You may be surrendering and waving the white flags to give up. I can't really say the same though seeing as to how the Dream Police will not leave me
alone. However, Rick Nielsen does put on one maniacal intro to this.
As it were, I heard the thunder of horses in the valley below me as I wait for those angels of Avalon.
Angels that were and are coming to take me away to the brightness that glows in the east.
Grew up listening to Loretta, and she was a tough woman who grew up poor, had kids and a low down cheatin' man but you know, she outlived him and got
her grandbabies and the mansion. My hat's off to ya
Hi olaru...thought maybe, just maybe you might appreciate this combo..very different but I personally love the respect he gives to her. She's the
Queen of Country and I like
Well boys and one gal (I think) my cab will be here in ten minutes and I have to put my lipstick on and stiletto heels and go listen to the local
band. Talk later
Since I disappointed you once again, and you are the last one I ever wanted to hurt but I did, I was gonna post some crazy B Sheba stuff, but I don't
have it in my heart, so this one is from Jayne. Stupid tears included...but those don't last, darlin' you and me, we'll be okay