posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:12 AM
ALSO fyi.... Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all generational planets... what that means is that a large group of people are born with those planets,
and they determine the social nature and core energy of a generation. So, like, when you were going through primary school and the old teachers would
say about a particular group "Oh, they are the worst I've ever had to deal with"... that is a clashing of two generations far enough from each other
to form malefic squares (90 degrees), got it? (;
What you could be thinking... The North node, South node, Sun, moon, ascendant all aspecting each other are karmic. Especially the nodes. North node
is your karmic future, where your life is headed, destiny of sorts. South node is karmic past, what you have brought into this life, what you are
comfortable with. sun/moon/asc of course are makeup of our personality so their elements are what matter, as their locations on the zodiac. Houses
also matter, and house rulers, but that is when things get complicated (; venus aspects always beneficial, as jupiter (for prosperity)... your mars
signs should be compatible, and your mercury should not have any bad aspects. Saturn is always tricky so look to the sign and house it rules, and the
rulers of the sign/house it is in.
blahblahblah Okay looking now
edit on 13-10-2013 by PrincessofSwords because: (no reason given)