in 1927-28 in the Soviet Union.

Basically the plan involved the subtle transfer of the entire productive capacity of each country throughout the world into a series of great "State-owned" departments, which would then be "corporatized", then "privatized" to City of London Corporation International banks and corporations which they control.

Individual property ownership would be severely restricted, with most of the land, sea, fisheries, rivers, lakes, ports, railways, communications, media, roads, electricity, energy, food, water, waste management, housing, farms, commercial property, schools, hospitals, police, social welfare, Inland Revenue etc. transferred into statutory corporations, companies or land trusts which indirectly would be owned by City of London banks.
The"peasants" would still be allowed to own their own clothes, and small assets ... but the main assets of each country would be owned by their multi-national corporations and banks.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

One: increased border security. (we will need something to do with out of work military personnel anyway) Apparently what we are doing is not quite enough or they couldn't get in quite so easily.

I suggest you read my thread: Napolitano sets stage for False Flag Terrorist Attack

The Mexican border has been intentionally left wide open. As is my style I document it with excerpts from news stories and other sources.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:11 PM
The Tea Party was started as a idea. Less government more freedom. They were originally about ending the fed. Later the Neo Cons tried to co opt the movement and so did the Democrat party, but limited government is more of a conservative ideology. So the Neo Cons had better luck, but they could never fully control them.
edit on 29-10-2013 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:15 PM
U got it wrong. Third parties will never win regardless. The Tea Party infiltrated the Republican party to change them because they were straying away from what conservative really is. The Republican party became no different from the Democrat party, so the people within them revolted. The Tea Party is not controlled by Bush. The Neo Cons try to hijack the movement, but it failed and now the establishment is turning on them. They realized that the movement cannot be controlled.

The Tea Party does get funding and help from the Koch Brother because they realized that when the Marxist left takes over free economics will seize to exist. Koch and capitalism are currently being under attacked by the socialist left so it's in their best interest to support the opposition.

Although I will admit the left are Rinos are really Fascist. They just appear socialists because they use the socialist model to take over the economy.
edit on 29-10-2013 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Its actually Constitution For The United States.

There is a big difference between of and for and it is written in the Constitution that is the Constitution For The United States.

Of would mean something given us by the government, but that is not the truth of it. It is the parameters set forth by the people FOR the government. The governmental limits given them by the people...

Big difference.

That said, you have written a lot and it will take me some time to go through everything. I will write to you further after I have gone over all your posts and links...

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 04:31 AM

reply to post by OpinionatedB

The Tea Party is the Republican Party pretending to be a third party because Bush made them so unpopular. It's their sneaky way to keep voters who would be running to the Libertarian Party if the Tea Party wasn't there deceiving them into voting for the Republican Party AGAIN. The Tea Party is NOT a party.

Do not vote Tea Party, do not vote Dem, do not vote Republican. Vote third party, vote Libertarian. Voting third party is the only way to make a change and the only way to have a real voice.

edit on 29-10-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

I'm Tea Party but will be voting Libertarian.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 06:03 AM


Despite what they might say, if you really want to know what the Tea Party stands for, look no further than the same guiding principles utilized by the Ku Klux Klan of old. Except for their new name and use of the Gadsden flag, they're one in the same.

Which iteration of the KKK? There have been three.

The one "of old", the original version, was a defense league against invading northerners ("carpet baggers") and traitorous collaborative southerners ("scalawags") and killed far more white people than black people, because those white people were raping the resources of the south during Reconstruction.

You think it is a GOOD thing to allow people to take all your resources and leave you with nought? I guess so, since you are supporting a repeat of the same in the modern day.

As to the question posed in the OP.....

They are; Ignorant, neo-conservative, Bible thumping, racist hypocrites. There, I said it.

You seem confused. The GOP is owned and operated by the left wing neocons. the Tea Party has just been co-opted by them and taken along for the ride. I know of NO racist tea Party folks (certainly not as many as are found in the Democrat party, who seem to be hell bent on keeping minorities dependent upon them so they can "keep 'em in their place", only a couple of "Bible-thumpers", but as with any group of people some ARE ignorant. It's the law of averages, but there isn't such a disproportional representation of the ignorant as there is in, for instance, the progressive movement.

edit on 2013/10/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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